Connectomes In Brain Aging
This study will determine how different parts of the brain are connected and how these connections allow people to think, behave and feel. The study will involve 2-3 days of scanning and tests. Some people will be asked to return after two years.
Study Length: 2-3 days and for some two years
Study Requirements
- 50-89 years of age
- Cognitively normal or have Mild Cognitive Impairment or have been diagnosed with Alzheimers disease.
Contact:MaryAnn Oakley at 412-692-2721 or orRebecca Roush 412-586-9860
Alzheimers Disease: Key Insights From Two Decades Of Clinical Trial Failures
Article type: Review Article
Authors: Kim, C. Kwona * | Lee, Yin Ruia | Ong, Lynnetta | Gold, Michaelb | Kalali, Amirc | Sarkar, Joydeepa
Affiliations: Holmusk, New York, NY, USA | Neuroscience Development, AbbVie, North Chicago, IL, USA | Chairman, CNS Summit, San Diego, CA, USA
Correspondence: Correspondence to: C. Kwon Kim, Holmusk, 4th Floor, 54 Thompson St., New York, NY 10012, USA. Tel.: +1 236 412 3601 E-mail: .
Keywords: Alzheimers disease, amyloid, biomarkers, clinical trial, dementia, drug development
DOI: 10.3233/JAD-215699
Journal: Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, vol. 87, no. 1, pp. 83-100, 2022
Signing On Step By Step
Criteria for participation vary depending on the specific clinical trial, but most require that the patient have a clinical diagnosis of dementia, imaging scans to look for beta-amyloid and tau tangles in the brain, blood tests and cognitive assessments, and a partner’s participation in the study. While it may seem challenging to get someone with impaired cognition to consent to a trial, most of the studies are being conducted earlier in the disease , so the patients are still capable of understanding what’s going to happen and what they’re agreeing to, Silverberg says. The participant’s legally authorized representative needs to provide consent, too, and pledge to help the person understand what’s involved.
For those interested in joining trials, eligibility requirements are the first gateway. The major obstacle for getting admitted into a trial is the individual not fitting the necessary inclusion and exclusion criteria required for example, their cognitive impairment may be too severe or not severe enough based on the trial requirements, Scharre says. What’s more, some trials require that subjects not be on certain medications or not recently have had other significant medical conditions, such as cancer.
“Please consider clinical-trial participation if at all possible, Scharre urges. We desperately need better treatments for dementia in order to help the millions of patients and their families who are suffering with these disorders.
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Section : Early Stage Clinical Drug Development
Natalie Denburg, University of Iowa | Melatonin , a hormone that regulate sleep, to improve cognition in older adults | Older adults | |
Barry Greenberg, Johns Hopkins University | Trazadone, an antidepressant to treat sleep disturbance and improve cognitive outcomes | Individuals with prodromal AD/amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment and sleep complaints | 2026 |
Population | Anticipated Completion Date | |
Nicotinamide riboside , an orally bioavailable precursor of NAD+, to enhance mitochondrial function, and improve cognition | Adults with ild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimers disease | 2025 |
T3D-959, a small molecule PPAR and PPAR agonist to improve cognition in AD | Adults with mild to severe AD | 2023 |
Population | Anticipated Completion Date | ||
Xue Hua, Athira Pharma, Inc | NDX-1017, a small molecule hepatocyte growth factor system agonist to reverse cognitive decline and block neurodegeneration | Mild-to-moderate Alzheimers disease dementia patients | 2023 |
Sekhar Rajagopal Viswanath, Baylor College of Medicine | Glutathione supplementation to improve cognition in AD | Adults with MCI | 2023 |
Rajagopal Viswanath Sekhar, Baylor College of Medicine | Glutathione supplementation to improve cognition in AD | Mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimers disease subjects | 2025 |
Currently Enrolling Clinical Trials
> For Individuals WITH Memory Loss
- A 4-year observational study involving cognitive testing and neuroimaging, which may help to learn more about Alzheimers disease. This study is for individuals 55-90 years old with mild cognitive impairment or mild Alzheimers disease.
- A 4.5-year trial investigating an infusion-based treatment which may reduce the spreading of tau tangles in the brain and slow cognitive decline. This study is for individuals 55-80 years old with early Alzheimers disease.
- A 20.5-month trial investigating an oral treatment which may slow the progression of symptoms of early Alzheimers disease. This study is for patients 50-89 years old with mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimers disease or mild Alzheimers disease.
- A 76-week trial investigating two doses of an oral treatment which may slow the progression of Alzheimers disease. This study is for patients 50-87 years old with mild to moderate Alzheimers disease
> For Individuals WITHOUT Memory Loss
- A 5-year study involving cognitive testing and neuroimaging, which is intended to help recruit for future Alzheimer’s prevention studies. This study is for individuals 50-85 years old who currently have no memory problems.
- A 4-year prevention study investigating an infusion-based treatment which may reduce amyloid plaque in the brain. This study is for individuals 55-80 years old who currently have no memory problems.
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Other Research Trials In New York City
NYU Langone Health
The NYU Langone Vaccine Center is seeking healthy adult volunteers who are interested in participating in clinical research for a COVID-19 vaccine study.
For more information, call 646-501-9854 or email:
LEAF: Life Enhancing Activities for Family Caregivers
Do you care for someone with Alzheimer’s Disease?Many family caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s Disease experience physical and emotional changes as a result of their caregiving. Research shows that increasing ones levels of positive emotion can lower stress and increase the ability to cope with existing stress. We are interested in the effects of applying these techniques with Alzheimer’s family caregivers.
Who is eligible to participate?If you are the primary caregiver of a person diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseaseand have access to a reliable Wi-Fi internet connection, you may be eligible!
Participating in the LEAF study involves:Taking part in a positive emotions building study program via:
- Six weekly hour-long video sessions with a facilitator OR a6-week self-guided online program
- Nightly home practice to reinforce the skills
- Online surveys
Visit us at: and fill out our eligibility surveyEmail us at: Call us at: 312-503-5247
New Clinical Study Currently Enrolling People with Memory Loss and Elevated Blood Sugar
To qualify for participation in the study you must:
To learn more, .
Join a Research Study: Neurodegeneration-Associated Psychiatric Syndromes
An Individual Contribution With A Phenomenal Global Impact
Without inspirational people taking part in Alzheimers, dementia and memory loss trials, new medications cannot be licensed for global use. This is because the sponsor needs to demonstrate the efficacy and safety of the medication. Even paracetamol went through a clinical trial at one stage!
We dont run phase 1 trials at our clinics and the study medication has been given to humans in previous studies.
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Find Alzheimer’s Disease And Related Dementias Clinical Trials
NIA has developed a searchable clinical trials portal where potential research participants can find studies related to Alzheimer’s, other dementias, mild cognitive impairment, cognitive health, and caregiving. Visit the Clinical Trials Finder to search for trials in your area. NIA-funded Alzheimer’s Disease Research Centers are located across the country and can provide information about the disease, support groups, and clinical trials opportunities.
Putative Moa Class Of Compounds
The primary MOA of the failed compounds in our dataset are categorized in Table 2. In some cases, the MOA is not well understood or multiple potential mechanisms were listed. We assigned to each compound a primary putative MOA based on the weight of the evidence. Sources for this information included, Alzforum, and journal articles. The MOA classification categories and scheme we use has been adopted from other previous researchers .
Table 2
Primary putative MOA class of AD compounds that failed in phase II or III, classified as disease-modifying versus symptomatic, and direct amyloid targets versus targets beyond amyloid
A distinction was made between compounds that are disease-modifying versus symptomatic treatments. This is an imperfect distinction as it is not always clear and some compounds may have both properties, but this framework was useful to categorize the numerous compounds for the purposes of the analysis. We assigned the primary classification based on the evidence symptomatic compounds predominantly acted via neurotransmitter systems.
Distinctions were also made between compounds that primarily impact A directly versus other primary mechanisms. Despite this delineation, compounds working via other MOAs may still impact A as a downstream or indirect consequence of the drug action. We have therefore categorized the compounds MOA class as follows:
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Section : Dementia Care And Caregiver Interventions
Sara Czaja, Weill Medical College of Cornell University | Communication-based intervention to improve preparedness for advance care planning | ADRD patient and caregivers | 2023 |
TBD | Laura C Prater, University of Washington | Persons with MCI/early dementia and/or depression who own firearms | 2023 |
TBD | RCT of the Safety in Dementia online tool to address firearm access, thereby reducing injury risk, among informal caregivers of community-dwelling adults with dementia | Informal caregivers of community-dwelling adults with dementia | 2024 |
Sascha Dublin, Kaiser Foundation Research Institute | EHR dementia screening tool to follow up with high risk patients with potential undiagnosed dementia | Older adults enrolled in Kaiser Washington or UCSF care within the past 2 years with no prior diagnosis of dementia | 2024 | |
TBD | Brianne Magouirk Bettcher, University of Colorado Denver | Home-based video Tele-neuropsychological assessment versus a face-to-face neuropsychological assessment in older adults with suspected AD/ADRD for the delivery of neuropsychological evaluations. | Care recipient age 60 years and < 90 years who are undergoing evaluation for possible AD and whose severity ranges from MCI to mild partner: | 2024 |
Some Past And Current Research Projects Include:
- Study to assess the effectiveness of Troriluzole to protect against or slow down memory and thinking problems in those with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s Disease
- Drug studies in Alzheimers disease and frontotemporal dementia
- Multiple studies of the genetics of Alzheimers disease
- A study designed to determine the effect of cataract surgery on the Alzheimer patients quality of life, vision and cognition
- A study that examines how brain imaging technology can help measure the progression of mild cognitive impairment and early Alzheimers disease
- Studies evaluating the safety and effectiveness of Dimebon in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease on donepezil
- Studies of depression in caregivers of Alzheimers disease patients
- Assessment of caregiving methods and outcomes
- Studies of the genetics of Alzheimers disease
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Drive New Research And Discoveries
A-LIST: An online community partnering with researchers for an Alzheimers cure. A-LIST members take surveys on what matters most to them to help researchers focus their work on the symptoms and issues that of most importance. The A-LIST supports AD-PACE, a patient-focused drug development initiative of UsAgainstAlzheimers.
Alzheimer’s Disease Education and Referral Center : A tool to find Alzheimers disease clinical trials run by the National Institute on Aging at NIH.
ASSIST Study: The Alzheimers Disease Discovery Study Study will digitally collect cognitive data, health history and lifestyle tracking data from at least 400,000 individuals, with an emphasis on diversity.
Memory Strings Community: Connects people to Alzheimers research opportunities and helps more than 50 leading research institutions with their clinical trial recruiting efforts. Memory Strings is powered by the Global Alzheimers Platform Foundation, an initiative of UsAgainstAlzheimers.
Alzheimer’s Prevention Registry : Created by Banner Alzheimers Institute, this initiative seeks to provide information on the latest research news and support enrollment in studies across the country.
Listen: Alzheimers Talks with Dr. Eric Reiman, Executive Director of Banner, about APR and its prevention initiatives.
Listen: Alzheimers Talks with Dr. Michael Weiner, Founder of the Brain Health Registry.
Research Study On Light Therapy To Help Metabolism And Memory
Researchers at the Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism Institute and the ADRC are recruiting participants over the age of 55 with a diagnosis of probable early Alzheimers Disease or Mild Cognitive Impairment and sleep disturbance to test if light treatment comparable to sunlight in your home improves cognition, sleep and metabolism. Participants will be randomly assigned to either bright or dim light in their home on a daily basis for 6 months. The duration of the study is about 12 months. You are not eligible if you require insulin, have urinary incontinence, are blind or suffer from severe eye disease. There will be 6 visits total for the completion of the study visits . Visits will include blood and urine testing, assessment of sleep and light exposure via a wearable watch, and a 3-hour test of how your body uses sugar. There is no cost to participate in the study. You will be reimbursed for the time you spend participating. For more information, please contact study coordinator Aislinn Diaz at 212-659-9693. PI: Mariana Figueiro, PhD, D HS# 18-00883 GCO 17-2685.
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Pond: Prazosin And Csf Biomarkers In Aging Mci And Ad
PoND: Prazosin and CSF Biomarkers in Aging, MCI and AD
We are seeking healthy, medically stable volunteers over the age of 45 who do not have memory problems for a new approach to preventing Alzheimers and other dementias.
- The study includes an assessment of your physical and mental health.
- You will receive prazosin .
- The study will take about 14 hours, spread over roughly 9 visits during a 3-month period.
- These visits will be at the Seattle VA.
- You will be compensated for each of your visits, with the total compensation for the study amounting to $750 to $825.
Key Researcher: The PI of this study is Murray Raskind at S-116-MIRECC, 1660 S. Columbian Way, Seattle, WA 98108.
Study Contact: 206.277.1491 or 1.800.329.8387 ext. 1491
For More Information
Prazosin and CSF Biomarkers in mTBI
Prazosin and CSF Biomarkers in mTBI
Key researcher: Murray A Raskind, MD, VA Puget Sound Health Care System Seattle Division, Seattle, WA
Study Contacts: Rebecca C Hendrickson, MD | | 206-277-5054
Exercise In Adults With Mild Memory Problems
EXERT is an 18-month-long national clinical trial testing whether physical exercise can slow the progression of memory problems or mild cognitive impairment related to early Alzheimers disease in older adults. Participants must be able to exercise at a participating local YMCA 4 times per week for 18 months. Participants must also be able to come to the clinic for physical exams, blood collection, cognitive testing, and brain imaging. Eligible adults must be willing to participate in either of the two exercise treatment assignment groups.
We are currently enrolling adults between the ages of 65 and 89 who are experiencing mild memory loss or lapses and/or who have been diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment, have not been regularly exercising, and are otherwise in good health.
For information, contact Anaztasia Ulysse, clinical trials coordinator, at 212-263-5845 or . See full clinical trial information.
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Escitalopram For Agitation In Alzheimers Disease
The study is designed to examine the efficacy and safety of escitalopram in combination with a psychosocial intervention as treatment for agitation in AD patients.
Study Length: 6 months
- Diagnosis of Alzheimers disease with significant agitation/aggression
- A study partner who will accompany you to all study visits
Contact:Patricia Henderson 412-692-2703 or orMaryAnn Oakley at 412-692-2721 or
Q Do I Need To Tell My Gp
A) Yes and no. It is good practice to let your GP know but it is not necessary to inform your GP before your screening visit. If you are found to be eligible for the study at the screening visit, we will inform your GP and obtain a medical summary letter from your GP with your consent. We can also write to other doctors involved in your care should you wish.
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Take Part In Our Clinical Study
The LUCIDITY study is sponsored by TauRx Therapeutics Ltd., a leader in neurodegenerative disease research. As you may be aware, there is an urgent need for better treatments for Alzheimers disease as current therapies help with the symptoms of AD but do not stop the disease from progressing.
If you or a loved one are experiencing memory loss, or have been diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment , Probable/Early Alzheimers disease, or Mild-Moderate Alzheimer’s disease, you or a loved one may be eligible to participate in our clinical research study.
Finding A Cure For Alzheimers Disease
Led by Dr Emer MacSweeney, an international expert in the field of Alzheimers research, we are passionate about finding a cure for Alzheimers disease. Our team of cognitive specialists offer trailblazing volunteers the opportunity to access new drugs designed to prevent the progression of memory impairment. Read the FAQ section at the bottom of this page to discover more about volunteering for a clinical trial.
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Q What If I Am On Placebo
A) There is a chance that you are in the placebo group, the probability of that will depend on the trial. It may be anywhere between 1:2 to 1:3. Whichever group you are in, you will still benefit from the ongoing medical care and psychometric testing that you will receive as part of the trial. At the end of the trial period, most trials offer the opportunity for you to enter the open label extension. This is when you continue in the trial but on the active drug despite whichever group group you were in before. The open label extension is un-blinded, so you will know you are on the active drug.