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Does Rudy Giuliani Have Alzheimer’s

Fox & Friends Host Interrupts Giuliani After He Baselessly Says Biden Has Dementia: None Of Us Are Doctors

Rudy Giuliani Does Have A Lot To Worry About, Says State Attorney | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy stepped in to interrupt Rudy Giuliani after he baselessly said Joe Biden had dementia ahead of Tuesdays anticipated first debate between Biden and Trump.

Look, the man has dementia, Giuliani, Trumps personal lawyer and debate coach, said. There is no doubt about it. I have talked to doctors. I have them look at 100 different tapings of his. Five years ago and today.

The Biden people say hes fine, Doocy responded.

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Giuliani then proceeded to speak for nearly a minute uninterrupted as he claimed that he had spoken to two gerontologists who said the former vice president had middle-level dementia and suggested, without evidence, that Biden was taking drugs like Adderall.

And thats why the President wants to do a drug test, but none of us are doctors. This is just, thats your opinion. So it will be interesting to see what happens tonight, Doocy said.

Watch the clip here, beginning at the 6:12 mark.

How Rudy Giuliani Went From 9/11s Hallowed Mayor To 2021s Haunted Ghoul

On a glittering day in May, ferries and barges charting a course over the diamond-strewn surface of the East River, Richard Ravitch, former lieutenant governor of New York, said something extraordinary to me: You have to remember Giuliani wasnt mayor on 9/11, was he?

Well, it may be, Ravitch said, now a touch embarrassed, that my view of him today has colored my memory.

Ravitch added, I dont think Giuliani is an important person. Hes a peripheral character. I think hell be a footnote in the history books of the Trump era.

Now I felt he was being disingenuous. Of course Giuliani is important. It is the 20th anniversary of 9/11. This man had been our hero. Giulianis performance, my former boss, Eric Pooley, had written in Time after 9/11, ensures that he will be remembered as the greatest mayor in the citys history, eclipsing even his hero, Fiorello La Guardia, who guided Gotham through the great depression. The queen knighted him. World leaders, from Tony Blair to Nelson Mandela, toured the site of Ground Zero at his side. The president of France called him Rudy the Rock. There were book deals in the millions and speaking engagements. Giulianis popularity is national now, wrote Harold Evans in 2001. He is the Mayor of Americawith the potential of being president one day if he doesnt screw it up.

Does Giuliani Have Alzheimer’s

By Bob Patterson

Liberals get so perturbed by Fox when they hear lies, half-truths, and distortions. This past weekend, when Rudy Giuliani tossed off his one-liner about the United States experiencing zero terrorist attacks on Dubya’s watch, those words aggravated, upset, and riled up the Democrats to an extreme level because there is just no way that day could have slipped his mind. So why did he say what he said?

The Democrats are getting unnecessarily discombobulated because they just don’t get it. What is happening is similar to the old comedy routines that were filmed by Alan Funt who would use his “Candid Camera” to record the “hilarity ensued” aspect spawned by his adolescent boy stunts. One of his most famous segments involved the rigging of a U. S. Post Office mail box so that it seemed to talk to some of the people dropping letters into it.

Sooner or later the Democrats will realize that Fox News is just just some good ole boys pulling their chain with a comedy series that portrays the antics of a bunch of patriotic hillbillies who are completely convinced that members of the Bush family can do no wrong. Did anyone ever accuse Mary Tyler Moor of telling on-air fibs because of something she said during her fictionalized TV show about television journalism?

Do you still “not get it”? Fox News is kinda like a cross between the Dukes of Hazard and George Carlin’s classic comedy routines that skewered radio. Shouldn’t the Fox News motto be one word: “Gardyloo!”?

Don’t Miss: Alzheimer’s And Neurotransmitters

Rudy Giuliani Has Bombshell That Will Shakeup 2020 Election

Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani teased a cryptic post and made a big promise that quickly went viral Tuesday.

Giuliani is working on a major exposé and its a reveal that he says will completely rock the 2020 election.

The well-known Republican and ally of President Donald Trump posted a photo of himself on Twitter reading a book on mental disorders

You can see that photo below:

Currently doing research on a major exposé. This will completely shake the 2020 Presidential election. Stay tuned.

Rudy W. Giuliani

Currently doing research on a major exposé, he wrote. This will completely shake the 2020 Presidential election. Stay tuned.

Giuliani is clearly taking a page out of the GOP playbook against Biden by amplifying doubts about the Democratic presidential nominees mental facilities.

At best, top GOP leaders contend that Biden is on the cognitive decline with a noticeable stuttering problem any time hes on national television.

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At worst, they claim hes completely lost his mind and is unfit to even debate President Donald Trump.

Its unclear whether Giuliani was simply triggering liberals with the photo, or if he was actually serious.

What is clear is that Giuliani was reported to have accidentally tweeted a Google search to his account.

Does dsm 5 have definitions of dementia and, he tweeted, before deleting the post. Twitter users quickly captured the now-deleted post in a screenshot.

Foreign Policy And National Defense

People are very worried by this video of Donald Trump ...

Some, including , in the Republican Party support on issues of national security, believing in the ability and right of the United States to act without external support in matters of its national defense. In general, Republican thinking on defense and is heavily influenced by the theories of and , characterizing conflicts between nations as struggles between faceless forces of an international structure as opposed to being the result of the ideas and actions of individual leaders. The realist school’s influence shows in Reagan’s “” stance on the and George W. Bush’s stance.

Since the , many in the party have supported policies with regard to the War on Terror, including the and the . The George W. Bush administration took the position that the do not apply to , while other prominent Republicans strongly oppose the use of , which they view as torture.

Republicans have frequently advocated for restricting foreign aid as a means of asserting the national security and immigration interests of the United States.

The Republican Party generally supports a strong alliance with and efforts to secure peace in the Middle East between Israel and its neighbors. In recent years, Republicans have begun to move away from the approach to resolving the . In a 2014 poll, 59% of Republicans favored doing less abroad and focusing on the country’s own problems instead.

Don’t Miss: How Fast Can Dementia Progress

Dementia And Aging Lawyers

Recent comprehensive data on how often disciplinary bodies and lawyer assistance programs confront the problem of dementia and aging lawyers is non-existent, and theres no way of knowing how often colleagues intervene without assistance from a professional organization.

Over the past decade, the number of lawyers practicing over the age of 65 has increased more than 50%. In 2020, roughly 14% of American lawyers were over 65, compared to 7% of workers generally. Meanwhile, more than one in nine people over 65 are diagnosed with Alzheimers, the most common type of dementia. The risk increases dramatically with age.

With Madison Alder, Joyce Cutler, and Holly Barker

To contact the reporter on this story: Melissa Heelan

Is Rudy Giuliani Okay

WE ARE a little worried about Rudy Giuliani, the Republican former mayor of New York. Is Americas mayor okay?

During his 15-minute speech at the GOP convention last month in Cleveland, it was notable that when he said Donald Trump loves all people, from the top to the bottom, Mr. Giuliani animatedly gestured toward his knees as he said top, and above his head as he said bottom. Also, why did he say that he and his wife, Judith, have been friends with Mr. Trump for 30 years, though he met his wife in 1999, only 17 years ago?

Also were noting this purely out of concern during his speech he often licked his lips, indicating dry mouth, which, according to the Mayo Clinic, can be a symptom of nerve damage, stroke or Alzheimers disease. At the end of his address, beads of sweat were visible on his pate did that not suggest heart disease?

Mr. Giuliani is just 72, but he seemed slightly stooped as he walked to the lectern, where his wide stance made us wonder if hes unsteady on his feet. Then there was his slurred diction, as when he referred to jushtified police shootings and Syrian refyoongees. More evidence of a stroke?

Of course, Mr. Giuliani hasnt a speck of evidence for his blather, a damning fact considering he was once a federal prosecutor, and proof positive of his impaired character, if not health.

Read more about this topic:

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The Washington Post: Giuliani Is Sick

This appeared in Thursday’s Washington Post.

We are a little worried about Rudy Giuliani, the Republican former mayor of New York. Is “America’s mayor” OK?

During his 15-minute speech at the GOP convention last month in Cleveland, it was notable that when he said Donald Trump loves “all people, from the top to the bottom,” Giuliani animatedly gestured toward his knees as he said “top,” and above his head as he said “bottom.” Also, why did he say that he and his wife, Judith, have been friends with Trump for 30 years, though he met his wife in 1999, only 17 years ago?

Also we’re noting this purely out of concern during his speech he often licked his lips, indicating dry mouth, which, according to the Mayo Clinic, can be a symptom of nerve damage, stroke or Alzheimer’s disease. At the end of his address, beads of sweat were visible on his pate did that not suggest heart disease?

Giuliani is just 72, but he seemed slightly stooped as he walked to the lectern, where his wide stance made us wonder if he’s unsteady on his feet. Then there was his slurred diction, as when he referred to “jushtified” police shootings and Syrian “refyoongees.” More evidence of a stroke?

Of course, Giuliani hasn’t a speck of evidence for his blather, a damning fact considering he was once a federal prosecutor, and proof positive of his impaired character, if not health.

Does Donald Trump Have Dementia Alzheimer’s Or Mental Issues

Trump says Giuliani is doing well, does not have fever

We found seven videos that show some questionable behavior of President Donald Trump. Take a look.

He got lost in Poland in 2017.

While visiting Poland July 6, 2017, President Donald Trump seemed lost on stage. In the video, Trump can be seen wandering around on stage and looking a little confused. And this isn’t the first time.

He couldn’t find his limo while getting off a plane.

Also in 2017, the president had to be redirected back to his limo after walking away from it while getting off a plane. Conspiracy theorists said that this behavior is evidence of sundowning, a symptom of Alzheimer’s disease also known as late-day confusion.

What does sundowning mean? People who are suffering from Alzheimer’s tend to get more confused and agitated in the late afternoon and evening. Their symptoms may be less noticeable earlier in the day.

I swear to God Trump is sundowning.Here he is, confused, wandering away from his limo.He had to be redirected.#25thAmendmentNow

Holly O’Reilly

But it’s not just the people of the internet. While the state of Trump’s mental health has always been in question, real-life experts have said that there’s at least been a deterioration.

In 2017, Health Web site STAT analyzed decades of Trumps on-air interviews, spoke with psychologists, psychiatrists, and experts in cognitive assessment and concluded the following:

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Rudy Giuliani Has New York Law License Suspended For Election Falsehoods

Washington A New York court said Thursday that Rudy Giuliani is suspended from practicing law in the state after it found he spread false information about the 2020 presidential election while serving as a lawyer for former President Trump and the Trump campaign, which “immediately threatens the public interest.”

The appeals court in New York said in its order there is “uncontroverted evidence” that Giuliani “communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large” in the course of his efforts to overturn Mr. Trump’s loss in the 2020 presidential election.

“The seriousness of respondent’s uncontroverted misconduct cannot be overstated,” the court said in the 33-page decision. “This country is being torn apart by continued attacks on the legitimacy of the 2020 election and of our current president, Joseph R. Biden. The hallmark of our democracy is predicated on free and fair elections. False statements intended to foment a loss of confidence in our elections and resulting loss of confidence in government generally damage the proper functioning of a free society.”

The court went on to warn that when such falsehoods are made by an attorney, it “erodes the public’s confidence in the integrity of attorneys admitted to our bar and damages the profession’s role as a crucial source of reliable information.”

“This is unacceptable, and I stand by my father,” he said in a

Morning Joe Says Rudy Giuliani Is Too Senile To Have A Cabinet Position

Joe Scarborough, an alleged Republican, has been a constant and harsh critic of Rudy Giuliani but he might have jumped the shark with this last one. He is now accusing Giuliani of having dementia.

If you talk to anybody in New York City that knows Rudy Giuliani through the years and Ill just say this myself and not throw this to anybody else, its one of these things everybody says off camera, Scarborough stated during a panel discussion. Im going to tell it to you on camera, especially if this guy may still be considered as secretary of state.

He noted that even people close to Trump say Rudy Giuliani mentally is a few steps slower than he was several years ago.

Last week, he said of Giuliani that hes temperamentally not qualified to be , and hes not qualified to be it based on any experience or training or any contacts.

Mika Brzezinski, a far-left wing ideologue, said that if Rudy were appointed it would show that Trump didnt appreciate the gravity of his job, and that theyre sitting there in the country club laughing, chuckling and one of them drinking, a lot. And Im serious. Im serious. Its not funny.

Trump has never touched alcohol.

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Remote Work And Ethics

More lawyers will work from jurisdictions where they arent licensed after the Covid-19 pandemic ends and all attorneys will need to get more comfortable with the technology needed to practice virtually.

Those are just two ways the pandemic has prompted a rethinking of ethics rules governing how attorneys practice. Some old rules preserved on ethical or business grounds no longer make sense while others have gotten new attention, legal ethics experts say.

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Joe Scarborough Goes There With Rudy Giuliani: Does He ...

Several sources also spoke about Giulianis loyalty to Trump during perhaps his worst moment of the 2016 campaign: the release of the Access Hollywood tape, in which the Republican can be heard bragging about sexual assault. While many Trump surrogates abandoned their presidential nominee, Giuliani agreed to defend Trump on multiple national television programs.

Thats the type of man Rudy Giuliani is, said former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.

After Trumps election, Giuliani wanted to be appointed secretary of state, according to several of his friends. But Trump passed him over for the diplomatic job. Giulianis friends say he didnt want to return to law enforcement and took his name out of consideration to head the Justice Department or Homeland Security to remain at the law firm Greenberg Traurig though he has since taken a leave of absence from the firms New York office for the assignment as Trumps most prominent personal lawyer.

But the reaction to Giulianis time on television since taking the Trump lawyer job has been a mixed bag. Hes certainly helped the president dominate the national conversation, but the president has griped to associates that Giuliani has failed to shutter the Daniels saga and his media appearances keep raising more questions.

I think theres a master strategy at play here, said a former Giuliani colleague. But whether its a legal strategy is an open question.

Eliana Johnson contributed to this report.

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Its Extremely Insulting: Giuliani Fires Back At Allegations Of Erratic Behavior

Trumps newest lawyer responds to critics who suggest hes lost a step.


05/08/2018 09:08 PM EDT

As President Donald Trump and White House aides expressed their discomfort over Rudy Giulianis free-wheeling interviews, those who know the former mayor from his native New York City and whove seen him at recent events suggest its just Rudy being Rudy.

They described a man whose once-powerful legal career long ago morphed into a role of attracting clients for law firms and using his contacts to help emerging businesses. Much of that work was conducted in loose social settings, with Giuliani drawing attention for his outrageous statements frequently directed at his favorite target, Hillary Clinton while delighting some listeners and offending others.

On Tuesday, however, MSNBCs Joe Scarborough went so far as to state on live television that Trump didnt initially hire Giuliani for a Cabinet post because he was losing it, falling asleep five minutes into meetings and drinking too much charges that Giuliani himself rejected in his own combative style in an interview with POLITICO.

As for the allegations about his drinking, Giuliani acknowledged being a social drinker but said he doesnt have alcohol early in the day.


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