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HomeHealthIs Alzheimer's Hereditary From Mother Or Father

Is Alzheimer’s Hereditary From Mother Or Father

Am I At Risk For Alzheimer’s

Is Alzheimer’s disease hereditary? Is there a genetic component?

Whether we have seen early signs in ourselves or not, many of us want to know what our chances of getting this disease may be. Research has shown a number of possible factors that can impact your chances of getting Alzheimer’s disease, although none of these are a cause in and of themselves.

Some ages are more at risk

Old age is one of the most obvious risk factors. The vast majority of people develop the disease after the age of 65, and once you reach 65, your risk of getting Alzheimer’s doubles every five years. But Alzheimer’s doesn’t only affect people over 65 it has been known to affect people half that age, although this is much rarer.

Alzheimer’s is hereditary

A family history will also increase your risk of getting the disease. The risk increases even more if you have multiple family members who have suffered from the disease.

Whilst this may be due to the hereditary genetic factors we will look at in more depth later, there may be other factors at play. These could include environmental factors that impact both yourself and your family.

Gender predisposition

Gender is another significant risk factor. The first discovery of the disease back in 1906 was in a woman, and about twice as many women as men over 65 have Alzheimer’s. This may be in part to the fact that women have a longer lifespan or may even possibly be linked to menopause.

Genetic factors of Alzheimer’s

Other risk factors

How Do I Get Alzheimer

Scientists believe that for most people, Alzheimer’s disease is caused by a combination of genetic, lifestyle and environmental factors that affect the brain over time. Less than 1% of the time, Alzheimer’s is caused by specific genetic changes that virtually guarantee a person will develop the disease.

Is Alzheimer’s Genetic Or Hereditary

Asked by: Gloria Hamill I

There is a hereditary component to Alzheimer’s. People whose parents or siblings have the disease are at a slightly higher risk of developing the condition. However, we’re still a long way from understanding the genetic mutations that lead to the actual development of the disease.

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Genes Which May Influence Alzheimers Disease

Having a close relative with the Alzheimers disease is not evidence of a genetic link. People who are influenced by risk factor genes are only at a slightly increased risk in developing the disease than the average population.

The most important gene discovered to date is the Apolipoprotein E gene, which is found in chromosome 19. This gene occurs in three forms in humans: types 2, 3 and 4. Every person in the world carries two Apolipoprotein genes: they can be the same type , or a mixture of two types . What has been found is that people with at least one type 4 and especially those with two, such as 4,4, are at an increased risk of developing Alzheimers disease earlier in life than those with the other types of Apolipoprotein E. Nevertheless half of the people aged 85 who have 2 copies of apolipoprotein E 4 do not have symptoms of Alzheimers disease at that age.

People with type 2, especially 2,2, appear to be protected against developing Alzheimers disease, until much later in life. Researchers do not understand why this is so, and there is much research underway to find out why.

The type of Apolipoprotein does not mean definitely that Alzheimers disease will or will not occur. Indeed it is known that some people can reach 90 with type 4 and not develop dementia, whereas others with type 2 can develop dementia much earlier in life. What this means is that the type of Apolipoprotein a person has, is not enough on its own to cause Alzheimers disease.

Alzheimers And Down Syndrome

Genetics and Inheritance

Down syndrome may give researchers hints at how the 21st chromosome affects the development of Alzheimers disease.

In Down syndrome, an individual has an extra copy of chromosome 21. This 43rd chromosome overall leads to symptoms, such as a flattened facial appearance, slant eyes, short neck, small ears, small hands and feet, and intellectual and/or developmental problems.

Moreover, individuals with Down syndrome develop Alzheimers at a much higher rate than the rest of the population, and at a much younger age.

Since Down syndrome seems to increase risk of Alzheimers disease, scientists believe the APP gene, which is present on chromosome 21, playsa major role in Alzheimers development.

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Cause #: Mild Cognitive Impairment

People who already have mild cognitive impairment may be at an increased risk of developing full-blown Alzheimers. A mild cognitive impairment doesnt necessarily impact a persons daily life in a major way. However, it can have some effects on memory, thinking skills, visual perception, and the ability to make sound decisions.

Scientists are trying to understand why some cases of mild cognitive impairment progress into Alzheimers. A

Can Alzheimer’s Be Triggered By Stress

The link between Alzheimer’s and stress needs to be further examined, but researchers believes that stress can cause inflammation in the brain, making the brain more susceptible to health problems like dementia. Stress can also lead to depression, a known risk factor for Alzheimer’s and related forms of the disease.

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Mother’s Genes Appear To Pass On Tendency For The Disease To Children

by Elizabeth Agnvall, AARP Bulletin, March 1, 2011

En español | If your mother has Alzheimer’s, you are more likely to develop the disease than if your father has Alzheimer’s, according to a study published today in the journal Neurology.

The study adds to a growing body of evidence that a tendency for the disease appears to be passed down through the mother’s genes. Previous studies have found that people who have a close relative mother, father, brother, sister with the disease are four to 10 times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s compared with those who have no direct family history.

Experts say the research may one day lead to gene manipulation that could prevent the disease. For now, though, it should encourage those with a family history of Alzheimer’s to eat healthy foods and exercise, two strategies linked to a lower risk of the disease.

For this study, researchers at the University of Kansas followed 53 healthy men and women age 60 and over for two years. Eleven of them had a mother with Alzheimer’s disease, 10 had a father with the disease and 32 had no family history. The groups were given brain scans and memory tests throughout the study.

Today, more than 5 million Americans have Alzheimer’s, and yet there is no proven treatment or cure.

What Role Do Our Genes Play In Dementia

Inherited Alzheimers genes may point to dementia treatment

As dementia is so common, many of us will have a relative living with the condition but this does not mean we will develop it too.

Dementia is caused by diseases that affect the brain, such as Alzheimers disease. The likelihood of developing dementia will usually depend on a complex mix of factors like our age, medical history and lifestyle, as well as our genes. Most cases of dementia are not directly caused by genes we inherit from our parents.

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Vascular Issues May Also Play A Role In Alzheimers Disease

Vascular problems those related to blood vessels, such as beta-amyloid deposits in brain arteries, ministrokes, and hardening of the arteries may be a cause of Alzheimers disease as well as a result of it.

Damaged arteries harm the brain by reducing the flow of blood, depriving brain cells of oxygen and essential nutrients like glucose preventing the elimination of toxic beta-amyloid and tau proteins and leading to damaging inflammation.

Researchers are working to identify exactly how and why this happens with the goal of interfering with this cycle.

A study published in 2017 in the Journal of the American Medical Association , following 322 subjects for over 20 years, found a relationship between vascular risk factors in middle age obesity, smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol and amyloid plaques in the brain.

The researchers found that subjects who had one risk factor had an 88 percent increased risk for elevated levels of amyloid plaques. People with two or more risk factors had almost triple the risk.

How Can I Reduce My Risk Of Dementia

For the vast majority of people, our genes are only one factor affecting our risk of dementia. There are many other factors involved, such as age and lifestyle. While we cannot change our age or genes, research has found that up to a third of all cases of dementia could be avoided through lifestyle changes.

There are simple things we can do that may help lower our risk:

  • Do not smoke.
  • Drink fewer than 14 units of alcohol per week.
  • Control high blood pressure.
  • Keep cholesterol at a healthy level.
  • Keep active and exercise regularly.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Eat a healthy balanced diet.

You can find more detailed information about how you can reduce your risk of dementia here.

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Will I Inherit My Fathers Alzheimers Disease

The role genetics can play in Alzheimers remains unclear. What research seems to indicate is people who have a first degree relative with Alzheimers disease may be at higher risk.

The Genetics of Alzheimers Disease

Some dementia researchers believe genetics may indeed increase your risk for developing Alzheimers by as much as 30%. Having a parent or sibling who has been diagnosed with Alzheimers disease appears to be where your gene pool comes in to the equation. The younger the family member was at the time of their diagnosis, the higher your personal risk.

Where the science is clearer is in cases of Early-onset Alzheimers. This form of the disease, also referred to as Familial Alzheimers disease , strikes adults between the ages of 30 and 60. Researchers have linked it to a gene mutation. An adult child of a parent with FAD has a 50/50 chance of inheriting the disease.

Steps to Take to Prevent Alzheimers Disease

Age continues to be the greatest risk factor for developing Alzheimers disease. After the age of 65, your risk for it doubles every five years. While researchers havent been able to figure out why that is, they do believe there are controllable risk factors.

Here are a few steps you can take that may help prevent or delay this disease:

Taking a proactive approach to managing your health may cut your risk for developing Alzheimers disease.

The Genetics Of Alzheimer’s Disease And Frontotemporal Disorders

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The Genetics of Alzheimer’s Disease

Most cases of Alzheimers disease-type dementia result from a mix of genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors. Overall, 65 year olds have a 10 percent risk of developing symptoms. In other words, 1 in 10 people over age 65 will develop it, and those who reach 85 or older, the rate rises to 1 in 3. That level of risk varies in subtle ways across individuals. About 20 gene variants are known to confer low levels of increased risk for late-onset Alzheimers disease, while others endow resilience.

Some cases of Alzheimer’s disease, and other neurodegenerative diseases such as frontotemporal dementia, are caused by a genetic mutation, or permanent change in one or more specific genes. About 3% of Alzheimer cases are familial, or caused by single mutations inherited from a parent. Familial Alzheimer’s disease usually onsets before age 65. Read on to learn about the genetic differences between early- and late-onset Alzheimer’s disease, and frontotemporal degeneration .

Identifying genetic variants may help researchers find the most effective ways to treat or prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s or frontotemporal degeneration in an individual. This approach, called precision medicine, takes into account individual variability in genes, environment, and lifestyle for each person.

Late-Onset Alzheimers Disease Genetics

* Adapted from the National Institute on Aging: Alzheimer’s Education and Referral Center

More information sources:

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What Age Does Alzheimers Usually Start

Damage occurring in the brain of someone with Alzheimers disease begins to show itself in very early clinical signs and symptoms. For most people with Alzheimersthose who have the late-onset varietysymptoms first appear in their mid-60s. Signs of early-onset Alzheimers begin between a persons 30s and mid-60s.

Family History By The Numbers

Studies of family history say that if you have a close relative who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s diseasethe most common form of dementia in older adultsyour risk increases by about 30%. This is a relative risk increase, meaning a 30% hike in your existing risk.

If you are age 65, the risk of being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s is 2% per year, although this also means a 98% chance per year of not developing Alzheimer’s. In absolute numbers, a 2% annual risk means that two out of 100 65-year-olds will develop dementia every year.

Family history raises the 2% annual risk by about 30%, to 2.6% per year. That means going from 20 cases in a group of 1,000 to 26 in 1,000, or six additional cases in 1,000. “So the absolute increase is relatively small,” Dr. Marshall says.

Age raises the chance of Alzheimer’s more than family history. People in their 70s have a 5% chance of being diagnosedmore than twice that of people in their 60s. Family history raises this by 30%, from 5% to 6.5%. Again, the absolute change is relatively small.

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The Latest In Alzheimers And Dementia Testing

There are many tests today that can help determine whether you are at risk for Alzheimers or dementia. These include:

  • Cognitive assessments. Medical professionals continue to refine their ability to evaluate and assess a persons cognitive health with motor skill and mental tests.
  • Brain scans. Brain imaging can also shed light on alterations in the brain that may lead to or be causing dementia.
  • Blood tests. Tests can detect a protein in the blood called NfL . It has proven to be an early biological marker for Alzheimers. Other tests can evaluate the level of amyloid and tau proteins in the blood.
  • DNA testing. There are many tests available today that can detect the ApoE gene which has been associated with late-onset Alzheimers. Even genealogy companies like 23andMe can test for variants of the ApoE gene.

People Affected By Dementia Are Often Concerned About Whether The Condition Can Be Passed Along In Families

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Here we discuss the role of heredity in Alzheimers disease and other forms of dementia.

Dementia is the term used to describe the symptoms of a large group of illnesses which cause a progressive decline in a persons functioning. It is a broad term to describe a loss of memory, intellect, rationality, social skills and what would be considered normal emotional reactions. Alzheimers disease is the most common form of dementia, accounting for 50% to 70% of all cases of dementia. It occurs relatively frequently in older people, regardless of family history. For females aged 65 to 69 years dementia affects 1 person in 80 compared to 1 person in 60 for males. For both males and females aged 85 and over the rate is approximately 1 person in 4.

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Can Vascular Dementia Be Inherited

In most cases, vascular dementia itself is not inherited. However, the underlying health issues that sometimes contribute to this condition, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, may be passed on from one generation to another.

Other than in a few, very rare cases, parents cannot pass on vascular dementia to their children. However, a parent may pass certain genes that increase the risk of developing vascular dementia.

The sort of genes that increase the risk of vascular dementia are often the same ones that increase the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

For this reason, having a healthy lifestyle, such as eating well and staying physically active, are probably more important for preventing vascular dementia than they are in Alzheimer’s disease.

When Does Alzheimers Usually Start

Damage occurring in the brain of someone with Alzheimers disease begins to show itself in very early clinical signs and symptoms. For most people with Alzheimersthose who have the late-onset varietysymptoms first appear in their mid-60s. Signs of early-onset Alzheimers begin between a persons 30s and mid-60s.

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Do Genes Cause Diseases

Genetic mutations can cause diseases. If a person inherits a genetic mutation that causes a certain disease, then he or she will usually get the disease. Sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, and some cases of early-onset Alzheimer’s disease are examples of inherited genetic disorders.

Other changes or differences in genes, called genetic variants, may increase or decrease a person’s risk of developing a particular disease. When a genetic variant increases disease risk but does not directly cause a disease, it is called a genetic risk factor.

Identifying genetic variants may help researchers find the most effective ways to treat or prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s in an individual. This approach, called precision medicine, takes into account individual variability in genes, environment, and lifestyle for each person.

The expression of geneswhen they are switched on or offcan be affected, positively and negatively, by environmental and lifestyle factors, such as exercise, diet, chemicals, or smoking. The field of epigenetics is studying how such factors can alter a cell’s DNA in ways that affect gene activity.

Why Is There No Cure For Alzheimers Disease

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There is currently no cure for dementia. In fact, because dementia is caused by different diseases it is unlikely that there will be a single cure for dementia. Research is aimed at finding cures for dementia-causing diseases, such as Alzheimers disease, frontotemporal dementia and dementia with Lewy bodies.

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