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HomeNewsWhat Blood Test For Dementia

What Blood Test For Dementia

Information For Your Doctor

Blood test could help diagnose Alzheimer’s

Itâs a good idea to put together the following for your first appointment:

  • A list of symptoms — include everything youâre feeling, even if you donât think it could be related to dementia
  • Any sources of major stress or recent life changes
  • A list of all medications you take, including vitamins and supplements, and the dosage
  • A list of any questions you have

Dementia Blood Test Panel

A Dementia Blood Test Panel is commonly ordered tests used to differentiate between Alzheimer’s and other forms of Dementia. Includes CBC, Electrolytes, TSH, T4 total, Vitamin B12, CRP, and Sedimentation Rate.

Also Known As:

Methodology: See Individual Tests

Preparation: Fasting for 12 hours is required. Refrain from taking vitamin C supplements and fruits 24 hours before the collection and biotin for at least 72 hours prior to the collection. Must draw before Schilling test, transfusions or B12 therapy is started.

Test Results: 3-5 days. May take longer based on weather, holiday or lab delays.

Also Known As:

Methodology: See Individual Tests

Preparation: Fasting for 12 hours is required. Refrain from taking vitamin C supplements and fruits 24 hours before the collection and biotin for at least 72 hours prior to the collection. Must draw before Schilling test, transfusions or B12 therapy is started.

Test Results: 3-5 days. May take longer based on weather, holiday or lab delays.

Evaluating Cognitive Impairment And Dementia

Screening includes office-based assessments of cognitive function, as well as laboratory testing and neuroimaging. All patients suspected of having dementia should have a physical examination, including a screening neurological examination and review of medications, as a part of the evaluation.

Quick Cognitive Screening Tests

Mini-Mental State Examination

The Mini-Mental State Examination is an 11-item test that takes five to 10 minutes to administer .

  • Scoring: suggested cut-off of 24 or less out of 30 should raise concerns about possible dementia.
  • Performance affected by age and education
  • Test items that are most sensitive to detection: orientation to date , delayed word recall and intersecting pentagons
  • Pros: familiar and takes a relatively short time to administer
  • Cons: takes longer than other similar tests tests a limited number of cognitive domains often not sensitive to early cognitive change

The Mini-Cog is a first-line cognitive screen for primary care, although it has not been evaluated as extensively as the MMSE or the Montreal Cognitive Assessment. The Mini-Cog combines the delayed three-word recall test and the clock-drawing test .

Delayed three-word recall test

  • Tell the patient: I am going to say three words. I want you to repeat them back to me. Explain that you will later ask the patient to recall the words.
  • Ask the patient to recall the three words.
  • Clock-drawing test

    This test involves one item, and takes one to two minutes to administer.

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    Simple Blood Test Can Detect Dementia

    An Alzheimers diagnosis has historically been difficult to confirm. Until recently, only an autopsy could detect Alzheimers with certainty. Now, doctors rely on expensive PET brain scans and testing levels of amyloid, the toxic protein associated with Alzheimers, in cerebrospinal fluid, an invasive and expensive procedure.

    But that could change. Recent research by scientists in Japan and Australia shows that a simple blood test could be the only thing we need to detect who may go on to develop Alzheimers disease. Researchers were able to develop a blood test that can measure beta-amyloid in a persons brain.

    Besides the low cost of a potential blood test to detect Alzheimers, the convenience and ease of the test could allow doctors to pinpoint who is more likely to develop Alzheimers disease, potentially allowing them access into clinical trials, and eventually a treatment, sooner. The test is currently 90 percent accurate.

    This new test has the potential to eventually disrupt the expensive and invasive scanning and spinal fluid technologies. In the first instance, however, it will be an invaluable tool in increasing the speed of screening potential patients for new drug trials, said Colin Masters, a professor at the University of Melbourne who co-led the research.

    This study was published in the journal Nature on January 31, 2018.

    Blood Tests Available Now


    A blood test is available now, through your doctor, that delivers a result in about 10 days and accurately determines whether someone has Alzheimers disease. The Preclivity AD Test from C2N Diagnostics measures proteins in blood plasma that indicate a buildup of plaques known to cause dementia in peoples brains.


    The cost of this Alzheimers blood test is $1,250, less expensive than a PET scan that looks for the same protein buildups. Unfortunately, the price tag cannot be covered by Medicare or Medicaid, but C2N says people who cant afford the test can qualify for a discount based on their income.

    Does it Work?

    C2N Diagnostics says they tested Preclivity AD in 686 people and compared it to the results of PET scans. When PET scans showed a high amount of amyloid-beta, a protein that turns to plaques and tangles in the brains of people with Alzheimers, the blood test agreed 92 percent of the time. When the PET scan showed no amyloid, the blood test showed the same about 77 percent of the time.

    How to Get the Blood Test

    The Preclivity AD Test has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. It is currently available only through a doctor, and can be sold by the company under rules for commercial laboratories. The test, in other words, is available despite lacking FDA approval, though C2N has said the FDA is planning on reviewing the test in 2021. The Alzheimers Association says it wont endorse the test until there is FDA approval.

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    New Research Identifies Blood Biomarker For Predicting Dementia Before Symptoms Develop

    Researchers point to groundbreaking potential to screen for those at high risk of disease and for clinical trials of new treatments

    Newswise New research from NUI Galway and Boston University has identified a blood biomarker that could help identify people with the earliest signs of dementia, even before the onset of symptoms.

    The study was published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

    The researchers measured blood levels of P-tau181, a marker of neurodegeneration, in 52 cognitively healthy adults, from the US-based Framingham Heart Study, who later went on to have specialised brain PET scans. The blood samples were taken from people who had no cognitive symptoms and who had normal cognitive testing at the time of blood testing.

    The analysis found that elevated levels of P-tau181 in the blood were associated with greater accumulation of ß-amyloid, an abnormal protein in Alzheimers disease, on specialised brain scans. These scans were completed on average seven years after the blood test.

    Further analysis showed the biomarker P-tau181 outperformed two other biomarkers in predicting signs of ß-amyloid on brain scans.

    Emer McGrath, Associate Professor at the College of Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences at NUI Galway and Consultant Neurologist at Saolta University Health Care Group was lead author of the study.

    The research team said the identification of a biomarker also points to the potential for a population screening programme.


    Brief Introduction To Blood Test For Dementia

    Research by scientists in Australia and Japan indicates that a simple blood test will be all that is needed to detect a person who is at risk of developing Alzheimers.

    It will be possible to get a diagnosis for Alzheimers in a doctors office without having to go through expensive and invasive procedures.

    Doctors will use blood samples to detect the early signs of the illness. A blood test HAS ALREADY BEEN DEVELOPED by C2N Diagnostics in St. Loius, Mo.

    This will mainly be used for persons in the US as a routine lab test.

    The blood test is regulated under the CLIA program from CMS.

    For now, the FDA has not yet approved these blood tests. Interested parties can only take the test through a doctor.

    If the company wishes, it can sell the rest under commercial laboratories rules. C2N has said that there are plans for the FDA to review this test in 2021.

    Alzheimers Association stated that it will only endorse this test after the FDA has approved it.

    Laboratory tests

    The lab test has also received a CE mark implying it can be used as a diagnostic medical device in the European Union. It has met the health, safety, and environmental protection standards for the region.

    Michelle Mielke an epidemiologist and neuroscientist at Mayo Clinic expressed her delight in the new development saying that the INNOVATIVE blood-based test for Alzheimers is phenomenal.

    She explained that the field for very long has been thinking about such an invention. It has finally come to pass.

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    Who Can Benefit From Precivity Ad And How It Works

    Precivity AD is designed for persons between the ages of 60-91. A prescribing physician will ship the blood samples of the person they are treating to be analyzed at C2Ns lab.

    The results are normally sent back within ten business days.

    A proprietary algorithm is used to calculate the results integrating the age of a person with beta-amyloid measurements and another protein known as apolipoprotein E which influences the risk of Alzheimers disease.

    The results of the blood test are supposed to enhance the accuracy of clinical diagnosis by distinguishing Alzheimers dementia from memory loss that is brought about by other medical conditions.

    Some Of The Commonly Used Cognitive Tests Include:

    The blood test that could help thousands get an early diagnosis of dementia | 7.30

    Mini-Mental Status Examination

    This test is usually conducted by your doctor or specialist in their office and takes around 5 minutes to complete. The MMSE is the most common test for the screening of dementia. It assesses skills such as reading, writing, orientation and short-term memory.

    Alzheimers Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive

    This 11-part test is more thorough than the MMSE and can be used for people with mild symptoms.

    It is considered the best brief examination for memory and language skills.

    It takes around 30 minutes and is usually conducted by a specialist in their office, or you may be referred to a psychologist for the test.

    Neuropsychological Testing

    This involves a number of very sensitive tests administered by a neuropsychologist .

    A typical testing session will take at least 2 hours and may be conducted over more than one visit.

    A variety of tests will be used and may include tests of memory such as recall of a paragraph, tests of the ability to copy drawings or figures and tests of reasoning and comprehension.

    Radiological tests

    Standard X-rays may be taken and those who smoke will commonly require a chest X-ray to rule out lung cancer, which may be causing a secondary brain tumour. \

    Brain imaging techniques

    Various brain-imaging techniques are sometimes used to show brain changes and to rule out other conditions such as tumour, infarcts and hydrocephalus these include:

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    Assessment For Dementia Usually Includes The Following:

    Personal history

    The doctor usually spends some time discussing your medical history and gathering information about your changes in memory and thinking.

    Physical examination and laboratory tests

    The symptoms of dementia can be due to a number of other possible causes, such as vitamin deficiency, infection, metabolic disorders and side effects from drugs.

    These other causes are often easily treated.

    Therefore, an early step in diagnosing dementia is to rule out these causes through a physical examination, blood tests and urine tests.

    Routine laboratory tests used in the diagnosis of dementia include:

    • Blood tests to investigate:
    • Drug interactions and dosing problems
  • Urine tests to investigate infection.
  • Cognitive testing

    Cognitive tests are used to measure and evaluate cognitive, or thinking, functions such as memory, concentration, visual-spatial awareness, problem solving, counting and language skills.

    Most doctors use short cognitive screening tests when assessing these functions. If more detailed testing is required you will be referred to a neuropsychologist a psychologist specialising in the assessment and measurement of cognitive function.

    Cognitive tests are vital in the diagnosis of dementia and are often used to differentiate between types of dementia. They can also be used to assess mood and may help diagnose depression, which can cause symptoms similar to those of dementia.

    Scientists Are Studying Blood Tests For Dementia: ‘a New Era Of Diagnosis For Alzheimer’s Disease’

    As pharmaceutical companies spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a potential treatment for Alzheimers disease, other researchers are focusing on a more elemental question.

    How can you tell whether a family member or loved one has Alzheimers or another form of dementia?

    These researchers say a new generation of blood tests could offer an easier and accurate way to detect signs of Alzheimers, a disease that afflicts an estimated 6.5 million Americans.

    New research found one blood test can detect hallmarks of the disease in older adults with memory problems. It is among more than a half dozen blood tests being developed and tested to detect early stages of Alzheimers disease.

    Experts say the tests are important because they would be easier, cheaper and available to more people than brain scans or spinal taps now used to detect biological hallmarks of the disease.

    Developers of blood tests say the immediate payoff would be testing older adults with signs of memory loss as well as quickly screening large numbers of people necessary to test new drugs that aim to slow or halt Alzheimer’s disease. Eventually, the tests might be useful in detecting the earliest signs of disease, informing individuals of their risk years before memory and thinking problems take root.

    More: Alzheimers patients ‘devastated’ at Medicare limits on drug critics say needs more testing

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    Blood Tests To Check For Other Conditions

    Your GP will arrange for blood tests to help exclude other causes of symptoms that can be confused with dementia.

    In most cases, these blood tests will check:

    • liver function
    • haemoglobin A1c
    • vitamin B12 and folate levels

    If your doctor thinks you may have an infection, they may also ask you to do a urine test or other investigations.

    Read more about blood tests.

    Dementia & Alzheimer’s Disease

    Scientists look to blood tests to spot dementia risk early on

    After weeks of research and study reviews, we bring you this in-depth overview of blood tests for dementia.

    Researchers have revealed that conducting a blood test is fast BECOMING A REALITY in dementia diagnosis.

    This comes as great news because for the longest time, conducting an autopsy was the only way to get a definitive diagnosis for Alzheimers.

    Thanks to research and innovation, medics are able to use behavioral tests as well as spinal fluid and brain imaging tests to spot the disease in people before they even start showcasing the initial symptoms of the progressive illness.

    These tests, however, are not considered ideal. They are not only invasive but are COSTLY and LIMITED to research settings.

    They are not part of the care routine for millions of people who are living with this neurodegenerative disorder.

    Some tests are not too helpful because they can fail to detect the illness during its early stages.

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    Mental Ability Tests To Diagnose Dementia

    People with symptoms of dementia are given tests to check their mental abilities, such as memory or thinking.

    These tests are known as cognitive assessments, and may be done initially by a GP.

    There are several different tests. A common one used by GPs is the General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition .

    Although these tests cannot diagnose dementia, they may show there are memory difficulties that need further investigation.

    Most tests involve a series of pen-and-paper tests and questions, each of which carries a score.

    These tests assess a number of different mental abilities, including:

    • short- and long-term memory
    • language and communication skills
    • awareness of time and place

    It’s important to remember that test scores may be influenced by a person’s level of education.

    For example, someone who cannot read or write very well may have a lower score, but they may not have dementia.

    Similarly, someone with a higher level of education may achieve a higher score, but still have dementia.

    Blood Biomarker Could Identify People At High Risk Of Dementia Before They Develop Symptoms

    Prof Emer McGrath of NUI Galway. Photo: Aengus McMahon

    A blood biomarker that could help identify people with the earliest signs of dementia, even before the onset of symptoms, has been found by researchers in NUI Galway and Boston University

    The researchers measured blood levels of P-tau181, a marker of neurodegeneration, in 52 cognitively healthy adults, from the US-based Framingham Heart Study, who later went on to have specialised brain PET scans.

    The blood samples were taken from people who had no cognitive symptoms and who had normal cognitive testing at the time of blood testing, according to the study published today in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

    There are 64,000 people with dementia in Ireland and the number of people with the condition will rise to over 150,000 by 2045.

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    Alzheimers Blood Tests Available In The Future

    Another test thats shown promise is called the Simoa that also tests for proteins in blood plasma. Its the same idea as other blood tests: identify biomarkers in the blood that can usually only be seen via expensive or difficult exams including PET brain scans, MRIs, and spinal taps. The specific protein Simoa can detect is called ptau181, and has been linked to the changes caused by dementia in the brain.

    In studies, the Simoa was found to be as good at predicting the development of dementia as PET scans and a spinal tap, without the cost, pain, or radioactivity associated with those tests. And the test can also detect upcoming dementia-caused brain changes in both the short and longer terms. Right now, this technology is used by researchers to identify people who are good candidates for clinical trials. It is not yet available for most patients.

    How The Blood Test For Dementia Works

    Researchers find way to assess dementia process using blood tests

    Also known as the Precitivity AD, the C2N test or blood test for dementia uses mass spectrometry. An analytic technique used to detect specific beta-amyloid protein fragment that is one of the most common hallmarks of Alzheimers.

    The beta-amyloid proteins normally accumulate and form plaques which can be seen on the brain 2 decades after an individual starts to notice they have memory issues.

    The levels of beta-amyloid start to decline in the surrounding fluids as the plaques continue to build up in the brain. These changes can be measured in spinal fluid samples.

    It is also possible to measure them in the blood where beta-amyloid concentrations are usually lower.

    PrecivityAD is one of the first blood tests for Alzheimers that could enable early detection of the neurodegenerative illness.

    HOPEFULLY, decades before the first symptoms appear.

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