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HomeWhat Are The 7 Stages Of Dementia

What Are The 7 Stages Of Dementia

Stage : Moderately Severe Decline

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Your loved one might start to lose track of where they are and what time it is. They might have trouble remembering their address, phone number, or where they went to school. They could get confused about what kind of clothes to wear for the day or season.

You can help by laying out their clothing in the morning. It can help them dress by themselves and keep a sense of independence.

If they repeat the same question, answer with an even, reassuring voice. They might be asking the question less to get an answer and more to just know you’re there.

Even if your loved one can’t remember facts and details, they might still be able to tell a story. Invite them to use their imagination at those times.

How Quickly Does Dementia Progress

The progression of dementia in your loved one is as individual as the person who has it. There is no specific roadmap or timeline to transition through the seven stages. But all types of dementia are progressive and damaging over time. Several factors can affect the rate of progression these include:

  • Age

Th Stage: Moderate Cognitive Decline

The clear and undeniable signs of Alzheimers disease manifest in the fourth stage of symptomatic decline. In this stage, it is evident that your loved one is experiencing cognitive decline which affects their ability to perform daily tasks. Often, the symptoms accompanying the fourth stage include trouble with simple mathematics, remembering what they did earlier in the day, and altered details concerning long-term memories. Financial management is another common area of decline that is noticeable in the fourth stage of dementia.

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Caregiving In The Middle Stages

According to the Alzheimers Association, this can be the most prolonged period you will face as a caregiver. The symptoms associated with the middle stage can continue for most of your loved ones later years. During this time, you will need to learn to develop patience, flexibility, and understanding as their day-to-day functions become more difficult to achieve. Your loved one might need assistance with ADLs, act out in strange ways, or grow frustrated and angry with you, which can be stressful. Be sure to take care of yourself and reach out to family, friends, and other support services to make this transition smoother.

A Simple Guide To The 7 Stages Of Dementia

Stages of Dementia: The 3

One of the best things you can do when your loved one has been diagnosed with Dementia is to learn about the nature and progression of the disease. Dementia is a degenerative disease meaning that it gets worse over time. Depending on when it is detected, symptoms can be very mild upon diagnosis, and cognitive functioning can still be intact. As the disease progresses, the impact of the disease on ones life can become more apparent and debilitating.

In this article

Medical professionals often break down Dementia into seven steps. It is important to remember that the progression of the disease will be different in everyone. Some people may appear to skip some stages entirely or may never decline to the later stages of the disease. Still, having a comprehensive understanding of the general course of the disease can help the loved ones of someone living with Dementia prepare themselves for what is to come.

It can feel scary and isolating when your loved one is diagnosed with Dementia. Know that you are not alone and that there are resources to help both you and your loved one. Consider seeking reliable at home Dementia care options for your loved one and support groups for yourself to help make this transition as easy as possible for everyone involved.

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Stage : Slight Cognitive Decline

For Stage 2, signs of mild cognitive decline, also known as Age Associated Memory Impairment, are common. Caregivers and family members may notice slight forgetfulness from time to time, but memory issues may go undetected. For instance, familiar names may slip the persons mind, or the individual may forget where he or she left an object. During this period, lost keys or misplaced cell phones could become a common occurrence. This stage does not warrant a dementia diagnosis and signs of the disease would not be seen during any memory tests. The person would still be able to have a job and participate in normal social activities. Not all individuals with these signs will move on to the later stages of dementia.

Find Meaningful Memory Care For Your Loved One At Franciscan Ministries

At Franciscan Ministries, we understand that caring for a loved one living with dementia is an emotional, demanding role. Thats why we offer specialized memory care for your loved one living with Alzheimers disease or another form of dementia.

Our memory care community includes specially trained staff, structured and stimulating programming, and a safe, secure environment for your family member. And because every individual diagnosed with dementia will experience it in different ways, our memory care program is designed to provide personalized care that empowers a purposeful life.

Contact us today to learn more about our memory care community and senior living options.

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Second Dementia Stage: Very Mild Decline

Older adults at the second stage of dementia may begin to notice that they are experiencing some minor memory issues. It is common for people at this stage to forget where they put things in the house. Memory lapses can also be seen when a person forgets the names that were at one time familiar. The memory loss patients experience during the second stage of dementia cannot be clearly distinguished from the ordinary age-related memory loss. It is to say that an individual may still do well when they go through memory tests.

It is also possible that physicians and loved ones may not be in a position to detect the disease at this stage. Studies reveal that almost half of the 65 and older generation report minor forgetfulness. It is also important to understand that the subtle changes could have nothing to do with dementia, but they might just be regular changes that come about as a person becomes older.

However, if a person has dementia, it may be severe enough to interfere with a persons ability to live independently or complete their daily chores. Life may go on normally at this point apart from occasional cases of slight memory loss.

The 7 Stages Of Dementia

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Living with and understanding Dementia stages can be difficult. Here we offer a more clearly defined picture of the whole Dementia journey. What are the signs of Dementia to look out for in a loved one? And if you do spot these signals of Dementia, what actions can you take?

  • Normal BehaviourIn the early stages of Dementia your loved one may experience no symptoms, though changes in the brain might already be occurring these can happen several years before any Dementia signs or symptoms emerge.
  • ForgetfulnessIn the early stages of Dementia, a person might forget things easily and constantly lose things around the house, although not to the point where the memory loss can easily be distinguished from normal age-related memory deterioration.
  • Mild DeclineAs the progression of Dementia worsens, you may begin to notice subtle changes and signs that something isnt quite right. They might be frequently losing their purse, or keys or forgetting appointments. This stage can last up to seven years.
  • Moderate DeclineIn these later stages of Dementia, the signs and symptoms become clearer to everyone. Your loved one may find it difficult to manage money or pay bills, or to remember what they had for breakfast. If they visit their doctor at this point, and undergo a Mini Mental State Examination , its likely that they will be diagnosed with Dementia. The average length of this stage is around two years.
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    How We Classify The Stages Of Dementia

    Most doctors divide dementia into seven different stages. Each of these stages has a different level of severity. It ranges from no dementia to late-stage dementia. To provide clarity, weve grouped these stages under their different classifications.

    Weve also done our best to help you answer common questions, like how long does each stage of dementia last. There are no guarantees that youll see a clear-cut transition between the stages. But they provide helpful guidelines to keep an eye out for.

    These Are The 7 Stages Of Dementia Say Experts

    Almost 6 million Americans are living with dementia, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Dementia is the loss of cognitive functioningthinking, remembering, and reasoningto such an extent that it interferes with a person’s daily life and activities,” says Raymond Dacillo, director of operations for C-Care Health Services. “One in six people over the age of 80 have dementia, in which most have Alzheimer’s. Women are also more likely to be affected than men.” Although dementia can be a challenge to diagnose, particularly early on, the condition tends to have seven main stages. ETNT Health spoke with specialists who detailed those stages and what to expect from each. Read onand to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You’ve Already Had COVID.

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    Discover Your Partner In Care At The Right Senior Living Community

    One of the best ways to ensure seniors with memory problems maintain a sufficient amount of cognitive stimulation is to move into a memory care community.

    At Discovery Commons At Bradenton, we offer our residents the exclusive SHINE® Memory Care program, specifically designed to facilitate optimal caretaking of seniors with memory-related problems.

    What Is Vascular Dementia

    The 7 Stages of Dementia

    Dementia is a general term for issues with memory, reasoning, planning, and judgment. The causes for dementia vary depending on the symptoms and the underlying condition.

    The most common type of dementia is Alzheimers disease, followed by vascular dementia.

    While experts believe Alzheimers is caused by a buildup of abnormal proteins in the brain, vascular dementia is caused by brain damage from impaired blood flow in the brain.

    This may occur after a stroke, or from any other condition such as a transient ischemic attack , that damages blood vessels in the brain and deprives it of oxygen.

    As with many other types of dementia, vascular dementia can develop gradually, and the progression of the disease generally falls into seven stages.

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    Stage Five: Moderately Severe Cognitive Decline

    Stage five is marked by moderately severe cognitive decline. Individuals in this stage often have notable memory loss and begin to struggle with daily activities. Significant details such as address or phone number may be difficult to recall, and those with stage five dementia will likely need assistance with tasks such as meal preparation and bathing.

    What Does Stage 3 Look Like

    At this stage, the individual starts showing subtle signs of mild cognitive impairment that may only be noticeable to close friends and family. For example, someone may start repeating questions or telling a story over and over. If the individual is still in the workforce, their ability to perform their job will start to decline. Concentration becomes more difficult, and the person may be unable to perform overly complex tasks like organizing a party or doing their own taxes.

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    Using The Gds To Measure Dementia Progression

    As the disease progresses, different signs and symptoms will become increasingly obvious. While there are several scales to measure the progression of dementia, the most common scale is the Global Deterioration Scale for Assessment of Primary Degenerative Dementia . The scale is also known as the Reisberg Scale. According to the GDS, there are seven different stages of Alzheimers disease correlating with four distinct categories: no Alzheimers, mild Alzheimers , moderate Alzheimers , and severe Alzheimers .

    Sixth Dementia Stage: Severe Decline

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    The sixth stage of dementia is the second to last stage where patients may require constant supervision as well as around the clock or 24/7 medical care. If a person cannot receive proper care at home at this point, it is best to look for assisted living centers near you or nursing homes which also specializes in taking care of patients who have dementia . Symptoms that people usually showcase in the 6th stage of dementia include:

    • Unawareness or confusion of surroundings and environment
    • Wandering
    • Need for assistance with day to day activities like bathing, dressing, toileting, eating and incontinence
    • Potential behavioral problems as well as personality changes
    • Inability to recall most details about their history
    • Failure to recognize faces apart from very close relatives and friends
    • Loss of bladder and bowel control
    • Loss of willpower

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    Why Is It Useful To Know The Different Stages Of Dementia

    While the GDS is only one of many scales used to identify the dementia stages, this particular screening tool helps healthcare professionals and caregivers alike to determine the severity of an individuals dementia and assess their future expectations based on their current cognitive status.

    Understanding the various signs and symptoms at every stage of dementia aids communication between doctors and caregivers and can help doctors determine the best course of treatment for each individual. This also helps them make a clearer diagnosis, benefitting both the affected individual and their family members.

    Fourth Dementia Stage: Moderate Decline

    Dementia symptoms are clear-cut at this point. Patients who at the fourth stage of dementia showcase some issues such as:

    • Difficulties solving simple arithmetic
    • Short-term memory loss, for instance, one may not remember what they had for lunch in the afternoon
    • Forgetting information about their life history
    • Reduced knowledge of recent or current events
    • Inability to pay bills or even manage finances
    • Trouble with routine chores or tasks
    • Disorientation
    • Challenges recognizing people and faces
    • Trouble with traveling to a new location alone

    To help efficiently deal with this dementia stage, loved ones can help out with daily tasks and make sure that the patient is safe at all times. Be on the lookout to make sure that they do not fall victim to unscrupulous individuals who may want to take advantage of the patient financially. For many patients, the fourth dementia stage usually lasts about two years.

    Many patients at this time also tend to withdraw from the society mainly because they feel like what they are going through is embarrassing them. They could also face adverse changes in their moods and personality. Many patients also deny that they have any symptoms as a defense mechanism, even though the symptoms may be quite evident.

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    Stage : Moderate Changes/mild Dementiaquality Of Life: Very Little Impact

    Your loved one will remember all or most of his or her past and will recognize loved ones. You have the ability to make your own healthcare decisions. You may see your loved one:

    • Forget familiar words and names of items.
    • Forget where things were left, like their eyeglasses or phone.
    • Have some trouble with daily tasks such as laundry, cooking and shopping.
    • Make more mistakes with driving and feel uncomfortable in unfamiliar places.
    • Have trouble Increased trouble with keeping up with finances
    • Be unable to find the right words more often
    • Increased difficulties with problem solving

    How You Can Help:

    If you havent already done it, help your loved one plan for when he or she might have severe dementia. Use our tools to create a document that lists care values and priorities at different stages of dementia.

    If you have, help the health care team follow your loved ones care preferences.

    You can also:

    Dementia With Lewy Bodies

    Understanding the Stages of Dementia

    Dementia with Lewy bodies , also known as Lewy body dementia, is one of the most common types of dementia. Dementia is the name for problems with mental abilities caused by gradual changes and damage in the brain. It’s rare in people under 65. It tends to develop slowly and get gradually worse over several years. Symptoms of dementia with Lewy bodies. People

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    What Is Stage 3 Vascular Dementia

    Stage 3: Mild cognitive decline Memory loss and forgetfulness. Asking the same question repeatedly. Diminished work performance. Poor concentration and disorganization.

    How fast do the stages of dementia progress?

    Rapidly progressive dementias are dementias that progress quickly, typically over the course of weeks to months, but sometimes up to two to three years. RPDs are rare and often difficult to diagnose. Early and accurate diagnosis is very important because many causes of RPDs can be treated.

    What are the stages of dementia?

    Stage : Age Associated Memory Impairment

    This stage features occasional lapses of memory most frequently seen in:

    • Forgetting where one has placed an object
    • Forgetting names that were once very familiar

    Oftentimes, this mild decline in memory is merely normal age-related cognitive decline, but it can also be one of the earliest signs of degenerative dementia. At this stage, signs are still virtually undetectable through clinical testing. Concern for early onset of dementia should arise with respect to other symptoms.

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    7 Stages of Lewy Body Dementia. It is important to understand that no disease follows a set progression. We have attempted to outline some of the key stages of Lewy Body Dementia, though you should be aware that there will be variations. Lewy Body Dementia symptoms will begin usually at age 50 or older. Men have a higher chance of developing …

    Th Stage: Severe Mental And Cognitive Decline

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    In the sixth stage, people suffering from Alzheimers cannot be left unattended and need consistent help with personal care. Confusion about their surroundings is more pronounced and regular. In this stage, the individual experiences significant trouble identifying and recognizing familiar faces, except for close loved ones. Memory loss regarding an individuals details also becomes more evident.

    The symptomatic decline extends to impairing the individuals ability to control their bladder and they often need help to bathe and use the toilet. In this stage, your loved one might experience a major change in behavior and personality, which manifests with increasing frequency. Wandering is a common symptom of individuals in stage 6 of dementia.

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