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HomeFactsWhat Shampoos Cause Alzheimer's Disease And Cancer

What Shampoos Cause Alzheimer’s Disease And Cancer

What Do Studies Show

Dr. Joe Schwarcz: Does your shampoo cause Alzheimer’s

Researchers use 2 main types of studies to try to figure out if a substance causes cancer. A substance that causes cancer or helps cancer grow is called a;carcinogen.

In studies done in the lab, animals are exposed to a substance to see if it causes tumors or other health problems. Researchers may also expose normal cells in a lab dish to the substance to see if it causes the types of changes that are seen in cancer cells. In lab studies, researchers can control many of the other factors that might affect the results. Still, its not always clear if the results in lab dishes or animals would be the same in humans, for a number of reasons.

Another type of study looks at cancer rates in different groups of people. Such a study might compare the cancer rate in a group exposed to a substance to the rate in a group not exposed to it, or compare it to what the expected cancer rate would be in the general population. But sometimes it can be hard to know what the results of these studies mean, because it is hard to account for the many other factors that might affect the results .

In most cases neither type of study provides enough evidence on its own, so researchers usually look at both human and lab-based studies when trying to figure out if something might cause cancer.

Studies done in the lab

Its not clear how these results might relate to peoples use of hair dyes.

Studies in people

  • People who use hair dyes regularly
  • People who are exposed to them at work

Alzheimers Early Signs And Common Symptoms

The early symptoms of Alzheimers might differentiate from person to person, but for the majority of people, there is a gradual decline in memory. In addition to the memory loss there is also a decline in other cognitive functions too like finding words, impaired judgment, troubled decision making, vision issues, all of which are some early symptoms of Alzheimers. According to the researchers, the reports of biomarkers for Alzheimers patients indicate initiate changes in the brain tissues while the patients are cognitively doing fine.; Early diagnosis of the disease is possible for the patients with a normal cognitive function because they are at higher risk of developing a severe form of Alzheimers.

Alzheimers is a progressive brain disorder which means that the symptoms of it get worse with time. Loss of memory is one of the most commonly occurring symptoms that tend to develop as the first symptoms of Alzheimers. The symptoms emerge gradually, over the periods of years or months. However, if the symptoms start developing in days or hours, then the person might require immediate medical assistance as it might lead to a stroke. The symptoms of Alzheimers also depend on the stage, type, and severity of the disorder in each individual. Following are the 15 signs and symptoms of Alzheimers:

Memory loss

Ethique Natural Shampoo Bar

If you’re looking for a sustainable natural shampoo that doesn’t come in a plastic container, consider Ethique solid shampoo bars. These bars take a little getting used to when you first make the switch from wet shampoo, but after a few washes, you’ll be a pro at lathering up sans plastic.

Ethique is a certified B Corp that donates 20 percent of its profits to charity as well as plants a tree for every online order it receives. Its products have been certified cruelty-free by PETA and a few other international certification organizations, and they actually work: The natural shampoo bars have received thousands of positive reviews from verified customers.

Skin Deep Rating: All Ethique products are rated one to four.

Must-Try Product: Ethique Eco-Friendly Solid Shampoo for Normal Hair

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What Are The Symptoms Of Dementia In Cats

Signs that your cat has dementia include confusion, house soiling, reduced grooming, and other changes in behavior.

Dementia is associated with older cats. Mental impairment is usually noticed in cats older than 10, and feline dementia is usually seen in cats advanced in age 15 years and older.

The most common signs associated with feline dementia are changes in behavior and mental abilities. Signs of dementia may include:

  • Appearing confused and trapped in corners
  • House soiling: inappropriate urination or defecation outside the litter tray
  • Being asleep and awake at different times
  • Increased vocalization in the form of meowing or yowling vocalizing
  • Increased matting and grooming less
  • Pacing or wandering aimlessly, getting lost
  • Weight loss and/or loss of appetite

Good Hygiene And Increased Rates Of Alzheimers

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As soon as my mom found out the children next door had chicken pox when I was five, she sent me over there to play. I still remember the terrible itchiness that I experienced when I broke out in red bumps after Id contracted it from them almost immediately. Our parents used to recognize that exposure to germs was actually good for strengthening our immune systems. Recent studies show that has changed.

Research from the Oxford Journal has found a strong link between sanitized, wealthier countries and a higher rate of Alzheimers. This study, led by Dr. Molly Fox across 192 countries, suggests that the lack of exposure to bacteria creates a poorly developed immune system, leaving your brain at risk for inflammation. Exposure to microorganisms both good and bad is vitally important for the body to develop proper immune responses.

The researchers hygiene hypothesis conclude that since increasing global urbanization at the turn of the 19th century the populations of many of the worlds wealthier nations have seen very little exposure to the so-called friendly microbes which stimulate the immune system due to diminishing contact with animals, feces and soil.

Alzheimers disease shares certain etiological features with autoimmunity, the study states. Prevalence of autoimmunity varies between populations in accordance with variation in environmental microbial diversity. The researchers add:

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Study: Shampoo Ingredient May Affect Brain Development

Scientists now have proof that an ingredient found in shampoo and other products can affect brain development in mice. Researchers say the animal finding shouldn’t cause panic – but should prompt people to take a closer look at the products they use to keep clean.

At the Intaglio Salon, a sudsy shampoo is key. At the University of North Carolina – suds are under study.

Dr. Steven Zeisel’s work with mice shows a compound called diethanolamine – DEA – an ingredient found in shampoo and many other products, robs the developing brain of memory cells. “When we apply DEA to the skin of pregnant mice we find the memory center the hippocampus doesn’t develop as well in her fetuses.”

The evidence suggests DEA blocks the brain’s ability to absorb choline, a nutrient that plays a crucial role in the brain’s memory cell-making process. That’s in mice – an important point to remember – says fetal medicine specialist Dr. Katherine Minard. “So we have to be very, very cautious about taking what’s been demonstrated in animals to what really will have an effect, a clinically important effect,;in humans.”

The DEA dose used in the study was 10 times what a human would use to shampoo. “That’s the next question scientists hope to answer. They are conducting studies to find the lowest dose of DEA that causes an effect in mice.”

Those are questions Dr. Zeisel’s lab hopes to answer.

Posted 5:25pm by

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Maintain Regular Veterinary Checkups:

Older cats need regular care to continue to age well. Veterinary medicine is advancing rapidly in the field of geriatric medicine, and you may be surprised at how well your vet can help your pet.

There is no doubt: cats with dementia represent special needs cats. We know, however, that there is great reward in caring for the least of these, even if it is just a cat.

While your furry angel may require you to make a couple of accommodations, there is no doubt the reward of helping a cat live well into advanced age is great. Dont forget to enlist the aid of a veterinary ally you trust: this person will have the knowledge you need to make the best decisions for your cat.

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Synthetic / Fd&c Colors

Derived from petroleum or coal tar sources and containing heavy metal salts which deposit toxins into the skin and are toxic to the brain. A known carcinogen. Banned in the EU.Found in: Cosmetics, hair dye, anti-lice and anti-dandruff shampoos.How to spot it: P-Phenylenediamine, FD&C or D&C, can also be listed as a colour plus number, i.e. FD&C Red No. 6.

How Do You Know If Your Senior Cat Has Dementia

Inside Alzheimers disease

Feline dementia usually causes behavioral changes. Symptoms of feline dementia include appearing confused and trapped in corner, inappropriate urination or defecation outside the litter tray, being asleep and awake at different times, increased vocalization in the form of meowing or yowling vocalizing, increased matting and grooming less, decreased responsiveness, increased fearfulness or aggression, hiding more, not enjoying activities previously engaged, such as playing, pouncing, or hunting, forgetting any previous training, sleeping more, or pacing or wandering aimlessly or getting lost. Weight loss and loss of appetite can also be associated with feline dementia. If you suspect your cat has feline dementia, consult with your veterinarian.

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Scary Shampoo Ingredient #: Formaldehyde

If it sounds like a scary name its because it is

Formaldehyde is a colorless, flammable gas that is used in resins when manufacturing composite wood, building materials, household glues, paints, lacquers, and finishes.

If youve ever smelled this poisonous gas, you would instantly cringe. Its not something youd ever dream of putting in your body, but you very well may be without even realizing it.

Its used as a preservative in some medicines, cosmetics, as well as in dishwashing liquids, and yes, its also found frequently in many shampoos.

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, when the body is exposed to formaldehyde, it can lead to irritation of the skin, eyes, nose, and throat.

If exposure levels are high enough for a prolonged period of time, this could be linked to some types of cancers.

To be fair, everyone is exposed to some degree of formaldehyde in day to day life as its found in the air we breath every day, but the naturally occurring levels are usually low enough not to warrant a threat to your health.

When we are applying it right to our skin however, the game changes.

It doesnt break down as quickly and instead, is absorbed directly into the body which can be significantly more harmful than the amounts we breathe in through the air.

Eczema and changes in lung function have been observed, as well as gastrointestinal ulcers, liver and kidney damage when orally exposed to excessive amounts of this toxin.

Scary Shampoo Ingredient #: Fragrance

Typically, when we open up a bottle of shampoo we are greeted with a fresh scent that is appealing, but in reality this pleasant smell is really a warning sign.

The fragrances used in shampoos may contain thousands of chemicals, some of which are phthalates and may be linked to conditions such as attention-deficit disorder, breast cancer, obesity, type 2 diabetes, reduced IQ levels, neurodevelopmental issues, behavior issues, autism spectrum disorders, as well as altered reproductive issues in both men and women.


And many people also show skin sensitivities or even allergies to fragrances as well, which also presents a problem with ongoing use.

Many of the fragrances used in shampoos and other beauty products are endocrine disruptors and can alter the natural hormonal state youre in, triggering weight gain and other diseases if exposure is continual and constant.

Remember, its not necessarily the minimal exposure you have to one of these compounds that can potentially cause the damage.

Its the cumulative load over time of being exposed to several of them at once that can really do the damage.

The bad news is that youll have to spend a little time analyzing labels to avoid these compounds its just not worth the risk.

The good news is that in todays world you have dozens of all-natural and organic alternatives to use instead. Yes, they typically cost more, but you cant put a price tag on your health and longevity!

Heres to your long term health and longevity.

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Alzheimers Disease: Black Americans Are Hardest Hit

As the aging population continues to grow, so will the prevalence of Alzheimers disease in Blacks. Worse yet, studies show that Blacks will be hit hardest.

According to the Alzheimers Associations 2018 Alzheimers Disease Facts and Figures, an estimated 5.2 million Americans have Alzheimers disease and 1.1 million of them are Black-American.

Alzheimers disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. However, it is the fourth leading cause of death in older Blacks.

Moreover, where you live can impact how likely you are to die as a result of Alzheimers.

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For example, deaths from Alzheimers in Mississippi are 45.8 percent higher than in any other state. On the other hand, New York residents with Alzheimers experience the lowest death rate at 13.1 percent.

What is Alzheimers Disease?

Alzheimers disease is a devastating, progressive disease. It slowly destroys memory and thinking skills. It also causes challenging behavior problems, and eventually leads to an inability to carry out simple tasks.

Most people with Alzheimers have a late-onset type with symptoms appearing in their mid-60s. Early-onset Alzheimers disease is very rare, occurring in individuals between 30 to 65 years of age.

Why are Blacks Hardest Hit?

Scientists dont yet fully understand;what causes Alzheimers disease;in most people.

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Ingredients You Don’t Want In Your Skincare Products

Preventing Alzheimer

Well, here it is, a very comprehensive list of harmful chemicals currently;used in skincare, hair care, makeup, and fragrances . Use this list anytime you buy a beauty product. And for goodness sake, dont keep it secret, please feel free to copy it and give it to your family members and friends. Minimize your exposure to these chemicals. Ideally, eliminate them from your beauty routine. They are the worst enemies of your skin and hair.

  • Acrylic Acid; respiratory toxin for humans; causes asthma, severe skin burns, and allergic reaction in the skin or lungs; causes renal and;kidney damage in animals; causes blood tumors and skin tumors in animals.
  • Aluminum ;- strong human neurotoxicant; causes irritation of eyes, skin, and lungs; endocrine disruptor; linked to Alzheimers disease and breast cancer; causes birth disorders in animals.
  • Aluminium Chloride; nose and lung irritant; causes liver and bladder abnormalities in animals; causes brain disorders in animals; human endocrine disruptor linked to breast cancer and Alzheimers disease; aluminum compounds are generally neurotoxic to humans.
  • Aluminium Hydrochloride; endocrine disruptor linked to breast cancer and Alzheimers disease; aluminum compounds are neurotoxic to humans.
  • Aluminium Oxide; strong nose and lung irritant; causes skin cancer in animals; endocrine disruptor linked to breast cancer and Alzheimers disease; aluminum compounds are neurotoxic to humans.
  • Cetyl alcohol;- skin and eye irritant in humans.

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    Alzheimer’s Disease Causes Stages And Symptoms

    Alzheimer’s disease is a common cause of dementia. Symptoms and warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease include memory loss, difficulty performing familiar tasks, disorientation to time and place, misplacing things, and more. The biggest risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease is increased age. Treatment for Alzheimer’s is often targeted toward decreasing the symptoms and progression of the disease.

    Scary Shampoo Ingredient #: Sodium Laureth Sulphate

    The risk of this particular chemical is all dependent on the manufacturing process being used to create the shampoo in question. When Sodium Laureth Sulphate gets mixed in with Dioxane, this is when problems begin to occur. A process called ethoxylation occurs and now you have a real carcinogen on your hands.

    Dioxane is a compound that the body struggles to properly metabolize and remove from the system as waste material, therefore it resides for lengthy periods of time. This is what then increases your risk for cancer development.

    While an acute run-in with Dioxane is not likely to pose much of a threat, its when this is being used for weeks, months, and years on a regular basis that concern is warranted.

    Its also important to note that Sodium Laureth Sulphate isnt just found in shampoo either. You can find it in other personal hygiene products including toothpastes, mouthwashes, body wash, as well as some soaps.

    Apart from the carcinogenic effects of this compound, many people often find that it irritates the skin as well. So if you find that you have dry, itchy scalp or possibly even are noticing symptoms of dandruff, this could be irritation due to the Sodium Laureth Sulphate in your shampoo.

    Likewise, if your skin is becoming irritated, dont be too fast to always assume its your body wash. While body washes can have this ingredient, if yours doesnt, it could be the shampoo you are using having the effect.

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    Scary Shampoo Ingredient #: Propylene Glycol

    Next up on the hit list of ingredients to be on the lookout for is one of the most popular toxic ingredients, Propylene Glycol.

    Believe it or not, this toxin is used to create of all things; anti-freeze, which could obviously kill you if you were to drink it.

    Sadly, its also being used in many health and beauty care products as well.

    Youll find it in hand sanitizers, moisturizers, conditioners, shampoos, and even baby products.

    Youll also find it in a large number of processed foods, which is yet another reason to avoid processed foods altogether.

    Electronic cigarettes also contain this ingredient as it gives them that smooth taste that most people like and you may even find it in your medicine cabinet as some pharmaceutical companies are using it to help with the absorption of the active ingredients in those medicines.

    Obviously the dose you are getting from these products is much lower than youd ever get in anti-freeze, but make no mistake about it this is a chemical and can be absorbed through the skin. When doses of it get high enough, it can be linked to liver and kidney damage.

    When we look at the Environmental Working Groups4 assessment of this particular compound, it earns a grade of 3, which means its right between the low to moderate hazard range. The biggest concerns related to propylene glycol are allergies and immuno-toxicity. It can cause irritation of the skin, eyes, or lungs.


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