You Can Cut Your Chance Of Stroke And Dementia By Avoiding Diet Soda
Your daily diet soda may seem harmlessafter all, you tell yourself, it doesn’t have calories.
Wrong. According to a study of about 4,300 volunteers, aged 45 and up, diet soda may triple your chance of stroke or dementia within the decade. When the same researchers looked at brain scans and results of cognitive tests, they found that people who drank diet soda every day tended to have smaller brains and poorer memory, two risk factors for dementia.
Sugary soda and fruit juice arent safe, either, they concluded. In fact, two sweet beverages a day was associated with more long-term memory loss.
Another group, at the University of Miami, also concluded that a daily diet soda could increase your risk of stroke. And in that research, it was linked to heart attacks as well.
Thats a big price to pay for fizzy sweetness.
The Miami researchers found that you could safely drink diet sodajust not every day. However, you may not want to take the risk, since researchers are still guessing at the answers to the question of why diet soda is bad for you. It is tied to obesity and diabetes, in part because it may cause poor circulation. Those circulation issues may be the underlying reason it could add to your risk of stroke, dementia, and long-term memory loss. You need a constant supply of blood to the brain. High sugar intake is also tied to poor circulation that could hurt your brain.
Diet Sodas May Raise Risk Of Dementia And Stroke Study Finds
People who drink diet sodas daily have three times the risk of stroke and dementia compared to people who rarely drink them, researchers reported Thursday.
Its yet another piece of evidence that diet drinks are not a healthy alternative to sugary drinks, and suggests that people need to limit both, doctors said.
Do Artificial Sweeteners Make You Fat
Another concern many people have over the consumption of artificial sweeteners is if they make you gain weight. Once again the research is mixed on this topic.
- On one hand there are several observational studies that suggest artificial sweeteners may increase cravings for high sugar foods due to the impact they have on appetite-regulating hormones, potentially leading to weight gain.
- Others have found that artificial sweeteners may promote insulin resistance and inflammation, with the potential to lead to weight gain .
But, none of these connections have been proven to be a direct cause of weight gain .
A 2014 systematic review of the available evidence on artificial sweeteners and body weight looked at 24 different studies on this topic, which included a combination of randomized control trials and prospective cohort studies
The review found that the data from the randomized control trails, considered the gold standard for experimental studies, demonstrated that consumption of artificial sweeteners helped lower body weight, fat mass, and waist circumference. The cohort studies on average showed no connection between body weight and intake of artificial sweeteners .
With this meta-analysis of randomized control trials, we can likely conclude that intake of artificial sweeteners do not cause weight in any significant way and may even help with weight loss.
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What Did The Researchers Find
This study looked at the relationship between both sugar-sweetened and artificially-sweetened beverages and the incidence of strokes and dementia. It tracked ~4,000 people from Massachusetts from 1991 until 2014 to see how many sugar-sweetened drinks and artificially-sweetened drinks each person drank, along with how many individuals were diagnosed with strokes or dementia.
Because factors such as smoking, lack of physical activity, and excess caloric intake could increase the risk of having a stroke or developing dementia, the researchers adjusted for these covariates.
The headline-grabbing result was pretty stark: people with a cumulative intake of more than one artificially-sweetened beverage per day were 2.96 times more likely to be at risk for an ischemic stroke and 2.89 times more likely to be at risk for developing dementia, compared to people who did not drink any sweetened beverages. Those who drank sugar-sweetened beverages didnt see an increased risk.
After following ~4,000 people over fourteen years, researchers found that people who consumed more than one artificially-sweetened beverage per day were around three times more likely to experience an ischemic stroke or dementia, while sugar-sweetened beverage drinkers didnt have an increased risk.
Research Alert: Diet Soda Linked To Increased Risk Of Dementia
If it says diet it must be good for you, right? At least better than the non-diet version? When it comes to swapping out sugary soft drinks with diet soda, most people assume they are doing their health a favor. This mentality and safety message has been reinforced through marketing campaigns and has even been endorsed by members of the medical and nutrition communities. However, new research cast serious doubts on the safety of some of the artificial sweeteners that are used to replace sugar in diet soft drinks.
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Diet Soda Dementia And Stroke
Boston University researcher Matthew Pase, PhD, and colleagues examined 10 years of health information from nearly 3,000 American adults over 45 to count the number who had a stroke. They did the same for nearly 1,500 American adults over 60 to determine how many developed dementia.
After accounting for a variety of things that could influence their health, such as age, physical activity, and waist size, the researchers found that diet soda drinkers nearly tripled their odds of stroke and dementia, compared with those who drank no diet soda.
Scary, right? Not necessarily, says Pase. Only 81, or 5%, of the people in the study were diagnosed with dementia, and only 97, or 3%, had a stroke.
At the end of the day, were talking about small numbers of people, says Pase. I dont think that people should be alarmed.
Pase also makes clear that his studys results, published in April in the journal Stroke, dont explain the link. Do diet sodas cause health problems like stroke and dementia? Or do people who have higher chances of getting such health problems choose to drink diet soda, perhaps to try to cut sugar and calories in their diets? Pase cant say.
How Bad Are The Impacts Of Full Fat Coke On Your Health
Earlier this year, a grim experiment lifted the lid on just how much sugar goes into a bottle of Coke.
After boiling up a pan of Coca-Cola next to companys diet alternative, the difference between the liquids was shocking.
While the vat of regular Coke was left covered in congealed black sugar, the remnants of the Coke Zero showed a small trace of burnt sugar covering barely a quarter of the frying pan.
This was unsurprising, as one can of Coca-Cola contains 35g of sugar – exceeding the 30g recommended daily allowance for adults.
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Diet Drinks And Dementia
Find out about the unclear association between artificially-sweetened beverages and dementia.
People who drink at least one artificially-sweetened beverage every day may have an increased risk of developing a stroke or dementia compared to those who drink them less than once a week, according to research carried out in Massachusetts.
The researchers reviewed what people were drinking at three different points in time over seven years. People reported their eating and drinking habits by completing questionnaires.
The researchers kept in touch with the same people for the next 10 years to see who developed a stroke or dementia. There was a link between developing dementia and drinking artificially-sweetened beverages, but not with drinking ones that had been sweetened with sugar.
Dr James Pickett, Head of Research at Alzheimers Society, said, This research does not show that artificially-sweetened drinks cause dementia. But it does highlight a worrying association that requires further investigation.
Research into dietary factors is very complex and there are a number of issues that need clarifying for example, why drinks sweetened with sugar were not associated with an increased risk in this study and teasing out links between all types of sugary drinks, diabetes and dementia.
Is Diet Soda Harming Your Brain Health
Switching out sugary soda for a sugar-free alternative sounds like an easy way to cut calories, but if you saw a study published in Stroke;last week, you may be wondering if you made a mistake. Researchers found that older adults who regularly drank artificially sweetened beverages, such as diet soda, were about three times more likely to have a stroke or develop Alzheimer’s disease over 10 years, painting a worrying picture for anyone who regularly enjoys diet soda.
The findings may sound alarming, but the research paints a more nuanced picture. The results come from the Framingham Heart Study, a long-term observational study of people living in Framingham, Massachusetts. From 1991-2001, participants were asked questions about their health and diet. Then, over the following 10 years, the researchers tracked the patients’ health, allowing them to cross-reference data and identify associationsincluding how many people who regularly consumed diet soda developed Alzheimer’s disease.
It’s also important to note that participants were asked about the quality of their diets and lifestyle before the study began, but not in the follow up. And researchers didn’t ask about other factors known to influence health, such as socioeconomic status.
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Research On Foods That Cause Dementia
According to a study published in the journals Alzheimers & Dementia and Stroke, people who drink sugary beverages often may have poorer memory. They may also have smaller brain volume and a smaller hippocampus. Hippocampus is an area of the brain that is important for learning and memory.
A follow-up study about diet soda and dementia concluded that people who drink diet soda daily were three times more likely to develop stroke and dementia when compared to those who did not.
Dr. Matthew Pase from the Neurology Department at the Boston University School of Medicine says that;excess sugar from these drinks may cause cardiovascular and metabolic diseases;like obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.
Professor of neurology at Boston University School of Medicine and a faculty member at Boston Universitys Alzheimers Disease Center, Sudha Seshadri, says that there is no upside to drinking sugary beverages. Even substituting sugar with artificial sweeteners wont help.
In a study published in;Alzheimers & Dementia, researchers examined data from magnetic resonance imaging scans and cognitive test results on people who consumed more than two sugary beverages such as soft drinks, soda, and fruit juice or three servings of soda per week. The researchers found signs of accelerated brain aging. All these are risk factors for early-stage Alzheimers disease.
Best Drinks For Brain Health
So what should you drink for brain health? We;know that good hydration is crucial for optimal brain function. In the Brain Works Kitchen, we sip all day on brain healthy drinks. We drink nut milks, such as;almond and cashew milk, coffee , black tea, green tea, herbal tea, small amounts of red wine, and lots and lots of water.
Sometimes we even infuse that water with whole food ingredients to make it even more brain healthy and delicious. Our brain healthy drinks are inspired by the ones created by nutrition scientist/cookbook author Rebecca Katz, like her Spa in a Pitcher from;The Longevity Kitchen. Water infused with thyme, mint, cucumber, lemon, and orange is what Katz calls art floating in a chilled pitcher. I call it thirst-quenching, delicious, and just what my brain needs.
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More Studies About Diet Drinks
Our study shows a need to put more research into this area given how often people drink artificially sweetened beverages, said Matthew Pase, a senior research fellow in the department of neurology at Boston University School of Medicine and lead author of the new study.
This post has generated a lot of controversy. People are commenting about the study and asking for more proof. This is why I am posting a second article about other studies done on this topic. Yes, more and more studies are showing the dangers of artificial sweeteners and I think we should be listening.; Please take a look at my recent post: 5 Powerful Reasons To Quit Drinking Diet Sodas Now.
Are Diet Coke And Pepsi Max Caffeine Free
Contrary to popular belief, these diet drinks actually contain MORE caffeine than full fat versions.
According to the official Coca-Cola UK website, a regular Coke contains 32mg of caffeine, as does the Zero Sugar option.
Diet Coke contains 42mg of caffeine, a significantly larger amount.
It’s a similar story for Pepsi, which has a higher caffeine content by a whopping 41mg when comparing their regular and Max offerings.
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Should Link Between Dementia And Artificial Sweeteners Be Taken With A Pinch Of Salt
How peoples capacity for forgetfulness and lies may have impacted on research tying stroke and dementia to diet drinks
They were supposed to be the healthy alternative to their sugar-rich siblings. But now lovers of diet colas and other low-calorie drinks have been hit by news that will radically undermine those credentials: a counterintuitive study suggesting a link to stroke and dementia.
The study in the journal Stroke may cause a rethink among those worried about obesity, diabetes or a possible early heart attack from sugar-rich drinks who have been considering making a change. It comes to the alarming conclusion that people polishing off one can a day of artificially sweetened drink are nearly three times as likely to have a stroke or develop dementia.
Its a shocking conclusion. But the first reason to pause is that the study found no such risk in people who drank standard sugary lemonades and colas.
There is little previous evidence with regard to dementia, which is why the researchers were looking at it, but the link between sugar and stroke is very well known. Too much sugar raises the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart attacks and stroke. Its altogether a bad thing, which is why the World Health Organisation is telling us all to cut down. So what was going on in this study?
Top 10 Ingredients To Avoid That Cause Dementia
07/17/2015 / By Greg White
Food affects our bodies and minds. Many people would be surprised to discover just how many food ingredients are linked to cognitive disorders, like dementia.
Dementia is considered by many people to be a disease that accompanies age. Contrary to popular belief, however, dementia isnt a specific malady, but a general term that encompasses a variety of cognitive impairments in memory, thinking and communication.
Its unsurprising that food alters our brains. What is surprising is that certain foods contain ingredients that can damage our brains. Consider the following as a list of ingredients that are best classified as brain poison.
1. Advanced glycation end products may cause plaque buildup in brain AGEs, also known as glycotoxins, are proteins that have become glycated through exposure to sugars. Cooking foods at high temperatures, including fries and meats, can produce AGEs. These harmful compounds have been linked to hypertension and diabetes; however, recent evidence suggests that AGEs are associated with dementia as well.
2. High amounts of aluminum are toxic to brain tissueThe human body was not designed to ingest aluminum. Nevertheless, aluminum is a food additive used in almost everything, including cheese, cake mixes and milk formulas. Its also linked to the beginning stages of Alzheimers disease. No one knows how much, if any, aluminum is safe to ingest. The toxic heavy metal is regarded as a dangerous neurotoxin.
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Is Acesulfame Potassium Safer Than Aspartame
As I said before the main difference between Diet Coke and Coke Zero is that Coke Zero is sweetened with both aspartame and ACE-K while Diet Coke only includes aspartame.
But while aspartame is pretty famous, you are likely not as familiar with acesulfame potassium as you might be with aspartame. ACE-K was discovered in 1967 and has become a popular sugar substitute in many foods. It is generally blended with aspartame or other sweeteners because it has a bitter taste on its own.
ACE-K is considered safe for human consumption both in the United States and in Europe. The FDA has set the acceptable daily intake of this additive at 15 mg/kg/day of body weight. In order to exceed this limit, the average person would need to consume over 20 cans of Coke Zero Sugar in one day. It is unlikely that anyone is consistently drinking this much Coke Zero Sugar .
Yet, some believe there is not enough solid evidence to determine its long-term safety. There is some research that has found that ACE-K, like many artificial sweeteners, may interfere with appetite, possibly leading to weight gain and problems with blood sugar regulation.
Also, there are some concerns about it being a carcinogen and affecting the development of the fetus during pregnancy. At this time, there is not enough substantial evidence to determine with certainty that ACE-K is dangerous to long-term human health when consumed in normal doses .
Both Sugary And Diet Drinks Correlated With Accelerated Brain Aging
Americans love sugar. Together we consumed nearly 11 million metric tons of it in 2016, according to the US Department of Agriculture, much of it in the form of sugar-sweetened beverages like sports drinks and soda.
Now, new research suggests that excess sugarespecially the fructose in sugary drinksmight damage your brain. Researchers using data from the Framingham Heart Study found that people who drink sugary beverages frequently are more likely to have poorer memory, smaller overall brain volume, and a significantly smaller hippocampusan area of the brain important for learning and memory.
But before you chuck your sweet tea and reach for a diet soda, theres more: a follow-up study found that people who drank diet soda daily were almost three times as likely to develop stroke and dementia when compared to those who did not.
Researchers are quick to point out that these findings, which appear separately in the journals Alzheimers & Dementia and Stroke, demonstrate correlation but not cause-and-effect. While researchers caution against over-consuming either diet soda or sugary drinks, more research is needed to determine howor ifthese drinks actually damage the brain, and how much damage may be caused by underlying vascular disease or diabetes.
Maybe good old-fashioned water is something we need to get used to, she adds.
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