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HomeHow To Calm Down A Dementia Person

How To Calm Down A Dementia Person

Enjoying A Meal Or Snack Together

Coronavirus and Dementia Q2: How to calm down and support the person with dementia?

The simple ritual of afternoon tea or sharing a tasty snack or meal can be made more enjoyable in a sunny room with brightly colored tableware.

Caregiver TIP: Carlos showed more interest in eating after I served him smaller portions on bright plates. We sit by the kitchen window and watch the birds at the feeder as we have our snack. Its our quiet afternoon ritual.

S To Calm Agitation And Aggression In Older Adults With Alzheimer’s

The most important issue caregivers need to understand is seniors with dementia are experiencing their own realities. In order to appease a seniors agitation and aggression, caregivers need to tap into this reality and embrace it.

How to Handle Difficult Behaviors When a Senior Has Alzheimers

Here are 10 tips for coping when an older adult with dementia exhibits difficult behaviors.

  • Music

    Music therapy helps seniors calm down and reflect on happier times. According to research from the Alzheimers Association, listening to music releases dopamine in the brain and triggers happy feelings throughout the body.

    Music also improves memory function and encourages social engagement.

  • Aromatherapy

    According to a study in BJPsych Advances, using scents like lavender can reduce difficult behaviors in older adults with dementia.

    Benefits include improved sleep, decreased agitation, higher concentration and reduced hallucinations.

  • Touch

    A gentle human touch can create a bond between the caregiver and the senior, resulting in a calming effect. It also helps increase trust. A soft back rub or gentle hand pat may be a way to reduce agitation in a senior loved one.

  • Pet Therapy

    According to Every Day Health, pet therapy has many benefits for seniors with dementia. They include decreased agitation, increased physical activity, increased appetite and joy.

  • Noise: Stressful Or Helpful

    Everyone who lives near an airport complains about the noise, but if the planes stop flying, they often find it strangely disturbing. Keeping noise down is generally a good idea for avoiding stress but silence too can be worrying. Reduce noise by having double-glazed windows and keeping them shut. Floor coverings and curtains can help reduce and soften noise, and ceiling tiles can help.

    In a care home, be careful about the use of radios or televisions. Although having favourite music playing in the background can help to screen unhelpful noise, make sure your area is designed so that everyone does not have to listen to one person’s taste. Even if the majority prefer one thing, it can be stressful for one person to have to put up with it. A stressed person might cause everyone else to be disturbed. Radio music with frequent news or advertising is less helpful for staying calm.

    Staff may think a care home is quiet at night, but what about the nurse call system that flashes and buzzes or the tumble dryer that is on all night all these make for potentially disturbing noises.

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    How To Deal With Dementia Behavior Problems

    • How to Deal with Dementia Behavior Problems: 19 Dos and Donts

    Dementia is a disease that affects millions of people across the globe every year. It is often a highly misunderstood condition that is marred by numerous misconceptions, which make the condition difficult to understand and study.

    You should know that dementia is not a name for an illness, rather it is a collective term that describes a broad range of symptoms that relate to declining of thinking, memory, and cognitive skills. These symptoms have deteriorating effects that usually affect how a patient acts and engages in the day-to-day activities.

    In advanced dementia stages, affected persons may experience symptoms that bring out a decline in rational thought, intellect, social skills, memory, and normal emotional reactivity. It is something that can make them powerless when it comes to living normal, healthy lives.

    Relatives, caregivers, spouses, siblings, children and anyone close to a person who has dementia need to know how to deal with behavioral problems that surface because of the illness. Examples of dementia problems may include aggressiveness, violence and oppositional behaviors. Find out some of the vital Do and Donts when dealing with a dementia patient.

    Do Try And Identify The Trigger That Causes Behavior Change

    Pin on Dementia

    After spending some time with a patient who has dementia, caregivers may be in a position to identify some of the things that make dementia sufferers yell, get physical, or change their mood. For some, it may be something simple such as taking a bath or even getting dressed.

    The best approach to handle this is not to force the patient to do something that they do not want to do. Try and distract them with something else that allows them to relax and calm down. Once they are not a danger to themselves or anyone around them, try going back to the subject, but this time reassuringly and calmly.

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    Dont Be Afraid To Ask For Alzheimer’s Support

    “Knowing how to detect, defuse, and prevent anger is one of the most important skills for Alzheimers care providers, says Larry Meigs, CEO of Visiting Angels. Its one of the skills we value most in our Alzheimers caregivers.

    If you find that you need support in handling a loved ones dementia or Alzheimers care, help from an Alzheimers care provider can be invaluable. To discuss your options for professional, in-home Alzheimers care, call your local Visiting Angels office today.

    If you are concerned about sudden changes in your loved ones behavior or have questions about caring for your loved one, please also contact your loved ones healthcare provider for information and support.

    How Much Coconut Oil Do You Need To Take

    Firstly, understand that you cannot overdose on coconutoil ever! However, too much in the beginning can cause mild diarrhea in somepeople so its best to start off slow and gradually build up. Two tablespoonstaken three times daily in divided doses is best to begin with.After a few weeks you can then increase to four tablespoonsconsumed three times per day. Just make sure the coconut oil you buy is 100% organic, virgin coconut oil. Processed coconut oil contains trans fatty acidsand should never be eaten.

    In addition to taking coconut oil every day, its also agood idea to make up some coconut milk and use this instead of drinking cowsmilk. Processed dairy is exceptionally bad for dementia suffers but coconut milk is exceptionally good! You can find outhow to easily make your own coconut milk here;

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    Determining The Cause Of The Behavior

    Taking the time to listen and assess the situation can help pinpoint the source of anxiety and intent of the behavior. Is there a pattern to the behavior? Has anything changed in the patient’s health, environment, treatment plan, or daily routine?

    Ask these kinds of questions when determining the cause of violent behavior and remember: Don’t take it personally. It may seem like the dementia patient is attacking you, but really they are anxious and you happen to be around.

    When behavioral disturbances occur, give the person space; you may need to leave the room until you’re both calm, according to the Alzheimer’s Society. Showing your anxiety may make the dementia patient more agitated, so make sure you can approach them calmly. Tell the person you can see they’re upset.

    How Do You Make A Dementia Patient Happy

    Pacing or Searching? How to help your Person with Dementia Calm Down

    Continue reading to find out some suggestions of activities to do with you loved ones living with dementia and Alzheimers.Exercise and physical activity. Reminisce about their life. Engage them in their favourite activities. Cooking and baking. Animal therapy. Go out and about. Explore nature. Read their favourite book.More itemsJun 26, 2017

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    Wednesday Workshop How To Calm Down A Person With Alzheimers

    Hello and welcome to our Wednesday Workshop. A person with Alzheimers could be prone to mood swings. Sometimes, these mood swings leave your loved one agitated or even angry. Mood swings can occur suddenly, with no apparent reason, or result from a frustrating situation. While it can be hard to cope with, understanding that the person with Alzheimers or dementia is not acting this way on purpose can help.

    Listen To Your Senior Loved One

    If your loved one is able to verbally communicate with you take some time to listen to what they are angry or frustrated about.

    Here are some tips on how to actively listen:

    • Pay one-on-one attention to your senior loved one
    • Make eye to eye contact with him/her
    • Be patient and give them time to respond to you
    • Do not patronize or ridicule them in any way. You may think you are making a joke but they may not be able to comprehend the nuances of your humor.
    • Acknowledge what they are saying by casually rephrasing their statement and responding to it
    • If they can tolerate physical touch put your hand on them which can show them that you are paying attention just to them

    Make sure to listen carefully to what your loved one is saying. This will allow you to determine what their needs are. Remember that they are often confused and are having a hard time understanding words. Dont push your own agenda. Just concentrate on what THEY are saying.

    If they arent able to verbally communicate and are just ranting non-sensical words or sounds then work on comforting them by any of the following techniques:

    • Keep your body language calm and receptive to them by facing them, direct eye to eye contact and placing your hand on them .
    • Try your best to show a pleasant and happy look on your face.
    • Keep your tone positive and friendly.
    • Approach your loved one from the front.
    • For some seniors with dementia, personal space is an issue so respect that.

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    Common Changes In Behaviour

    In the middle to later stages of most types of dementia, a person may start to behave differently. This can be distressing for both the person with dementia and those who care for them.

    Some common changes in behaviour include:

    • repeating the same question or activity over and over again
    • restlessness, like pacing up and down, wandering and fidgeting
    • night-time waking and sleep disturbance
    • following a partner or spouse around everywhere
    • loss of self-confidence, which may show as apathy or disinterest in their usual activities

    If you’re caring for someone who’s showing these behaviours, it’s important to try to understand why they’re behaving like this, which is not always easy.

    You may find it reassuring to remember that these behaviours may be how someone is communicating their feelings. It may help to look at different ways of communicating with someone with dementia.

    Sometimes these behaviours are not a dementia symptom. They can be a result of frustration with not being understood or with their environment, which they no longer find familiar but confusing.

    Keeping The Hands Busy

    How Do You Calm Down an Angry Person with Dementia?

    Keeping the hands busy can be an enjoyable activity for some, while providing mental, sensory, and tactile stimulation. Whether its peeling carrots, doing large puzzles, folding colorful scarves, or fiddling with a lock and chain activity board, caregivers report these simple activities often bring hours of contentment to the person.

    Expert TIP: Youll have more success by saying I need your help, or I could use your opinion, or Could you help me with These expressions indicate to the person that they are valued, that someone needs them, and increases the likelihood that they will want to go do something with you. Dale Thielges, Recreation Therapist, Alzhiemers Assocation.

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    Reminiscing Over Family Albums

    Engaging the person in discussion about pleasurable events and persons from their past is a popular and highly successful activity. You can use your own scrapbooks or buy one thats ready made complete with thoughtful questions and comments to say to the person to evoke positive memories.

    Caregiver TIP: Some of the most enjoyable times I had with Mario was looking at our family albums. You should be prepared however in case they ask you where the people are that youre looking at. If the person has died and they still think the person is alive, they may get upset if you tell them theyre no longer with us.

    Tips To Reduce Nighttime Restlessness

    Improve sleep hygiene. Provide a comfortable bed, reduce noise and light, and play soothing music to help your loved one get to sleep. If they prefer to sleep in a chair or on the couch, make sure they cant fall out while sleeping.

    Keep a regular sleep schedule. Be consistent with the time for sleeping and keep the nighttime routine the same. For example, give the person a bath and some warm milk before bed.

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    To Calm Down A Person With Alzheimers Disease Try:

  • Rule out pain as a source of stress. Pain can cause a person with dementia to act aggressively.
  • Focus on feelings. Rather than focusing on specific details, consider the persons emotions. Look for the feelings behind the words or actions.
  • Dont get upset. Be positive and reassuring. Speak slowly in a soft tone .
  • Limit distractions. Examine the persons surroundings, and adapt them to avoid similar situations.
  • Try a relaxing activity. Use music, massage or exercise to help soothe the person.
  • Shift the focus to another activity. The immediate situation or activity may have unintentionally caused the behavior. Try something different.
  • Managing problems in Alzheimers is possible. Discuss ideas with your doctor, make a plan, and see what works best. If a plan doesnt seem to be working, call the doctor immediately to discuss the problems youre having. Caregiver support groups;may also offer good ideas for managing behaviors, based on others own experiences.

    Keep The Patient Active During The Day

    Tips On How To Calm Down Someone Who Has Dementia

    Plan daily activities; go for a stroll outdoors, meet family members and friends, and if happy and able – visit a specialist group, such as a dementia cafe. Exposure to natural daylight is important to regulate the body clock, and getting out and about is the best way to enjoy good physical health. This will also help to tire and promote better sleep.;

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    Natural Remedies For Dementia And Alzheimers Treatment Option #4: Mineral Supplements

    Minerals are commonly referred to as the sparks of life.They are what keep our body battery going and keep it charged. Minerals arealso needed by the brains electrical circuit to function properly. You maynot know this but your brain is one incredible and very intricate circuitboard. Every time you think a thought , little sparks and electrical currents are busyracing and crisscrossing each other in a dazzling and spectacular light show. Infact, while youre brains at work it’s actually producing enough electricity topower a light bulb!

    So how it basically works is when you think a thought, that particular thought is then transferred or relayed to the area of the brainthat needs it by sparks or electricity. And minerals are one of the crucialcomponents that make this all happen and make the process run smoothly. Butwhen your brain lacks the minerals it needs for this process to work correctly,these sparks begin to jump in the wrong places. Or even worse, they dontjump at all! This is the;beginnings and eventual progression;of diseases suchas Alzheimers.;

    Aggressive Behaviour In Dementia

    In the later stages of dementia, some people with dementia will develop what’s known as behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia .

    The symptoms of BPSD can include:

    • increased agitation
    • aggression
    • delusions
    • hallucinations

    These types of behaviours are very distressing for the carer and for the person with dementia.

    It’s very important to ask your doctor to rule out or treat any underlying causes, such as:

    If the person you’re caring for behaves in an aggressive way, try to stay calm and avoid confrontation. You may have to leave the room for a while.

    If none of the coping strategies works, an antipsychotic medicine can be prescribed as a short-term treatment. This should be prescribed by a consultant psychiatrist.

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    Drink Plenty Of Fluids Throughout The Day

    It is very important that people with dementia stay hydrated. Drinking little and often is the best way to stay hydrated, without constantly needing the toilet. Dehydration can cause added confusion and illnesses such as urinary tract infections . It is best to encourage consumption of most daily fluids in the early and middle hours of the day to avoid getting up for the bathroom in the night. If the person you care for enjoys an evening cup of tea, try switching it for decaf.;

    Natural Remedies For Dementia And Alzheimers Treatment Option #5: Omega

    How Do You Calm Down Someone with Dementia? 4 Expert Tips ...

    Omega-3 fatty acids are yet another fat that are incrediblyhealthy for the brain and nervous system. They contain the EPA and DHA essentialfatty acids, which help to prevent brain cell damage and keep the nervoussystem in peak working order. And they dont just help to slow down the progressionof dementia diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons either, theyalso help to lower ones risk of developing the disease in the first place.

    Best sources of omega-3s are fish oil, cod liver oil andkrill oil. Krill oil is probably the pick of the bunch because it contains asubstance calledAstaxanthin, which is a potent brain foodand has been shown in studies to help prevent neurodegeneration of the brain.

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