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How Do You Avoid Dementia

Do Not Shy Away From Asking For Help

How to Avoid Dementia & What You Can Do (Part 2)

No one may have all the answers especially when it comes to taking care of a person with dementia. Try doing research on how their behavior changes and what needs to be done to help them live their lives without too many complications. Hire help when it becomes too much as it also ensures that you do not become too frustrated or drained. When you have multiple family members who can help, ask everyone to pitch in and look after the patient so that you can get some personal space to breathe and re-energize when it is your time to look after the patient. When you feel like you can no longer look after your loved one at your own home, it may be time to consider assisted living. In such case, look into dementia care homes that can provide specially trained professionals.

What Is A Risk Factor

A risk factor is something that increases your likelihood of developing a condition. Some risk factors, like age and genetics, cant be changed. There are others, including smoking, diet and not getting enough exercise, that we can try to do something about.

We know that many people live a healthy and active life but still develop dementia. However, research suggests that around a third of cases of dementia may be due to factors that we could change.

Be Cautious About Alzheimer’s Cures

Because Alzheimer’s disease is so devastating, some people are tempted by untried or unproven “cures.” Check with your doctor before trying pills or any other treatment or supplement that promises to prevent Alzheimer’s. These “treatments” might be unsafe, a waste of money, or both. They might even interfere with other medical treatments that have been prescribed.

Recommended Reading: How Long Do You Survive With Alzheimer’s

Natural Remedies For Dementia And Alzheimers Treatment Option #7: Chlorella And Borax

Its no secret thatan accumulation of heavy metals in the brain, particularly mercury, aluminium,lead and fluoride, are one of the major causes of dementia. These heavy metals triggerwhats commonly known as brain drain. Heavy metal toxicity also wreaks havocon the bodys nervous system, which is why diseases such as Parkinsons,Huntingtons and motor neuron disease have been linked to heavy metalaccumulation. 6

So the flushing out of these heavy metalsfrom the nervous system and brain is definitely a top priority for theprevention and treatment of dementia. And the two best ways to accomplish thisis through the supplementation of a stunning superfood called chlorella andBorax powder .

Chlorella is a powerful detoxifier, probably the mostpowerful yet discovered in fact. It has a unique ability to pull heavy metalsout of the body but leave the good minerals alone.Chlorella also removes other toxic poisons, chemicals and pesticides from thedigestive tract so they dont enter the bloodstream and poison the body. ARussian study found that chlorella, combined with cilantro , wasable to remove all heavy metals from the body, including mercury, with noadverse side effects. These remarkable benefits make chlorella the #1 detoxfood available, followed closely by Borax.

Keep To Normal Sleep Patterns

When Someone You Know Has Dementia

Sleep disturbances, for example chronic insomnia, have been linked to increased risk for cognitive decline in later life. Taking steps to deal with any sleep problems could reduce your chances of getting dementia. However scientists still dont understand exactly how disturbed sleep may contribute to the condition, and whether certain dysfunctional sleep patterns pose more of a risk than others.

Recommended Reading: Do People With Dementia Know They Have It

Improve Your Lifestyle For Alzheimers Prevention

Healthy habits may help ward off Alzheimer’s. Consider the following steps to help prevent Alzheimers.

Exercise.;”The most convincing evidence is that physical exercise helps prevent the development of Alzheimer’s or slow the progression in people who have symptoms,” says Dr. Marshall. “The recommendation is 30 minutes of moderately vigorous aerobic exercise, three to four days per week.”

Eat a Mediterranean diet.;”This has been shown to help thwart Alzheimer’s or slow its progression. A recent study showed that even partial adherence to such a diet is better than nothing, which is relevant to people who may find it difficult to fully adhere to a new diet,” says Dr. Marshall. The diet includes fresh vegetables and fruits; whole grains; olive oil; nuts; legumes; fish; moderate amounts of poultry, eggs, and dairy; moderate amounts of red wine; and red meat only sparingly.

Get enough sleep.;”Growing evidence suggests that improved sleep can help prevent Alzheimer’s and is linked to greater amyloid clearance from the brain,” says Dr. Marshall. Aim for seven to eight hours per night.

Dementia Prevention: 5 Steps To Take Now

While forgetfulness and problems thinking most often show up in people age 60 or older, medical research is discovering that the disease starts making changes in the brain many years before that.

In a 2017 article in JAMA Neurology, the authors looked at data from 15,744 people from all over the country to see the relationship between smoking, diabetes and elevated blood pressure and the chance of developing dementia over 25 years.

People with high blood pressure in middle age increased their risk of having dementia over the next 25 years by 40%. And in the case of diabetes, that risk goes up by 80%. Thats almost as much of an increased risk as having a genetic vulnerability for Alzheimers.

Healthy choices and lifestyle changes in your 40s may make a difference in your dementia risk. Talk to your doctor about strategies to guard against plaque buildup and narrowing of your arteries:

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What Do We Know About Reducing Risk For Dementia

The number of older Americans is rising, so the number of people with dementia is predicted to increase. However, some studies have shown that incidence rates of dementia meaning new cases in a population over a certain period of time have decreased in some locations, including in the United States. Based on observational studies, factors such as healthy lifestyle behaviors and higher levels of education may be contributing to such a decline. But the cause and effect is uncertain, and such factors need to be tested in a clinical trial to prove whether they can prevent dementia.

A review of published research evaluated the evidence from clinical trials on behavior and lifestyle changes to prevent or delay Alzheimers or age-related cognitive decline. The review found encouraging but inconclusive evidence for three types of behavioral changes : physical activity, blood pressure control, and cognitive training. The findings mean that interventions in these areas are promising enough that researchers should keep studying them to learn more. Researchers continue to explore these and other interventions to determine whether and in what amounts or forms they might prevent dementia.

Watch a video below that highlights conclusions and recommendations from the research review.

Exercise For Cognitive Health

How to Avoid Dementia & What You Can Do

According to a number of studies, staying physically active and exercising regularly appears to reduce the risk of developing dementia. Researchers suggest exercise may trigger neurochemicals and the birth of neurons in the brain, improving mood, memory and learning. Its never too late to start exercising, experts say: People who improve their fitness over time are less likely to develop dementia.;

Heres what you can do:Aspire to exercising 150 to 210 minutes of exercise a week, Larson said. It can be a lot for some people, he admitted. And 15 minutes of exercise three times a week can go a long way compared to staying inactive.;

People tend not to realize that you dont have to be a marathon runner, Larson said. You just have to have regular physical activity. The greatest danger is not doing anything.

Read more about past research on the enduring benefits of exercise, and how it affects mood and cognition;

Read Also: How Do You Test For Dementia

Targets Of Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention Research

Researchers are exploring these and other interventions that may help prevent, delay, or slow Alzheimer’s dementia or age-related cognitive decline. Other research targets include:

  • New drugs to delay onset or slow disease progression
  • Diabetes treatment
  • Blood pressure- and lipid-lowering treatments
  • Sleep interventions
  • Vitamins such as B12 plus folic acid supplements and D
  • Combined physical and mental exercises

Natural Remedies For Dementia And Alzheimers Treatment Option #4: Mineral Supplements

Minerals are commonly referred to as the sparks of life.They are what keep our body battery going and keep it charged. Minerals arealso needed by the brains electrical circuit to function properly. You maynot know this but your brain is one incredible and very intricate circuitboard. Every time you think a thought , little sparks and electrical currents are busyracing and crisscrossing each other in a dazzling and spectacular light show. Infact, while youre brains at work it’s actually producing enough electricity topower a light bulb!

So how it basically works is when you think a thought, that particular thought is then transferred or relayed to the area of the brainthat needs it by sparks or electricity. And minerals are one of the crucialcomponents that make this all happen and make the process run smoothly. Butwhen your brain lacks the minerals it needs for this process to work correctly,these sparks begin to jump in the wrong places. Or even worse, they dontjump at all! This is the;beginnings and eventual progression;of diseases suchas Alzheimers.;

Recommended Reading: What Are The Last Stages Of Vascular Dementia

The #1 Thing Women Should Never Do If They Want To Prevent Dementia According To Science

Keep your brain sharp by steering clear of this dangerous habit.

It seems like almost every week, we’re learning more about how important our lifestyle habits are for potentially preventing dementia . Recently, researchers have discovered that walking three times per week, eating a berry-boosted diet and scoring more than six hours of sleep per night can make a serious impact on your brain health throughout your lifespan.

And recently, we have a new clue about dementia prevention thanks to a study published in the journal Scientific Reports. After analyzing data from more than 70,000 people between age 18 and 85 globally, scientists at the non-profit Translational Genomics Research Institute discovered that smoking and cardiovascular disease have a direct association with cognitive function.

Both smoking and poor cardiovascular health impair the ability to learn and memorize, but at different levels depending on gender. Smoking’s dangerous impacts are more pronounced among females, while males are more compromised by cardiovascular disease. In other words, to prevent dementia, one of the best things women should do? Never start smoking cigarettesor stop smoking ASAP if you do.

Related: These are the Best Foods to Keep Your Brain Young

  • Not smoking
  • Managing blood pressure
  • Do Not Try And Alter Undesirable Behavior

    9 Ways To Prevent Dementia, From Getting More Exercise To ...

    Lack of understanding may push one to try and change or stop any undesirable behavior from patients who have dementia. Keep in mind that it is almost impossible to teach new skills or even reason with the patient. Try instead to decrease frequency or intensity of the behavior. For instance, respond to emotion and not the changes in behavior. If a patient insists on always asking about a particular family member reassure them that he or she is safe and healthy as a way of keeping them calm and happy.

    Don’t Miss: How To Prevent Alzheimers And Parkinsons Disease

    Learn To Play An Instrument

    Appreciation of music is one of the last senses that are affected by dementia. Not only does listening to music promote effective neural pathways it can also promote positive mental health. Listening to favourite music is not just relaxing it can also help retrieval of precious memories.

    Take this one step further, by learning to play an instrument , as this helps tap into areas of the brain that are not normally used.

    Additionally, to promoting neural pathways, this activity can also help muscle memory that can support other skills such as craft work, driving and other manual skills. The more frequently a musical instrument is played, the more active the brain becomes.

    Additional sources:

    Obesity And Dementia Risk

    Research shows people who are obese are more likely to develop dementia later in life. Some researchers say obesity should be considered premature aging, as it is strongly linked to chronic health problems in old age.;

    According to Adesola Ogunniyi, an author of the report and a professor of medicine at University of Ibadan, Nigeria, obesity is a risk factor for chronic cardiovascular diseases, which damage blood vessels in the brain and reduce blood flow. This leads to a cascade of inflammation and oxidative stress an imbalance between oxygen-containing molecules and antioxidants which would eventually lead to the death of brain cells.;

    Heres what you can do:Ogunniyi recommended losing weight, avoiding excess calories and reducing sugary beverages along with staying active and exercising.;

    Read more about past research on the link between obesity in midlife, body mass index and dementia

    Recommended Reading: Why Does Uti Cause Dementia In Elderly

    Dementia Symptoms Caused By Alzheimers

    One of the tricky things about dementia is that it has many varied, co-occurring symptoms. Typically they dont all emerge at once, and you might not experience them all, but the symptom spectrum includes:;

    • Disorientation and confusion
    • Feelings of being overwhelmed by routine tasks and obligations
    • Forgetfulness, even around the familiar

    This symptom list may frighten you at first, but its important to know that if youre armed with forethought, knowledge of your family history, and an openness to our counseling on prevention, you can become an empowered patient.

    As to the specific cause of Alzheimers, it remains unknown. However, theres growing thought that lifestyle factors may contribute to the development of this disease.;

    Can Cognitive Training Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

    How To Prevent Dementia?

    Cognitive training involves structured activities designed to enhance memory, reasoning, and speed of processing. There is encouraging but inconclusive evidence that a specific, computer-based cognitive training may help delay or slow age-related cognitive decline. However, there is no evidence that it can prevent or delay Alzheimer’s-related cognitive impairment.

    Studies show that cognitive training can improve the type of cognition a person is trained in. For example, older adults who received 10 hours of practice designed to enhance their speed and accuracy in responding to pictures presented briefly on a computer screen got faster and better at this specific task and other tasks in which enhanced speed of processing is important. Similarly, older adults who received several hours of instruction on effective memory strategies showed improved memory when using those strategies. The important question is whether such training has long-term benefits or translates into improved performance on daily activities like driving and remembering to take medicine.

    Read Also: Is Weight Loss A Symptom Of Dementia

    Habits To Reduce Your Risk Of Dementia After 40

    Dementia affects millions of people every year, here’s how you can avoid becoming one of them.

    Dementia has been on the rise in the United States for yearsand unfortunately, it shows no signs of stopping. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, in 2020 more than five million people in the U.S. are living with Alzheimer’s diseasethe most common form of dementia. Scarier yet, Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death in the in three seniors dies with the disease or a similar type of dementiaand it takes more lives than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined. But while that may be a frightening fact, there are still things you can do to keep your brain sharp. Keep reading to discover some of the surprising habits that can reduce your risk of dementia and keep you cognitively fit well into your golden years. And for some symptoms of cognitive decline that you should be on the look out for, check out 40 Early Signs of Alzheimer’s Everyone Over 40 Should Know.

    Do Try And Identify The Trigger That Causes Behavior Change

    After spending some time with a patient who has dementia, caregivers may be in a position to identify some of the things that make dementia sufferers yell, get physical, or change their mood. For some, it may be something simple such as taking a bath or even getting dressed.

    The best approach to handle this is not to force the patient to do something that they do not want to do. Try and distract them with something else that allows them to relax and calm down. Once they are not a danger to themselves or anyone around them, try going back to the subject, but this time reassuringly and calmly.

    Recommended Reading: Who Will Get Alzheimer’s Disease

    How To Prevent Dementia 10 Strategies To Reduce Your Risk

    According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, there are ways to decrease your risk of dementia. Studies are showing us that healthy lifestyle choices can prevent many forms of cancer, diabetes and heart disease. A healthy lifestyle can also improve your cognitive function. While there is no definitive way to prevent dementia, these 10 healthy lifestyle strategies may help you reduce your risk.

    Do Offer Assurance Often

    12 Engaging Activities for Seniors with Dementia: Reduce ...

    Many times, people with dementia may experience feelings of isolation, fear, loneliness or confusion. They may not be able to express this in the right way and thus may wander off or keep saying that they want to go back home, especially if they are in a senior living facility. This is not the time to shut them out. Its a good idea to assure them that they are safe and in a good place.

    If you are close enough, provide a comforting hug every once in a while and remind them that they are in a place that has their best interest at heart. Where possible, engage in exercise or take a walk as even light physical activity may help to reduce agitation, restlessness and anxiety.

    Recommended Reading: Does Alzheimer Disease Run In The Family


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