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HomeFactsBest Way To Treat Dementia

Best Way To Treat Dementia

Help Them Stay Organized But Without Doing Everything For Them

BEST way to REDUCE stress anxiety AND dementia depression ( IN ENGLISH )

Having a nighttime routine also helps with sleep problems that some seniors with dementia encounter. Doctors suggest non-drug options to manage sleep issues in those with dementia-related sleeping issues. The right room temperature, comfortable bedding, nightwear, and a soft light that isnt too dark can help. So can reading or listening to music to wind down instead of television or a drink which can act as a stimulant and disrupt sleep.9

A person with dementia may need help with their daily tasks and life which theyd managed alone until now. Having a set routine can help. Dont do everything for them though it might make them feel unwanted or useless. Instead, have them do things with you or assist with little jobs around the house. If tasks seem daunting, break it down into simpler steps for them. You could even use notes or little posters at critical locations to help them remember what to do or how to do something.10

How Tocontinuously Replenish The Brain With These Essential Nutrients

Our bodies need over 60 essential minerals and traceelements every day to function correctly and at its peak. Exactly how manyminerals our brain needs to function properly, no one really knows. But itslots! Magnesium is one of the most important minerals for the brain and forhealthy nerve function . Studies have shown that dementia sufferers can improve, some quite dramatically in fact, from correct mineral supplementation.

Liquidcolloidal minerals are the best and most absorbable way to get the required 60+minerals your body and brain needs every day . Formagnesium, a transdermal magnesium spray is the best way to go. Magnesium istough for the body to absorb but with a transdermal magnesium spray, itspenetrated directly into the blood stream via the skin. If this is notpractical or you dont like the idea of spraying an oil on your skin every day,there is a terrific magnesium supplement available called Natural Calm, whichis actually one of the very few oral magnesium supplements on the market thatshighly absorbable . You can check it out here if you’re interested NaturalCalm.

The Alzheimers And Dementia Care Journey

Caring for someone with Alzheimers disease or another type of dementia can be a long, stressful, and intensely emotional journey. But youre not alone. In the United States, there are more than 16 million people caring for someone with dementia, and many millions more around the world. As there is currently no cure for Alzheimers or dementia, it is often your caregiving and support that makes the biggest difference to your loved ones quality of life. That is a remarkable gift.

However, caregiving can also become all-consuming. As your loved ones cognitive, physical, and functional abilities gradually diminish over time, its easy to become overwhelmed, disheartened, and neglect your own health and well-being. The burden of caregiving can put you at increased risk for significant health problems and many dementia caregivers experience depression, high levels of stress, or even burnout. And nearly all Alzheimers or dementia caregivers at some time experience sadness, anxiety, loneliness, and exhaustion. Seeking help and support along the way is not a luxury its a necessity.

Just as each individual with Alzheimers disease or dementia progresses differently, so too can the caregiving experience vary widely from person to person. However, there are strategies that can aid you as a caregiver and help make your caregiving journey as rewarding as it is challenging.

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Medications For The Treatment Of Alzheimers Disease

There are two types of medications: acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and NMDA receptor antagonists. The two types work in different ways.

Below we provide details of both types of dementia medication, how they are administered, as well as who may benefit from them, and any side effects to look out for.

Diseases That Come Under The Dementia Umbrella

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Dementia is not actually a single disease or illness initself. Its a shared term used to describe the difficulties people withvarious underlying brain problems or brain damage can have with their thinking,memory, and speech . So its basically a broadterm used to describe a loss of memory, intellect, rationality, social skills,and what would be considered normal emotional reactions in a person. Alzheimers,vascular dementia, Lewy Body dementia, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease , Parkinsons,ALS and Huntingtons disease allcome under the dementia umbrella. Incredibly, one new case of dementia isdiagnosed every 4 seconds around the world. That tells you the sheer scope ofthis brutal disorder and how many lives are being affected. Of course,Alzheimers makes up the bulk of dementia sufferers , followed by vasculardementia.

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How Is Dementia Diagnosed

Confirming a diagnosis of dementia can be difficult. Many diseases and conditions can cause or lead to dementia. In addition, many of its symptoms are common to many other illnesses.

Your healthcare provider will:

  • Ask about the course of your symptoms.
  • Ask about your medical history.
  • Review your current medications.
  • Ask about your family history of disease including dementia.

They may also order tests, including laboratory tests, imaging tests and neurocognitive tests .

Neurologists and geriatricians may assist in making the diagnosis of dementia.

Laboratory tests

Laboratory tests rule out other diseases and conditions as the cause of dementia, such as infection, inflammation, underactive thyroid and vitamin deficiency .

Sometimes, healthcare providers order cerebrospinal fluid tests to evaluate autoimmune conditions and neurodegenerative diseases, if warranted.

Imaging tests

Your healthcare provider may order the following imaging tests of your brain:

Neurocognitive testing

During neurocognitive testing, your healthcare provider uses written and computerized tests to evaluate your mental abilities, including:

  • Problem solving.
  • Language.

Psychiatric evaluation

A mental health professional may check for signs of depression, mood changes or other mental health issues that might cause memory loss.

Give New Interventions A Try

Even though research is still emerging, studies suggest that psychosocial interventions are currently the best and lowest-risk treatments for depression and anxiety in older adults with cognitive impairment. A broad range of supportive approaches for nonmedication treatments exists, and should be used if available as a first-line treatment.

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How Common Is Dementia

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 5 million U.S. adults age 65 or older have Alzheimers and related dementia. By 2060, the CDC projects that about 14 million people will have dementia, which is about 3.3% of the population.

Alzheimers disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S. and the fifth leading cause of death in Americans age 65 and older.

Fdas Accelerated Approval Program

Dementia is preventable through lifestyle. Start now. | Max Lugavere | TEDxVeniceBeach

Aducanumab was approved through the FDAs Accelerated Approval Program, which provides a path for earlier approval of drugs that treat certain serious conditions. This helps people living with the disease gain earlier access to the treatment. The approval of aducanumab was based on the ability of the drug to reduce amyloid in the brain. When using the accelerated approval pathway, drug companies are required to conduct additional studies to determine whether there is in fact clinical benefit after the drug is approved. If the follow-up trial fails to verify clinical benefit, the FDA may withdraw approval of the drug. Results of the phase 4 clinical trial for aducanumab are expected to be available by early 2030.

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Can Naturalremedies Help To Treat And Even Reverse Dementia

The answer to this question is a definite yes!! You justneed to start treating the affected person as soon as possible . But even if they are in the latter stages of the disease, you canstill help them tremendously by using natural therapies. In fact, you wontbelieve the astounding changes that will happen, even within a few short weeks.And the best part about using natural remedies for treating dementia overpharmaceutical medications is there are no harmful side effects!

All of thesenatural treatments and home remedies are safe. You have nothing to lose by trying them, solets get started with our top 10 recommendations in order of importance

Natural Remedies For Dementia And Alzheimers Treatment Option #: B Groupvitamins Vitamin D And Vitamin E

A study published in Proceedingsof the National Academy of Sciences revealed the B group vitamins, inparticular, vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid, can help slow the progression ofAlzheimers disease. What was stated in the article is quite exciting fordementia sufferers as well as those wanting to prevent the disease

“Thefact that B-family vitamins may play a significant role in dementia, or morespecifically in warding it off has been consistently illustrated. What is newsfrom the current study, however, is that high-dose B-vitamin treatment inpeople at risk for the disease ‘slowed shrinkage of whole brain volume,’ andespecially reduced shrinkage in areas known to be affected in Alzheimer’sdisease.”

Vitamin B3 and vitamin B6 are needed by the bodyto form neurotransmitters, making them crucial for the health and correctfunctioning of the nervous system and brain. B12 is essential for theproduction of substance known as myelin, the white sheath that surrounds nervefibers. The B group vitamins, especially folic acid, also help to reducehomocysteine levels in the body, another major precursor of dementia anddementia related diseases.

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Behavioural Therapy For Dementia

Behavioural therapy works to understand the source of the behaviour, and then suggest alternative strategies to address the underlying cause.

For example, a person with dementia may have a history of wandering out of their home because they feel restless. Therefore, encouraging such people to find another outlet for their restlessness, such as regular physical activity, might address the problematic behaviour.

Behavioural therapy is not a solution to the many behavioural problems associated with dementia , but it is a useful tool in lessening their impact. Behavioural therapy is supervised by a healthcare professional, but can often be given by a trained friend or relative, usually the main family carer.

As in all treatments for any disease, everyone is different and reacts differently results can vary by day or even parts of days. It is, therefore, important to keep checking in with the medical team if you notice any changes in your parents behaviour. It may be possible to change the dementia drugs or try a new dementia therapy to support their condition as it progresses.

To help make sure you know what to look out for, weve put together a list of the most common early signs of dementia, which you can take a look at in more detail. You can also download our free guide to dementia for information on diagnosis, legal considerations and support available.

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When Are Medicines For Dementia Usually Prescribed

Dementia Deconstructed: Cause, Effect, and Incidence

Your GP will usually refer you to a doctor who specialises in treating dementia, to confirm that you have dementia. The specialist will then decide if you should have treatment. This decision to start treatment and which treatment to start depends on various things. These include what has caused your dementia, what your symptoms are and how severe your dementia is. Dementia is usually classed as being mild, moderate or severe. See also the separate leaflet called Memory Loss and Dementia.

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Drug Treatments And Dementia

This page discusses broadly some of the drug treatments currently being used in the treatment of dementia.

This includes new drugs which may have a temporary effect in improving mental functioning and drugs used to treat accompanying symptoms such as depression and anxiety.

It also suggests questions that people with dementia, their families and carers should ask their doctor before being prescribed any of these drugs.

Natural Remedies For Dementia And Alzheimers Treatment Option #: Build

This is probably one of the most overlooked remedies andtreatments for dementia. Stamford University have discovered that boosting thebodys immune system can help with Alzheimers disease. Heres what was statedin an article published in the UK’s, The Telegraph

Alzheimer’scould be prevented and even cured by boosting the brain’s own immune response,new research suggests. Researchers at Stanford University discovered that nervecells die because cells which are supposed to clearthe brain of bacteria, viruses and dangerous deposits, stop working. 4

This makes perfect sense, since bacteria, viruses anddangerous deposits such as mercury and aluminium have now been vindicated asprime suspects in the onset and development of diseases suchas Alzheimers. In fact, researchers from Umea University found that the herpessimplex virus increases the risk of Alzheimers disease. They said “Our results clearly show that there isa link between infections of herpes simplex virus and the risk of developingAlzheimer’s disease.

So building up the bodys immune system and keeping thesemicroglial cells healthy and in tip top condition is absolutely vital forthe prevention and reversal of dementia, particularly in regards to Alzheimersdisease. For some of the best ways to do this, have a read of TheTop13 Ways to Boost Your Immunity from our June newsletter here TakeYour Health to a Whole New Level With These Powerful Immune Boosting Tips!

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Keep Up Social Connections Just 10 Minutes A Day Can Help

Things like music therapy or just playing some pleasing, quiet music, a massage, or exercise can help the mood and behavior of some people with dementia. Unfortunately, the research on these alternative therapies is not far-reaching enough to suggest them as treatment or therapy for dementia patients, but you could see if these work for your loved one.11

Encourage people to visit and meet with the patient. Sometimes the embarrassment or fear of others seeing the changed behavior, personality, and memory of the individual can be discouraging when it comes to having visitors. Overcome this, because these relationships are crucial. Keep up their routines and hobbies and interests as much as possible. If they were a weekly church-goer, go to church with them. If they liked walking in the park every evening, they should continue to do so, but with someone to help them if they forget their way home. Keep up as much of a semblance of normalcy as you can. As one study found, the impact this can have is huge! Researchers found that dementia patients who indulged in as little as 60 minutes of conversation every week which translates to an average of 8.5 minutes a day saw reduced agitation levels. This also cut down the perception of pain they were living with.12

What Works Best For Treating Depression And Anxiety In Dementia

Caregiver Training: Refusal to Bathe | UCLA Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care

Its 3 pm on a warm, sunny Saturday. For the past 20 years your mother would dress in her finest clothes and walk to her neighbors house for her weekly bridge game. For the past month, however, she has not been interested in playing bridge. Although she sometimes required prompting , she usually returned from these games cheerful. Her indifference this month is new.

Your mother received the diagnosis of mild Alzheimers disease last year. Although visibly frustrated at times, especially when she cannot think of the right word or find her pocketbook, she seemed to enjoy her routine until recently. You now see her crying in the morning. She is no longer sleeping or eating well, and she becomes scared when you leave her for a moment. You wonder whether she might benefit from medications.

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General Care And Support

If you care for or know someone who is living with dementia, it can make you feel frustrated and helpless. Its important to have people around who take time to build empathy and trust, and help provide a safe and predictable environment. Your emotional and physical support will be a great help to the person when the world seems confusing and hostile.

In some cases, its helpful to make changes to a persons home environment to help them feel less disoriented . Visit Health Victorias website for some ideas on creating ‘dementia-friendly environments’.

How Well Do Dementia Treatments Work

It is thought that about half the people treated with a cholinesterase inhibitor will see an improvement in symptoms which affect thinking and memory. Whether they help with other symptoms such as aggression and agitation has still not been confirmed. The improvement in symptoms is usually only seen for about 6-12 months.

For memantine, some studies have shown that it can slow down the progression of symptoms in some cases.

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Natural Remedies For Dementia And Alzheimers Treatment Option #: Coconutoil

Coconut oil works so incredibly well for dementiapatients it almost seems like a magic bullet treatment. Coconut oil containssubstances called ketones, which are a powerful brain food . The healthy fats contained in coconut oil also help to rebuild thelining of the nerves so brain communication is increased and healthy nervefunction is enhanced. Virtually all dementia suffers who try it receive overwhelmingly positive benefits. Ihad the privilege of interviewing world-renowned coconut oil expert and author,Dr Bruce Fife, not so long ago and he spoke extensively about the power ofcoconut oil for preventing and reversing Alzheimers disease .

Heres a snippet of what Dr Fife had to say in thatinterview

Coconutketone therapy has the potential to stop the progression of Alzheimers,reverse it, and in some cases completely eliminate the disease.

Themedical research on coconut oil derived ketone therapy is remarkable. In onestudy for example, Alzheimers patients were split into two groups. Each groupwas given a beverage to drink. The beverage given to one group contained MCFAsfrom coconut oil, the other beverage contained the types of fatty acidsordinarily found in the diet. Ninety minutes later the investigators had thepatients take cognitive and memory tests. The results showed that thosepatients that consumed the beverage with MCFAs scored significantly higher onthe tests.


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