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Does Aluminum In Deodorant Cause Dementia

Why Is There Aluminum In Deodorant Or Antiperspirant

TOXIC Deodorant Giving You A Dose of Aluminum Potentially Leading to Alzheimer’s

Its an ingredient thats used to stop or slow sweat. Aluminum is in deodorant to act as an effective plug in the armpit sweat gland, says Beach. When aluminum combines with the skin protein keratin, it forms a plug that closes the sweat duct. This makes it an almost guaranteed inclusion in antiperspirant, but youll often find it in deodorant, too.

Aluminum Doesnt Cause Cancer

The cancer claims made by the article are also false. Aluminum has never been demonstrated to have a role in cancer. Aluminum smelter workers do have a higher risk of cancer, but this is due to exposure to other chemicals, not aluminum. Aluminum is frequently the target of breast cancer scares because of its use in antiperspirant. Studies have shown that aluminum doesnt get absorbed through skin and no studies have found a link between aluminum and cancer.

Its generally concluded that there is not good evidence aluminum causes cancer, Yokel said.

While it is true that aluminum is highly concentrated in cigarettesmoke and that aluminum absorbs more easily through lung tissue, aluminum is low down the list of harmful substances in cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoke contains an array of highly cancer-causing chemicals and toxic heavy metals more toxic than aluminum. Smoke particles, on their own, are considered carcinogenic by the American Cancer Society.

Elevated Brain Aluminium Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease In An Individual Occupationally Exposed To Aluminium

Keele University
Research has shown for the first time that an individual who was exposed to aluminum at work and died of Alzheimers disease had high levels of aluminum in the brain. While aluminum is a known neurotoxin and occupational exposure to aluminum has been implicated in neurological disease, including Alzheimers disease, this finding is believed to be the first record of a direct link between Alzheimers disease and elevated brain aluminum following occupational exposure to the metal.

Research at Keele University in Staffordshire, UK, has shown for the first time that an individual who was exposed to aluminum at work and died of Alzheimer’s disease had high levels of aluminum in the brain.

While aluminum is a known neurotoxin and occupational exposure to aluminum has been implicated in neurological disease, including Alzheimer’s disease, this finding is believed to be the first record of a direct link between Alzheimer’s disease and elevated brain aluminum following occupational exposure to the metal.

Following his death, aged 66, in 2011, a neuropathological examination confirmed advance stage Alzheimer’s disease. There then followed the most comprehensive investigation ever of the aluminum content of the frontal lobe of a single individual with 49 different tissue samples being measured for aluminum.

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Elevated Brain Aluminium Early Onset Alzheimers Disease In An Individual Occupationally Exposed To Aluminium

Keele University
Research has shown for the first time that an individual who was exposed to aluminum at work and died of Alzheimers disease had high levels of aluminum in the brain. While aluminum is a known neurotoxin and occupational exposure to aluminum has been implicated in neurological disease, including Alzheimers disease, this finding is believed to be the first record of a direct link between Alzheimers disease and elevated brain aluminum following occupational exposure to the metal.

Research at Keele University in Staffordshire, UK, has shown for the first time that an individual who was exposed to aluminum at work and died of Alzheimers disease had high levels of aluminum in the brain.

While aluminum is a known neurotoxin and occupational exposure to aluminum has been implicated in neurological disease, including Alzheimers disease, this finding is believed to be the first record of a direct link between Alzheimers disease and elevated brain aluminum following occupational exposure to the metal.

Following his death, aged 66, in 2011, a neuropathological examination confirmed advance stage Alzheimers disease. There then followed the most comprehensive investigation ever of the aluminum content of the frontal lobe of a single individual with 49 different tissue samples being measured for aluminum.

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Does Aluminum In Deodorant Cause Cancer

What Does Aluminum in Deodorant Do?

According to the National Cancer Institute, the hormonal effects of aluminum absorption can result in hormonal side effects, namely, excess estrogen. Estrogen has often been linked to the growth of cancerous cells, which is why many experts agree that antiperspirants might be indirectly responsible for breast cancer. The other argument is that cancerous compounds are absorbed through minuscule razor nicks in the armpits, where they enter the lymph nodes and cause all sorts of trouble.

According to the American Cancer Society, men are usually spared from these types of breast cancers because of their underarm hair, which prevents the absorption of these dangerous metals. Women, who tend to shave their underarms, have no such protection. Unfortunately, there is no direct evidence of this causation, so no deodorant manufacturers have had to place such warning labels on their products.

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Direct Link Between Alzheimers And Aluminum Toxicity

21/11/2017 | Mídia


Aluminum has been long known to be neurotoxic, with mounting evidence that chronic exposure is a factor in many neurological diseases, including dementia, autism, and Parkinsons disease.

However, definitive scientific proof is difficult to establish due toth the lack of longitudinal studies, as well as pushback from industries that use aluminum in their products. Despite the shortage of conclusive studies, mounting scientific evidence really leaves little room for doubt.

Case in point: a new case study from Keele University in the UK1 unequivocally shows high levels of aluminum in the brain of an individual exposed to aluminum at work, who later died from Alzheimers disease.

While aluminum exposure has been implicated in Alzheimers and a number of other neurological diseases, this case claims to be the first direct link between Alzheimers disease and elevated brain aluminum following occupational exposure.2

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The Claim: Heat Causes Aluminum To Leach Into Food And Causes Dementia Alzheimers Parkinson’s And Cancer

An undated article from a website called “Natural Beauty Secrets” that has been circulating on social media warns that cooking with aluminum allows it to leach into food and cause cancer and different neurological conditions including dementia, Alzheimer’s and autism spectrum disorders.

Aluminum is found in many household products, including utensils, foil, baking powder and over-the counter medicines. It is the most common metal and makes up 8% of the Earths mass. Because of this, aluminum is literally everywhere, including drinking water and food. Some foods, like citrus fruits, have more aluminum than others.

Naturally occurring aluminum is rarely encountered in its metallic, elemental form. Typically, aluminum is found in the environment as aluminum salts or other compounds such as aluminum citrate. This material circulates through the environment and food web. Adults naturally have between 30-50 milligrams of aluminum in their body at any given time.

“Analytical chemistry is sufficiently sensitive now that I’m not aware of anything that, naturally, in our environment, food, water and everything else, where it cannot be detected,” said Dr. Robert Yokel, a professor of toxicology at the University of Kentucky who studies aluminum.

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Does Aluminum Contribute To Dementia

Although aluminium has been seen in amyloid plaques there is no solid evidence that aluminium is increased in the brains of people with Alzheimers disease. No convincing relationship between amount of exposure or aluminium in the body and the development of Alzheimers disease has been established.

Is There A Link Between Antiperspirants Or Deodorants And Breast Cancer

Aluminum exposure may cause Alzheimers report

Because underarm antiperspirants or deodorants are applied near the breast and contain potentially harmful ingredients, several scientists and others have suggested a possible connection between their use and breast cancer . However, no scientific evidence links the use of these products to the development of breast cancer.

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How Does Peanut Butter Detect Alzheimers

The researchers discovered that those who had an impaired sense of smell in the left nostril had early-stage Alzheimers. They noted that the participants needed to be an average of 10 centimeters closer to the peanut butter container in order to smell it from their left nostril compared to their right nostril.

What Metal Is Linked To Alzheimers

Alzheimers disease and related dementias lack effective treatment or cures and are major public health challenges. Risk for Alzheimers disease and related dementias is partially attributable to environmental factors. The heavy metals lead, cadmium, and manganese are widespread and persistent in our environments.

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Does Aluminum In Pans And Antiperspirants Lead To Alzheimers Disease

Ive seen friends fret over the purported link between aluminum and Alzheimers disease and have often wondered if their fears are founded on fact. Should they give up aluminum pans or aluminum-containing antiperspirants? Ive always heard that aluminums health dangers are just hype. So whats the real deal?

The connection between aluminum and Alzheimers disease is less a myth than a longstanding scientific controversy. It began in 1965, when researchers discovered that injecting rabbits brains with aluminum caused them to develop neurofibrillary tangles, the twisted proteins found in brain cells of patients with Alzheimers disease, a degenerative brain disorder that destroys memory and cognition.

The finding spurred a rush of research. Just eight years later, a Canadian group studying brain tissue from deceased Alzheimers patients found that certain parts of their brains had two to three times more aluminum than a normal brain. By 1980, Daniel Perl and Arnold Brody had managed to actually peer inside human tangle-bearing brain cells and found aluminum there, too.

That really changed the whole complexion of the thing, recalls Perl, now a professor of pathology in the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda. I was getting called all the time, because there was so much public interest.

Its no surprise, then, that 30 years of studies on the aluminum-Alzheimers link have yielded conflicting results.

Is There An Association Between Aluminum And Breast Cancer

Is Antiperspirant Bad For You? Side Effects, Dangers, and ...

For some time, there has been a discussion on whether the use of aluminum-containing antiperspirants can cause breast cancer . Although tumors are more frequently diagnosed in the upper outer quadrants of the breast, i.e., in close spatial proximity to where the substances are used, this is also an area with more glandular tissue . Nevertheless, an increase in this localization has been observed in recent decades . However, analysis of 746 consecutive breast tissue specimens showed that the percentage of diagnoses of normal, benign, or malignant tissue changes was comparable between quadrants .

Elevated levels of aluminum were also observed in the nipple aspirate fluid from female patients with breast cancer , and likewise in an analysis of malignantly changed breast tissue , whereby concentrations were higher in the outer compared with the inner quadrants . However, aluminum does not appear to be the trigger of the tumors, but instead is stored to a greater degree in tumor tissue, much like other minerals. For example, feeding rats with a carcinogenic, non-aluminum-containing substance caused mammary gland tumors in which significantly elevated levels of aluminum were measured . Furthermore, besides aluminum, significantly elevated concentrations of other minerals were observed in human breast tumor tissue specimens .

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Does Aluminum Cause Alzheimers Disease


In the 1960s and 1970s, aluminum seemed to be the prime suspect in Alzheimers disease. The media warned against products containing aluminum, and much research investigated the relationship between aluminum and the development of Alzheimers and other dementia. As with much research regarding environmental contributors to cognitive decline, the results were inconclusive. This led global organizations such as the Alzheimers Association to come out in defense of aluminum. The Alzheimers Association currently states on their website that aluminum does not cause Alzheimers disease, and specifically that it is a myth that drinking from aluminum cans or cooking with aluminum pans causes Alzheimers disease . Part of the issue with questions and statements such as these is the wording. Aluminum does not cause Alzheimers disease, but it may be one of many contributors to Alzheimers disease. Causation implies that factor A causes outcome B. Alzheimers disease is more complex than simple causation. Rather for most people, multiple contributors drive the development of Alzheimers. Environmental factors contribute to Alzheimers for many people and recent research shows that aluminum may be one of these contributors. This is why so much research on so many different theories of the cause of Alzheimers disease have led to so few effective treatments .

Is It Safe To Use Deodorant With Aluminum In It

According to Beach, yes, it is safe to use deodorant that contains aluminum. There is no effective absorption of aluminum by applying deodorant, she says. She does caution against applying it to injured or broken skin, but mostly because of potential irritationnot cancer. To put it into perspective, the penetration rate of aluminum following application to the skin is about 0.01 per cent, which is very low. On broken skin, penetration can be up to 0.06 per centstill extremely minor. According to the research, exposure to aluminum in large quantities can be damaging, but the amount that is absorbed through deodorant is not enough to have an effect. Anything that does manage to make it through is normally excreted through the kidneys.

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These 4 Things Do Not Cause Alzheimers

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  • These Things Do Not Cause Alzheimers

  • Alzheimers myths run rampant, particularly when it comes to risk factors for the disease. Though several different behaviors and foods have been linked to a higher risk of Alzheimers disease, other supposed risk factors remain unconfirmed by scientific research.

    What Does Aluminum In Deodorant Do

    Does antiperspirant cause cancer?

    Consumers who are wary of chemicals in their food or cosmetic products often wonder why those products are there, to begin with. When we speak about antiperspirant or deodorant, compounds like aluminum salts are used as a way to prevent sweating. According to Penn Medicine, aluminum salts dissolve and block sweat from forming on the surface of our pores. Its an effective method but unfortunately, its very use is preventing a natural and healthy process from occurring.

    Research published in the NCBI suggests that dissolved aluminum salts can accumulate in breast tissue and affect estrogen levels. The bigger concern is that excess aluminum can affect kidney function, especially in large amounts over time. This is why the FDA requires warning labels on antiperspirants for those with kidney disease. According to Penn Medicine, excess aluminum might even be linked to diseases like dementia.

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    Antiperspirants And Kidney Disease

    Concerns about antiperspirants and kidney disease were first raised many years ago, when dialysis patients were given a drug called aluminum hydroxide to help control high phosphorus levels in their blood. Because their kidneys weren’t functioning properly, their bodies couldn’t remove the aluminum fast enough, and it began accumulating. Scientists noticed that dialysis patients who had these high aluminum levels were more likely to develop dementia.

    As a result, the FDA requires antiperspirant labels to carry a warning that reads, “Ask a doctor before use if you have kidney disease.” Yet this warning is only meant for people whose kidneys are functioning at 30% or less.

    In reality, it’s almost impossible to absorb enough aluminum through the skin to harm the kidneys. “Unless you eat your stick or spray it into your mouth, your body can’t absorb that much aluminum,” says nephrologist Leslie Spry, MD, FACP, spokesperson for the National Kidney Foundation.

    What Happens When You Wrap Your Door Handle In Foil

    When youre painting a door, aluminum foil is great for wrapping doorknobs to keep paint off them. That way you can paint right up to the edge of the knob. In addition to wrapping knobs on the doors that youll paint, wrap all the doorknobs that are along the route to where you will clean your hands and brushes.

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    The Origins Of Antiperspirant Fears

    Most antiperspirant worries center on the active ingredient — an aluminum-based compound that temporarily plugs the sweat ducts and prevents you from perspiring.

    Typically, antiperspirants are coupled with a deodorant, which contains the pleasant scent that stops you from stinking. They may also contain a number of inactive ingredients.

    Let’s look at where the health worries over antiperspirants got their start, and what the research has to say about these products:

    What Is Known About The Relationship Between Antiperspirants Or Deodorants And Breast Cancer

    Can Aluminum In Deodorant Cause Breast Cancer ...

    Only a few studies have investigated a possible relationship between breast cancer and underarm antiperspirants/deodorants. One study, published in 2002, did not show any increase in risk for breast cancer among women who reported using an underarm antiperspirant or deodorant . The results also showed no increase in breast cancer risk among women who reported using a blade razor and an underarm antiperspirant or deodorant, or among women who reported using an underarm antiperspirant or deodorant within 1 hour of shaving with a blade razor. These conclusions were based on interviews with 813 women with breast cancer and 793 women with no history of breast cancer.

    A subsequent study, published in 2006, also found no association between antiperspirant use and breast cancer risk, although it included only 54 women with breast cancer and 50 women without breast cancer .

    A 2003 retrospective cohort study examining the frequency of underarm shaving and antiperspirant/deodorant use among 437 breast cancer survivors reported younger age at breast cancer diagnosis for women who used antiperspirants/deodorants frequently or who started using them together with shaving at an earlier age. Because of the retrospective nature of the study, the results are not conclusive.

    Because studies of antiperspirants and deodorants and breast cancer have provided conflicting results, additional research would be needed to determine whether a relationship exists .

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