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HomeFactsIs Aspartame Linked To Dementia

Is Aspartame Linked To Dementia

Study Finds A Link Between Diet Drinks And Strokes That Cause Dementia

Video 10: Sugar and Dementia

So you thought you’d live life to the max and reduce your sugar intake to zero by switching to diet fizzy drinks? If only it were that simple.

New research is hinting that what might be good for your waist-line just might pose a problem for your brain later.

As part of a series of investigations into how sweet carbonated drinks affect our brains, Boston University School of Medicine used surveys to identify any long term neurological effects of consuming drinks artificially sweetened with substances such as aspartame or saccharine.

Participants were taken from the long-term Framingham Heart Study Offspring cohort a group of about 5,000 men and women who have volunteered to provide data over their lifetime since 1971.

The team studied 2,888 members of the cohort aged over 45 for signs of a stroke, and found 97 cases .

A total of 81 cases of dementia were found among 1,484 members aged over 60 were, with 63 of those having symptoms consistent with Alzheimer’s disease.

They then used questionnaires that the participants had filled out at several points in their life over a seven year period to determine their food intake.

Crunching the numbers and accounting for factors such as age, education, caloric intake, smoking, and exercise, it appears throwing back at least one diet soda a day makes it nearly three times more likely you’ll have an ischemic stroke a condition that can cause dementia or develop Alzheimer’s.


Diet Sodas May Raise Risk Of Dementia And Stroke Study Finds

People who drink diet sodas daily have three times the risk of stroke and dementia compared to people who rarely drink them, researchers reported Thursday.

Its yet another piece of evidence that diet drinks are not a healthy alternative to sugary drinks, and suggests that people need to limit both, doctors said.

Can Diet Soda Increase The Chances Of Dementia

The artificial sweeteners used in diet sodasand thousands ofother processed foodsare anything but sweet. In fact, they can be toxic to thebrain. Consuming these sugar substitutes on a regular basis is not a recipe fora healthy memory.

Sherry, who weighed over 200 pounds on her 55 frame, guzzleddiet soda thinking it would help her lose weight. It didnt. Even worse, shestarted experiencing a host of symptomsdigestive issues, arthritis, forgetfulness,and confusion. In fact, Sherrys diet soda habit was hurting her brain and puttingher memory at risk.

Thats what a growing body of evidence shows. For example, a study in the journal Stroke found that drinking diet soda was linked to an increased risk of Alzheimers disease and other forms of dementia.

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Can Diet Beverages Really Be Bad For Your Brain

Researchers analyzed health data from nearly 3,000 adults who had filled out diet surveys, and determined their incidence of stroke or dementia over 10 years. The findings were alarming.

Compared with people who said they didnt consume diet drinks, those who had at least one per day suffered three times more strokes, and were three times more likely to develop dementia. Consumption of regular soft drinks was not linked to a higher risk of these brain problems. And the results were unchanged when accounting for other important factors such as gender, diet, smoking, and physical activity.

Dr Roizen: The Artificial Sweetener Debate Heart Health And Dementia Risk

Top 10 ingredients to avoid that cause dementia

Q: My doctor is trying to get me to stop using and drinking artificial sweeteners. But I think they are great calorie-cutters. What do you think? Virginia R., Urbana, Ill.

A: In the U.S., the Food and Drug Administration has allowed saccharine, aspartame, acesulfame potassium and sucralose to be used in desserts, candies, beverages and baked goods. Neotame, which is 7,000 to 13,000 times sweeter than table sugar, and Advantame are OKd to use in prepared foods, because they retain their sweetness when heated. And stevia and monk fruit are used under the GRAS provision generally recognized as safe of the FDA.

There is some data showing that consuming a lot of these sweeteners can mess with your blood glucose levels. And new research published in Plos Medicine looked at the dietary habits of more than 100,000 French adults and found that those who took in larger amounts of artificial sweeteners, especially aspartame and Ace-K, had a higher risk of cancer, notably breast cancer and obesity-related cancers. This may be directly from the sweeteners or because of the increased risk of cancer from obesity its hard to know in a self-reported survey like this. There arent good randomized, controlled trials on the safety of these in other mammals or humans. FYI: Stevia is the choice that has the most safety data indicating no harm.

The best ways to boost your HDL and prevent cardiovascular and heart disease are:

Get saturated fats and red meats off your plate.

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Artificial Sugar Substitutes Mess With Gut Health

A 2018 study in Molecules found that six artificial sweeteners had toxic effects on gut bacteria. Compromised gut bacteria can lead to issues such as leaky gut, a condition in which the lining of the gut becomes excessively permeable. Leaky gut has been linked to the development of Alzheimers disease and other dementias.

The Artificial Sweeteners In Diet Sodas May Lower Metabolism

For anyone who thinks diet sodas help with weight loss, the reality is that artificial sweeteners can lead to weight gain. Studies of rats fed artificially sweetened foods have found they have slower metabolisms and greater weight gain than those given sugar-sweetened foodsdespite the fact that the rats that ate sugary foods consumed more calories than those that ate artificially sweetened foods. Both diabetes and obesity are considered independent risk factors for memory problems and several forms of dementia.

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Weight Gain Increased Appetite And Obesity Related Problems

Several studies link aspartame to weight gain, increased appetite, diabetes, metabolic derangement and obesity-related diseases. See our fact sheet: Diet Soda Chemical Tied to Weight Gain.

This science linking aspartame to weight gain and obesity-related diseases raises questions about the legality of marketing aspartame-containing products as diet or weight loss aids. In 2015, USRTK petitioned the Federal Trade Commission and FDA to investigate the marketing and advertising practices of diet products that contain a chemical linked to weight gain. See related newscoverage, response from FTC, and response from FDA.

Linking Potus Diet Coke Aspartame And Dementia

Is Diet Soda Bad For You?

In his first 100 days the President of the United States has made so many bizarre comments that the news media are running stories on it, mental health professionals have broken the Goldwater Rule to offer their opinions and ordinary people are left scratching our heads.

Donald Trump is the 13th President in my lifetime and I have never seen anything like this.

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What Happens If I Drink Diet Coke Everyday

The researchers behind a 2017 study gathered data that indicated a link between diet soda and the risk of stroke and Alzheimers disease. The study involved 2,888 people over the age of 45 years. The results showed that drinking one diet soda per day almost tripled a persons risk of stroke and Alzheimers disease.

Does Diet Soda Dementia Exist












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You Cant Have It Both Ways Chemical Sweetness Will Still Make You Fat

Artificial sweeteners have varied hormonal effects that work against weight loss. On a daily basis, artificial sweeteners can worsen your sugar addiction. Studies have found that you will just eat other foods that have the calories youre missing from artificial sweeteners. In fact, your brain doesnt get the same pleasure from artificial sweeteners as from sugar, so you seek out more & more sweet to try to achieve this . Artificial sweeteners encourage sugar cravings & sugar dependence as the body is trained to like sweet. . Additionally, foods with artificial sweeteners dont stimulate insulin. You need insulin to turn sugar into energy. The lack of insulin means that increases in blood sugar cause fat storing & weight gain. The use of artificial sweeteners weakens your digestive responses to food. Overall, these effects show that artificial sweeteners actually encourage weight gain and promote Type 2 Diabetes, metabolic syndrome and heart disease .

Neurotoxicity Brain Damage And Mood Disorders

Drinks that Contain Artificial Sweeteners like Aspartame Triple the ...

Aspartame has been linked to behavioral and cognitive problems including learning problems, headache, seizure, migraines, irritable moods, anxiety, depression, and insomnia, wrote the researchers of a 2017 study in Nutritional Neuroscience. Aspartame consumption needs to be approached with caution due to the possible effects on neurobehavioral health.

Oral aspartame significantly altered behavior, anti-oxidant status and morphology of the hippocampus in mice also, it may probably trigger hippocampal adult neurogenesis, reported a 2016 study in Neurobiology of Learning and Memory.

Previously, it has been reported that consumption of aspartame could cause neurological and behavioural disturbances in sensitive individuals. Headaches, insomnia and seizures are also some of the neurological effects that have been encountered, according to a 2008 study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. e propose that excessive aspartame ingestion might be involved in the pathogenesis of certain mental disorders and also in compromised learning and emotional functioning.

eurological symptoms, including learning and memory processes, may be related to the high or toxic concentrations of the sweetener metabolites, states a 2006 study in Pharmacological Research.

Aspartame could impair memory retention and damage hypothalamic neurons in adult mice, according to a 2000 mice study published in Toxicology Letters.

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Are Artificial Sweeteners Linked To Strokes And Dementia

The Guardian is claiming a new study “links” drinking a can of artificially sweetened to dementia and stroke, then putting a disclaimer that the study does not show a “causal” connection.

While technically they say the right words, the whole article seems to be skewed with weasel words to indicate that such a causal connection existsafter all a correlation without a causation means that they could title the article “an early sign of dementia is being more thirsty for soft drinks”, and be equally technically correct.

Furthermore, the study is cited without context. Studies can find correlation between cheese consumption and people dying tangled in bedsheets, but this does not tell us anything real. What is the current state of the evidence regarding the safety of these ingredients? Have they been tested for safety in regards to these diseases?

I would like to know what the actual evidence says:

  • Did the study actively look at causation? If so, did they find any evidence of it? Did they find evidence of no causation?
  • What does the rest of the literature say on this link? Have the same sweeteners been studied before? How good is the rest of the evidence?
  • What Exactly Is It

    Aspartame is an artificial sweetener thats made of aspartic acid and phenylalanine.

    Aspartic acid is a nonessential amino acid naturally found in our bodies and in sugarcane. Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid, which humans get from sources like meats, dairy, nuts, and seeds.

    When combined, these ingredients are 200 times sweeter than regular sugar and very low in calories.

    The internet is full of claims of aspartame poisoning and aspartame side effects, suggesting that it causes serious conditions, such as Alzheimers disease, Parkinsons disease, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

    Studies havent found any evidence to prove any of these claims or to link aspartame to any health problem.

    The only confirmed health issue related to aspartame pertains to a rare genetic disorder called phenylketonuria in which the body cant break down phenylalanine. People are born with the condition aspartame doesnt cause it.

    People with PKU can experience a buildup of phenylalanine in the blood that prevents important chemicals from reaching the brain. People with PKU are advised to limit their intake of aspartame and other products containing phenylalanine.

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    > > > Root Cause For Alzheimer And Dementia Found

    A healthy diet can be a great memory loss remedy. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as low-fat proteins such as nuts and seeds. Drinking plenty of water is also beneficial. The environment and personal experiences can affect the way your brain stores information, and this can lead to memory loss. There are many other causes of temporary memory loss, and it is important to get help as soon as possible. You should consult a medical professional to determine what the best treatment will be for your particular situation. Aspartame Linked to Dementia

    A healthy diet is another effective memory loss remedy. A healthy diet should include plenty of vegetables and fruits. A healthy diet is a key component in memory improvement. This is the best way to prevent memory loss. The best way to do this is to incorporate more fresh fruits and vegetables into your daily routine. If you cant eat fruits and vegetables, you should avoid them altogether. They are packed with antioxidants that can help your brain.

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    Aspartame – Brain Damaging Neurotoxin?

    A doctor will perform a physical exam to evaluate your mental processes. He or she will also ask you about any medications youre currently taking and any stressful situations youre facing. Your memory loss provider may also ask you about your symptoms and ask you to take notes on how youre feeling. The doctor may recommend that you get an appointment with a neuropsychologist. A neuropsychologist can help you figure out the best way to treat your memory loss.

    A doctor will conduct a physical exam to determine the exact cause of your memory loss. He or she will also ask you about your medical history and whether youve experienced other forms of memory loss. After your medical history, your provider will discuss your options for treatment. If youre experiencing severe symptoms of memory loss, you should seek out a professional. It will help you get the right kind of care for your specific situation. So, take action today.

    A healthcare provider will perform a physical exam to assess the condition of your memory. He or she will ask you about your family and friends and any medications youre taking. Once he or she has established the root cause, a proper treatment will be given. If you have a mild form of memory loss, you can still function independently and perform everyday tasks. If your symptoms are more severe, you may need to see a medical professional.

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    Diabetes And Metabolic Derangement

    Aspartame breaks down in part into phenylalanine, which interferes with the action of an enzyme intestinal alkaline phosphatase previously shown to prevent metabolic syndrome according to a 2017 study in Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. In this study, mice receiving aspartame in their drinking water gained more weight and developed other symptoms of metabolic syndrome than animals fed similar diets lacking aspartame. The study concludes, IAPs protective effects in regard to the metabolic syndrome may be inhibited by phenylalanine, a metabolite of aspartame, perhaps explaining the lack of expected weight loss and metabolic improvements associated with diet drinks.

    People who regularly consume artificial sweeteners are at increased risk of excessive weight gain, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, according to a 2013 Purdue review over 40 years published in Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism.

    Daily Consumption Of Sodas Fruit Juices And Artificially Sweetened Sodas Affect Brain

    Data from the Framingham Heart Study has shown that people who more frequently consume sugary beverages such as sodas and fruit juices are more likely to have poorer memory, smaller overall brain volumes and smaller hippocampal volumesan area of the brain important for memory. Researchers also found that people who drank diet soda daily were almost three times as likely to develop stroke and dementia when compared to those who did not consume diet soda.

    These findings appear separately in the journals Alzheimers & Dementia and the journal Stroke.

    Our findings indicate an association between higher sugary beverage intake and brain atrophy, including lower brain volume and poorer memory, explained corresponding author Matthew Pase, PhD, fellow in the department of neurology at BUSM and investigator at the FHS.

    We also found that people drinking diet soda daily were almost three times as likely to develop stroke and dementia. This included a higher risk of ischemic stroke, where blood vessels in the brain become obstructed and Alzheimers disease dementia, the most common form of dementia, he said.

    Excess sugar is known to have adverse effects on health. Diet soft drinks are often touted as a healthier alternative to regular soda. However both sugar and artificially-sweetened beverage consumption has been linked to cardiometabolic risk factors, which increases the risk of cerebrovascular disease and dementia.

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    Does Aspartame Cause Leukemia

    The researchers concluded that aspartame wasnt associated with the development of brain cancer, leukemia, or lymphoma. A 2013 review of evidence of other studies on aspartame consumption and various cancers also found no association between aspartame and cancer risk.

    Editors. 10 Last Updated. 48 days ago Authors. 2

    Artificial Sweeteners Linked With Stroke And Dementia

    10 Ingredients That Cause Alzheimer

    While keeping off extra weight is an important component of living longer and in better health, a new study warns adults to steer clear of diet drinks containing aspartame and saccharine.

    According to research from Boston University, there is a direct link between artificial sweeteners and an increased risk for strokes and dementia. Studies have also found that diet drinks may be no help in keeping off weight and could even contribute to obesity by triggering sugar receptors in the brain which makes us crave sweets.

    Scientists at Boston University studied nearly 4,400 adults over the age of 45 and found that those who drank one or more diet drinks a day were 2.9 per cent more likely to develop dementia and at 3 times the risk for a stroke compared with those who did not consume diet drinks. Artificial sweeteners are believed to affect the blood vessels, leading to an increased risk for stoke and dementia. Researchers still need more more evidence to support this theory but are recommending adults drink water, low-fat milk or other unsweetened drinks instead of sugary or artificially sweetened beverages.

    To read the full study, published April 24, 2017 in the American Heart Association Journal Stroke, follow this link.

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