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Free 2 Hour Alzheimer Training Florida

Cares Complete Catalog For Florida

St. Pete couple faces early-onset Alzheimer’s

CARES® Florida Complete Catalog offers unlimited-user access to all CARES® online dementia care training programs and practical implementation tools and training resources. The complete catalog offers up to 42 modules of interactive training featuring videos of real caregivers, families, and people with dementia, as well as access to an administrative portal to manage training compliance. Learn more about all included programs, or see a CARES Florida Complete Catalog pricing sheet.

Resident Rights In Assisted Living Facilities

According to the Florida Senate, resident bills of rights include:

  • Live in a safe and decent living environment, free from abuse and neglect.
  • Be treated with consideration, respect, and with due recognition of personal dignity, individuality, and the need for privacy.
  • Retain and use his/her own clothes and other personal property.
  • Unrestricted private communication including receiving and sending unopened correspondence, access to a telephone, and visiting with any person of his or her choice, at any time between the hours of 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. at a minimum.
  • Participate in and benefit from community services and activities to achieve the highest possible level of independence, autonomy, and interaction with the community.

Maintaining And Assessing Functional Levels

The manifestations related to AD have a profound effect on the ability to perform activities of daily living. The rate at which those skills are lost varies from person to person. The degree to which function diminishes depends on the complexity of the task. After a skill is lost, it generally cannot be regained. Interventions are based on maintaining a skill for as long as possible. Basic self-care activities can usually be managed through the first two stages of the disease with varying degrees of assistance. The ability to complete instrumental activities of daily living, such as financial planning and driving, disappears early in the process. Disability associated with self-care deficits can be exacerbated by many factors other than the disease. Other illnesses, medication toxicity, increased fatigue, sensory deprivation, and inadequate support from the environment and caregivers can hasten the onset of functional loss.

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What We Are Going To Cover In Our Orientation Program

Introduction to Assisted Living Facilities* What is Assisted Living and Who is it for?* Types of Assisted Living Facilities* Introducing the Agency for Health Care Administration and Florida Health Finder* Person-Centered Approaches for Caregivers in Assisted Living* Resident Rights in Assisted Living* Closing Statements

Antipsychotic And Antidepressant Medications

Florida Assisted Living Training

Depending upon the disease stage, 25% to 50% of patients with AD experience concomitant psychotic symptoms . Although antipsychotics have been used in the management of AD, none have been approved specifically for this use. In 2005, the FDA warned the healthcare community regarding the increased risk of mortality in elderly patients receiving atypical antipsychotic medications for dementia-related psychosis. In 2008, the FDA added this warning to typical antipsychotic medications as well . In addition to the increased risk of mortality and other serious side effects, antipsychotics diminish the patient’s response to stimuli and may be considered a form of chemical restraint when the sedative properties of the drug are used to facilitate patient management . Even with short-term use, antipsychotic medications are associated with many adverse effects in this population, including :

  • Increased mortality rates

  • Hypotension

  • Peripheral anticholinergic effects

  • Consider that changes in behavior may be caused by a medical problem other than the dementia

  • An assessment should be completed to rule out other treatable causes, including the medication itself.

  • A specific treatment target should be established and documented.

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Planning For The Future

Patients and family members should be encouraged to make long-term plans after a diagnosis of AD. When the diagnosis is made early in the course of the disease, the patient can and should fully participate. Decisions can be given some thought if they are made before a crisis occurs. The patient and family must be aware of the need for advance planning as a mechanism for protecting the individual’s self-determination. The Patient Self-Determination Act , legislated in 1990, is legally recognized in all states. The PSDA recognizes advance directives as legal documents providing direction when the patient is unable to make decisions. In some states, do not resuscitate must be also written in the medical orders for those in healthcare facilities even if the advance directives contain this statement. Various states require that DNR orders must also be posted by or on the patient’s bed. In the absence of advance directives, it may be necessary to initiate guardianship when the patient becomes incompetent. After a competency hearing, the judge decides incompetency based on the criteria of that state. The judge assigns a guardian to oversee the patient and his or her estate. Guardianship can protect a vulnerable person, but the process may be lengthy and complicated .

Assisting Family Members To Cope

When the diagnosis is AD, the family and affected individual need support, education, information, and encouragement. The family can benefit from a family meeting to acknowledge the disease, to identify the ways in which it may disrupt family life, and to clarify the tasks and roles of family members. Families will cope more effectively if they are educated about the disease so they will have some idea of what to expect as AD progresses.

Recommended Reading: Can Someone Die From Alzheimer’s Disease

How To Take This Course:

  • 1View Course Worksheet– View the course worksheet or print it out to review later
  • 2Read the Course Material– As you read through, mark your answers on the course worksheet to be prepared for the exam
  • 3Take Exam– You must achieve a score of 70% or higher in order to earn credit for the course.
  • You don’t need to pay for an exam until AFTER you pass it. If you have any questions or need more information, please click here.

The Use Of Physical And Chemical Restraints

Florida Traffic School TEST QUESTIONS & ANSWERS CHEAT SHEET – Pass Quickly Online (BDI Course)

It may be tempting for a busy and harried staff or family caregiver to rely on the use of medications or physical restraints in an effort to reduce the problems associated with wandering or agitated patients however, there are serious ethical issues related to the use of restraints. Healthcare facilities traditionally relied on restraints to protect those in their care and to avoid liability for injury. In 1989, the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging sponsored the national symposium “Untie the Elderly: Quality Care Without Restraints.” A statement by Alan R. Hunt, Esq., addresses the issue of liability :

Healthcare institutions may abandon the use of physical restraints without incurring a significant risk of being sued for malpractice. There are few precedents supporting successful malpractice claims against long-term care facilities based upon a failure to restrain. In fact, the striking conclusion from an examination of cases involving restraints both in nursing homes and hospitals is that the use of restraint has produced more successful lawsuits than nonuse.

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Serving Food To Patients With Advanced Disease

Serve familiar foods prepared in the usual way. Check the temperature of foods before serving them and debone all meats. Cut food into bite-sized pieces. Remove all wrappers, open all cartons, and pour beverages. Add condiments if the resident desires, then remove them from the table. Avoid tough, stringy, or dry foods. Crumbly foods such as hamburger are difficult to control in the mouth and may cause choking. Dry cereal in milk and soups containing pieces of food are confusing patients may not know whether to chew or to swallow.

Meeting nutritional needs requires an interdisciplinary approach throughout the progression of the disease. The attending staff should consult with the dietician for suggestions about appealing, nutritious, and easy to handle foods. The speech-language pathologist can conduct a bedside swallow evaluation and instruct the staff on feeding techniques for the dysphagic individual. The benefits of assistive-eating devices can be evaluated by the occupational therapist. With accurate assessment and knowledgeable planning, the patient with AD can maintain adequate nutritional status throughout the course of the illness.

Support And Comfort Measures

The concept of palliative care encompasses both symptom control and maximization of physical and emotional comfort. Behavioral symptoms are rarely the result of the disease alone but are often precipitated by the environment or the approach of the caregivers . For the patient with AD, palliative care is centered on the alleviation of agitation and anxiety, the prevention of catastrophic reactions, and the management of delusions and hallucinations. Comfort may be extended in a number of ways. Members of the interdisciplinary team work together to develop interventions that will facilitate the individual patient’s physical and emotional comfort.

Also Check: How Does Someone Get Dementia

Admission To A Healthcare Facility

Physicians and other healthcare professionals may be required to consider the admission of a patient with AD to an advanced healthcare facility.

Most families experience mixed emotions of relief and guilt when they realize they can no longer care for their loved one. The healthcare team must fully understand the impact of AD and institutionalization on the family so they can effectively help them deal with their grief. Intervention begins when the family visits the facility prior to admission. Their future adjustment may be influenced by what they observe during this time. Introduction to the staff gives the family the opportunity to identify key people in various departments. They should be provided information that describes the facility routine and a typical day. Most importantly, the family should be encouraged to communicate openly and honestly with staff. It is helpful if there is a specific person they can go to for discussion and answers. They should know that their feelings are normal and that staff is not judging them because of the patient’s behavior.

Individual State Behavioral Health Approvals


In addition to states that accept ASWB, NetCE is approved as a provider of continuing education by the following state boards: Alabama State Board of Social Work Examiners, Provider #0515 Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling, CE Broker Provider #50-2405 Illinois Division of Professional Regulation for Social Workers, License #159.001094 Illinois Division of Professional Regulation for Licensed Professional and Clinical Counselors, License #197.000185 Illinois Division of Professional Regulation for Marriage and Family Therapists, License #168.000190

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The Interprofessional Healthcare Team

Nursing management of patients with AD supplies the support and coordinates the contributions of the interdisciplinary team. The membership of the team is dictated by the needs of the individual and family and by the setting in which the services are rendered. Education provides caregivers at all levels with the knowledge and skills that are needed to increase the patient’s quality of life. Often, the nursing assistant or housekeeper spends more time with the patient than the professional staff. Nursing assistants are quite often the direct caregivers in skilled nursing facilities. Supervisors can enhance the assistants’ performance by knowing their capabilities, interests, and past work experiences. Many of them have special talents for working with patients with AD and should be included in the care planning process. This creates an atmosphere of trust and communication by listening and acting upon their observations and suggestions. They should know they are valued team members. Physicians, nurses, and supervisors should use any opportunities to teach nursing assistants.

The interdisciplinary team should be focused on outcomes. For patients with AD, outcomes are related to the management of behaviors, maximizing independence by maintaining abilities for as long as possible, and preventing complications.

Certified Dementia Practitioner Cdp

The CDP certification is only open to people living in the United States and who meet the qualifications certification as a CDP. See a list of professions that NCCDP accepts for CDP certification. For international professionals/front-line staff living outside the United States of America please go to

NCCDP recommends that at minimum there should be one staff member per shift who is a Certified Dementia Practitioner®.

How Do I Obtain Certification?

Step one: Complete the live one-day NCCDP Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Seminar by a Certified Alzheimers Disease Dementia Trainer. See a list of NCCDP Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Seminars which is the required seminar for those pursuing certification as a CDP and who qualify for CDP.Step two: Submit the CDP application for consideration.

login to your account and if eligible to renew, a RENEW button will be visible on your account page.


Congratulations to the following companies who have invested in their staff education and provided comprehensive NCCDP Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Education and invested in their staff certification as Certified Dementia Practitioner® CDP® and or / certified their staff educator as NCCDP Certified Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Trainer CADDCT and/or certified their Dementia Unit Manager as Certified Dementia Care Manager® CDCM®. Congratulations and Thank you for investing in your staff education and certification.

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Dressing Hints For The Staff Or Caregiver

Dressing is a complex activity of daily living. To dress, one must have fine and gross motor skills, balance, the ability to sequence, and the ability to tell right from left and top from bottom. The task can be overwhelming for patients with advanced AD. If a patient can make choices, take him or her to the closet to pick out the clothing. If this is too complicated, hold out two garments and ask the patient to choose one. When patients can no longer cope, the caregiver must make the choice. Dressing is easier if the clothing is large enough and made of a soft, slick, stretchy fabric. Try to maintain the individual’s dressing style. As patients become more dependent, it will be necessary to adapt clothing to their needs. To facilitate dressing/undressing, follow the guidelines that are appropriate for the individual’s abilities:

  • Remove clothing from closets and drawers that is out of season or no longer fits. This simplifies decision making and avoids the problem of choosing inappropriate attire.

  • Hang complete outfits together: pants, shirt, jacket, etc.

  • Place pictures on dresser drawers to indicate the contents.

  • Provide privacy for dressing.

  • Provide duplicate outfits or arrange for daily laundering for patients who insist on wearing the same clothes every day.

  • Lay out clothes in the order they are put on. Make sure the clothes are right side out.

The Use Of Appropriate Dinnerware

Understand Alzheimer’s Disease in 3 Minutes

Use plain dinnerware because plates with patterns can be confusing. Use dishes that are a different color from the tablecloth. Avoid the use of plastic eating utensils that can break in one’s mouth. A spoon may work better than a fork. Use cups for soup to help facilitate patients’ independence.

Use assistive devices to expedite mealtime. Plate guards prevent food from being scooped onto the table. Nonslip material or a wet washcloth under the plate prevents sliding. Convalescent feeding cups avoid dribbles and spills.

Recommended Reading: How Do You Know When Death Is Near With Dementia

Online Twohour Alzheimers Training Florida

While there is no perfect memory loss remedy, there are several things that you can do to prevent it. First of all, exercising regularly can help keep your lungs in good shape. People who get regular exercise have better memories, and a regular exercise program can reduce stress. Additionally, exercising can help prevent memory loss by keeping your mind active. Here are some of the best ways to make your brain healthier and keep your mind sharp. Read on to learn more. Online Twohour Alzheimers Training Florida

Criteria For The Diagnosis Of Ad Dementia

AD should be suspected in the older adult patient who presents with insidious onset and progression of impaired memory combined with other cognitive deficits that interfere with the ability to function at work or in activities of daily life. The diagnosis of AD dementia is based on careful, often repeated, clinical evaluation, as discussed. Laboratory testing and brain imaging studies are of greatest value in excluding other diagnoses.

A working group of the National Institute on Aging and the Alzheimer’s Association has established clinical criteria guidance for the diagnosis of probable AD dementia . In summary, the guidelines define AD as a syndrome of dementia characterized by a progressive decline in ability to function and perform usual activities, not explained by delirium or psychiatric disorder, accompanied by cognitive impairment as ascertained by medical history from the patient and a knowledgeable observer, and supported by bedside mental status examination or neuropsychologic testing. Cognitive impairment should be evident in at least two of the following domains :

  • Ability to acquire and remember new information

  • Reasoning and handling of complex tasks

  • Visuospacial recognition and abilities

Additional core criteria include :

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Companionship Intimacy Sexuality And Communication

For reasons that are not yet understood, changes in sexual behavior may become apparent in people with AD. Psychologic reactions, such as depression and anxiety, that affect the general population, may also result in sexual dysfunction in the person with AD. Structural changes in the brain and nervous system may also account for sexual dysfunction. Coping with memory deficits may be so stressful that there is little energy or desire left for sexual activity.

The impaired partner may not remember the spouse as a sexual partner. The healthy spouse may be too physically and emotionally fatigued to be interested in sex . In some cases, spousal caregivers find it difficult to view their partners as sexual beings when they must provide for all their physical needs. Healthy partners may feel that it is not proper to expect the spouse with AD to participate in sexual activity. People with AD and their partners are often reluctant to discuss sexual matters. Support and counseling, especially for the healthy person, may be needed in order to cope with the changes brought about by the disease. Sexual intercourse is only one aspect of sexuality. Many couples find renewed meaning in companionship and intimacy. They often experience fulfillment in keeping the commitment to “love for better or worse, in sickness and in health” .


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