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HomeNewsDoes Hillary Clinton Have Vascular Dementia

Does Hillary Clinton Have Vascular Dementia

Spears Having Dementia Allows Her Conservator To Have More Control Over Her

Hillary Clintons Seizures with Vascular Dementia

As the legal paperwork revealed, Spears having dementia would allow whoevers in charge of her conservatorship to have more power over her than any other type of conservatorship would.

On February 3, 2008 the psychiatrist Dr Long James who has treated Britney in 2007 at some point let Jamies lawyer knows that he REFUSEs to provide a declaration of capacity and neither him or his lawyer want to talk with Jamies lawyer Geraldine A Wyle

Meaner 03

If true, this may have been why Jamie wanted to claim that his daughter is suffering from the illness.

Was it Dr. Deborah Nadel who has hired one week before the 5150 she ordered because Britney refused to take her anti-psychotic? Or Was it Dr. James E Spar who made that declaration that Britney lacked the capacity to hire her own counsel ?

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Probate Code Section 2356.5 allows conservators to request particularly strong powers if the conservative allegedly suffers from dementia. If the conservatee has a dementia-related illness, the conservator may be empowered to place the conservatee in a locked-door institution and to authorize the administration of medications appropriate to the care of dementia,’says the document.

Excluding Eligibility For Maid Where Mental Illness Is The Sole Underlying Medical Condition

While expanding eligibility for MAID to include people whose natural death is not reasonably foreseeable, the Bill would exclude individuals whose sole medical condition is a mental illness. In order to be eligible for MAID, paragraph 241.2 provides that a person must have a serious and incurable illness, disease or disability. The Bill proposes that a mental illness would not be considered an illness, disease or disability for the purpose of paragraph 241.2 ).

Liberty and security of the person and equality

Because clause 1 would continue to prohibit MAID for individuals whose sole medical condition is a mental illness, it has the potential to engage liberty and security of the person. It also engages section 15 because the exclusion from eligibility for MAID would apply to individuals who suffer from a mental illness. The following considerations support the consistency of clause 1 with the Charter.

In Carter, which addressed the section 7 Charter implications of the absolute prohibition on MAID under the previous law, the Supreme Court of Canada stated that MAID for persons with psychiatric disorders did not fall within the parameters of its reasons.

Hillary Clintons Medical Records Reveal The Issues: Blackouts & Subcortical Vascular Dementia

Here we have it, folks. If these are the actual reports, Hitlary is unfit for office. I guess they thought we wouldnt notice the symptoms. Lying has worked so well for them in the past.

It sounds as though her fall in 2012 wasnt the cause of her current concussive issues, but a symptom of a serious condition she developed prior, suggesting that she has been having related issues for several years but they probably think we cant handle the truth.

See the Source link to read the documents dated February 2014.

Thanks, Richard. ~ BP

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The Mini Mental State Examination

Lets take a look at her Comples Partical Seizures.

  • Abrupt jerking muscle movements in an arm or leg
  • Chewing or other mouth or tongue movements, or pulling or fumbling with clothing without a purpose
  • A blank stare with no apparent awareness of ones surroundings
  • A sudden feeling of fear, joy or rage that comes without reason
  • Repeating a phrase or word
  • A change in vision or a hallucination
  • A sensation of smell or taste, usually unpleasant, that does not come from a real object or food
  • Sudden loss of balance or dizziness

Hillary Medical Records Revealed Dementia Seizures Black

Does Hillary Clinton Have Brain Damage?

According to the Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, Subcortical Vascular Dementia is defined as follows:

Subcortical Vascular Dementia. Subcortical vascular dementia, also called Binswangers disease, is caused by widespread, microscopic areas of damage to the brain resulting from the thickening and narrowing of arteries that supply blood to the subcortical areas of the brain.

The medical definition above makes clear that Hillarys condition is also known as Binswangers disease . We checked with the National Institutes of Health and they offer the following information:

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Recovery From Head Injury

Accounts of how long it took for Mrs. Clinton to recover from symptoms of the concussion are discordant. Dr. Bardack said they had resolved in two months. But former President Bill Clinton said his wifes concussion had required six months of very serious work to get over.

Unspecified tests performed in 2013 showed complete resolution of the effects of the concussion, as well as total dissolution of the blood clot, Dr. Bardack wrote in 2015. On Thursday, she wrote that a CT scan of Mrs. Clintons brain in March 2016 showed no abnormalities. Mrs. Clinton has not released statements from a neurologist, neurosurgeon or other specialists involved in her care in Washington and New York.

Because Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump are in the age range of increased risk for Alzheimers and other forms of dementia, some experts have urged that they both take neuro-cognitive tests that can detect early clues to dementia. While dementia can develop independent of head trauma, researchers are exploring whether a head injury might hasten development of dementia, as has been seen with former boxers and football players. Neither Mrs. Clinton nor Mr. Trump has said whether they have taken such neuropsychological tests. Dr. Bardack wrote that Mrs. Clinton is in excellent mental condition.

Cellular Vessels Predict Likelihood Of Mild Cognitive Impairment Developing Into Dementia

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Mild cognitive impairment is often a transitional stage between normal aging and dementia. It is associated with more minor cognitive impairment and carries an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s dementia.MCI patients progress to Alzheimer’s disease at rates as high as 10-15% per year, prompting an increased emphasis upon diagnosing MCI early and developing treatments that can delay or prevent conversion to AD. While clinically distinguishable from normal aging and AD, MCI remains nonetheless a complex condition with many and varied causes.

Alzheimer’s & DementiaAlzheimer’s & Dementia

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Trumps Claim That Clinton Lacks The Physical Stamina To Be President

To defeat crime and radical Islamic terrorism in our country, to win trade in our country, you need tremendous physical and mental strength and stamina. Hillary Clinton doesnt have that strength and stamina.

Trump, speech in Youngstown, Ohio, Aug. 15, 2016

Two days in a row, in prepared speeches, Trump asserted that that his rival Clinton lacks mental and physical stamina to do the job as president.

Thats surely no accident, but a campaign official did not respond to a query about why the GOP presidential nominee was making this claim. We assume Trumps rhetoric is related to a not-so-quiet campaign among right-leaning news entities to highlight concerns about Clintons health, often shared on social media with #HillarysHealth.

Our colleague David Weigel has already taken a good look at the smorgasbord of junk science being used to promote such claims. But now that Trump has raised the issue himself, we thought it would be a valuable service to collect all of the claims in one place and assess whether any hold water.

Does Hillary Have Binswanger’s Disease

The Clinton Meltdown Is Hillary Possessed and Does Bill Have Dementia Check It Out vumanhtoan72

Binswanger’s disease , also called subcortical vascular dementia, is a type of dementia caused by widespread, microscopic areas of damage to the deep layers of white matter in the brain. The damage is the result of the thickening and narrowing of arteries that feed the subcortical areas of the brain. Atherosclerosis is a systemic process that affects blood vessels throughout the body. It begins late in the fourth decade of life and increases in severity with age. As the arteries become more and more narrowed, the blood supplied by those arteries decreases and brain tissue dies. A characteristic pattern of BD-damaged brain tissue can be seen with modern brain imaging techniques such as CT scans or magnetic resonance imaging . The symptoms associated with BD are related to the disruption of subcortical neural circuits that control what neuroscientists call executive cognitive functioning: short-term memory, organization, mood, the regulation of attention, the ability to act or make decisions, and appropriate behavior. The most characteristic feature of BD is psychomotor slowness – an increase in the length of time it takes, for example, for the fingers to turn the thought of a letter into the shape of a letter on a piece of paper. Other symptoms include forgetfulness , changes in speech, an unsteady gait, clumsiness or frequent falls, changes in personality or mood , and urinary symptoms that aren’t caused by urological disease.

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Bill Clinton Suffering From Syphilitic Dementia Says Secret Source

Breaking News!!

Tragedy Revealed By Washington Insider

Recently I was cohered by some of my relatives into going on a hunting expedition for wild hogs, deer, and ducks in south Georgia. This group included my cousin, WS who shall remain nameless for reasons that will soon become obvious. This particular cousin works in the intelligence community for the organization that is known worldwide by a three letter acronym that starts with C and ends with A but I can say no more about that. Our hosts were our mutual cousins, Otis and his younger brother Earl, from Soperton, Georgia. For the most part, my south Georgia relatives look like cookie-cutter versions of Larry The Cable Guy though the men dont fare quite that well. Most of them are only a few DNA loops away from their Neanderthal roots. But Otis and Earl are really good guys, all in all, though given half a chance they will tease a retard damn near to death. So if youre ever in McRae, or Soperton, Georgia, and need your brakes lined or your groceries expertly bagged, these would be the guys to see.

Is that right? I said.

Thats right.

Eventually, our conversation turned to Hillarys aborted campaign. Bills fault, WS said tersely.

I know hes been in a public tussle with black people once or twice while Hillary was running for president, I said.

A Clinton criticizing the press? Thats like madness.

I shrugged. Something I found myself always doing with WS, who always seemed to be asking hard questions.

If President Trump Were Cognitively Impaired How Would We Know

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President Donald Trump alongside Jared Kushner, left, and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, second from left, during a working lunch with Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy on Sept. 26.

President Donald Trump describes reports that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called him a moron as fake news. To disprove the claim if, in fact, Tillerson did say it Trump wants them to compare IQ tests.

President Trump is right to be upset. Moron is a stigmatizing and insulting term . His response about comparing IQs has, however, engaged a concern swirling about his presidency. Recently, Senator Robert Corker compared the White House to an adult day care. These sorts of remarks from observers, as well as public behaviors such as President Trumps speech patterns and his forgetting to sign an executive order, have raised concerns about his brain health.

The medical term for this is late-life cognitive impairment. It describes an older adult who had functioned independently in adulthood but is experiencing a decline in one or more of the brains abilities, such as memory, planning, organizing and speaking.

Does President Trump have cognitive impairment? If he does, is it impairing his day-to-day function, and whats the cause? These questions should be answered by the results of his annual presidential medical exam.

Recommended Reading: What Color Ribbon Is Alzheimer’s

Islam/ The Coming Middle East War

Members of Hashid Shaabi hold a banner of Abdul-Malik al-Houthi during a demonstration to show support for Yemens Shiite Houthis and in protest of an air campaign in Yemen by a Saudi-led coalition, in Baghdad, March 31, 2015

Shiite alliance against Saudis grows tighter 09/08/16 There is no doubt that the Islamic civil war is coming. This is background information on the buildup toward this war.

In his annual message addressed to pilgrims on Sept. 5, Irans Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei attacked the Saudi alliance and described the Saudi leaders as strife instigators in the region. He blamed them for the chaos and destruction across the Muslim world, naming Iraq, Syria, Bahrain, Yemen and Libya as affected areas.Iran had made an announcement about forming a Shiite liberation army to face Saudi and Israeli threats, as Iran believes the two countries are allies. On Aug. 18, Brig. Gen. Mohammad Ali Falaki, a commander of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps who spearheaded several operations in Syria, announced the formation of a Shiite liberation army including men of different nationalities Iraqis, Afghans and Lebanese, among others.He said that Gen. Qasem Soleimani, the head of Irans elite Quds Force, will lead the army whose forces are currently fighting in Iraq, Syria and Yemen. Soleimani hopes to open new fronts in other regions in the Middle East.

An End To Alzheimers Disease

VASCULAR DEMENTIA: Hillary Clinton Has 1 Year to Live ...

Note: This page is a reproduction of the Hillary for America policy proposal on an end to Alzheimers disease.

Alzheimerâs disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. Itâs the only cause of death in the top 10 that we canât prevent, cure, or even delay.

As the population of our country ages, the number of people suffering from Alzheimerâs is expected to grow to nearly 15 million Americansâand could cost more than $1 trillion per yearâby 2050.

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Bill Clinton Has 2020 Advice But Few Candidates Seeking It

WASHINGTON Nearly 20 years after he left the White House, Bill Clinton is still sought after for advice by some Democrats running for president. But the names on his dance card in recent months underscore how much his standing in the party has changed.

So far, none of the partys early front-runners has had a formal meeting with Clinton. Nor have the women who are running in the historically diverse primary field.

Instead, Clinton has spoken mostly with male candidates who are considered longshots for the Democratic nomination, including Montana Gov. Steve Bullock, former Housing secretary Julian Castro and former Maryland Rep. John Delaney.

Clinton remains one of Democrats most successful politicians of the last half-century and one of its strongest messengers on the economy. Yet the party has shifted considerably to the left since his two terms in White House, and his personal baggage as well as lingering hostilities from his wife Hillary Clintons failed 2016 campaign make him an awkward adviser for some in his partys next class of presidential hopefuls.

Tensions run particularly deep between the Clintons and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who has launched another bid for the White House. The Clintons blame Sanders for damaging Hillary Clinton during the 2016 primary. And as they assess the 2020 field, the Clintons dont believe Sanders is capable of beating Trump, according to those who have spoken with them.

Follow Julie Pace at

Yes Hillary Almost Fainted: I’m A Doctor And It’s Really Ok

Hillary Diane Rodham ClintonIs the urban-rural divide a myth?Biden nominates Meg Whitman as ambassador to KenyaMORE left early from the 9/11 commemoration in New York City Sunday as she felt overheated. The video of her leaving the event shows Clinton leaning against a concrete post and then her legs appearing to buckle under her as she is helped into a vehicle.

What happened?

The medical term for fainting is syncope. Syncope is the temporary loss of consciousness and posture, due to a temporary insufficient flow of blood to the brain.

If the feeling of faintness and light-headedness and weakness comes but there is no loss of consciousness, the event is called near-syncope.

The video posted on Twitter by Zdenek Gazda shows what appears to be near-syncope or an almost faint. Unless you were with Clinton in the van, its impossible to know if she actually did faint.

Hillary Clinton 9/11 NYC

Zdenek Gazda

As a doctor, I see near-syncope and syncope routinely this happens during and after procedures fairly routinely. With near-syncope it is pretty easy to intervene, as Mrs. Clintons team did, and prevent the faint.

Why do people faint or almost faint?

The lack of blood flow to the brain that triggers fainting can be caused by a wide variety of things, from anxiety or eating a massive meal all the way to very serious heart problems.

Cardiac problems can also lead to fainting.

What does this mean for Hillary Clintons health?

3) Was there an injury? No.

And so is she.

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Bombshell: Hillary Clinton Has Dementia According To Leaked Medical Records

Yesterday, August 8, the Hal Turner Showpublished what it claims to be Hillary Clintons medical records, from her personal physician, Dr. Lisa R. Bardack.

According to Dr. Bardack, Hillary has a form of dementia called Subcortical Vascular Dementia, and that since a concussion in early December of 2012, her black-outs, uncontrollable twitching, memory loss, and brain seizures have worsened and increased in frequency. Neither the dementia nor the seizure is curable, but instead is progressive, i.e., will worsen.

According to an ABC News report on December 31, 2012, Dr. Lisa Bardack was one of Hillarys attending physicians when she was hospitalized after sustaining a concussion from hitting her head when she fainted because of dehydration from a stomach virus.

It was Dr. Bardack of the Mt. Kisco Medical Group and Dr. Gigi El-Bayoumi of George Washington University who discovered a clot during a routine follow-up MRI. Brain scans showed a blood clot had formed in Hillarys right transverse venous sinus cerebral venous thrombosis which is a rare and potentially life-threatening condition. A transverse sinus thrombosis is a clot arising in one of the major veins that drains the brain. It is an uncommon but serious disorder in that the backup of blood flow could have caused a stroke or hemorrhage, leading to death.

What is Subcortical Vascular Dementia?


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