Mct Could Reduce Lactate Buildup In Athletes And Help Use Fat For Energy
During exercise, rising lactate levels can negatively impact exercise performance.
Interestingly, MCTs may help reduce lactate buildup.
One older study found that athletes who took 6 grams or about 1.5 teaspoons of MCTs with food before cycling had lower lactate levels and found it easier to exercise, compared to those taking LCTs .
Furthermore, the study found that taking the MCT oil before exercise may help you use more fat instead of carbs for energy.
Even though MCTs may help increase fat burning during exercise, study results are mixed as to whether MCT oil can help you exercise better .
One study showed it could improve swimming capacity in mice, but another human-based study found no improvement in endurance performance in runners (
MCT oil could potentially increase fat burning and reduce the need for carbs during exercise. However, its unclear whether this translates to improved exercise performance.
Mct Contains Fatty Acids That Fight Yeast And Bacterial Growth
MCTs have been shown to have antimicrobial and antifungal effects (
32 ).
An in-vitro study also showed that coconut oil reduced the growth of a disease-causing bacteria called Clostridium difficile .
Coconut oils ability to reduce yeast and bacterial growth may be due to the caprylic, capric, and lauric acid in MCTs .
MCTs themselves have also been shown to suppress the growth of a widespread infectious fungus in hospitals by up to 50% .
However, note that most of the research on MCTs and immune support has been conducted via in-vitro or animal studies. High-quality human studies are needed before stronger conclusions can be made.
MCT oil contains fatty acids that have been shown to reduce the growth of yeast and bacteria. Overall, MCTs may have a variety of antimicrobial and antifungal effects, though more research is needed.
The Effect Of Exercise On The Ketogenic Effect Of Mcts
Although Vandenberghe et al. claimed that aerobic exercise increases the ketogenic effect of MCTs , all of the participants in their study underwent the same intervention sequence . As the study design did not include randomization or even a counterbalance, it remains unclear whether aerobic exercise indeed augments the ketogenic effect of MCTs. Additional studies with a more robust design are required to address this question.
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Lowers Blood Sugar Levels And Cholesterol
MCT oil has also been beneficial for individuals with cholesterol or diabetes, acting as a solution for low blood sugar.
One of the main health benefits associated with MCTs is their ability to promote weight loss, reducing the risk of heart disease. In addition, the MCT content in the diet may also help lower LDL cholesterol while increasing HDL cholesterol.
On the diabetes front, there is some evidence suggesting that coconut oil may reduce symptoms of type 2 diabetes. Most of the evidence comes from animal studies, showing a reduction in blood glucose and improved insulin resistance.
However, complete science-backed information regarding MCT oils is still out there since consumption may also lead to more significant fat buildup and higher insulin resistance in the liver, as shown by animal models.
So Why Is Blood To Your Brain Being Restricted
Blood travels around the body via blood vessels veins, arteries, and capillaries. Our blood carries oxygen and nutrients to every part of the body and brain.
And everywhere they go those blood vessels are hemmed in by bones, muscles, organs.
And this is where our problems begin.
Were used to seeing pictures in text-books of our veins and arteries just floating in our bodies, as if they are free-standing, surrounded by empty space, untouched by anything else.
The reality is very different.
In reality, our bodies are tightly packed. Blood vessels arteries and veins are pressed up close against muscle tissue and bone. They have very little room at all to move.
Yet they need at least a small amount of movement. Because as the heart pumps oxygenated blood through your arteries they expand a little in order to carry this blood load.
They then return to normal before expanding again to carry the next load of blood. Expand, relax, expand, relax. Your arteries need to be able to do this if theyre to properly deliver life-giving blood to your body and brain.
If things are normal in the body they have just enough movement to be able to flex and expand with each heartbeat and so let plenty of oxygen-laden blood get up to your brain.
But if some of the surrounding internal muscles are a little tight and inflexible then arteries find themselves pushed up against bones and organs. And, suddenly, they dont have the same freedom to move anymore.
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Promotes Better Brain Performance
MCT oil supplements and nootropics support brain activity by raising plasma ketones in the blood. Evidence suggests that the brain keeps functioning optimally with a steady energy supply and reduces the risks of early brain aging and other diseases.
A study involving healthy adults showed improved cognitive performance after 2-3 weeks of supplementing with MCTs .
Additionally, MCT oil may help cure Alzheimers disease, boost cognitive function, and prevent future damage to the brain with the increased amount of ketones in the bloodstream.
Coconut Oil Ketones And Alzheimers Disease
What does all of this have to do with coconut oil helping people with Alzheimers disease? Advocates believe that coconut oil provides an alternative source of fuel for brain cells. As the oil is digested, medium-chain triglycerides break down to form ketones, which are one of the few things that can be used to power brain cells when glucose isnt available or cannot be absorbed efficiently . Providing an additional energy source supposedly improves the brains ability to function correctly.
The human body doesnt typically produce many ketones on its own, unless a person is following a diet that is extremely low in carbohydrates. However, consuming coconut oil can create a temporary state of hyperketonemia where the number of ketone bodies in the blood stream is elevated.
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Arguments Against The Criticism: disputes many of the issues listed above. For one, they cite a 2010 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that followed 350,000 people over 23 years. The study exonerated saturated fat, like the fat in coconut oil, from causing heart disease. No relation was found between the two. Also, there is a reference to a study in the American Journal of Cardiology from 2011 that cites an increase in HDL with longevity and mental health. Coconut oil can help to increase HDL cholesterol.
There is also a video of 5 esteemed medical doctors, a nutritionist, and a nutrition journalist who discuss coconut oil and Alzheimer’s. In it, they note that coconut oil can be beneficial and provide ketones even in the presence of a higher carbohydrate diet.
It is difficult to find mention of acetylcholinesterase in coconut oil. That is a topic that still needs to be researched and reviewed. However, coconut oil does appear to be neuro-protective in its purest form.
Coconut Oil Sparks Remarkable Turnaround
On a whim, she gave him a large helping of coconut oil with his oatmeal for breakfast. Coconut oil consisted of about 60% MCTs, which is the richest source in nature . When he went to retake the MMSE test for the clinical trial, his score had improved from 12 to 18 four hours after ingesting the oil.
She started giving him a little more than two tablespoons of coconut oil per day. After 37 days on the this intervention, her husband showed more animation in his face, his gait had improved and he showed a stunning improvement in the clock test, a standard cognitive measure in which the patient is asked to draw a clock face.
Dr Newport released her findings on her husbands intervention in a paper published in 2015 in the journal Alzheimers & Dementia. She said the work she and others have done to get out the word about the efficacy of keytones in ameliorating the effects of Alzheimers disease is finally starting to make a difference.
In 2017 there was the first ever session on ketones for Alzheimers at the meeting of the Alzheimers Association, she said.
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Mcts May Help With Weight Loss
Regarding assertions that MCT promotes weight loss, claims in this area are also rather lacking in evidence. One study measured metabolic markers such as cholesterol, insulin, glucose, blood pressure, etc. in 49 participants and concluded after 16 weeks that MCT effects were more or less the same as olive oil.15
In another Oxford study in 2017, participants were fed 205 calories per day of either MCT, vegetable, or coconut oil. The only finding there was that MCTs were more satiating than coconut oil, but no evidence was offered that it would directly reduce weight.16
Nonetheless, there is some evidence of a difference in body composition after a month or so of MCT consumption in both obese and healthy subjects, but such results could be obtained with other methods that do not pose the same risks that will be outlined below.1718
How Mct Oil Nourishes The Brain
The brain cannot store energy, so it needs a constant and steady energy stream thats normally supplied by blood glucose.
Fortunately, theres a backup energy source for the times when blood sugar level gets low.
When needed, your liver can break down stored body fat to produce ketones.
Ketones readily cross the blood-brain barrier to provide instant energy to the brain.
” When MCT oil was given to adults with mild cognitive impairment, they experienced significant improvement in memory recall within 90 minutes of taking their first dose.
And while you can provide ketones for your brain by eating a very high-fat, low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet, you dont have to.
The medium-chain fats in MCT oil raise the blood level of ketones, thus providing a convenient workaround.
MCT Oils Brain Benefits
There are a few proven ways MCT oil benefits the brain.
Taking MCT oil has been found to increase brain energy by 8 to 9%.
MCTs can delay brain aging by promoting the repair of brain cell damage, especially when combined with a high-fat diet.
MCT oil can help optimize intestinal flora which is surprisingly important to brain health.
Your good gut bacteria produce dozens of neurotransmitters, brain chemicals used by brain cells to communicate with each other.
Notably, two important feel-good neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine are created mainly in your intestines.
Good bacteria also reduce brain inflammation, now thought to be a possible root cause of depression.
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Health Benefits Of Mct Oil In Weight Loss Alzheimers Disease Autism Managing Epilepsy Lowering Cholesterol
MCT stands for medium-chain triglycerides. MCT oil is made up of medium-length chains of fats known as triglycerides. Due to the shorter lengths of medium-chain triglycerides, they are easily digested by the body. MCT oil is typically extracted from coconut oil, and more than 50 percent of all the fat content in coconut oil is derived from MCTs. The interest in medium-chain triglycerides has grown rapidly in recent years due to the many health benefits associated with MCT oil. MCT oil is today widely used as a supplement by bodybuilders and athletes. Here are some of the health benefits of MCT oil.
Bullet Proof Coffee Is It A Good Choice
The Bullet Proof coffee trend involves consuming only coffee for breakfast to which butter and MCT oil are added in order to cut hunger, promote weight loss, increase ones energy level and improve brain function. However, scientific evidence does not support the effectiveness of this practice and indicates that it may even be harmful. Its appetite suppressant effect can help reduce caloric intake and promote weight loss in some, but at the same time it makes you miss a nutritious breakfast that could be rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and fibers. Adding several spoonfuls of fat to your coffee may also have the opposite effect and help you gain weight, considering that a tablespoon of oil or butter contains about 130 calories. In addition, since butter and MCT oils are high in saturated fats, their consumption in large amounts can contribute to increasing bad LDL cholesterol levels in some people who are genetically susceptible to the damaging effects of saturated fat on the cardiovascular profile. It has also been observed that such a breakfast can cause gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, a stomach ache and diarrhea. In short, if you want to consume high-fat foods for breakfast, it might be better to prioritize foods that are rich in healthy fats and nutrients such as avocados and smoked salmon.
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Coconut Oil May Help Prevent Alzheimers
Dr. Mary Newport brought widespread attention to the use of coconut oil and MCT oil for treating Alzheimers. She gave her husband with early-onset Alzheimers MCT oil and coconut oil. And reported a reprieve from Alzheimers symptoms and improved quality of life for several years.
Dr. Newport documented her work and success with coconut oil in her book Alzheimers Disease: What If There Was a Cure?: The Story of Ketones.
A study conducted at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in Aventura, FL worked with 55 patients with mild to moderate Alzheimers disease. The patients used caprylic triglyceride daily for up to 15 months.
The study found that 80% of the patients who added caprylic triglyceride to their standard medical treatment improved. Caregivers reported significant improvements in memory and their ability to carry out daily activities.
Other studies have shown that coconut oil helps prevent the build-up of amyloid- plaques that have been implicated in Alzheimers disease.
How To Use Coconut Oil For Dementia And Alzheimers
There are few people in the world who know more about how to use coconut oil for dementia and Alzheimers than Dr. Newport.
She recommends starting by taking one teaspoon of coconut oil 2-3 times a day with food, and working up to 4-6 tablespoons a day of coconut oil and MCT oil combined.
The onset of diarrhea or an upset stomach means that youve taken too much, too soon.
You can download a copy of her Coconut Oil Dietary Guidelines and learn more on her website
Its easy to get the impression that you must take coconut oil by the spoonful, like medicine, to get its benefits.
But the best way to use coconut oil is as a food since its a versatile culinary oil.
Swap it out for any unhealthy oils you may be using like canola, sunflower, or safflower oil.
You can use coconut oil anywhere you normally use butter, margarine, or nut butters.
You can bake, sauté, fry, and roast with it, or add it to smoothies.
The results will be delicious!
Coconut oil is unusual in that its melting point is room temperature 76° F/24° C.
So youll find that it alternates between being solid and liquid.
For that reason, dont drizzle coconut oil on foods that are cool or cold, like salads .
Use olive oil, another brain-healthy oil, for that.
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Polyphenol Consumption Adds To The Problem
There is another factor that can play into glucuronidation imbalances, and it is probably the least likely suspect of all: polyphenols. Also known as polyhydroxyphenols, this family of chemicals are present in a large array of foods, most generally considered to be health-promoting. While the majority of polyphenols are known to be absorbed in the small intestine, those that escape absorption make their way into the colon, where they can undergo several structural modifications. One such modification is performed by colonic microflora, which hydrolyze glucuronides into aglycones and degrade them into simple phenolic acids.392393
In fact, this is precisely how the soy isoflavone daidzein is transformed into equol .394395396397 Once polyphenols become aglycones, they are methylated, sulfated, or glucuronidated in the liver.398399 For example, COMT catalyzes methylation of polyphenols such as quercetin, catechin, caffeic acid, and cyanidin, whereas the sulfotransferases and UDPGTs handle polyphenols found in common foods such as onions, artichokes, and kale.400401
Caprylic Acid Excess Can Induce Coma
Claims have even been made that C8 oil is superior for the brain, given its higher ketogenic capability. At high levels, however, it has been shown to induce coma, in both human and animal studies.23 It has long been known that another C8 medium-chain fatty acid by the name of valproic acid, used commonly in children with convulsive disorders, can induce a coma if overdosed, especially when combined with phenobarbital. One study aimed to produce the same effect with C8 / octanoic acid and discovered that mole for mole, C8 was far more toxic than valproic acid in this respect.24
Valproic acid, when administered along with phenobarbital, significantly elevates brain ammonia levels. Ammonia is highly neurotoxic, and octanoic acid was shown to increase its toxicity by 12%. As a matter of fact, caprylic acid in the presence of ammonia is capable of inducing a deep coma with lower ammonia levels than valproic acid.
Comas are described in multiple stages with the last stages being characterized as being fully unconscious, with Stage V demonstrating complete unresponsiveness. Valproic acid can achieve these stages in 50% tested cases at 1.06 mmol in only 5-10 minutes. Octanoic acid, on the other hand, can do the same at only 0.6 mmol, a quantity 43% less than that of valproic acid.
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