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Fisher Center For Alzheimer’s Research

Stage : Very Severe Cognitive Declinesevere Dementia

Fisher Center for Alzheimer’s Research Foundation

At this stage, AD persons require continuous assistance with basic activities of daily life for survival. Six consecutive functional substages can be identified over the course of this final seventh stage. Early in this stage, speech has become so circumscribed, as to be limited to approximately a half-dozen intelligible words or fewer . As this stage progresses, speech becomes even more limited to, at most, a single intelligible word . Once intelligible speech is lost, the ability to ambulate independently , is invariably lost. However, ambulatory ability may be compromised at the end of the sixth stage and in the early portion of the seventh stage by concomitant physical disability, poor care, medication side-effects or other factors. Conversely, superb care provided in the early seventh stage, and particularly in stage 7b, can postpone the onset of loss of ambulation. However, under ordinary circumstances, stage 7a has a mean duration of approximately 1 year, and stage 7b has a mean duration of approximately 1.5 years.

In persons with AD who remain alive, stage 7c lasts approximately 1 year, after which persons with AD lose the ability not only to ambulate independently but also to sit up independently , At this point in the evolution, the person will fall over when seated unless there are armrests to assist in sitting up in the chair.

The Fisher Center For Alzheimers Research Foundation Earns Numerous Awards For Preserving Your Memory Magazine

New York, NY, July 08, 2021 — The Fisher Center for Alzheimers Research Foundation has once again been recognized for their outstanding tri-annual magazine, Preserving Your Memory, garnering accolades from Hermes Creative Awards and the spring Digital Health Awards.

Two issues in particular caught the eye of the Hermes Creative Awards judges: The summer 2020 issuefeaturing Gene Wilderreceived a Platinum Award, and the Fall 2020 issuefeaturing Bishop T.D. Jakesreceived an Honorable Mention.

Hermes Creative Awards is an international competition for creative professionals involved in the concept, writing, and design of traditional and emerging media. It’s one of the oldest and largest creative competitions in the world, with winners ranging in size from individuals to media conglomerates and Fortune 500 companies, and is administered and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals . It recognizes outstanding work in the industry while promoting the philanthropic nature of marketing and communication professionals. Being a Hermes Creative Award Winner is a tremendous achievement. To view the winners online:

About Fisher Center for Alzheimers Research Foundation

The Fisher Center lab at The Rockefeller University is one of the largest and most modern scientific facilities in the world dedicated to solving the puzzle of Alzheimers disease.

Stage : Subjective Memory Lossage Related Forgetfulness

Many people over the age of 65 complain of cognitive and/or functional difficulties. Elderly persons with these symptoms report that they can no longer remember names as easily as they could 5 or 10 years previously they can also have trouble recalling where they have recently placed things.

Various terms have been suggested for this condition, but subjective cognitive decline is presently the widely accepted terminology. These symptoms by definition, are not notable to intimates or other external observers of the person with subjective cognitive decline. Persons with these symptoms decline at higher rates than similarly aged persons and similarly healthy persons who are free of subjective complaints. Research has shown that this stage of subjective cognitive decline lasts 15 years in otherwise healthy persons.

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Nership With Rockefeller University

Since its founding in 1995, the Fisher Center Foundation has financially supported the Zachary and Elizabeth M. Fisher Center for Research on Alzheimer’s Disease at The Rockefeller University.

In addition to their regular financial support, in 2017 the Foundation established the Paul Greengard Professorship at Rockefeller University, in honor of longtime Fisher Center director and Nobel Laureate Paul Greengard.

In 2021, the Foundation announced the endowment of another professorship at Rockefeller University, to be named the Zachary and Elizabeth M. Fisher Professorship in Alzheimer’s and Neurodegenerative Disease. Since 2021, the Professorship has been held by Professor Sidney Strickland.

Who Is The Fisher Center For Alzheimer’s Research Foundation

Spotlight on Fisher Center for Alzheimerâs Research Foundation ...

Philanthropists Zachary Fisher and David Rockefeller joined forces to establish the Fisher Center for Alzheimer’s Research Foundation to fund research into the cause, care, and cure of Alzheimer’s Disease and create much-needed educational programs. The Center opened shortly after Fisher’s wife Elizabeth was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. More than five million people have Alzheimer’s today, and by 2050 that number is expected to triple. The Center houses the largest laboratory in the United States involved in Alzheimer’s research. 90% of all donations go directly to research and programs.

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Stage : Moderate Cognitive Declinemild Dementia

The diagnosis of Alzheimers disease can be made with considerable accuracy in this stage. The most common functioning deficit in these persons is a decreased ability to manage instrumental activities of daily life, which may hinder their ability to live independently. For the stage 4 person, this may become evident in the form of difficulties in paying rent and other bills, not being able to write out checks with the correct date or amount without assistance the inability to market for personal items and groceries or order from a menu in a restaurant. Persons who previously prepared meals for family members and/or guests begin to manifest decreased performance in these skills.

Symptoms of memory loss also become evident in this stage. For example, seemingly major recent events, such as a holiday or visit with a relative may not be remembered. Obvious mistakes in remembering the day of the week, month or season of the year may occur.

Persons at this stage can still generally recall their correct current address they can usually correctly remember the weather conditions outside. Significant current events, including the name of a prominent head of state, will likely be recalled easily. Despite the obvious deficits in cognition, persons at this stage can still potentially survive independently in community settings.

Why Tagging And Segmenting In Aweber Is Awesome

The Fisher Center used tags and segmenting to keep their subscriber list current with the date of donations so they could personalize their outreach. But there are many different ways you can use tags and segmenting to trigger automated campaigns or help you group subscribers for more targeted content depending on your business.

When you combine a tag with segmenting in AWeber’s powerfully-simple automation platform, you can make sure your audience always receives the most personalized and relevant information.

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Fisher Center For Alzheimer’s Research Foundation

As a non-profit, the Fisher Center for Alzheimer’s Research Foundation says an email address is invaluable because it provides a direct line of access to donors and subscribers. Building and maintaining a healthy email list is imperative to communicate medical breakthroughs as well as raise funds for research to find a cure for Alzheimer’s Disease.

Using AWeber’s solution, the foundation experienced a 500% increase in the number of subscribers on its email list.

Stage : Mild Cognitive Impairment

Alzheimer’s Research — Progress Report

Persons at this stage manifest deficits which are subtle, but which are noted by persons who are closely associated with the person with mild cognitive impairment. The subtle deficits may become manifest in diverse ways. For example, a person with mild cognitive impairment may noticeably repeat queries. The capacity to perform executive functions also becomes compromised. Commonly, for persons who are still working in complex occupational settings, job performance may decline. For those required to master new job skills, such as a computer or other machinery, decrements in these capacities may become evident.

MCI persons who are not employed, but who plan complex social events, such as dinner parties, may manifest declines in their ability to organize such events. This may be an early stage of Alzheimers, however, it is important for the person to seek medical help as soon as possible, to determine if a broad variety of medical conditions may be causing or contributing to the persons difficulties. Blood tests and an MRI of the brain should be obtained to assist in determining if the individual has MCI due to Alzheimers and whether there are other causes or contributing conditions to the persons cognitive decline.

Some MCI persons may manifest concentration deficits. Many persons with these symptoms begin to experience anxiety, which may be overtly evident.

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Stage : Moderately Severe Cognitive Declinemoderate Dementia

In this stage, deficits are of sufficient magnitude as to prevent catastrophe-free, independent community survival. The characteristic functional change in this stage is early deficits in basic activities of daily life. This is manifest in a decrement in the ability to choose the proper clothing to wear for the weather conditions or for everyday circumstances. Some persons with Alzheimers disease begin to wear the same clothing day after day unless reminded to change. The mean duration of this stage is 1.5 years.

The person with Alzheimers disease can no longer manage on their own. There is generally someone who is assisting in providing adequate and proper food, as well as assuring that the rent and utilities are paid and the finances are taken care of. For those who are not properly supervised, predatory strangers may become a problem. Very common reactions for persons at this stage who are not given adequate support are behavioral problems such as anger and suspiciousness.

Cognitively, persons at this stage frequently cannot recall major events and aspects of their current life such as the name of the current head of state, the weather conditions of the day, or their correct current address. Characteristically, some of these important aspects of current life are recalled, but not others. Also, the information is loosely held, so, for example, the person with moderate Alzheimers disease may recall their correct address on certain occasions, but not others.

About Fisher Center For Alzheimers Research Foundation

The Fisher Center for Alzheimers Research Foundation is an organization that provides millions of dollars for novel Alzheimers research primarily conducted by the late Nobel Laureate Dr. Paul Greengard. Dr. Greengard collaborated with scientists all over the world to investigate the latest, most promising research available. These collaborations continue in his absence.

The Fisher Center lab at The Rockefeller University is one of the largest and most modern scientific facilities in the world dedicated to solving the puzzle of Alzheimers disease.

Our mission is to understand the causes of Alzheimers disease, improve the care of people living with it, and find a cure.

Our vision is working towards a future where Alzheimers is nothing but a memory.

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Fisher Center For Alzheimer’s Disease Research

The Fisher Center is a nexus for Alzheimers disease research at Rockefeller. Its scientists work to expand and accelerate Alzheimers research and lay the foundation for new treatment strategies. In particular, the Fisher Centers investigations build on research that explores various aspects of the disease including: 1) the processing of amyloid precursor protein that contributes to amyloid plaque formation 2) the regulation of presenilin1, one of the two major enzymes involved in the processing of APP 3) the identification and characterization of genomic differences between nerve cells that are vulnerable and those that are resistant to the disease 4) the evaluation of the importance of microglia in the disease and 5) attempts to create in vitro stem cells corresponding to the nerve cells that are most vulnerable in the disease.

Stage : Severe Cognitive Declinemoderately Severe Dementia

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Stage 6a

At this stage, the ability to perform basic activities of daily life becomes compromised. Functionally, five successive substages are identifiable. Persons initially in stage 6a, in addition to having lost the ability to choose their clothing without assistance, begin to require assistance in putting on their clothing properly. Unless supervised, the person with Alzheimers disease may put their clothing on backward, they may have difficulty putting their arm in the correct sleeve, or they may dress in the wrong sequence.

The total duration of the stage of moderately severe Alzheimers disease is approximately 2.5 years in otherwise healthy persons.

Stage 6b

At approximately the same point in the evolution of AD, but generally just a little later in the temporal sequence, AD persons lose the ability to bathe without assistance . Characteristically, the earliest and most common deficit in bathing is difficulty adjusting the temperature of the bath water. Once the caregiver adjusts the temperature of the bath water, the AD person can still potentially otherwise bathe independently. As this stage evolves, additional deficits occur in bathing and dressing independently. In this 6b substage, AD persons generally develop deficits in other modalities of daily hygiene such as properly brushing their teeth.

Stages 6c, 6d, 6e

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Keep Reading To Keep Alzheimers At Bay

Reading books and magazines, writing and participating in other mentally stimulating activities, no matter your age, can help to keep memory and thinking skills intact, a new study suggests. The findings add to growing evidence that mental challenges like reading and doing crossword puzzles may help to preserve brain health and stave off symptoms of Alzheimers in old age.

Our study suggests that exercising your brain by taking part in activities such as these across a persons lifetime, from childhood through old age, is important for brain health in old age, said study author Robert S. Wilson, at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. The findings appeared in Neurology, the American Academy of Neurologys medical journal.

The study looked at a subset of participants in the large and ongoing Rush Memory and Aging Project, which is looking at men and women over many years to look for clues to Alzheimers and other forms of dementia. For this study, researchers looked closely at 294 elderly men and women, most in their 80s, who were given tests of memory and thinking every year in the last years of their lives.

The study participants also completed questionnaires about how often they engaged in mentally stimulating tasks, such as reading books, visiting a library or writing letters. They were asked about how frequently they participated in such activities during childhood, in young adulthood, in middle age and as seniors in their current lives.

How We Listen

Seeking feedback from people served makes programs more responsive and effective. Heres how this organization is listening.


  • Who are the people you serve with your mission?

    The Fisher Center for Alzheimer’s Research Foundation serves the 5.8 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s, their loved ones, and caregivers.

  • How is your organization collecting feedback from the people you serve?

    Electronic surveys , Paper surveys, Focus groups or interviews ,

  • How is your organization using feedback from the people you serve?

    To identify and remedy poor client service experiences, To identify bright spots and enhance positive service experiences, To make fundamental changes to our programs and/or operations, To inform the development of new programs/projects, To strengthen relationships with the people we serve, To understand people’s needs and how we can help them achieve their goals,

  • With whom is the organization sharing feedback?

    Our staff, Our board,

  • Which of the following feedback practices does your organization routinely carry out?

  • What challenges does the organization face when collecting feedback?

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Why Aweber

As a non-profit, the foundation needed an email marketing solution to help them communicate with their members and donors. The majority of people who donate have been affected by the disease one way or another. Email marketing allows the foundation to build awareness of their essential work, both research and programs, as well as create a channel for donations to fund their vital work.

AWeber’s powerfully-simple email marketing solution provided the necessary tools to help them grow their audience seamlessly and deliver amazing-looking emails to their members and donors.


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