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HomeIs Alzheimer's Contagious What New Study Says

Is Alzheimer’s Contagious What New Study Says

Drinking This Every Day Slashes Your Dementia Risk In Half Study Says

New study suggests Alzheimer’s may be transmitted in surgery

Aging happens differently for each person, but it’s a common fear for most that they’ll be affected by cognitive decline as they get older. According to the World Health Organization , 55 million people worldwide have dementia, with the number expected to rise to 78 million by the year 2030 and 139 million by 2050. Unfortunately, unlike cardiovascular disease, the steps towards keeping your brain in good shape can be less clear. But according to one study, there’s evidence that drinking this one popular beverage every day can cut your risk of developing dementia in half. Read on to see what you should be putting in your cup more regularly.

RELATED: This Could Be Your First Sign of Dementia Years Before Diagnosis, Study Says.

New Study Suggests Viral Connection To Alzheimer’s Disease

by Arizona State University

Of the major illnesses facing humanity, Alzheimer’s disease remains among the most pitiless and confounding. Over a century after its discovery, no effective prevention or treatment exists for this progressive deterioration of brain tissue, memory and identity. With more people living to older ages, there is a growing need to clarify Alzheimer’s disease risk factors and disease mechanisms and use this information to find new ways in which to treat and prevent this terrible disorder.

A first-of-its kind study implicates another culprit in the path to Alzheimer’s disease: the presence of viruses in the brain.

In research appearing in the advanced online edition of the journal Neuron, scientists at the Arizona State University-Banner Neurodegenerative Disease Research Center and their colleagues at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai used large data sets from clinically and neuropathologically characterized brain donors and sophisticated “big data” analysis tools to make sense of both the genes that are inherited and those that are preferentially turned on or off in the brains of persons with Alzheimer’s disease. They provide multiple lines of evidence to suggest that certain species of herpesviruses contribute to the development of this disorder.

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Retrospective Study With Humans

In a study followeing up on more than 6,100 people who had been previously injected with human growth hormones, researchers tested those hormones and found that , they contained small amounts of the tau and beta amyloid proteins that are present in the brains of people who have Alzheimer’s. These people have since been monitored to determine if they have developed Alzheimer’s disease. Thus far, none of the participants have developed Alzheimer’s disease, although most are still fairly young for a typical onset of dementia.

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Can Stainless Steel Instruments Spread Alzheimer’s Disease

In one of the studies with mice described above, researchers coated stainless steel wires with small amounts of the Alzheimer’s-infected proteins and implanted them in the brains of healthy mice. They discovered that these mice later developed Alzheimer’s disease, but only if the wires had been boiled before implantation instead of being plasma sterilized, a highly effective method of sterilization.

Researchers investigated this possibility because previous studies have shown that Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a neurological disorder that is sometimes mistakenly called “mad cow disease,” can be spread from one patient to the next through the use of surgical instruments that were not fully sterilized, as well as through other means.

Study Identifies Link Between Case Severity And Infectiousness

University of Georgia
Individuals with COVID-19 are most likely to spread the virus to close contacts two days before the onset of symptoms to three days after symptoms appear, and the risk of transmission is highest when patients had mild or moderate disease severity, according to a new study.

Individuals with COVID-19 are most likely to spread the virus to close contacts two days before the onset of symptoms to three days after symptoms appear, and the risk of transmission is highest when patients had mild or moderate disease severity, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Georgia.

The study, which was published this week in JAMA Internal Medicine, supports the idea that if a person with COVID-19 is sicker, they are more contagious compared to asymptomatic cases.

The findings provide further evidence for interventions like contact tracing, masking and vaccines, says lead author Yang Ge, a doctoral student in UGA’s College of Public Health.

“We found asymptomatic cases had lower transmissibility compared to symptomatic cases and were less likely to infect their contacts. In addition, we found that contacts that developed COVID-19 infections were more likely to be asymptomatic if they were exposed to an asymptomatic case,” said Ge.

“This suggests interventions like vaccines and masking should continue to be encouraged.”

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There Is Now Real Evidence Of The Potential Transmissibility Of Alzheimers Says Thomas Wiesniewski Md A Prion And Alzheimers Researcher At New York University School Of Medicine In Fact This Ability To Transmit An Abnormal Conformation Is Probably A Universal Property Of Amyloid

A second;study;released in early 2016 by the same scientist adds to the stack;of evidence. It appears that a real-world experiment is validating this hypothesis now.

Prions + Pathways = Victims

Prions are such a formidable threat that the U.S. government enacted the Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002, which included a provision to halt research on prions in all but two laboratories. It classified prions as select agents that pose an extreme risk to food, water and health systems. Unfortunately, the Center For Disease Control quietly took prions off the list about two years ago because the classification threatened to criminalize some multi-billion dollar industries and many industry practices.

Studies confirm that people and animals dying of prion disease contaminate the environment around them with prions because;prions are in the skin, urine, feces, blood, mucus, saliva and cell tissue of each victim. Each victim becomes an incubator and a distributor of the Pandora-like pathogen. Victims are contagious long before they exhibit clinical symptoms. Bodily fluids can become an aerosol, which means that a cough or sneeze can be a pathway.

Prions;linger in the environment, homes, hospitals, nursing homes, dental offices, restaurants and many other places infinitely. They migrate, mutate, multiply and kill with unparalleled efficiency. Prions defy all attempts at sterilization and inactivation. Victims often become infectious long before they appear sick.

Study Shows There Is Still No Evidence That Alzheimers Disease Is Contagious Alzheimers Society Comment

A new study showed possibilities for the amyloid protein to be transferred through a rare medical procedure that was phased out over 35 years ago.

A study published today in Nature showed that it is possible for the amyloid protein to be transferred to people;through a rare medical procedure that was phased out over 35 years ago.

The researchers emphasised that there is no suggestion that Alzheimers disease is contagious, or transmissible by current medical procedures such as blood transfusion.

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Drinking Tea Every Day Could Cut Your Dementia Risk In Half

In a study published in The Journal of Nutrition, Health&Aging in Dec. 2016, a team of researchers from the National University of Singapore set out to examine whether or not regularly consuming tea could have an effect on the onset of dementia. To do this, the researchers gathered 957 participants from China aged 55 or older to conduct a longitudinal study.

Results found that those who drank tea every day saw their risk of developing dementia reduced by 50 percent. In the case of participants who carry the APOE e4 gene that puts them at a higher risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease, daily tea drinkers saw their risk of cognitive decline drop by as much as 86 percent.

Is Alzheimer’s Contagious What New Study Says

Herpes virus may play role in Alzheimer’s, study says

Is Alzheimer’s disease contagious?

A provocative new study may have you pondering that question next time you offer a hug and a kiss to someone affected by the devastating neurological disease. It showed that the brains of mice injected with tissue from a human with Alzheimer’s exhibited changes characteristic of the disease – suggesting that some cases of Alzheimer’s may spread from person to person in much the same way that “mad cow” disease spreads.

“Our findings open the possibility that some of the sporadic Alzheimer’s cases may arise from an infectious process, which occurs with other neurological diseases such as mad cow and its human form, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease,” study author Dr. Claudio Soto, professor of neurology at the University of Texas Medical School at Houston, said in a .

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is a so-called “prion” disease – meaning it is caused by misshapen protein molecules scientists call prions. Prions slowly destroy the brain tissue of infected people by causing a cascade of misshapen proteins. They’re known to spread via consumption of contaminated food, by getting a transfusion of blood or tissue transplant from someone who is infected, and during surgery .

Dr. Soto said that even if the research is corroborated, it will probably still make sense for people to do what they can to avoid well-known risk factors for Alzheimer’s, such as high blood pressure, smoking, and weight gain.

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Research About How Alzheimer’s Disease Spreads

While Alzheimer’s disease is not spread through contact with others, some research with mice seems to indicate that it could have some type of an infectious component, possibly related to prions . In prion diseases, including;Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, prion proteins begin to fold abnormally and then infect other healthy prions they encounter within the body, causing cells to die in the brain and dementia to develop. Although the unhealthy prions spread within a person, there is virtually no risk of the disease affecting other people around that individual, including family members or those caring for that person.

Since Its Unlikely That The Sewage Treatment Process Can Effectively Deactivate Prions Adopting Measures To Prevent The Entry Of Prions Into The Sewer System Is Advisable Said The Toronto Department Of Health November 2004

Exposing crops and livestock to prions is a very bad idea. Plants absorb prions from the soil along with water and nutrient uptake, which makes the prions even more bioavailable and infectious to humans, wildlife and livestock.

Unfortunately, the damage is real. Deer, elk, moose and reindeer are contracting an unstoppable prion disease now. In deer, the government calls prion disease chronic wasting disease. In cattle, prion disease is called bovine spongiform encephalopathy . Mad cow disease is the term that most of us know. The government pretends that there is a specific prion responsible for each of these diseases. The fact is that there are thousands of mutations of prions spreading in the environment and food chain now. Some kill quickly, while some are less lethal. The only thing that we need to know is that a deadly prion is a deadly prion. There is no species barrier.

If prion disease is killing these animals, livestock are not immune. Beef and dairy cattle are consuming these infected crops and the infected water supplies, too. Since humans are at the top of the food chain, and since we are often downstream from these infected farms, ranches and forests, our food and water supplies are being compromised. Wind and tornadoes transport the infectious waste even further.

Alzheimers Disease Research via;

Read Also: Senile Dementia Of The Alzheimer Type

Laboratory Bioassays Reveal A And Tau Prions In Human Postmortem Brain Samples

In the new study, the researchers combined two recently developed laboratory tests to rapidly measure prions in human tissue samples: a new Aß detection system developed in the Prusiner lab and a tau prion assay previously developed by Marc Diamond, PhD, a former UCSF faculty member who is now director of the Center for Alzheimers and Neurodegenerative Diseases at UT Southwestern Medical Center.;

Unlike earlier animal models that could take months to reveal the slow spread of Aß and/or tau prions, these cell-based assays measure infectious prion levels in just three days, enabling the researchers to effectively quantify for the first time the levels of both tau and Aß prions in processed extracts from post-mortem brain samples. In the new study, they applied the technique to autopsied brain tissue from over 100 individuals who had died of Alzheimers disease and other forms of neurodegeneration, which was collected from repositories in the United States, Europe, and Australia.

Alzheimers Disease Is A Double


Self-Propagating Amyloid and Tau Prions found in Post-Mortem Brain Samples, With Highest Levels in Patients Who Died Young

The normal form of Aß has been tagged with a yellow marker in these cells, making healthy cells a uniform pale yellow . Contact with prion forms of Aß ;for example in extracts from human brain tissue forces these yellow proteins into the sticky prion form as well, leading to the formation of bright yellow clumps .;

Two proteins central to the pathology of Alzheimers disease act as prions misshapen proteins that spread through tissue like an infection by forcing normal proteins to adopt the same misfolded shape according to new UC San Francisco research.;

Using novel laboratory tests, the researchers were able to detect and measure specific, self-propagating prion forms of the proteins amyloid beta and tau in postmortem brain tissue of 75 Alzheimers patients. In a striking finding, higher levels of these prions in human brain samples were strongly associated with early-onset forms of the disease and younger age at death.;

Senior author Stanley B. Prusiner, MD, director of the UCSF Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases and professor in the departments of Neurology and of Biochemistry and Biophysics.;Image courtesy UCSF Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases.

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Study Shows There Is Still No Evidence That Alzheimers

Study shows there is still no evidence that Alzheimers disease is contagious Alzheimers Society comment,Currently, but public health officials say future infection numbers depend on Americans precautions, I got asked more questions about this paper than probably anything in the However, by infections? An intriguing study in Science Translational Medicine, or an Experts say what this new study suggests is that some cases of Alzheimers may be the result of a transmissible infection similar to staph infections, the new study is very exciting, Find out about Alzheimers stages, nor do they suggest its contagious

Researchers Find Herpes Viruses In Brains Marked By Alzheimer’s Disease

Dudley’s team noticed an unexpectedly high level of viral DNA from two human herpes viruses, HHV-6 and HHV-7. The viruses are common and cause a rash called roseola in young children .

Some viruses have the ability to lie dormant in our neurons for decades by incorporating their genomes into our own. The classic example is chickenpox: A childhood viral infection resolves and lurks silently, returning years later as shingles, an excruciating rash. Like it or not, nearly all of us are chimeras with viral DNA speckling our genomes.

But having the herpes viruses alone doesn’t mean inevitable brain decline. After all, up to 75 percent of us may harbor HHV-6 .

But Dudley also noticed that herpes appeared to interact with human genes known to increase Alzheimer’s risk. Perhaps, he says, there is some toxic combination of genetic and infectious influence that results in the disease; a combination that sparks what some feel is the main contributor to the disease, an overactive immune system.

The hallmark pathology of Alzheimer’s is accumulation of a protein called amyloid in the brain. Many researchers have assumed these aggregates, or plaques, are simply a byproduct of some other process at the core of the disease. Other scientists posit that the protein itself contributes to the condition in some way.

The theory that amyloid is the root cause of Alzheimer’s is losing steam. But the protein may still contribute to the disease, even if it winds up being deemed infectious.

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Alzheimers An Infectious Disease

Editors Note: In April 2019, Dr. Stanley Prusiner published conclusive evidence that Alzheimers disease is a prion disease. The implications are far-reaching. Prion disease is highly infectious and fatal. It impacts 50-100 million victims, their family, friends and caregivers today. Its time to reform policies and practices on many fronts to protect public health and entire ecosystems.

If you think that you and your family are immune to the surging epidemic of neurodegenerative disease, think again. Neurodegenerative disease,;including;Alzheimers disease,;is;the fastest-growing cause of death in the world.;Its getting worse every day thanks to mismanagement, misinformation and widespread contamination.

Death rates from heart disease and cancer are dropping in many countries due;to advances in nutrition, medicine and disease management. Meanwhile, neurodegenerative;disease is spreading exponentially. In the U.S., deaths attributed to Alzheimers disease increased 71 percent from 2000 to 2013, while those attributed to heart disease 14 percent. Experts suggest that the prevalence of this neurodegenerative disease will quadruple by 2050, if not sooner.;Dementia is vastly;undiagnosed;and;misdiagnosed. Unfortunately, doctors are withholding millions of additional diagnoses, so we dont know the extent of the epidemic.

Doing This Twice A Week For 10 Minutes Lowers Your Alzheimer’s Risk Study Says

Study Raises New Concerns That The Coronavirus Has Mutated

How you take care of your overall health certainly changes as you age. But as opposed to cardiovascular issues or diabetes, a plan of action can be less clear when it comes to lessening your chances of Alzheimer’s disease. Unfortunately, it’s not something that can be easily dismissed: the neurodegenerative condition is responsible for 60 to 80 percent of dementia cases and is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S., according to the Alzheimer’s Association. But according to a study, doing one thing for just 10 minutes twice a week can go a long way in lowering your Alzheimer’s risk. Read on to see how you can easily boost your brain health.

The latest findings come from a study published in November in the journal Alzheimer’s Research and Therapy. A team of researchers from Yonsei University College of Medicine in South Korea analyzed the medical records of 247,149 participants diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment between 2005 and 2009 and an average age between 64 and 69 to test the likelihood that the patients would develop Alzheimer’s disease. The researchers noted that those with an MCI diagnosis are ten times more likely to develop the degenerative neurological condition than the general population.

After a year, MRIs showed that those who were in the group prescribed aerobic exercise had increased blood flow to their brains and that the blood vessels in their necks were less stiff. Participants in the stretching group did not display the same results.

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