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HomeExclusiveWhat Is The Best Treatment For Dementia

What Is The Best Treatment For Dementia

Medical Options For Treating Dementia

Companionship and Friendships are the Best Treatment for Dementia

There are various pharmaceutical medications availablewhich are designed to treat one or more of the symptoms. Antidepressants, moodstabilizers and antipsychotics are the most common. But all of these drugs comewith risks, many of which are severe. A new study from the University ofMichigan Health System found that medications for dementia may significantly increasepatients health risks. Whats more, the risk increases with the dosage of thesemedications, along with drug interactions . Cindy D. Marshall, MD, medicaldirector of the Baylor Memory Center in Dallas, Texas, talks about some of therisks of these medications…

“TheFDA issued a 2005 black block warning on the use of antipsychotics in dementiapatients due to mounting evidence showing increased mortality. The mechanism ofdeath is not specifically defined in the data, but typically includescerebrovascular events , cardiovascular events and infections .” 1

Other psychiatric medications such as the mood stabilizer,valproic acid also carry higher risksand much less benefit, according to Dr. Maust and his research team. With thenewer and more commonly used antipsychotics, the risk definitely increases withhigher dosages.

In addition to these, you have cholinergic treatments and memantine treatments, which are designed to stabilize the symptoms ofAlzheimers and Parkinson’s disease. However, these have been found to have limited ability andonly work for a short while.

Use Of Memantine In Dementia

Despite only being licensed for use in moderate to severe dementia in AD, memantine has been shown to have beneficial effects in slowing deterioration in cognition in patients with mild to moderate AD and VaD too.

The initial dose is 5 mg once a day which should be increased in 5 mg increments at intervals of at least one week until a maximum dose of 10 mg twice a day is reached. Memantine is generally better tolerated than the ChEIs. The most common adverse events of memantine include dizziness, headaches, fatigue, diarrhoea, and gastric pain. In clinical experience the side effects which are most likely to lead to discontinuation are restlessness and hyperexcitation.

Memantine currently is predominantly used in the treatment of moderate to severe AD when it is felt that ChEIs are no longer effective. They also have a role as an alternative to ChEIs in the treatment of patients with mild to moderate AD who are either unable to tolerate ChEIs or when ChEIs are contraindicatedfor example, problems with cardiac conduction.

Powerful Natural Remedies For Dementia And Alzheimer’s

Dementia and Alzheimer’s are truly horrible and cruel diseases. But new research is showing that you can not only 100% prevent them from occurring, you can actually reverse their effects!

Here’s 10 of the best natural treatments, herbal supplements and home remedies for dementia and Alzheimer’s according to the experts…

Article by Troy Sawyer

Dementia is such a shocking disease. Because the mentaland behavioural changes happen so gradually in a sufferer, youre left to watchyour loved one slowly deteriorate before your eyes and you grieve every timethey take a turn for the worst.

This is one illness thats particularly closeto home for me, having watched my mother-in-law suffer from this disease for overten years. The first signs were small and subtle, but slowly became morefrequent. Things such as leaving appliances on, repeating herself inconversation, and paranoia all gradually got worse until eventually she had tobe placed in a high care home that caterers for dementia and Alzheimerspatients. My father-in-law looked after her for as long as he could but the eventual strain took its toll on him. I also watched mywife grieve every time she saw her mom slip down further. The day her momforgot who she was, was especially hard for her.

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Find The Dementia Care Regimen That Works For You

No instance of dementia is the same. Individuals react differently to the disease and the medication used to treat it. It can take time to create a combination of drug and behavioral treatments that work.

Many times, the best, most calming way to approach dementia is to find a comfortable, secure dementia care community. At The Cabana at Jensen Dunes, we know just how important a comfortable home is for individuals with dementia. Thats why weve designed our Florida memory care community to include all the comforts of home with the safety and security needed when dealing with dementia.

At The Cabana, youll find spacious hallways, relaxing routines and dementia care programs designed to help individuals with memory impairments engage and improve cognition. Youll also find highly trained staff that can help with medication management, ensuring your relative or friend takes their medication in the correct dose at the correct time every day.

For more information on memory care communities like The Cabana, or contact us online. Our team will be happy to answer your questions and help you learn more about how a comfortable home can work with dementia medication to improve the quality of life for the people you care about most.

Assessment Of Dementia Syndrome

Popular Prescription Drugs Linked to Dementia

We need to rule out delirium and mild cognitive disorder before we make a clnical diagnosis of dementia. Then one should apply and see if the person meets the diagnostic criteria for Dementia. If that is met, then there is a need to make further evaluations. The next part of evaluation is aimed at establishing the cause for the dementia syndrome.

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Other Less Targeted Dementia Medications

There are several types of dementia, and each person will be affected differently by their specific disease as well as the side effects that might be present. While not designed with the intention to treat dementia, many medications are available that treat the often-debilitating effects of dementia. There are many symptoms associated with dementia, as well as associated with the medications taken to stall the progression of dementia, such as pain, nausea, insomnia, or general fatigue.

Its important to go over every possible side effect of medications you are considering taking, and carefully weighing the risks versus the benefits of using that drug. While it may seem like a juggling act, the good news is that there is a wealth of options available to treat any symptoms of dementia or medication-related side effect, so no matter your unique body chemistry, your doctor will be able to help you figure out the best way to improve your overall quality of life while living with dementia.

Practical Tips On Medications To Manage Difficult Behaviors In Dementia

You may be now wondering just how doctors are supposed to manage medications for difficult dementia behaviors.

Here are the key points that I usually share with families:

  • Before resorting to medication: its essential to try to identify what is triggering/worsening the behavior, and its important to try non-drug approaches, including exercise.
  • Be sure to consider treating possible pain or constipation, as these are easily overlooked in people with dementia. Geriatricians often try scheduling acetaminophen 2-3 times daily, since people with dementia may not be able to articulate their pain. We also titrate laxatives to aim for a soft bowel movement every 1-2 days.
  • No type of medication has been clinically shown to improve behavior for most people with dementia. If you try medication for this purpose, you should be prepared to do some trial-and-error, and its essential to carefully monitor how well the medication is working and what side-effects may be happening.
  • Antipsychotics and benzodiazepines work fairly quickly, but most of the time they are working through sedation and chemical restraint. They tend to cloud thinking further. It is important to use the lowest possible dose of these medications.
  • Antidepressants take a while to work, but are generally well-tolerated. Geriatricians often try escitalopram or citalopram in people with dementia.

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Search The Right Expert Or Doctor For Stem Cell Treatment For Alzheimers Disease In The Czech Republic

There are many reliable doctors for Stem cell treatment for Alzheimers Disease in the Czech Republic with extensive experience and knowledge. They should have certifications and accreditations from credible institutions to back up their qualifications. Having affiliations with local and international bodies would also reflect the expertise and experience that the doctor has on your treatment.

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Surprising Home Remedies For Dementia

Effective treatments for dementia

The most effective home remedies for dementia include the use of ginseng, salvia, turmeric, ginkgo, fish oil, bananas, cinnamon extract, vitamin B12, coconut oil, club moss, berries, almonds, pumpkin, leafy greens, beans, and kale. You can also make behavioral changes including breaking the routine, creative stimulation, meditation, and aromatherapy.

Dementia is a wide term that includes a number of neurocognitive impairments that are serious enough to hamper daily life activities. Alzheimers is the most common form of this condition, which leads to gradual memory loss and decline in thinking abilities.

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Treatment For Moderate To Severe Alzheimers

A medication known as memantine, an N-methyl D-aspartate antagonist, is prescribed to treat moderate to severe Alzheimers disease. This drugs main effect is to decrease symptoms, which could enable some people to maintain certain daily functions a little longer than they would without the medication. For example, memantine may help a person in the later stages of the disease maintain his or her ability to use the bathroom independently for several more months, a benefit for both the person with Alzheimer’s and caregivers.

Memantine is believed to work by regulating glutamate, an important brain chemical. When produced in excessive amounts, glutamate may lead to brain cell death. Because NMDA antagonists work differently from cholinesterase inhibitors, the two types of drugs can be prescribed in combination.

The FDA has also approved donepezil, the rivastigmine patch, and a combination medication of memantine and donepezil for the treatment of moderate to severe Alzheimers.

Drug Name For More Information
  • Intravenous: Dose is determined by a persons weight given over one hour every four weeks most people will start with a lower dose and over a period of time increase the amount of medicine to reach the full prescription dose
  • Tablet: Once a day dosage may be increased over time if well tolerated
  • Orally disintegrating tablet: Same dosing regimen as above

The Right Type Of Cinnamon

Make sure you only ever use cinnamon extract or cinnamonbark extract that come from Ceylon . Do not butcheap cinnamon such as cassia or any products that contain this type ofcinnamon. It wont work anywhere near as well!! You can find some reputablebrands here if youre interested

Take a heaped teaspoon of cinnamon powder 3 times dailywith or without meals and use it in your cooking as much as possible. You canalso make up a delicious cinnamon and ginger tea for an extra supply if youwish . With the capsules, a total of 3grams daily will be required for best results.

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Parkinsons Disease With Dementia

Rivastigmine has been shown in one trial to produce significant improvements in cognition, global ratings of dementia, and behavioural symptoms which were of the same magnitude observed in ChEI trials for AD. ChEIs are frequently, despite not being licensed, prescribed for the treatment of neuropsychiatric symptoms of Parkinsons disease with dementia. ChEIs have not been found to worsen the motor symptoms of Parkinsons disease.

Final Thoughts On Cannabis For Dementia

6 Best Treatments for Dementia Available [List for 2018 ...

As things stand, none of the traditional dementia treatments come close to offering a cure and do little other than provide temporary relief with a great number of risks attached.

Research into marijuanas effects on dementia is still in its embryonic stages but early signs are good.

There is a possibility, albeit a small one, that cannabis could actually reverse the onset of dementia what an extraordinary discovery that would be.

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Symptoms Of Dementia In Dogs

You may notice your dog walking up to the wrong side of a familiar door, acting dazedstaring off into space like “nobody’s home”or wandering and pacing about your house. This general confusion and disorientation can work its way into every aspect of your dog’s life, like forgetting where its food bowls are or inexplicable accidents. Doggie dementia can even affect sleep patterns leading dogs to seem restless at night, tossing and turning, vocalizing, or standing “on guard.” Other symptoms of canine cognitive dysfunction can include a change in personality or temperament, lack of enthusiasm for games, and decreased interaction with loved ones.

These signs usually develop gradually and get worse over time, but they can also be caused by various other medical problems. Any dog exhibiting signs of dementia should be seen by a veterinarian to rule out other health issues like blindness, deafness, urinary tract infections, kidney disease, arthritis, or tumors, infections or inflammation of the brain.

Which Cholinesterase Inhibitor Should Be Started And By Whom

There is no real difference in the effectiveness of the three cholinesterase inhibitors. The few comparative studies published are small and have been conducted over a relatively short period. The results are inconsistent and offer no basis to make a clinical choice.

Rivastigmine has the reputation of more commonly causing side effects, particularly nausea and vomiting. This may be due to the initial dosing regimen being too quick slowing the titration period to four instead of two weeks will help reduce the side effects. To reduce nausea rivastigmine should be taken with food. As both galantamine and rivastigmine have additional modes of action, apart from acetylcholinesterase inhibition, many clinicians believe they are more effective in later stages of AD when AChE concentrations are low.

Table 3

Dosing requirements for cholinesterase inhibitors

The current NICE guidelines stipulate that prescribing should be initiated by specialists but may be continued by general practitioners under a shared-cared protocol. This means that after an initial phase the patient receives their ChEI from the same source as their other medication which reduces confusion and improves the likelihood of compliance.

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Medications For Cognitive Symptoms

No disease-modifying drugs are available for Alzheimers disease, but some options may reduce the symptoms and help improve quality of life.

Drugs called cholinesterase inhibitors can ease cognitive symptoms, including memory loss, confusion, altered thought processes, and judgment problems. They improve neural communication across the brain and slow the progress of these symptoms.

Three common drugs with Food and Drug Administration approval to treat these symptoms of Alzheimers disease are:

  • donepezil , to treat all stages
  • galantamine , to treat mild-to-moderate stages
  • rivastigmine , to treat mild-to-moderate stages

Another drug, called memantine , has approval to treat moderate-to-severe Alzheimers disease. A combination of memantine and donepezil is also available.

G1 Evidence Of Each Of The Following:

What Medications Treat Dementia?

A decline in memory, which is most evident in the learning of new information, although in more severe cases, the recall of previously learned information may be also affected. The impairment applies to both verbal and non-verbal material. The decline should be objectively verified by obtaining a reliable history from an informant, supplemented, if possible, by neuropsychological tests or quantified cognitive assessments. The severity of the decline, with mild impairment as the threshold for diagnosis, should be assessed as follows:

Mild: a degree of memory loss sufficient to interfere with everyday activities, though not so severe as to be incompatible with independent living. The main function affected is the learning of new material. For example, the individual has difficulty in registering, storing and recalling elements in daily living, such as where belongings have been put, social arrangements, or information recently imparted by family members.

Moderate: A degree of memory loss which represents a serious handicap to independent living. Only highly learned or very familiar material is retained. New information is retained only occasionally and very briefly. The individual is unable to recall basic information about where he lives, what he has recently been doing, or the names of familiar persons.

G3. A decline in emotional control or motivation, or a change in social behaviour, manifest as at least one of the following:

  • coarsening of social behaviour.

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Effects Of Cholinesterase Inhibitors

People with Alzheimers may find that their symptoms improve by taking a cholinesterase inhibitor. This could be improvement in thinking, memory, communication or with day-to-day activities. Others may find that their condition stays the same, or that their symptoms do not worsen as quickly as they would have expected. Some people may not notice any effect at all.

As these drugs dont stop the disease from progressing in the brain, symptoms will continue to get worse over time. However, they can help some people to function slightly better than they would do without the drug.

The most common side-effects of cholinesterase inhibitors are feeling or being sick, diarrhoea, having trouble sleeping, muscle cramps and tiredness. These effects are often mild and usually only temporary. Not everyone will experience side-effects. If you are worried about side-effects you can talk about this with your doctor.

Top 27 Natural Home Remedies For Dementia Patients

1. Water

Adults should drink 2-3 liters of water every day. Water helps to balance body heat and eliminate toxins from metabolism and industrial life. Your brain will grow stronger naturally. Water cleanses the skin, filters the kidney, and stimulates your appetite, so it energizes you and helps you to be healthier and more alert. This is actually what patients with dementia need.

Drinking plenty of water also helps you avoid unhealthy drinks like soda and high calorie fruit juices. The body only recognizes these unhealthy drinks, and then you will also require more calories. If you want more flavor, you can squeeze a few drops of lemon or pure fruit juice into the water to drink. However, be sure to use foods rich in calcium such as cauliflower to help keep your bones healthy. This is very necessary, especially as your age grows. Always carry a bottle of water. You will be surprised how easy it is to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day. Drinking water is also much cheaper than having to buy other drinks when you feel thirsty, and this is better for the environment.

The effect of this connection leads to improved cognitive abilities, resulting in improved memory after drinking green tea. Scientists have also shown that green tea is good for the brain. They found beneficial effects of green tea with cognitive function. However, active ingredients that increase cognitive ability of green tea have not been found.

2. Walking
3. Diet Changes

Foods to eat:

Foods to avoid:

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