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Does Ben Carson Have Dementia

Ben Carson: A Case Study On Why Intelligent People Are Often Not Skeptics

Ben Carson Should Not Have His Job, Says Rep. After ‘Oreo’ Confusion | Morning Joe | MSNBC
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As a surgeon, I find Ben Carson particularly troubling. By pretty most reports, he was a skilled neurosurgeon who practiced for three decades, rising to the chief of neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins. Yet, when he ventures out of the field of neurosurgeryeven out of his own medical specialtyhe routinely lays down some of the dumbest howlers Ive ever heard. For example, he denies evolution, but, even worse, hes been a shill for a dubious supplement company, Mannatech. Worse still, when called out for his relationship with Mannatech in the last Republican debate, Carson lied through his teeth about it. The pseudoscientific views he relates have been so bad that he led me to resurrect some old schtick that I had abandoned years ago about physicians denying evolution leading me to put a paper bag over my head in shame for my profession. Im also reminded of it not just by media stories about Carsons latest verbal gaffe but because I work within easy walking distance of the Ben Carson High School of Medicine and Science, a STEM-related high school designed to encourage high school students to pursue careers in the sciences.Most recently, video of a commencement speech he gave in 1998 was unearthed, and in it Carson contradicted the consensus among historians that the Egyptian pyramids were built as tombs for pharaohs and stated that he believed that they were, in fact, built by Joseph to store grain. His reasoning wasshall we say?not convincing.

Or did he?

Dr Ben Carson Was Only Sick For Short Period Of Time With Covid

HUD Secretary Ben Carson, a former West Palm Beach resident, has taken to Facebook after reports that he tested positive for COVID-19.

Carson wrote that he and his wife Candy are “so touched by the outpouring of concern and prayers.”

The post goes on to say “Thankfully I have access to a very powerful therapeutic, so I was only sick for a very short period of time and I am already back to working, albeit virtually. I will be quarantining for a few days just to be safe. God is good!”

Carson’s diagnosis came after White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows tested positive recently.

Carson has served as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under President Trump since 2017, after running for the 2016 Republican Presidential Primary.

Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, was also appointed to the White House coronavirus task force.

No We Can’t Zap Our Old Memories Back With Electricity

Mere weeks after failed presidential candidate Ben Carson declared that he wouldnât be qualified for a role in federal government, much less to head an agency, he accepted President Trumpâs nomination to become the secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development .

So maybe its unsurprising that in Carsonâs first public remarks as HUD Secretary, made to staff members Monday, he leaned on his qualifications as a former neurosurgeon instead. The results, however, were bizarre.

Carons remarks have already been harshly criticized on social media for suggesting that slaves brought over to America were the equivalent of immigrants who âworked even longer, even harder for less.

But midway through his speech, filled with his trademark personal anecdotes in an attempt to inspire his new staff, Carson also took a moment to opine about the brainâs wondrous capabilities. Right after stating the very true fact that the brain has billions and billions of neurons, all capable of making innumerable connections to one another, Carson added that you could jumpstart it like a car.

âI could take the oldest person here, make a little hole right here on the side of the head, put some depth electrodes into their hippocampus and stimulate, and they would be able to recite back to you verbatim a book they read 60 years ago,â he said. âItâs all there, it doesnât go away, just have to learn to recall it.

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How Dr Ben Carson Ruined His Legacy

Joe Giza/Reuters

As a doctor, its hard to imagine a career more accomplished and admirable than that of Dr. Ben Carson. His achievements as a physician so vastly exceed my own as to render any comparison laughable, a fact that I will happily concede.

In fact, so great are his successes as a pediatric neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins that they comprise the sole basis for his run for president of the United States. Which is why it is astonishing to me as a fellow medical professional to watch as he takes a blowtorch to his own credibility in service to his political ambitions.

The most recent example of Dr. Carson the candidate saying something Dr. Carson the medical scientist knows to be incorrect was his response to the ongoing controversy about Planned Parenthood and the use of fetal tissue obtained from abortions performed there. According to Dr. Carson, theres nothing that cant be done without fetal tissue when it comes to medical research.

As it turns out, Dr. Carson has himself participated in research on fetal tissue obtained through abortion. First reported by obstetrician Dr. Jennifer Gunter, Dr. Carson was an author on a 1992 paper that studied tissue from two different fetuses, one aborted at 17 weeks.

Simply put, theres really no way Dr. Carson can speak with authority when it comes to the use of fetal tissue in research for immunology, hematology, or any of a host of other areas that do not intersect with neurosurgery or neurology.


Background And Increasing Political Visibility

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Carson, who had been registered as a Republican, changed his registration to independent in the 1990s after watching Republicans impeach President Clinton for perjury regarding an extramarital affair with Monica Lewinsky. “I just saw so much hypocrisy in both parties”, he said. In February 2013, Carson said he was not a member of any political party.

In his book America the Beautiful , he wrote: “I believe it is a very good idea for physicians, scientists, engineers, and others trained to make decisions based on facts and empirical data to get involved in the political arena.”

Carson was the keynote speaker at the National Prayer Breakfast on February 7, 2013. The speech garnered Carson considerable attention because the event is normally apolitical in nature, and the speech was critical of the philosophy and policies of President Barack Obama, who was sitting 10 feet away. About the speech, Carson said: “I don’t think it was particularly political … You know, I’m a physician.” Regarding the policies of President Obama, he said: “There are a number of policies that I don’t believe lead to the growth of our nation and don’t lead to the elevation of our nation. I don’t want to sit here and say all of his policies are bad. What I would like to see more often in this nation is an open and intelligent conversation.”

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Hud Secretary Ben Carson Tests Positive For Covid

  • Meredith Digital Staff

— Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson tested positive for coronavirus Monday morning, his deputy chief of staff Coalter Baker confirmed to CNN.

Carson attended the election night party where White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and nearly every other attendee was not wearing a mask. Meadows and four others in Trump’s orbit subsequently tested positive last week.

Carson was also spotted maskless at a Trump campaign rally in Waterford Township, Michigan on October 30.

This story is breaking and will be updated.

Essay On The Concussion Problem In Professional And Amateur Football

number of concussions in professional and amateur football has been rising and has sparked much controversy in recent years. These concussions are most likely linked with disease and even the deaths of some pro and semi-pro football players. New research is attempting to solve the problem but the issue is still prevalent in football today.ConcussionsTo understand the issue of concussions in the NFL we must first understand exactly what a concussion is. A concussion is a minor traumatic brain injury

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Do You Wish You Were Smarter Ben Carson’s Discovery Is Proven To Double Your Iq And Will Be Banned From The Public

Ben Carson slams growing debate over reinstating mask mandates

Recently Ben Carson made some comments in an interview with Pamela Brown and Ryan Browne about a brain booster that would become the biggest event in human history

Ben Carson credits his ability to function and maintained focused on such a high level to a certain set of “smart drugs” that enhance cognitive brain function and neural connectivity, while strengthening the prefrontal cortex and boosting memory and recall.

In an interview with Bill O’Reilly, Ben Carson said that his brain is sharper than ever, more clear and focused and he credits a large part to using Advanced IQ. Ben Carson went on to add “The brain is like a muscle, you got to work it out and use supplements just like body builders use, but for your brain, and thats exactly what Ive been doing to enhance my mental capabilities”.

Everyone that has taken this, from athletes like Tom Brady to actors like Robert De Niro have nothing but praise for the brain booster, which doubles IQ, skyrockets energy levels and connects areas of the brain not previously connected. Advanced IQ works so well for these guys, we had to ask… Is it safe?

After 7 years Harvard Scientists Finally Break New Ground & Usher In The Future Of Brain Science With Invention Of New Smart Drug That Increases IQ, Memory And Focus Up To %100

Over a decade ago ago Harvard assembled a team of neuroscientists to work on coming up with a natural brain supplement that could effortlessly boost IQ.

His associate Dr.cortigan went on to say:

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But Ben Carson Says They Dont Have A Relationship

Carson denied any relationship with Mannatech.

At the GOP debate on October 28, he stated: I didnt have an involvement with them. That is total propaganda. And this is what happens in our society total propaganda. I did a couple speeches for them. I did speeches for other people. They were paid speeches. It is absolutely absurd to say that I had any kind of relationship with them. Do I take the product? Yes. I think its a good product.

And in an interview with CNN, Dr. Carson said, They contracted me to give a speech. I do not, you know, go into great depth when I get a contract to give a speech, I go and do the speech. I happen to like their product, since Ive been taking it I almost never get sick. But I constantly warned them not to use me as an endorser and some of the associates took the tapes and put them up on websites and stuff like that, theres nothing I can do to control that.

Ben Carson Says It’s Premature To Promote Latest Unproven Coronavirus Treatment

Cabinet official says extract, pitched to president, needs clinical trials.

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Housing Secretary Ben Carson said today it was premature to promote an unproven treatment for coronavirus, days after it was reported he was in an Oval Office meeting in which the treatment was brought up with the president.

Carson, a former neurosurgeon, declined to discuss details of the July meeting that was also attended by Mike Lindell, a supporter of the president, founder of the pillow company called MyPillow and a vocal promoter of the treatment. But Carson confirmed discussion of the plant extract — among other ideas — with the president, saying that “he too, like myself, interested in pursuing all the different avenues for finding solutions.”

“It’s not time for it yet,” Carson said in an interview with ABC News, saying the unproven extract, called oleandrin, should go through human trials before gaining approval from the Food and Drug Administration. “You need to go to the next step, you need to go through the process.”

“What hopefully will happen is that clinical trials will occur,” Carson said. “This should go the same route as other things do. We shouldn’t, you know, skip the process.”

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problems. The NFL must do more to protect its players from problems stemming from concussions. One factor, that has not been significantly studied is if a players position increases the likelihood of a concussion . The purpose of this paper is to take fully reported data and analyze concussion incidence rates for several positions whom experience the highest rates of concussions. This will be done by taking players positions and analyzing the occurrence of concussions along with the

Did Dr Ben Carson Make Money Off Mannatech

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Carson has not been paid directly to plug the products or directly represent the company, he and company officials say. For the most recent speech, the company says Carson was paid $42,000. For the three previous speeches, the company made donations to the Carson scholarship fund but would not say how much. Mannatech distributors, calling themselves the Platinum Group, underwrote Carsons public television special in 2014.

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Why We Cant Trust Ben Carsons Memories Or Anyone Elses

By Justin Wm. Moyer | The Washington Post | November 9, 2015

Since last week, sometime Republican presidential front-runner Ben Carson has been battling stories about his stories of his dark past. In a 1990 memoir and in many speeches since, he claimed he was a violent youth that he had tried to hit his mother with a hammer that he had tried to stab a classmate at 14 that he had punched another with a lock in his hand. The problem: CNN went looking for people who could confirm these tales of schoolyard fisticuffs or worse, and the network couldnt find any.

We went out to find these people in Detroit, CNNs Maeve Reston said. We went through the yearbooks. We called many of his classmates. We found his close friends through every period of his life. And the person that he describes in these anecdotes on the campaign trail as leading up to this religious epiphany that he had cannot remember any episodes of violence involving Dr. Carson.

It turned out Carson had used pseudonyms for his victims and, though he said he was still in touch with at least one of them, wouldnt make them available. It was a question of privacy, he said even after a flawed Politico story about Carsons alleged full scholarship to West Point raised more questions about his memory. Over the weekend, Carson suggested that the media find another tale to tell.

Whats The Link Between Mannatech And Ben Carson

Beginning in 2004 up until 2013, Dr. Ben Carson, now a leading GOP presidential candidate, made four speeches in front of Mannatech sales associates.

In at least one of the speeches, he gave a testimonial about how he beat prostate cancer with surgery while taking Mannatechs dietary supplements.

He also gave interviews to the company that were used in Mannatech promotional videos. And up until he decided to run for president, Carsons image was front and center on Mannatech websites and promotional material. Carson told CNN he has never officially endorsed the product and he did not know Mannatech used his image on its website for years.

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The Virus The President And The News

Ben Carson: I use it supplement, but don’t endorse it

There is assuredly a disconnect in this country between the media and President Donald Trump . Trumps repeated claims of fake news and enemy of the people now include criticism of how the media is covering the coronavirus story.

On Sunday morning, Trump tweeted:

We have a perfectly coordinated and fine tuned plan at the White House for our attack on CoronaVirus. We moved VERY early to close borders to certain areas, which was a Godsend. V.P. is doing a great job. The Fake News Media is doing everything possible to make us look bad. Sad!

The coronavirus story is not easy because so much of it remains unknown including who has it, who might get it next and the best plans to combat it.

The scope of this story, frankly, is hard to get your arms around, CNNs Brian Stelter said on his Sunday Reliable Sources show. That is a challenge for newsrooms like this one and many others. Right now, we need clear-eyed, no-nonsense news coverage during this crisis.

The coverage, frankly, has been clear-eyed and no-nonsense. In a word, it has been responsible. But responsible coverage doesnt mean the president cannot and should not be questioned. And there has been plenty of that, which is probably why the president reacted so angrily on Twitter.

Yet, its critical for the media to continue exploring all angles of this story, including but certainly not limited to the administrations handling of this crisis.

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