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How To Say Alzheimer’s

Millions Spent By Government On Research

How to Pronounce Alzheimers? (CORRECTLY)

Every year, the UK Government spends approximately £75 million on research into dementia.

The number of British scientists studying dementia almost doubled between 2009 and 2015, says Alzheimers Research UK.

Prof Ashe, a neuroscientist who runs the lab in which Dr Lesné performed his work and who is co-author of the paper, issued a statement saying: Having worked for decades to understand the cause of Alzheimers disease, so that better treatments can be found for patients, it is devastating to discover a co-worker may have misled me and the scientific community through the doctoring of images.

However, she went on to accuse Science magazine of misrepresenting their work and claimed that, despite the problems, the findings were valid.

Richard Smith, a former editor-in-chief of the British Medical Journal , who has warned that research fraud is a major threat to public health, said that the case was shocking but not surprising.

He cites research that suggests up to one in five of the estimated two million medical studies published each year could contain invented or plagiarised results, details of patients who never existed and trials that did not actually take place. He adds the problem is well known about in science circles, yet there is a reluctance within the establishment to accept the scale of the problem.

The same principles apply here publishers act with impunity because they can.

How The Disease Affects The Brain

Physiologically, dementia and/or Alzheimers affects various parts of the brain, specifically, it affects the brain in such a way that people have a difficult time learning new information. This is why, for a long time into the disease, patients and/or loved ones can remember things that happened a long time ago. They can remember wedding dates, the war they fought in, where they went to high schoolbut they can’t remember the visit that they had with their daughter yesterday. This is because the disease affects certain parts of the brainthe temporal lobeswhich are responsible for helping us learn new things.

The reason theyre able to hold onto the memories that happened a long time ago is that those memories are represented throughout the brain. Long-term memories don’t require just one or two areas of the brainthey’re probably represented in multiple systemsso the disease has to be quite advanced before patients and/or loved ones start losing those memories.

In the brain of someone with dementia and/or Alzheimer’s, there are actual holes in the brain that form. In an image of an Alzheimer’s brain, one can see where many of the brain cells have diedand it affects every area of the brain.

Be Empathetic To Fear And Distrust

In addition to causing memory loss, Alzheimers and other types of dementia can heighten paranoia. McKoy says some patients with dementia might say Youre trying to harm me! or Youre taking my things! She adds that some seniors with dementia fear being locked up by family members.

If your parent shows signs of extreme suspicion or distrust during the conversation, follow these tips from National Institute on Aging:

  • Assure them that theyre safe. Rather than arguing with a parents unfounded fears, remind them that theyre safe with you. Tell them how much you care.
  • Dont get pulled into the blame game. It hurts to hear your mom or dad accuse you of harming them. Try to remember paranoia is a symptom of dementia its not personal. Respond calmly with a simple explanation, assurance of your love, or even a distraction.
  • Use comforting distractions when necessary. If a parent reacts with suspicion and paranoia, change the subject for now. Lift their mood by talking about a family photograph or beloved memento.

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Should You Keep Trying To Communicate

Family members may frequently ask, How often should I visit?, or, Should I visit at all, because they dont seem to be understanding what were saying, most of the time they dont seem to recognize me, etc. Caregivers can encourage family members to visit because its important to them. Also, the person with memory loss may catch some things on some days, and if family members can make the interaction a pleasant moment, it can be rewarding for both.

Communication amongst family becomes particularly difficult when the person with dementia and/or Alzheimers doesn’t recognize family members anymore. In this situation, a spouse or children can think that it doesnt do any good to go talk to the personthat anyone could talk to him/her because they dont remember who they are. But there is a richness that happens because of family history together, something that can only come from people that have been family or friends for a long time.

The type of communication families can get out of visits can be pulled from the strength of the patient and/or loved ones long-term memories. They can still talk about the past, and for family members, to hear those things are perhaps a worthwhile gift.

Even though the patient and/or loved one can no longer communicate the way they used to, there are still other ways to enjoy time together. There is beauty and simplicity in being in the present moment.

A Reluctance To Face The Issue Survey Says

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A recent Alzheimers Association survey of 1,000 individuals found that about three-quarters of Americans would be concerned about offending a family member or friend if they were to approach that person about observed signs of Alzheimers.

About 8 out of 10 respondents thought a confrontation on the topic would cause unnecessary worry, while 69 percent expressed concern that it could ruin their relationship.

Roughly 1 in 3 polled wouldnt say anything at all to a family member or friend who they thought was displaying signs of Alzheimers. More than one-third would wait until the individuals symptoms worsened before talking to him about the problem.

Im not surprised by the results, says Ruth Drew, a licensed professional counselor and director of Family and Information Services at the Alzheimers Association in Chicago.

A lot of us avoid conflict, says Drew. I loved the statistic in this survey that showed that almost 8 out of 10 Americans would shift responsibility of discussing observed signs of Alzheimers disease to another family member. Wed all rather that somebody else does the heavy lifting when it comes to these difficult conversations.

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Pick A Comfortable Time And Setting

If you do sit down to talk to someone about possible signs of Alzheimers disease, choose a relaxed setting with few distractions. To help things go smoothly, you may also want to practice what you want to say in advance.

Drew says that the right time and place is different for different people, but if you know the person well, you may know what will work best for them.

One woman waited for a trip home at Thanksgiving to talk to her parents about the subject, according to Drew. The atmosphere at the holiday felt right for a loving and productive conversation.

The woman asked her parents, if she ever saw any changes in them that made her worry, would they want her to tell them about her concerns? says Drew. That opened the door to a conversation at a time when nobody was upset or worried. It gave the parents a chance to say, Yes! We would want you to tell us.

‘i’ve Just Told You That’

Having to answer the same question several times can be frustrating, but repetition will happen. There is little benefit to passing on your frustration to somebody with dementia, and saying Ive just told you that only reminds the person of their condition.

Try this instead:

Try to be polite and as patient as possible. It’s important for somebody with dementia to feel they’re being listened to and understood.

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‘your Brother Died 10 Years Ago’

A person living with dementia may forget about a past bereavement or ask for somebody who has passed away. But reminding them of a loved one’s death can be painful, even causing them to relive the grief they’ve already experienced. How carers should respond to this may vary for different circumstances, but it’s always good to show sensitivity.

Try this instead:

It may be better to come up with another reason for somebody’s absence, while at other times a gentle reminder is appropriate. In the later stages of dementia, trying to remind them that the person has died is unlikely to work and may be best avoided.

Initial Causes How Do You Say Alzheimers

How to Pronounce Alzheimers Disease?

There are several different causes of memory loss. Some cause this condition in the young, while others may be more gradual. If you notice that your memory is weakening, its important to consult a medical professional. Whether the cause is mental illness, age, or a combination of factors, its important to seek treatment as soon as possible. People with extensive memory loss may have social difficulties and anxiety, which can lead to depression. They may be afraid they are letting their loved ones down, which can lead to anxiety and depression. How Do You Say Alzheimers

Fortunately, there are many causes of memory loss, and many of them are treatable. However, if you are experiencing serious memory problems, you may need medical treatment. If you have been undergoing any type of medication, you should consult with your doctor. Some people have other underlying conditions that may be causing their loss of memory. Alcohol abuse, sleep deprivation, or other mental health conditions can cause memory problems. You should seek out a medical professional if you suspect youre suffering from any of these conditions.

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Treating Alzheimers Disease Vs Other Types Of Dementia

Neither Alzheimerâs nor most other types of dementia have a cure. Doctors focus treatments on managing symptoms and keeping the disease from getting worse.

Some of the treatments for dementia and Alzheimerâs overlap.

  • Cholinesterase inhibitors can help with memory loss in certain types of dementia and Alzheimerâs.
  • Glutamate inhibitors help with learning and memory in both dementia and Alzheimerâs.
  • Sleep medications may help with sleep changes.
  • Antidepressants can help with depression symptoms.
  • Antipsychotic medications may help with behavior changes.

Some types of dementia respond to treatment, depending on what is causing it. Your doctor may recommend:

  • Stopping the use of drugs and alcohol
  • Tumor removal

Show Sources

Alzheimerâs Association: âCreutzfeldt-Jakob Disease,â âFrontotemporal Dementia,â âTypes of Dementia,â âWhat is Alzheimerâs?â

Alzheimerâs Disease International: âWorld Alzheimerâs Report 2015.â

Alzheimerâs Society: âSight, perception and hallucinations in dementia.â

BrightFocus Foundation: âWhatâs the Difference Between Dementia & Alzheimerâs Disease?â âTreatments for Alzheimerâs Disease.â

Dementia Society of America: âDementia FAQs.â

Fisher Center for Alzheimerâs Research Foundation: âDementia vs. Alzheimerâs.â

Visiting Nurse Association of Ohio: âAlzheimerâs Versus Dementia.â

Mayo Clinic: âAlzheimerâs Disease,â âDementia.â

Cleveland Clinic: âDementia.â

> > > 1tsp Of This Powder Stops Brain Fog And Rejuvenates Brain Cells

Eating a healthy diet is an excellent memory loss remedy. It should consist of fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains and low-fat proteins. Avoid alcohol and drugs, which can also cause confusion and memory loss. Its important to follow your doctors recommendations, and review your medications regularly. If you suspect a medical condition, you may want to consult a medical professional for a diagnosis and treatment. This way, a physician can prescribe the right medication. How Do You Say Alzheimers

Eating a healthy diet is an effective memory loss remedy. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can improve your memory. A balanced diet can also help you to retain information longer. Try to consume at least five servings of these foods a day. The berries contain anthocyanins and flavonoids, which can be very helpful in fighting memory loss. A study of 16,000 women found that those who ate more berries were less likely to suffer from cognitive decline. Turmeric root contains a substance called curcumin, which is found in high concentrations. This compound is a powerful antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory effects.

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How To Set Up A Low Stress Moving Day

The days leading up to a loved ones move can be mentally and emotionally taxing. McKoy says its common for family members to feel guilty about the inability to care for the senior at home. But dont let personal emotional turmoil keep you from continuing to have conversations to prepare the loved one for the transition. Follow these tips to foster an atmosphere of care and respect in the days leading up to the move:

Dont Counter Aggressive Behavior

4 Things You Should Tell Someone With Dementia

People with dementia and/or Alzheimer’s may become aggressive in response to the environment. Bath time is often when the aggressive behavior is displayed. The caregivers and/or family member’s approach may also play a part. Rushing, speaking harshly, or forcing a person may result in an aggressive response. When someone with memory loss displays aggressive behavior, it is a form of communication. It may be the only way a person has left to say, Pay attention to me! I don’t want to take a bath! When someone is communicating vigorously, it is the caregivers and/or family member’s job to respect that communication. Hitting, kicking, or biting are ways of saying, stop. The appropriate response is to stop. That doesnt mean not to try again in five minutes or a half an hour.

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Common Frustrations & Difficulties

Communicating with a person with memory loss can be difficult, but the right strategies can bridge the gap and foster a more fulfilling relationship between the patient and/or loved one. For caregiverswhether you’re a professional or a family member caring for a loved oneits important to adopt a positive attitude to effectively communicate.

Engaging with patients and/or loved ones in an encouraging and patient manner will help minimize feelings of frustration. If you’re struggling to connect with a patient and/or loved one with memory loss, its important to know a few common frustrations and traps and how you can avoid them.

First, remind yourself that people with dementia and/or Alzheimers only have the present moment, so we can let them know that we enjoy their company. When caring for someone who has the disease, the most important thing to take care of is that persons feelings. A person with memory loss cant remember the minute before, they dont know whats going to happen in the next minute. They cant do that kind of thinking, so how they feel right now is the most important thing to pay attention to.

How To Support Alzheimers & Brain Awareness Month

From walks to conversations to prayer groups, raising awareness of this deadly disease

by Edward GrinnanPosted in About Alzheimer’s and Dementia, Jun 1, 2022

I have been known to joke that every conceivable malady and cause has its own awareness month. September is the champion, with 20 or so . Not that Im making fun. Each and every one of these issues needs all the attention and support it can garner, even pediculosis.

June is Alzheimers & Brain Awareness Month, which for those of you who follow this blog know is a cause close to my heart . Im even willing to put aside my aversion to purple, the official color of Alzheimers & Brain Awareness Month, to support it.

I have been writing a book about my concerns regarding Alzheimers, exploring my own fear of the disease given my family history. My mother, both her sisters, one brother and their father all died from it. Inevitably I wonder if Im next. Ive been undergoing tests and counseling to find an answer, if an answer can be found, and writing about my mothers struggle and how our family dealt with it.

You can also join a social media campaign using the hashtags #EndAlz and #AlzheimersAndBrainAwarenessMonth.

If you have a loved one living in a memory care facility, why not spend a little more time with them your next visit or add extra visits to your calendar this month?

And yes, if you have some time left over, please say a prayer for me. Now excuse me while I go shopping for something purple to wear.

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How Can You Tell If Someone Has Dementia Or Alzheimers

The level of dementia can be determined based on a number of different tests. Those with Alzheimers, and others, are often diagnosed by examining and testing their medical records, physical exams, lab work, and recognizing changes in their thinking, behavior and other capacities, according to a careful medical history.

‘do You Need Some Help With That Love’

How to pronounce ‘dementia’

Words like love, honey and dear can sometimes be patronising for people living with dementia. This is particularly true if this is not how they were referred to before having dementia. This is sometimes referred to as elderspeak and can cause older people to feel infantilised.

Try this instead:

Always remember the person behind the dementia, using their name as often as appropriate. This helps keep their dignity intact and aids concentration too.

Contact our Dementia Connect support line if you would like support from one of our advisers.

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Recognize The Signs And Symptoms

Early signs of Alzheimers often involve short-term memory loss, according to Drew. A person may forget if they have had breakfast that morning or have taken a medication. She adds that a person with early Alzheimers may also struggle with basic arithmetic or withdraw from things they really enjoy.

It affects people in different ways, she says, but if you observe changes that are affecting everyday life, its time to get them checked out.

Gayatri Devi, MD, a neurologist specializing in memory disorders at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City and author of The Spectrum of Hope: An Optimistic and New Approach to Alzheimer’s Disease and other Dementias, says that she asks her patients to visit a doctor if they notice a consistent change in memory, language, or other cognitive abilities over time, without a clear antecedent like a stroke or head injury to account for it.

To learn more, check out the Alzheimers Associations 10 Early Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimers.


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