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What Are Good Activities For Dementia Patients

Allow An Emotional Outlet

7 Fun and Engaging Activities for Seniors

For many people, music or contact with babies, children or animals provides positive feelings. Excellent memories of past events are often kept and looking through old photos, memorabilia and books enables the recall of earlier times. The opportunity to relive treasured moments can be deeply satisfying. If reading skills have deteriorated make individual audiotapes. Locate picture books and magazines in the persons areas of interest.

Activities Can Give Relaxation And Pleasure

It is very important to keep enjoying anything that gives meaning to one’s life or provides a sense of pleasure or relaxation. Many people enjoy creative hobbies such as playing a musical instrument, knitting or painting. Others enjoy social contact, so it is important to keep this up as much as possible. A person with dementia may enjoy an outing even if they may not remember where they have been. What is important is that the moment is enjoyed.

Daily Tasks To Treat The Physical Impairments Of Dementia

So much of dementia is taking away cognitive function in the brain, which makes for poor memory and day-to-day tasks that many of us take for granted.

Things like brushing your teeth, getting dressed, or even turning a doorknob can become arduous if not impossible for elderly dementia patients. Luckily, there are some ways to incorporate physical therapy into fun games or puzzles that can be enjoyed while benefiting the patient.

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Word Games Or Board Games

There are a lot of games for dementia patients specially made for them to enjoy and play in their free time. These games keep the minds of the patients active and their thinking skills are less likely to decline. Spending time playing a board game can be calming and even help in managing blood pressure levels.

Many seniors face problems with hand dexterity and problem-solving skills in the advanced stages. These games help with these problems and improve memory of the dementia patients. You can check out some of the word and board games for dementia patients here.

Morning Power Up At Storypoint

Sensory Pouches for Dementia Care

At StoryPoint we know how important routine and exercise is for those with memory impairments, and our Power Up program is one part of our communitys routine.

This 30-minute, daily exercise program encourages residents to start their day in a positive, energized way. It features engaging music based on residents preferences and mirrored workouts where residents can follow along with our team through a series of exercises.

Its a great way to begin our day the right way getting active and spending time together.

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Outdoor Activities For Dementia Patients

  • Visit a therapeutic garden. These provide walking paths, bird feeders accessible to those in wheelchairs, and sturdy furniture for older adults. Gardens provide a safe environment to reconnect with nature, get a little exercise and absorb some vitamin D. Activities for People with Alzheimer’s Disease, AARP Twitter: @AARP
  • Start a simple garden. Gardening provides a little physical activity. It allows seniors with dementia to grow and eat their fruits and vegetables. Used raised beds, so seniors dont have to bend over. The beds should be narrow to prevent too much reaching, the pathway should be broad and clear of any debris. Make sure there are some benches and chairs available to sit and relax. Outdoor Activities for Seniors with Dementia 7 Fun Ideas, Applewood Our House Twitter: @ApplewoodHome
  • Visit a fruit farm. If you live in an area with lots of local agriculture, you might be able to take advantage of pick-your-own fruit farms. Picking your own fruit whether those fruits are apples, strawberries, raspberries, or another variety offers the benefits of exercise, the outdoor, and stocking up on healthy foods. Outdoor Activities for Seniors & Caregivers, Visiting Angels Twitter: @_VisitingAngels
  • What You Should Know About Dementia

    According to Dementia Organisation, Australia there are currently 487,500 Australians living with the dementia. Without a medical breakthrough, this number is expected to triple by 2058.

    Whats astonishing is, dementia can affect anyone regardless of age or gender.

    As of the first quarter of 2022, there are 28,800 people with younger onset dementia. Yet, this figure is expected to continue rising to 29,350 after five years, standing at more than 40,000 by 2050 and beyond.

    Researchers at Griffith University in Queensland found that of those living with dementia, many do not participate in activities such as exercise groups or music classes. These are the activities that have been proven to reverse cognitive decline.

    On the same note, it is estimated that by the end of 2022, there would be almost 1.6 million individuals living in Australia involved in the care of persons with this condition.

    Before you despair, here is the good news: having surveyed several said caregivers, these researchers at Griffith had came out with this that those who took part in these activities had better outcomes than those who did not.

    It therefore raises an important question: how can we keep dementia patients engaged in their daily lives?

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    Exercise And Physical Activity

    Exercise and physical activity can have lots of benefits for people with dementia. It can help regulate their sleep and prevent restlessness and sleeplessness in the evening. It can also help maintain a positive mood and lower the risk of them developing depression.

    Physical activities may include:

    • Walking around their neighbourhood or a local park

    • Depending on age and fitness, you could try tandem biking

    • Water aerobics health and fitness centres often have workshops and classes specifically for elderly people or people with dementia

    Creative Activities For Dementia Patients

    #1: Paint

    Creating art provides the opportunity for individual expression and may improve memory.

    If you’re worried that allowing a dementia patient to paint may be messy, you may be right. Try using butcher paper, so your loved one doesn’t have to worry about making a mess and you dont have to worry about clean-up.

    #2: Make a Memory Box

    Assemble a box of items that are special to your loved one.

    You can include things like:

    • Special mementos

    • Items that remind the patient of past professions, such as:

    • Paperclips, a calculator, and a notepad for a secretary or

    • Bolts, sandpaper, and a piece of PVC pipe for a handyman and

  • Items related to favorite hobbies

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    It Delays The Decline Of Ones Memory

    Keeping seniors busy through games and activities helps to delay the onset of memory decline and other cognitive abilities. Since there are currently no medicinal drugs that can treat dementia, there has been a growing interest in lifestyle factors that can slow down the ageing process in the brain, which is linked to memory and thinking problems.

    Playing games that have a strong focus on memory and cognitive associations can support the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus found in the brain, which are the first two areas affected in the early stages of dementia.

    Activities That Promote Healthy Eating

    • Cook together ask the person about their favorite meal and work together to make it. Or look up healthy cooking videos online and try to make them yourselves.
    • Plant vegetables together in the garden or in pots.
    • Have a picnic together bring healthy food options the person likes. Bring a portable or camping chair if the person has trouble sitting on the ground.

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    Ironing Or Washing Clothes

    I know, all the suggested activities include folding towels, but my Mom is still able to do all her laundry so we let her .

    She is super fussy about wrinkles so we set up a little ironing area in her room so she can get rid of wrinkles to her heart’s content!

    Sometimes this is more aspirational than actual , but she likes being able to make her clothes look fancy.

    Tip make sure to get an iron that automatically turns off!

    Utilize Soft Textures In Their Room

    Activities For Dementia Patients: How To Do Them And How They Help ...

    Including soft textures in a dementia patients living space can help them feel calm and safe. Often they will become agitated when their environment is too loud, bright, or chaotic. Putting some soft items into their room- like a thick rug, cozy blanket, or even just some plants- can make all the difference.

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    Fun Activities For Dementia Patients To Keep Them Engaged

    Weve all heard it before that keeping your mind active and engaged can help prevent dementia in the later years. But what about for those who are already suffering from dementia?

    A person with dementia can feel isolated and confused even in the company of family and friends. This can cause them to develop apathy and depression which will worsen their condition and in turn, negatively impact on the people around them.

    If you have loved ones who suffer from dementia, know that there are ways to keep them engaged in life and that it is possible for them to enjoy themselves as much as possible despite their condition.

    Activities To Do With A Family Member Or Friend Who Has Alzheimers Disease

    Its important to spend meaningful time with a family member or friend who has Alzheimers disease or a related dementia. Participating together in activities your loved one enjoys can help improve their quality of life and manage behavior changes that may come with the disease, such as sleep problems, aggression, and agitation. It can also help grow and strengthen your connection. However, it may be difficult to know what activities you can safely do with your loved one.

    Explore examples below. You may need to modify these activities based on the persons preferences and abilities.

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    Games Puzzles And Around The Home Activities For Dementia Patients

  • Listen to music. A universally soothing activity, listening to music from their past will help them remember the good times associated with the music. Not sure how music ties into memory? Just think do you remember how you learned the alphabet? 15 Best Activities for Alzheimers Patients at Home, By Your Side Home Care Twitter: @ByYourSideHmCre
  • Sort and match up nuts and bolts, or tighten screws. Was your loved one the fixer, the handyman, or the go-to guy? Maybe hed like to sort through and match up nuts and bolts, or tighten screws into pieces of wood. Perhaps hed like to connect smaller PVC pipes together. There are also activity boards with lots of to do things attached that you can purchase. – Esther Heerema, MSW, Creative Activities Ideas for People with Dementia, Verywell Health Twitter: @Verywell
  • Create a memory bag. Fill the bag with items reminiscent of their late teens/early twenties. Scented products work well for this, as scents are strongly tied to memory. Try including soap, perfumes and aftershave, or holiday scents like gingerbread, pine and peppermint. Activities for Dementia Patients, A Place for Mom Twitter: @APlaceforMom
  • Help with clean-up around the home. Instead of automatically tidying up the home, encourage dementia patients to assist with the clean-up. Doing so may increase their sense of purpose. 10 Activities for People Living with Dementia or Alzheimers Disease, Compassionate Care
  • How To Choose The Most Appropriate Activities For A Loved One With Dementia

    Selecting activities for a loved one with dementia is a very personal choice and should be based on your care recipients interests and abilities. With so many excellent ideas in this post and other sources, most caregivers will find a few activities that are meaningful and enjoyable for their loved one. When selecting your activities, here are a few things to keep in mind.

    • Choose the Right Time for Each Activity. When starting an activity with a loved one, make sure that they are not particularly anxious or preoccupied with other things. If the time is not right for an activity, its usually best to postpone it and switch gears to a less-stressful activity. When the time is right, choose a clutter-free area to avoid distractions. It may also be helpful to plan activities based on the time of day. For example, you can choose gentle and relaxing activities like listening to music in the evening hours before bed.
    • Adapt Activities to Match Abilities. Its a good idea to check with your loved ones healthcare providers to ensure that a new activity or exercise is safe for your loved one. Also, start small and give the person time to make progress, which will make the effort more rewarding. Activities that involve creativity like art are especially useful, as you will have something to display and enjoy after finishing.

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    Watch Old Movies Or Tv They Used To Love

    What was grandmas favorite movie? Chances are you can find it on Netflix or Amazon Prime and watch it together. Not only will they enjoy the movie, but they might also remember things about it that they forgot. The same goes for TV showswatch an episode or two of their favorite show from when they were younger.

    Tried And True Alzheimers Activities

    So many of the lists about Alzheimers or Dementia activities look like someone took a list of baby games and put them online. Well, my Mom is not a child and she doesn’t want to do kid things, she wants to do adult tasks.

    Buying her a 6 piece puzzle of fire trucks will not work! Imagine if you had to sit around all day with no mental stimulation you would go a little stir crazy too.

    These activities are all ones that we do with Mom on the regular and that keep her amused for much of the day!

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    Household Chores / Everyday Activities

    You might assume that household chores are tedious, but for dementia patients, they are rewarding. They help the senior gain a sense of accomplishment and independence. In fact, the person may get agitated if you leave them alone to take care or essential household tasks such as laundry.

    If so, try finding ways for the dementia patient to help with the following:

    • Folding laundry
    • Playing with paperclips
    • Shuffling and arranging a deck of cards

    The activities above might not always be performed up to your standard by the dementia patient, but he/she will enjoy feeling helpful.

    Social And Emotional Activities For Dementia Patients

    112 best Dementia Activities Ideas images on Pinterest
  • Create a mystery bag. One of the most popular activities you can use is called Mystery Bag, or Stereognostic Bag.
  • What you need for this activity:

    • 10 pairs of wooden shapes such as cubes, rectangular cubes, prisms, spheres, and eggs
    • A cloth bag

    Start by spending a few moments having the person look and feel each shape.

    Have them observe the different forms each shape takes on when placed down on a different side. Once theyre familiar with the shapes, you can move on to activities that involve touch.

    Place the cubes and rectangular cubes inside the bag, and ask the person to reach in and feel one shape. As they pull the shape out of the bag, they verbally say whether the shape is a cube or a rectangle.

    You can also play a matching game with the person in your care by placing all of the wooden shapes in the bag, and have the person find matching pieces by feel. Repeat this process until all of the pieces have been paired.

    Placing the objects in the bag eliminates distractions and stimulates the sense of touch, while the matching process helps to strengthen cognitive function. Activities & Games for Dementia and Alzheimers Patients, Elizz Twitter: @ElizzTweets

    When you are working with a person with dementia, it might help to suggest or start singing a song. You will be surprised how often a person with dementia will come to life and join in with great enjoyment.

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    Helpful Daily Activities For Dementia Patients: 50 Expert Tips And Suggestions To Keep Your Loved One Engaged

    Staying active and engaged is beneficial for both physical and cognitive health, so its particularly important for people with dementia or Alzheimers disease to engage in daily activities. Some activities have proven to be particularly helpful for those with dementia, such as games, exercise and outdoor activities, and music and art, as well as maintaining day-to-day routines. Providing structure and routine for a person living with dementia helps to maintain their cognitive function, sense of security, and can calm anxious or aggressive behaviors. It also helps provide a sense of control over their day and their environment, especially for those in the early stages of the disease. For those in the end stage of dementia, many of these activities are often one of the few ways they can still engage their memories and communicate.

    To help you keep your loved one busy and actively engaged in meaningful activities, here are 50 tips from caregivers, memory care facility administrators, dementia and Alzheimers experts, and others who have experience in working with those living with dementia. Keep in mind that everyone enjoys different activities, and you should try the activities that best fit your loved ones personality, needs, and situation. These 50 helpful daily activities are not listed in order of importance, but they are categorized to help you quickly find the activities best suited for your loved one.


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