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Does President Biden Have Dementia

I Get It Trump Has Lowered The Bar Of Public Discourse But There Are Very Good Reasons Why This Shouldn’t Be Your Port Of Call And They Go All The Way Back To Ronald Reagan

Does Joe Biden have Dementia? | What is Dementia?

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Former Vice President Joe Biden is known as a loveable gaffe machine an unofficial title made possible by his many public blunders and the privilege of having those lapses viewed as endearing rather than disqualifying . But as the 77-year-old looks more and more to be the eventual Democratic nominee for president in the 2020 election, pundits, voters, and political rivals are using his so-called goofs to shamelessly question his cognitive abilities a practice that is not only ableist, but grossly negligent.

At a time when the world is facing the ramifications of a global pandemic and we are forced to seek reassurance from a president who is pretending to be some kind of medical savant while outright lying about a very real, very serious public health threat the last thing we need is people making unfounded accusations about someone else’s health.

But President Donald Trump has undoubtedly lowered if not entirely removed the bar from which we measure and uphold respectable public discourse in this country. In 2014, Trump questioned the mental health of then-President Barack Obama as he steered the country through the Ebola crisis, saying via Twitter: Theres something seriously wrong with President Obamas mental health and calling him a psycho.

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Andrew Budson:Well, if were talking about healthy aging, then processing speed is the first to be affected. If you are developing tiny strokes, then doing activities that involve a lot of complicated steps are affected, such as preparing your taxes, balancing your checkbook, and paying bills. If you are beginning to show signs of Alzheimers disease, then your memory will be affected first.

Joe Biden’s Dementia And Ghislaine Maxwell’s Shocking Photos’ In This Week’s Dubious Tabloids

‘National Enquirer’

Orgies in the Caribbean! The libidinous rich and famous fornicating on the Lolita Express private jet! Sex slaves delivering XXX-rated massages!

These are just some of the eye-searing possibilities conjured up by the ‘National Enquirer’ cover story: “Epstein Madam’s Twisted Photo Album Revealed!”

How twisted can these photographs possibly be of the late convicted billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his still-extant right-hand woman Ghislaine Maxwell, currently on trial for sex trafficking?

Nothing could quite prepare you for this.

There’s a photo of Maxwell with Epstein seated together on his private jet a photo of the two of them sitting on a bench another of the pair on a motorbike, and two where Ghislaine shockingly plants a chaste kiss on Epstein’s cheek. And then there’s a snap where she is fully clothed on Epstein’s jet, apparently giving him a foot massage. Oh, the horror!

Maxwell is certainly “caught on camera,” as the ‘Enquirer’ rejoices, but she’s been caught doing nothing worth all this hand-wringing.

“Party Animal Jen Going To Pot!”

Jennifer Aniston allegedly consumes marijuana edibles and CBD balms, and on occasions will “smoke a fat joint if the mood suits her.” Are we supposed to be shocked ? Hasn’t the ‘Enquirer’ heard that marijuana is legal in California?

“Phil Collins Will Die Laughing!”

Let’s be honest: the singer will probably die gasping for air, clutching his chest.

“Oh nose! Jackson’s Son Obsessed With Plastic Surgery.”

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Michael Reagan: Does Jill Biden Care For Her Husband’s Health

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Does anyone on the planet really still believe Joe Biden has the mental faculties to be president? Anyone in Congress? Anyone in the media? Seriously.

Its time for Democrats and Republicans to be honest. Skip the partisanship. Its not about how much you hate Donald Trump or Republicans or Fox News. Its not about your opinion of VP Kamala Harris.

Its not about the series of major domestic and foreign train wrecks Joe Biden has engineered in just eight months: the immigration crisis at the Southern border, the demolition of our energy independence, the botched, tragic and humiliating exit from Afghanistan.

Its about a sitting American president who proves every day that he doesnt have the mental chops or the physical stamina to be in charge of the most powerful and most important country on Earth. Watching Biden stumble through the motions of being president makes you understand why his keepers hide him in his basement from the media.

Anyone who watched his mini-press conference in the Oval Office with Boris Johnson this week couldnt help but be embarrassed for Biden and the country. It was a pathetic sight to see Boris commandeer the presser and screw up the plans of Bidens handlers Bidens controllers, really.

For the good of her husband and the country Jill Biden should do the same thing.

Biden Once Mocked Trump Over Slippery Ramp Descent

Donald Trump, 74, makes dementia a campaign issue in duel ...

In a recent speech, apparently having forgotten the name of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Biden called him, My . . . The guy who runs that outfit over there.

Lord knows what would have happened at CNN had Trump referred to any federal department as that outfit over there.

Dementia! Cognitive decline! And that would only be between breathless denunciations by Jake Tapper of Trump being racist for referring to a black four-star Army general as the guy.

Biden slogged his way through another recent speech promoting his COVID relief package. The vast majority of economists, he said, left, right and center, from Wall Street to the . . . to the . . . private . . . uh . . . economic polling initiatives . . . the economists, as I say, left, right and center, say, in addition to the needs that the people have, we need this to grow the economy.

Even the way Biden moves physically is remarkable. A wave of his hand or a gesture toward someone nearby is done with the speed of a particularly slow yoga stretch.

Once upon a time, the press cared about the physical and mental fitness of a president.

Recall that an entire news cycle was made out of a video that showed Trump walking slowly down an outdoor backstage ramp.

Heres the New York Times headline that came out of that: Trumps Halting Walk Down Ramp Raises New Health Questions.

And heres the papers headline after Biden ate it on the steps: Biden is doing 100 percent fine after tripping while boarding Air Force One.

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‘this Is A Puppeteer Act’

In a hospital waiting room last week with the TV tuned to Fox News, I happened to catch the truly weird clip of Idaho Sen. Jim Risch trying to get Secretary of State Antony Blinken to admit Biden is controlled by someone authorized to turn off his mic to shut him up.

He cant even speak without someone in the White House censoring it or signing off on it. As recently as yesterday, in mid-sentence, he was cut off by someone in the White House who makes the decision that the president of the United States is not speaking correctly. I would like to know who this person is. This is a puppeteer act, Risch said at a hearing on Afghanistan.

Blinken could barely suppress his amusement as Risch repeatedly demanded to know the identity of the mystery puppet master, and Blinken repeatedly replied that Biden is running his own White House.

Risch: The media showed the American people his sentence was cut off in mid-sentence. Are you saying that didnt happen?

Blinken: I really dont know what youre referring to. All I can tell you is the president very much speaks for himself.

Risch: He does speak for himself but what happens when somebody doesnt want him speaking?

Blinken: Senator, Im telling you based on my own experience with the president over the last 20 years, heh, anyone who tried to stop him from saying what he wanted to say, speaking his mind, would probably not be long for their job.

How The Pandemic Affected The Controlling Personality Type

In some ways, the groups evaluation of Biden resembles their past findings about Barack Obama, whom they found also showed accommodating traits. Before Obamas election, Immelman expressed concern about whether Obama was tough enough to succeed in the presidency.

The group sees Kamala Harris, Bidens choice for vice president, as dominant/asserting, with elements of ambitious/confident and outgoing/congenial. This kaleidoscope of traits adds up to a style that the group sees as high dominance charismatic. It is not clear how Immelman believes a candidate with such a personality will get along with the outgoing and accommodating Biden.

And Donald Trump? Immelmans group sees him as ambitious/exploitativethat means narcissistic, they explainand also outgoing/impulsive. This is an unusual combination, one they have not found in the 2020 Democratic nominees.

Can Biden defeat Trump in 2020? Mental health professionals have a poor track record of predicting adverse events in their patients, let alone election results involving candidates they have never met. But Immelman and colleagues have developed an empirical instrument they call the Personal Electability Index .

The PEI, has predicted correctlybefore Super Tuesday, no less”the outcome of every presidential election since 1996.

In March 2016, while polls heavily favored Hillary Clinton, the PEI calmly predicted she would lose to Donald Trump.

And according to the PEI, Donald Trump will win in November 2020.

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Biden ‘wrote A Bill That Is A Huge Contributor To Our Mass Incarceration Problem’

The term “mass incarceration” is relative. From 1980-94, the nation’s prison population more than doubled on a per capita basis, from 139 prisoners per 100,000 American residents to 387, according to the federal government’s Bureau of Justice Statistics for 1994. By contrast, from 1994 the year the crime bill was passed to 1995, the inmate population increased by 6.7%. The annual increase then dropped steadily for the next six years, from 5.1% between 1995-96 to 1.1% between 2000-01.

More:Fact check: 1994 crime bill did not bring mass incarceration of Black Americans

“During 2000, the prison population rose at the lowest rate since 1972 and had the smallest absolute increase since 1980,” the BJS study said.

In 1980 alone, state and federal prisons posted a 12% increase in the number of inmates, with an average yearly increase between 1980 and 1994 of 8.7%. In 1989, the federal and state inmate population swelled by a whopping 13.5% as 84,764 new inmates joined the prison ranks.

Our assessment: While the crime bill did increase the prison population in states, it did not bring about a mass incarceration relative to earlier years. Rather, it coincided with a slowdown in the annual grown of the state and federal prison population. We rate this claim as false.

Hunter Biden Therapist Mocks Joe Biden On Recovering From Dementia

Biden continues to ‘demonstrate his non-public dementia diagnosis’ almost every day

Hunter Biden, the scandal-generating son of President Joe Biden, exchanged text messages with a therapist in 2019 that contained jokes about Joe Biden recovering from dementia, a new book charges.

It was only a few months before Joe Biden announced his latest campaign to be president that Hunter Biden was discussing various issues with Keith Ablow, his friend and therapist.

On the topic of Democrat presidential candidates, Ablow said, Your dad is the answer, and then added, perhaps mockingly, Any man who can triumph over dementia is a giant. Think what he could do for our nations needed recovery.

The details come from a new book, Laptop from Hell: Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the President Tried to Hide, by Fox News contributor and New York Post columnist Miranda Devine.

That laptop apparently was abandoned by Hunter Biden at a repair shop, and when he failed to claim it, its hard drive became the property of the shop operator, and it was distributed to multiple news organizations.

Revelations have been stunning, including the idea that Joe Biden was in line for payments from Hunter Bidens overseas business deals, including those in China, Hunter Bidens scandalous dealings with prostitutes, and more.

Fox News reported Hunter Bidens reply was, Youre such an a but that made me laugh out loud.

Dad is our first guest, Hunter said, to which Ablow expressed his wonder whether Joe Biden can recall details, with the dementia and all.

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Is It Time To Face The Uncomfortable Truth About Our President

The presidents town hall last Tuesday was a literal disaster. When asked about his thoughts on the current genocide occurring in Xinjiang, the president responded dismissing the genocide as part of Chinas different norms. Joe Biden also suggested that Hispanic and African-American communities

Joe Biden Will Be The Oldest President Elected Is That Worrisome

MED neurologist and memory expert Andrew Budson explains what happens to the brain after 70

With the announcement Saturday, November 7, that Joe Biden had won the Electoral College, the nation has elected the oldest president in US history. At 77 , Biden is the same age Ronald Reagan was when he finished his second term. It was hardly surprising that during the 2020 campaign, there were a few questions about Bidens physical and mental fitness. Thats politics as usual. But should voters be worried about a president closer to 80 than 70?

What happens to the bodies of people in their 70s is readily apparent. But what happens to their brains can be harder to see. BU Today turned to Andrew Budson, a BU School of Medicine professor of neurology, chief of cognitive and behavioral neurology at the Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System, and the author of Seven Steps to Managing Your Memory: Whats Normal, Whats Not, and What to Do About It . Budson was happy to talk about how aging affects memory and decision-making in older people, as long as its clear he is not referring specifically to the next president.

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He Does Not Miss A Thing Trust Me Russian Leader Says After Geneva Summit With 78

6:28 PM on Jun 18, 2021 CDT Updated at 4:29 PM on Jun 19, 2021 CDT

WASHINGTON Texas Congressman Ronny Jackson, who gushed about Donald Trumps health during a controversial tenure as White House physician, has demanded in a letter to President Joe Biden that he undergo a cognitive test to rule out dementia.

But the 78-year-old president got a clean bill of mental health from Russian strongman Vladimir Putin a former KGB officer who usually relishes the chance to undermine an American counterpart.

He does not miss a thing, trust me, Putin, 68, said Thursday, the day after their summit in Geneva, vouching for Biden as he met with graduates at the Higher School of Public Administration in Moscow. Biden is a professional you have to be very attentive when working with him so as not to miss something.

That assessment of the oldest American president in history, as reported by the Russian news agency Tass and The Moscow Times, is at odds with the diagnosis from Jackson, a former Navy admiral who led the White House medical office under Trump and Barack Obama.

We cant sit on this any longer, Jackson, R-Amarillo, said Thursday night on Fox News Hannity, where he called Bidens performance this week embarrassing at the G-7 and NATO summits in England and Brussels, and the Putin summit in Switzerland. Hes not physically or cognitively fit to be our president right now.

The White House declined to comment on the letter.

This Disease Is Causing Big Concerns For Us President Biden If Not Controlled Every Single Bed Will Be Occupied In Next 15 Years He Says

Cognitive Test. Trump. Biden. Campaign. Flashpoint.

Alzheimers disease is the most common type of dementia. It is a progressive disease beginning with mild memory loss and possibly leading to loss of the ability to carry on a conversation and respond to the environment.

If you think that the US is grappling just with the Covid-19 pandemic which has been a reason for over 33 million people getting infected with the virus and over 6 lakh people succumbing to it, then see this. The country is worried about the growing number of cases of Alzheimer and the warning comes from none other than President Joe Biden.

Showing his concern on the growing cases of Alzheimer’s, the US President has once again reiterated that If we do not do something about Alzheimers in America, then every single solitary hospital bed that exists in America…Every single one will be occupied in the next 15 years by an Alzheimers patient.

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Biden pledged during his victory speech on 7 November 2020 to create an America that looks ahead to curing diseases like Alzheimer’s. This gave a beacon of hope to 5.8 million Americans. The 16.1 million caregivers currently devastated by a disease that has no cure. Advanced health was one of the important agendas for Biden at the time of the US Election.

BIDEN: If we do not do something about Alzheimers in America, every single solitary hospital bed that exists in America… Every single one will be occupied in the next 15 years by an Alzheimers patient.

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Bu Today: At What Age Does Cognitive Decline Usually Begin

Andrew Budson:There are some cognitive functions, including processing speed , that actually peak in your 20s and 30sand then go downhill in a straight line. Many othersincluding memory, reasoning, and spatial abilitymight drop a small amount from after age 30, but can remain quite stable over the years, as long as no brain disease is developing.


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