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HomeWhy Should Dementia Be Viewed As A Disability

Why Should Dementia Be Viewed As A Disability

What Proportion Of People With A Learning Disability Develop Dementia

Disability and Dementia

People with a learning disability are living longer and are more likely to develop illnesses associated with older age. In addition to this, they are at a greater risk of developing dementia as they get older compared with the general population .

To improve the care environment ensure that it makes sense and is calm, familiar, predictable and suitably stimulating.

Kerr reports that three studies found the following prevalence rates of dementia among people with a learning disability: 13 per cent of people over 50 years old, and 22 per cent of those over 65.

For people with Downs syndrome, the risk of developing dementia is significant and increases with age: Lai and Williams report a 55 per cent prevalence rate among 50- to 59-year-olds, while Prasher puts this at 36.1 per cent. Both studies report a 75 per cent prevalence rate for those aged 60 years and older. The growing number of people living with a learning disability and dementia presents significant challenges to care services and the staff who work in them, to provide the right type of support.

Physical Activity And Exercise

Longitudinal observational studies have shown that physically active individuals are less likely to develop cognitive decline, all-cause dementia, vascular dementia and Alzheimers disease as compared to inactive individuals . Physical activity has also been shown to prevent and slow down the disablement process amongst community-dwelling nonfrail and moderately frail older adults . Based on a meta-analysis of 16 prospective studies, physical activity was linked with a reduced risk of AD . However, contradictory observations have also been made, suggesting that reverse causality may explain part of the association between physical activity and cognition .

Qcf Level 3 Unit 13 M1

additional assistance with the activities. You will need to make reference to your organisations policies and procedures You will need to make reference to your code of practice Unit 13: Dementia Awareness/ Unit code: DEM 201/Unit reference number: J/601/2874/ QCF level: 2/ Credit value: 2 |Note If it is in purple it is a guide to assist you. Read the notes underneath. It will answer some of the questions.Web pages Alzheimers Society. htt HYPERLINK “http://alzheimers

Recommended Reading: Dementia Ribbon

Essay Outline The Medical Model Of Dementia

Uderstand what dementia is1.1Explain what is meant by the term dementia Dementia is a broad term used to describe a range of signs and symptoms which involve a progressive decline in a persons mental abilities. This decline often leads to changes in personality and behaviour and it inevitably impacts on a persons ability to carry out every day activities and it is as a result of damage caused to the brain by specific conditions such as Alzheimers or by trauma within the brain.1.2 –

Recognising And Diagnosing Dementia In A Person With A Learning Disability

Why dementia should be viewed as disability

Memory loss is usually one of the most recognisable signs that someone might be developing dementia, but this may not be the case for people with a learning disability.Often, people with a learning disability might demonstrate other symptoms first, such as:

  • changes in their personality or mood
  • difficulty making decisions
  • changes in the way they live their day to day life
  • changes in the things they could normally independently manage

If youre noticing changes in the person you care for, it can be helpful to monitor these changes by keeping a record. Write down what you noticed, when it occurred, and whether these changes come and go, or whether theyre permanent. Everyone can have a bad day, but several bad days in a row might be a sign of something more serious.

If the changes are more persistent, getting worse or are causing an impact on the persons activities or daily living, you should arrange for the person to see their GP, taking a record of these changes.

A number of other conditions and illnesses can cause these changes and its important that these are ruled out by the GP as soon as possible. The GP should start by assessing whether the person has an underlying treatable condition, for example depression, vitamin B12 deficiency, or abnormal thyroid function. They should offer to take blood tests, a chest X-ray , a scan and a urine sample to rule out any other physical health issues, if the person is able to participate in such tests.

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Dementia Should Be Viewed As A Disability Says Trinity Academic

Up until recently dementia has been seen almost exclusively through a biomedical lens and treated solely as a disease by hospitals, nursing homes and society in general, according to dementia expert, Professor Suzanne Cahill. In her new book, the author challenges clinical conventional thinking on dementia, recasting it as a disability and a human rights concern. Dementia and Human Rights was launched in the Royal Irish Academy this week.

Dementia has been conventionally understood as a syndrome caused by diseases, characterised by plaques and tangles, brain scans, drugs, tragedy, suffering, passivity, and at the extreme, locked doors and clinical technical care, explains Professor Cahill.

Drawing on her vast experience in the area as Director of the Dementia Services Information and Development Centre, Professor Cahill maintains that people living with dementia are exceptionally vulnerable and at a heightened risk of having their human rights violated.

There is a gap in our understanding of dementia from a social justice perspective and an urgent need to interrogate dementia using a human rights lens, says Professor Cahill.

A key message communicated by Professor Cahill is that for people to live well with dementia, policies need to be reframed, prejudicial attitudes must be eliminated, care staff need specialist training and more resources need to be allocated to dementia services.

Professor Cahill explores the following key questions in the course of the book:

Outline The Medical Model Of Dementia

Unit 13: Dementia Awareness.Unit Code: DEM 201.1 | Understand what Dementia is.1.1) Explain what is ment by the term ‘Dementia’.- Dementia is a form of disorder which effects the key functions of the brain and the individual’s characteristics.1.2) Describe the key functions of the brain that are affected by Dementia.- The key functions of the brain that are affected by Dementia are: processes information, language, memory and the ability to make sound judgements.1.3) Explain why Depression

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Ethical Considerations And Recruitment

This study received ethical approval by Queens University Belfast, School of Nursing and Midwifery Research Ethics Committee in April 2019 .

Dementia NI, a voluntary membership organisation led by individuals living with dementia, acted as a gatekeeper for this study . Dementia NI have several local empowerment groups that are comprised solely of people living with dementia and their overall function is to contribute to improving services for people with dementia. Dementia NI shared information about the study with members during local empowerment group meetings. People with dementia who were interested in participating in this study attended a focus group meeting 2 weeks later. Immediately prior to the focus group, all participants met with the researcher who provided information about the study, the structure of the interview and what would happen with the data. The consent processes were guided by Dewing and consent was re-checked at the conclusion of each focus-group. An empowerment officer from Dementia NI, who knew and regularly met with the participants, was present during all periods of data collection to identify if people living with dementia were showing signs of ill being that could imply consent was being withdrawn during the focus group.

Dementia Design 30 Years Behind Condition Must Be Recognised As Disability

Standard 9 Awareness of Mental Health, Dementia and Learning Disability – Care Certificate Workbooks
  • Dementia design in built environment is 30 years behind physical disabilities movement
  • ADI
  • Dementia design follows simple principles, is cost effective and dramatically improves enjoyment and safety of built environment for those living with dementia
  • Dementia design can enable people to live in their own homes and communities for as long as possible
  • ADI launches worlds most comprehensive report on dementia and design for World Alzheimers Day, 21st September 2020

Drastically improved dementia design in the built environment is needed across the globe according to Alzheimers Disease International , who are calling on governments and multilateral bodies to overtly recognise dementia as a disability following recommendations from the worlds most comprehensive ever report into dementia-related design, World Alzheimer Report 2020: Design, Dignity, Dementia dementia-related design and the built environment.

On World Alzheimers Day, ADI is calling for dementia to be more overtly recognised by governments globally as a disability, including as part of national dementia plans, to help to ensure that the therapeutic benefits of good dementia design are felt by people living with dementia at home, in residential and day-care facilities, hospitals and public buildings and spaces.

Co-author of the report, Richard Fleming, says that dementia design is needed urgently, and our knowledge of how to do it has grown over the years.

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Psychosocial Factors And Social Activity

Social engagement is an important predictor of well-being throughout life. Evidence from observational studies and nonrandomized interventions indicates that social engagement may reduce the risk of developing both dementia and physical disability through behavioural, psychosocial and cognition-related pathways . Higher social engagement alone and in combination with light physical activity and cognitive activities may reduce the risk of cognitive decline and dementia. Altogether, low social participation, low number of social contacts and loneliness have been associated with cognitive decline and higher rates of incident dementia . Evidence from RCTs has shown positive effects of social interaction and psychosocial interventions on cognitive abilities . However, in all, evidence from RCTs is insufficient to demonstrate the efficacy of social activity with risk of cognitive decline .

Ethical Issues Surrounding Normalization Of Dementia

Although beyond the scope of this commentary, we briefly note ethical questions that arise from the WHO public health framework recommendations. Most people agree that high-quality dementia care is a worthwhile goal. First, it is the beneficent thing to do. Second, dementia is a disease of the elderly, and most elderly people have spent a lifetime contributing to society. Accordingly, it seems just that they are cared for by society in their old age dependency.

Unfortunately, good dementia care as outlined in Stage VI is expensive. In reality, implementing a nationwide policy of comprehensive dementia care could potentially bankrupt the US health care system unless the funding for this care could be provided through savings in other areas . There is a very real trade-off between care for dementia patients and care for the rest of society. A utilitarian viewpoint might argue against comprehensive dementia care, because channeling resources to care for younger and more productive members of society might improve average or overall happiness or utility. Accordingly, the principles of justice and beneficence that support comprehensive dementia care might be at odds with a guiding utilitarian framework.

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Qualifying For Disability If You Have Dementia

The Social Security Administration will find you disabled if you meet the requirements of an official disability “listing” in the SSA’s listing of impairments, or if your disability has reduced your functioning so much that you can’t do your past work or other work. Meeting the requirements of a disability listing is the simplest and quickest way to qualify for disability benefits.

The listing most commonly associated with dementia is disability listing 12.02, neurocognitive disorders. This listing was updated significantly in 2017 . To meet this listing today, you need medical evidence showing that your abilities have significantly declined in one or more of the following areas:

  • learning and remembering
  • planning and judgment
  • using language
  • paying attention to tasks or listening to others
  • social judgment , or
  • physical coordination.

If your records show that you have a significant decline in one of the above areas, the SSA will look to see whether your functioning is severely limited by this decline. Specifically, you must have either an extreme limitation in one of the following areas or a “marked” limitation in two of the following areas:

  • understanding, remembering, or using information
  • concentrating on tasks and being able to complete tasks
  • adapting or managing oneself , and
  • interacting with others.

Hidden No More: Dementia And Disability

Why dementia should be viewed as disability

This 2019 report from the All Party Parliamentary Group on Dementia shines a spotlight on dementia as a disability. It seeks to enable people with dementia to assert their rights to services and for their rights as citizens to be treated fairly and equally.

  • 2013 APPG report
  • Dementia is a disability, according to domestic law and international convention.

    Thousands of people who responded to the All-Party Parliamentary Group inquiry agreed that they see dementia as a disability. But they told the APPG that society is lagging behind and failing to uphold the legal rights of people with dementia.

    The evidence reveals that, across the country, people with dementia are not having their disability rights upheld. This report seeks to highlight the human impact that this has on people living with dementia. It focuses on themes of equality, non-discrimination, participation and inclusion.

    Read the 2019 APPG report in full

    Recommended Reading: Quality Of Life Alzheimer’s Disease

    Essay On Dementia In Older Adults

    IntroductionThis assignment critically discusses about dementia, a widespread disability among older adults today. It provides an introduction to dementia and analyses its prevalence in society. The various forms of dementias are elaborated with description about dysfunctions and symptoms. Nursing Assessment and Interventions are provided in the further sections which discusses about actions nurses should take on while evaluating patients and treating them. Finally, communication, an important

    Almost All Of The 2521 Survey Respondents Thought That People Living With Dementia Are Treated Differently To Those With Other Health Conditions Or Disabilities

    They believe this is due to the hidden nature of dementia, as well as the condition’s individuality and surrounding stigma.

    Submissions to this inquiry revealed that action needs to be taken across key areas. These actions will ensure that people with dementia receive the protections and safeguards that legislation and convention provides.

    In this report we focused on six of these key areas which have a direct impact on peoples daily lives. We identified opportunities for action, based on what respondents told us they found challenging in each area.

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    Morbidity And Healthcare Interventions

    The role of noncommunicable diseases is important in the development of dementia and disability . For example, diabetes, heart diseases, pulmonary diseases, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and chronic kidney disease have been linked with dementia and disability risk . Diabetes increases the risk of all-cause dementia, AD and vascular dementia. The risk of dementia is increased by approximately 60% amongst persons with diabetes . So far, there is not enough evidence to support that the intensive treatment of diabetes would be beneficial for cognition. Multimorbidity is common in older age groups, and it is a well-known risk factor for disability . Emerging evidence from recent studies suggests that multimorbidity has an important role also regarding dementia and cognitive decline .

    Why Dementia Must Be Seen As A Disability

    “Dementia Activism: Human Rights and disAbility” by Kate Swaffer

    9 September 2018

    Innovations in Dementia will be running a workshop at our FREE Unforgettable Event on 20th September. Get your tickets here.

    Many people find it hard to think of their dementia as a disability, and are understandably reluctant to take on another label . But the fact is that dementia is counted as a disability by the Equality Act 2010 and by UNCRPD, as it causes long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments, which, in interaction with various barriers, may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others. Using this legal definition to claim rights can be very effective as has been shown by another group, people with mental health difficulties The word disability should not therefore be seen as a stigmatising label imposed upon individuals. It is just a means to an end, a tool.

    Innovations in Dementia will be running a workshop at our FREE Unforgettable Event on 20th September. Get your tickets here.

    Yes, there are of course pockets of good and even exceptional practice. But these accounts above are clear examples of discrimination both direct and indirect and treatment that contravenes their human rights.

    Innovations in Dementia will be running a workshop at our FREE Unforgettable Event on 20th September. Get your tickets here.

    Recommended Reading: Dementia Ribbon Colors

    Living With A Learning Disability And Dementia

    Once a person has received a diagnosis of dementia, their care and support needs should be reassessed in light of this diagnosis.

    As far as is possible, the person should remain in their usual routine, with adaptations and support if necessary, and reasonable adjustments put into place.

    There are a number of practical steps that can be taken to support the person. These include:

    If youre a family carer, please make sure youre receiving all of the support you need and are entitled to. This includes:

    • a Carers Assessment under the Care Act. This is an assessment from your local authority. This can determine what support and resources you need to care effectively, and whether youre eligible for funding
    • registering your name on the GP surgerys carers register
    • accessing some of the carer education programmes that are available from organisations like Dementia Carers Count and TIDE
    • Advanced Care Planning
    • receiving help and support from Dementia UKs Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline if you have any additional questions or concerns. The Helpline is open seven days a week on 0800 888 6678 or , Monday to Friday 9am-9pm and weekends 9am-5pm

    Implementation Of Research Evidence

    Large body of evidence is showing that even if not curable, a lot can be done to slow down the progression of both disability and cognitive decline. By supporting healthy lifestyle choices, social activity and providing adequate health and social care services, the burden of dementia and disability can be most likely reduced.

    In 2017, the WHO launched a global action plan on the public health response to dementia 20172025 . To support dementia risk reduction in different countries, the WHO published guidelines on risk reduction in cognitive decline and dementia . These guidelines are an important tool for healthcare providers, governments, policymakers and other stakeholders to strengthen their response to the dementia challenge. The guidelines highlight that many of the modifiable risk factors for dementia are shared with other noncommunicable diseases , and therefore, the recommendations aiming to prevent cognitive decline should be integrated into already existing programmes for diabetes and cardiovascular disease risk reduction. Since dementia together with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases are important causes for disability amongst older adults, actions aiming to prevent or postpone the onset of these noncommunicable diseases are likely to have remarkable effects on disability prevention as well.

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