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Does Bill Clinton Have Dementia

Hillarys Plan Builds On Her Long Record Of Working Across The Aisle On Behalf Of Patients And Families Dealing With Alzheimers Disease:

Bill And Hillary Clinton Open Up About Monica Lewinsky Affair In New Documentary | TODAY
  • In the U.S. Senate, she consistently pushed for greater funding for Alzheimerâs research, including federally funded stem cell research.
  • She also co-chaired the Congressional Task Force on Alzheimerâs Disease and introduced legislation to restore funding for the Alzheimerâs Association 24/7 Contact Center and for Alzheimerâs disease demonstration grants.

The Office of

Its Still Bill Clinton But The Old Magic Seems To Be Missing

By Patrick Healy

MASON CITY, Iowa Bill Clinton came to vote-rich Mason City on Wednesday night and recounted his wifes life experiences, recited her policy ideas, and ripped into the Republicans a bit. But what Mr. Clinton used to do so well, and what Hillary Clinton needs only days before the Iowa caucuses on Monday, was nowhere to be found: a polished, piercing critique of an opponent, in this case Bernie Sanders.

At an event in Las Vegas last week, Mr. Clinton, 69, looked smaller and his voice seemed weaker than in past campaigns, and people had to strain to hear him at times.

He was at his best as he finessed the intricacies of politics and policy, but he occasionally meandered, leaving the audience, including some who had lined up for hours to see him, seeming more politely attentive than inspired.

At a critical moment when the former president is again answering the call to try to energize his wifes campaign, even some of his admirers are wondering if he has lost some of that old Clinton magic.

He seemed perfunctory, looked gaunt, didnt seem to captivate the crowd, said Jon Ralston, a veteran political commentator in Nevada, who attended the Las Vegas event last Friday. I have seen him speak many times, and he just didnt seem to be the same guy. He could still summon stats and an anecdote or two, but not with the same verve.

Hes not as fiery as he once was, but he has an air of real self-confidence, Mr. Bruno said.

Expanded Offence Of Knowingly Failing To Comply With Reporting Obligations

Under the current law, it is an offence for a medical or nurse practitioner to knowingly fail to comply with the reporting obligations set out in subsection 241.31. Bill C-7 would expand the scope of the existing offence to ensure that it applies to all professionals who would be subject to the expanded reporting obligations introduced by clause 3.

Right to liberty

Because imprisonment is available as a punishment for the expanded offence, the section 7 right to liberty is engaged. However, in reviewing the relevant provisions, the Minister has not identified any potential inconsistencies with the principles of fundamental justice.

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Bill Clinton Has 2020 Advice But Few Candidates Seeking It

WASHINGTON Nearly 20 years after he left the White House, Bill Clinton is still sought after for advice by some Democrats running for president. But the names on his dance card in recent months underscore how much his standing in the party has changed.

So far, none of the partys early front-runners has had a formal meeting with Clinton. Nor have the women who are running in the historically diverse primary field.

Instead, Clinton has spoken mostly with male candidates who are considered longshots for the Democratic nomination, including Montana Gov. Steve Bullock, former Housing secretary Julian Castro and former Maryland Rep. John Delaney.

Clinton remains one of Democrats most successful politicians of the last half-century and one of its strongest messengers on the economy. Yet the party has shifted considerably to the left since his two terms in White House, and his personal baggage as well as lingering hostilities from his wife Hillary Clintons failed 2016 campaign make him an awkward adviser for some in his partys next class of presidential hopefuls.

Tensions run particularly deep between the Clintons and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who has launched another bid for the White House. The Clintons blame Sanders for damaging Hillary Clinton during the 2016 primary. And as they assess the 2020 field, the Clintons dont believe Sanders is capable of beating Trump, according to those who have spoken with them.

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Former Clinton Adviser: ‘biden Should Be Required To Have A Test For Alzheimers Disease’

Former White House aide says Clinton has dementia

A former adviser to President Bill Clinton said hes concerned about 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Bidens mental acuity.

Dick Morris, who was Clintons political adviser and later campaign manager, argued that the former vice presidents memory lapses make President Trumps reelection more likely.

I dont think that Biden has much of a chance of defeating Trump. I think that Biden is a very fragile candidate, Morris told radio show host John Catsimatidis on Sunday. He has risen from the dead, but the ashes still remain. I think hes incredibly vulnerable on the Hunter Biden issue. I think his gaffes raise serious questions about his mental ability.

Biden, 77, has often mixed up details in the stories he tells on the campaign trail, bringing scrutiny about his ability to be an effective counterpuncher to Trump.

Biden should be required to have a test for Alzheimers disease. We cant elect a president who has that deterioration of the brain setting in at the start of his term, Morris said. Were entitled to know that. His personal inability to function will become more and more apparent, particularly on the debate stage. … Hes becoming senile or coming down with Alzheimers.

The report did not mention any declining cognitive ability or mental function.

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Jamie First Claimed That Britney Has Dementia In 2008

He did not seem to expand on these claims in the paperwork, though, and it’s never been revealed if this is something Spears has been formally diagnosed with.

However, this is a source of debate for Britney fans.

Azhar, the journalist behind ” The Battle for Britney,” told Express, I think it seems far-fetched, particularly when early-onset dementia gets progressively worse. She was diagnosed with dementia, according to the court papers. That would have been years ago and up until a couple of years ago, she was still doing her Las Vegas residency.”

Spears’s ability to perform at the intensity she has is a common point made by the Free Britney movement followers who believe Spears’s dementia diagnosis is a plot to keep the performer under her father’s control.

There is no way any dementia patient is going on world tours, doing Vegas residencies, is learning 27 back-to-back combo numbers, full choreography. No honey, that is not happening, fan Hayley Herms told The Sun.

Hearing Aids Cost Too Much

At present, very few states require health insurers to cover the cost of hearing aids for people of all ages. As a result, 61 percent of users pay the bill themselves. At an average price of $1,675 per ear for equipment, fittings and evaluations, hearing aids can take a bite out of your budget. Factor in the high cost of hearing loss, however, and it is money well spent.

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I Heard That Hearing Aids Are Difficult To Use

There is a breaking-in period as youand your central auditory system and brainadjust to life with hearing aids. Thats why most doctors and hearing centers include a trial period, so you can be sure the type youve chosenwhether its a miniature behind-the-ear model or one that fits into your earis right for you.

If President Trump Were Cognitively Impaired How Would We Know

Dementia couple’s remarkable story of love, commitment and an unusual bicycle | 60 Minutes Australia
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President Donald Trump alongside Jared Kushner, left, and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, second… from left, during a working lunch with Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy on Sept. 26.

President Donald Trump describes reports that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called him a moron as fake news. To disprove the claim if, in fact, Tillerson did say it Trump wants them to compare IQ tests.

President Trump is right to be upset. Moron is a stigmatizing and insulting term . His response about comparing IQs has, however, engaged a concern swirling about his presidency. Recently, Senator Robert Corker compared the White House to an adult day care. These sorts of remarks from observers, as well as public behaviors such as President Trumps speech patterns and his forgetting to sign an executive order, have raised concerns about his;brain health.

The medical term for this is late-life cognitive impairment. It describes an older adult who had functioned independently in adulthood but is experiencing a decline in one or more of the brains abilities, such as memory, planning, organizing and speaking.

Does President Trump have cognitive impairment? If he does, is it impairing his day-to-day function, and whats the cause? These questions should be answered by the results of his annual presidential medical exam.

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Could Masks Be The Culprit

Dementia or not, double-mask wearing will not help address his many missteps and senior moments.

The Hayride has documented well the adverse health effects of wearing COVID facemasks.; Citing the CDCs own publication from June 2020 which states in black and white that COVID facemasks trap carbon dioxide leading to cognitive loss and even cardiovascular disease.; We also cited a Harvard Study showing breathing in as little as 945 PPM of CO2 lowers cognitive ability 15% and at 1400 PPM of CO2 cognitive ability reduces by 50%. Double-masking traps a greater concentration of CO2.

U.S. Sens. Rand Paul and Ted Cruz had a lot to say about the mask mandates over the past couple weeks.; Paul said that masks weretheatre for those that have either taken COVID vaccines or have been infected and now have natural immunity.; Cruz also takes the stance that hes vaccinated so he should not be forced to wear a mask following CDC guidelines.

For Biden to wear a mask let alone two at this point after he was vaccinated is not only theatre, but is also irresponsible and could be accelerating his cognitive decline in a similar fashion someone with lung cancer would have metastasis quicken if they continued to smoke.; This is not only affecting him, but also sends the wrong message to those that have cognitive loss to wear a facemask, especially since the masks are mandated for federal employees as well as for interstate travel executive order.

As President Hillary Will:

  • Commit to preventing, effectively treating, and making a cure possible for Alzheimerâs disease by 2025.
  • Invest $2 billion per year in research for Alzheimerâs and related disorders, the level leading researchers have determined necessary to prevent and effectively treat Alzheimerâs and make a cure possible by 2025.
  • Make sure that funding is reliable and consistent so researchers can work steadily toward effective treatment.
  • Put the best and brightest on the case. Hillary will appoint a top-flight team of research and health experts to oversee this ambitious initiative.

Read Also: Does Medicare Cover Nursing Home Care For Dementia

Steve Bannon Believed Trump Had Early Stage Dementia Tv Producer Claims

  • Ira Rosen says Bannon had great frustrations with Trump
  • Bannon spoke of removing president with 25th amendment
  • US politics live coverage

Former White House strategist Steve Bannon thought Donald Trump was suffering from early-stage dementia and campaigned covertly to remove him from office via the 25th amendment, according to a veteran TV producer.

Ira Rosen, the author of a new memoir about his work for CBS, Ticking Clock: Behind the Scenes at 60 Minutes, was speaking to Skullduggery, a podcast from Yahoo News.

Rosen told hosts Michael Isikoff and Daniel Klaidman his book was not a dish on this person or that person, then gave listeners a taste of the dish inside.

He was asked about his relationship with Bannon, which developed around attempts to set up a 60 Minutes interview. Steve is a big talker, a big gossiper, Rosen said. He became a source for a lot of media people in Washington.

The former investment banker and failed Hollywood producer who came to run the ultra-rightwing Breitbart News website was Trumps campaign chairman in his 2016 election victory over Hillary Clinton. But Bannon was fired as a White House strategist in August 2017, amid fallout over Trumps praise for white supremacist marchers in Charlottesville, Virginia.

In the early days of the Trump administration, Rosen said, he became kind of a therapist for Bannon, loitering in the chief of staffs office, drinking Diet Cokes and he would kind of download to me on stories.

Spears Having Dementia Allows Her Conservator To Have More Control Over Her

Bill Clinton Dying Of AIDS (PICS)

As the legal paperwork revealed, Spears having dementia would allow whoever’s in charge of her conservatorship to have more power over her than any other type of conservatorship would.

On February 3, 2008 the psychiatrist Dr Long James who has treated Britney in 2007 at some point let Jamie’s lawyer knows that he REFUSEs to provide a “declaration of capacity” and neither him or his lawyer want to talk with Jamie’s lawyer Geraldine A Wyle

Meaner 03

If true, this may have been why Jamie wanted to claim that his daughter is suffering from the illness.

Was it Dr. Deborah Nadel who has hired one week before the 5150 she ordered because Britney refused to take her anti-psychotic? Or Was it Dr. James E Spar who made that declaration that Britney lacked the capacity to hire her own counsel ?

Meaner 03

Probate Code Section 2356.5 allows conservators to request particularly strong powers if the conservative allegedly suffers from dementia. If the conservatee has a dementia-related illness, the conservator may be empowered to place the conservatee in a locked-door institution and to authorize the administration of medications ‘appropriate to the care of dementia,'” says the document.

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Letter: Bill Clinton Is Showing Signs That Something May Be Amiss

Bill Clinton is showing signs that something may be amiss

A few times when I saw Bill Clinton on television he looked foggy, as if he had dementia. So the fact that he visited in a secret meeting with the attorney general to supposedly discuss grandchildren, etc., confirms, in my mind, he has suffered some mental relapse.

It is very disconcerting why he picked the attorney general to discuss personal matters. It could be because the Hillary Clinton email probe due to be revealed was the actual conversation.

With Bill Clinton as her husband, Hillary doesnt need an enemy.

Betty Heimiller

Bill Clinton Wasting Away Due To Health Problems

Is Bill Clinton dying of various health problems including Parkinsons disease? One extremely bogus tabloid claimed that was the case. Gossip Cop can debunk the absurd rumor.

Is Bill Clinton dying of various health problems including Parkinsons disease? One extremely bogus tabloid claimed that was the case. Gossip Cop can debunk the absurd rumor.

According to an article published in the Globe last October, the former president had become a walking skeleton at just 137 pounds amid heart problems and Parkinsons disease. The tabloid quoted former Clinton aide Larry Nichols as saying, I believe he is not long for this earth. Hes dying. A supposed medical expert added that a sudden heart attack amid the stress of possibly facing an inquiry in the Jeffrey Epstein scandal was a real dangerous possibility for Clinton.

The tabloid then goes on to speculate wildly about Clintons supposed battles with Parkinsons and dementia, citing an unnamed Clinton confidante who says hes showing all the signs of the debilitating condition including tremors in his hand and memory lapses. An unnamed medical source who insists Clinton could wander away and get completely lost without the aid of his secret service. Hes going down and hes going down fast, now, Nichols finishes.

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Alzheimers Disease Affects A Growing Number Of Americans And Their Families To Support Those Families Hillary Will:

  • Make it easier for families and individuals with Alzheimerâs to get the care they need. Medicare should cover comprehensive Alzheimerâs care-planning sessions and the cost of properly documenting every diagnosis and care plan.
  • Help protect loved ones who wander. Hillary will work with Congress to reauthorize the Missing Alzheimerâs Disease Patient Alert Program to help find individuals who are reported missing.
  • Ensure our seniors are aware and can take advantage of their Medicare benefits.Hillary will direct the Social Security Administration to raise awareness about the wellness visits, cognitive screenings, and other preventive benefits covered by Medicare.

Bill Clinton: Hand Tremor Is Not Parkinson’s

President Clinton opens up about relationship with Monica Lewinsky l GMA

“The first time it happened, I had to go get myself checked to make sure I didn’t have Parkinson’s, and I was so relieved I didn’t care how much it shook after that,” he said. The topic came up as Clinton discussed golf’s forthcoming ban on anchored putting, where the club or hands rest against the body. The former president spoke about his tremor and negative diagnosis for Parkinson’s in 2009 with CNN’s Sanjay Gupta.

“If I had Parkinson’s, I wanted to know so I could prepare. And I had it tested and the doctor said ‘no.’ He says it’s just a normal aging phenomenon,” Clinton said. The Humana Challenge ends Sunday at the PGA West Palmer course in La Quinta, Calif. CNN reported Clinton’s comments Friday.

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Also Check: Does Smelling Farts Help Prevent Dementia

Excluding Eligibility For Maid Where Mental Illness Is The Sole Underlying Medical Condition

While expanding eligibility for MAID to include people whose natural death is not reasonably foreseeable, the Bill would exclude individuals whose sole medical condition is a mental illness. In order to be eligible for MAID, paragraph 241.2 provides that a person must have a serious and incurable illness, disease or disability. The Bill proposes that a mental illness would not be considered an illness, disease or disability for the purpose of paragraph 241.2 ).

Liberty and security of the person and equality

Because clause 1 would continue to prohibit MAID for individuals whose sole medical condition is a mental illness, it has the potential to engage liberty and security of the person. It also engages section 15 because the exclusion from eligibility for MAID would apply to individuals who suffer from a mental illness. The following considerations support the consistency of clause 1 with the Charter.

In Carter, which addressed the section 7 Charter implications of the absolute prohibition on MAID under the previous law, the Supreme Court of Canada stated that MAID for persons with psychiatric disorders did not fall within the parameters of its reasons.


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