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HomeHow Do Individuals With Dementia Process Information

How Do Individuals With Dementia Process Information

Communication And Communication Difficulties

How does a person with dementia see the world?

Language performance is both influenced by normal aging and by development of dementia . Dementia is defined as memory impairment with the impairment of at least one other cognitive function such as language or executive function . Cognitive and daily functioning decline are the primary symptoms of dementia . Difficulties related to communication are among the earliest symptoms of dementia . Loss of linguistic abilities is common symptom among people with dementia, who may precede other aspects of the cognitive decline . Language difficulties are a major problem for most patients with dementia, especially as the disease progresses and goes from moderate to severe stage . Early signs that communication of a person with dementia is affected are the difficulties of word finding, especially when naming people or objects. A person can replace the word with the wrong one or not find a substitute at all . As the disease progresses, it leads to forgetting names of family members, friends, confusion about family relationships, and often affected persons no longer recognize members of their family .

Training/instruction of communication skills related to the care of people with dementia significantly influences the communication of professional and family caregivers, their skills, abilities and knowledge, improves the quality of life and well-being of people with dementia and increases positive interaction in different care settings .

Explain The Importance Of Recording Possible Signs Or Symptoms Of Dementia In An Individual In Line With Agreed Ways Of Working

When a person or family member highlights that the mental abilities of someone are declining that person can feel vulnerable and in need of reassurance and support. People working closely with them need to do what they can to help the person retain their sense of identity and self-worth. Therefore it is really important to record any changes in the persons behaviour or mood however small. This provides a bench mark of the illness and these changes can give a better understanding of how the disease is progressing. It is important to remember to pass on this information appropriately.

Making sure that the right people have only the information they need about the individual. By reporting these signs appropriately we are protecting the individuals rights to data protection.

Evaluate Agreed Ways Of Working That Relate To Rights And Choices Of An Individual With Dementia

choices of individuals with dementia whilst minimising risks 1.1 These are some of the legislation related to minimising the risk of harm for an individual with dementia. Key legislation are Human Rights Act 1998 Mental Health Act 2007 Disability Discrimination Act Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 Carers Act 2004. Together these legislations form the fundamental rights and freedom of an individual. These affect the rights of every day life of an individual including

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End Of Life And Dementia Care Essay

of Life and Dementia Care .Credit Value : 2This unit must be assessed in accordance with Skills for Care and Development’s QCF Assessment Principles.Learning Outcome 1 : Understand considerations for individuals with dementia at end of lifeAssessment Criteria1.1.Outline in what ways dementia can be a terminal illnessDementia is brain atrophy. Its a degenerative disease, which is progressive, and for the time being, incurable condition.Dementia is a terminal

What Is Dementia Symptoms Types And Diagnosis

New Years Resolution: Get involved in dementia research ...

Dementia is the loss of cognitive functioning thinking, remembering, and reasoning to such an extent that it interferes with a person’s daily life and activities. Some people with dementia cannot control their emotions, and their personalities may change. Dementia ranges in severity from the mildest stage, when it is just beginning to affect a person’s functioning, to the most severe stage, when the person must depend completely on others for basic activities of living.

Dementia is more common as people grow older but it is not a normal part of aging. Many people live into their 90s and beyond without any signs of dementia.

There are several different forms of dementia, including Alzheimers disease. A persons symptoms can vary depending on the type.

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Supporting Someone With Dementia Who Has Mental Health Problems

Its common for people with dementia to experience depression, anxiety or apathy . Alzheimers UK has information about how these problems might affect someone with dementia, and ways to support them and get them the right support and treatment.

Improving the mental health of someone with dementia can improve their overall quality of life, for example by helping them engage with friends and relatives, improving their appetite and sleep quality, and boosting their motivation.

Problems Carrying Out Day

Difficulty with self-care usually develops over time. For example, without help, some people with dementia may not pay much attention to personal hygiene. They may forget to wash or change their clothes. Remembering to take medication can become an issue. The person may also have difficulty keeping up their home. Shopping, cooking and eating may become difficult. This can lead to weight loss. Driving may be dangerous and not possible for someone with dementia.

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Encouraging Someone With Dementia To Communicate

Try to start conversations with the person you’re looking after, especially if you notice that they’re starting fewer conversations themselves. It can help to:

  • speak clearly and slowly, using short sentences
  • make eye contact with the person when they’re talking or asking questions
  • give them time to respond, because they may feel pressured if you try to speed up their answers
  • encourage them to join in conversations with others, where possible
  • let them speak for themselves during discussions about their welfare or health issues
  • try not to patronise them, or ridicule what they say
  • acknowledge what they have said, even if they do not answer your question, or what they say seems out of context show that you’ve heard them and encourage them to say more about their answer
  • give them simple choices avoid creating complicated choices or options for them
  • use other ways to communicate such as rephrasing questions because they cannot answer in the way they used to

The Alzheimer’s Society has lots of information that can help, including details on the progression of dementia and communicating.

Unit 533 Understand The Process And Experience Of Dementia

Working with Dementia (6 of 6)

||533 |1.1 |There are many causes of dementia. Dementia is caused by changes to the brain there are different || | |types of Dementia. Vascular dementia is caused when the brains blood supply is disrupted, the brain|| | |does not get enough oxygen and brain cells die off. Lewys Body dementia is caused by lumps of || | |protein in the brain which interfere with

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Describe A Range Of Different Techniques That Can Be Used To Meet The Fluctuating Abilities And Needs Of The Individual With Dementia

Cognitive Therapy: taking part in activities that mirror everyday tasks to help improve memory, problem solving, language and numerical abilities. These activities can include memory games, puzzles and completing everyday simple tasks.

Psychosocial Therapy: similar to cognitive therapy but focusses on social skills. This can include things like reminiscence, life-books, picture phones, and photo boards.

Behavioural Therapy: this involves an approach that addresses problem solving skills to identify the motivations behind the behaviours.

Exercise Therapy: regular exercise can help keep the individual physically active and increase blood flow to the brain for sustained periods of time. This has been proved to reduce the speed at which dementia develops.

Music Therapy: listening, song writing, performing, exploring lyrics and other activities related to music can relieve stress and can diffuse agitation and frustration.

There are other techniques that can be used to aid the carer and the individual. Do not use assumptions or try finishing the individuals sentences. Enable the individual to do things by using cues, prompts, lists, signs or reminders. Using diversions and being flexible and patient.

Nutritional Requirements Of Individual With Dementia

Understand and meet the nutritional requirements of individuals with dementia Outcome 1 Understand the nutritional needs that are unique to individuals with dementia. 1.Cognitive means the affect that dementia has on thinking skills eg memory understanding etc. Functional is about the ability to perform actions such as feeding themselves. Emotional is about how they feel and react eg confusion can cause distress and aggression. As dementia progresses eating and drinking can become

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Individual Process And Behavior

IndividualProcess and Behavior Attribution Process An attempt to explain why people do what they do is the core of attribution theory. The theory observes that events are attributed to external or internal sources. The process of attribution is affected by two problems: the tendency to make attributions when focusing on anothers behavior fundamental attribution error or focusing on ones own behavior a self-serving bias. The banking industry exemplifies a unique environment where personal

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Who Can Diagnose Dementia

Dementia and Guardianship. in 2020

Visiting a primary care doctor is often the first step for people who are experiencing changes in thinking, movement, or behavior. However, neurologists doctors who specialize in disorders of the brain and nervous system are often consulted to diagnose dementia. Geriatric psychiatrists, neuropsychologists, and geriatricians may also be able to diagnose dementia. Your doctor can help you find a specialist.

If a specialist cannot be found in your community, contact the nearest medical school neurology department for a referral. A medical school hospital also may have a dementia clinic that provides expert evaluation. You can also visit the Alzheimers Disease Research Centers directory to see if there is an NIA-funded center near you. These centers can help with obtaining a diagnosis and medical management of conditions.

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What Happens When A Person’s Dementia Gets Worse

There may eventually come a time when the person can no longer communicate as they once did. This can be distressing and frustrating for them and those supporting them, but there are ways to keep communicating. For example, the person may be able to express themselves through body language and other non-verbal ways.

Describe The Importance Of Recording And Reporting To Aid Early Diagnosis Why It Is Important To Ensure The Recording Meets The Required Legislation And Standards

The health and emotional well-being of a person with dementia should be observed on a regular basis to make sure any problems can be actioned promptly, when reporting problems it is important to follow the organisations policies and procedures, at my care home we have an electronic care planning system where all information is inputted, we follow a person centred care planning approach where every information inputted is about the person and their feelings and wishes, the family are involved at all times in the persons care, they will be invited to reviews of care plans, yearly reviews and update on DRs visits, falls or illness.

When a diagnosis of dementia is believed it is important to record all occurrences, however, small you believe so early treatment can be started, these occurrences, however, small will allow the healthcare professionals to build a picture of the persons mental and physical state, recording times that a person forgets no matter how small or when they became confused or disorientated will allow healthcare professionals to reflect and identify regularities to determine if indeed the memory is deteriorating.

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NICE state that diagnosis can only be made after assessment that must include:

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Explain The Importance Of Effective Communication To An Individual With Dementia

Explain the importance of effective communication to an individual with dementia. One reason that effective communication is very important for the individual with dementia is because of their diminished abilities to express pain suffering fear illnesses etc. By using the most efficient methods of communication you can best support your person. Insuring that he or she receives the best medical care that he or she is safe and well cared for and that not only his or her needs are met

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Common Forms Of Dementia

Communicating with People Living with Dementia

There are many different forms of dementia. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form and may contribute to 6070% of cases. Other major forms include vascular dementia, dementia with Lewy bodies , and a group of diseases that contribute to frontotemporal dementia . The boundaries between different forms of dementia are indistinct and mixed forms often co-exist.

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Describe Types Of Memory Impairment That May Be Experienced By Individuals With Dementia

Dementia affects each person differently, the personality, life history, circumstances and physical health will have an influence on the individual, it is most important to get to know the person as an individual and not a cause, this can be associated with person-centred care. defines this as treating people as individuals and allowing them to make choices about their care.

Symptoms of Dementia are often not an absolute cause of the brain damage but have social, environmental or physical causes , for example, if a person is treated disrespectfully they might become angry or withdrawn, this can be during personal care if the care staff take over the care and do not give the resident time, symptoms of dementia might be shown in aggressive behaviour and verbal responses, if the person is in an unfamiliar environment with a confusing layout to them, the person may become more disorientated and display wandering, this is often the case when a resident is transferred to hospital or we have a respite resident who comes to us for a short period from their own home to give their carer a break.

If a resident is in pain they cannot always communicate this and dementia symptoms will be exacerbated, at my care home if a resident appears more confused, we rule out a physical cause first such as infection, we also use an Abbey pain score tool, this is a measurement of pain for those who cannot communicate .

Can I Keep Driving If I Have Been Diagnosed With Dementia

This is very individual. Usually in the early stages of dementia it is safe to drive. In later stages it is likely that the ability to drive safely will be impaired. If you have been diagnosed with dementia in the UK, you must notify the DVLA. You may be able to continue driving a car or a motorcycle safely for some time, but you may be asked to have a driving test and/or your doctor may be asked to complete a medical report for the DVLA. Driving will then be subject to a medical assessment and will be reviewed each year.

Someone who has been diagnosed with dementia will not be able to continue to drive a bus or a lorry or large goods vehicle.

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Describe How Myths And Stereotypes Related To Dementia May Affect The Individual And Carers

Society has created many myths and stereotypes about dementia, this condition is often seen as people being cared for 24 hours a day in a locked environment so they cannot get out and wander. People with dementia are all aggressive and have no comprehension of anything around them. People with dementia are all helpless and lose their rights once they are diagnosed with the condition, this can create a feeling for those diagnosed of fear, they may isolate themselves socially as they feel a burden to those around them and they may feel a loss of independence that they cannot participate in activities like they used to before diagnosis. Sometimes it is the person diagnosed who has their own stereotypes of dementia, it is only through acceptance and education that this can be resolved so the person diagnosed can learn to live with the condition.

Peoples incorrect views of dementia often come from ignorance, for many the only experience they have on dementia is from television, films and the media which often just show the horror stories as this is what sells stories. If this is the only idea of dementia that people have, then there is no wonder that these stereotypes exist.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Dementia

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Signs and symptoms of dementia result when once-healthy neurons, or nerve cells, in the brain stop working, lose connections with other brain cells, and die. While everyone loses some neurons as they age, people with dementia experience far greater loss.

The symptoms of dementia can vary and may include:

  • Experiencing memory loss, poor judgment, and confusion
  • Difficulty speaking, understanding and expressing thoughts, or reading and writing
  • Wandering and getting lost in a familiar neighborhood
  • Trouble handling money responsibly and paying bills
  • Repeating questions
  • Not caring about other peoples feelings
  • Losing balance and problems with movement

People with intellectual and developmental disabilities can also develop dementia as they age, and recognizing their symptoms can be particularly difficult. Its important to consider a persons current abilities and to monitor for changes over time that could signal dementia.

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Listening To And Understanding Someone With Dementia

Communication is a two-way process. As a carer of someone with dementia, you will probably have to learn to listen more carefully.

You may need to be more aware of non-verbal messages, such as facial expressions and body language. You may have to use more physical contact, such as reassuring pats on the arm, or smile as well as speaking.

Active listening can help:

  • use eye contact to look at the person, and encourage them to look at you when either of you are talking
  • try not to interrupt them, even if you think you know what they’re saying
  • stop what you’re doing so you can give the person your full attention while they speak
  • minimise distractions that may get in the way of communication, such as the television or the radio playing too loudly, but always check if it’s OK to do so
  • repeat what you heard back to the person and ask if it’s accurate, or ask them to repeat what they said

Page last reviewed: 9 January 2020 Next review due: 9 January 2023


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