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When Was Dementia Uk Founded

How This Fits In

Dementia Support groups and MCST | Age UK

The National Dementia Strategy was published in February 2009. The three ambitions of the strategy to raise awareness, facilitate assessment, and improve services are unquestionably correct but the assumptions, emphases, and economic predictions are questionable. This article discusses the proposal to persist with a model which relies on referral of all cases to secondary care and suggests the adoption of a tiered or stepped model which is successful with other disorders. This encourages and makes best use of primary care expertise, is more cost-effective, and more acceptable to patients.

Is this convincing evidence that our services are an international embarrassment? There is much more to the care of people with dementia than the prescription of cholinesterase inhibitors,3,12 yet the prescription rate of these drugs has been used as the sole criterion to evidence the inadequacy of existing services. Points to consider include the inevitable time lag before a condition that emerges slowly and insidiously is recognised constraints on UK prescribing from National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence guidelines 13 and the fact that when treatment is offered, 50% of patients stop using cholinesterase inhibitors within 6 months.14,15 It may be that a prescription rate of 18% leaves some patients who would benefit from treatment lacking appropriate therapy. Yet very high prescription rates may also represent poor practice via the sin of overprescribing.

Why Would Someone Choose The Service

  • We are specialists in all aspects of dementia and can give help and guidance through care and services.
  • We are carer led and work with the full family to support them to work with the person with dementia.
  • Our Nurses respect your ability to make decisions for the person you care fors future.
  • We offer continuity of contact and you will work with the same nurse throughout your time caring for someone with dementia.
  • 92% of our carers said they received good information about dementia from the Admiral Nurses.
  • We facilitate the Positive Steps Carers Education course which aims to give you the information, skills and support you need to care for someone with dementia.
  • We work closely with other health and social care professionals and will help you to navigate where you can get support.

Who First Discovered Alzheimers Disease

Alzheimers disease was first discovered in 1907 by German Psychiatrist Dr. Alois Alzheimer.

He noticed that a female patient of his slowly lost her memory and the ability to think and talk and that she developed judgment problems.

After she died, Doctor Alois Alzheimer looked at her brain through a microscope and noticed that her brain had abnormal growths, which he named plaques and tangles.

These changes occur in the brain of everyone who develops Alzheimers disease.

You can find more information on the discovery of Alzheimers disease by Doctor Alois Alzheimer and more of the discoveries of Dr. Alois Alzheimer on Wikipedia here

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Alzheimers And Who First Discovered The Disease

Many people ask what is Alzheimers disease? And its no wonder they ask the question. Alzheimers is estimated to affect over 750,000 individuals in the UK. It is also estimated that there are over 5 million people in the USA with the condition. The figure is set to increase drastically over the next 20 years throughout the world.

It is said that in our lifetime, nearly all of us will have a relative who is affected with some form of dementia .

Main Outcome And Risk

Warning signs for dementia... found in the way you walk

To identify incident diagnoses of dementia in THIN, we developed lists of Read codes and antidementia drugs and searched medical and prescription records for codes indicative of dementia. We excluded individuals with a diagnosis of dementia before the start of follow-up, as well as those with a diagnosis within the first 6 months after registration, to ensure only incident cases were captured.

Age was analyzed in 10-year age groups . We examined social deprivation using quintiles of the Townsend deprivation score.15 As a proxy measure for comorbidity, we included the prescribing index, which indicates the number of the British National Formulary chapters from which patients received prescriptions and predicts adverse outcomes, as well as more complex comorbidity indices.22 We developed code lists to search for ethnicity information in medical and additional health records. Information extracted on ethnicity was grouped into white , Asian , black , and mixed/other ethnic groups, based on the Office for National Statistics classification.23

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Genes And Vascular Dementia

Vascular dementia is caused when blood flow to the brain is reduced, damaging nerve cells. This can happen as a result of a stroke or damage to blood vessels deep in the brain. The majority of cases of vascular dementia are not caused by faulty genes.

We may carry genes that affect our risk of stroke, heart disease or other diseases that may contribute to vascular dementia. However, lifestyle factors such as smoking, lack of exercise, obesity, drinking alcohol over the recommended limits, and an unbalanced diet can also affect our risk.

There are rare genetic disorders that can cause vascular dementia by damaging blood vessels in the brain. One is called CADASIL and can be passed down through families. CADASIL only affects around 1,000 people in the UK.

How An Admiral Nurse Has Supported A Person Living With Dementia

We follow Admiral Nurse, Matthew, as he visits two families living with dementia in Wakefield.

Dementia affects many more people than just the person living with the diagnosis. Family or friends often become part- or full-time carers and they need support too, so they can provide the best care for their loved one, and also look after their own mental and physical health.

Admiral Nurses like Matthew can be a lifeline for families affected by dementia.

Read more stories of how Admiral Nurses have supported people living with dementia here.

To find out if there is an Admiral Nurse service that you can access in your area, call our Helpline.

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Introducing Dementia Club Uk

Blog 6 January 2022

When Lisa Rutter’s mum was diagnosed with Alzheimers disease in 2010, Lisa soon realised that there was little information for families and carers explaining how to deal with the challenges. Lisa decided she wanted to learn more about this terrible disease and set up a dementia club at Finchley Memorial Hospital in 2013. Demand grew for more dementia clubs and Lisa went on to open another twelve in various locations in the Borough of Barnet plus one in Camden, finally creating a Dementia Club UK Model. Research by Middlesex University shows Dementia Clubs to have a positive impact on those living with dementia, their carers and those who have recently lost someone with dementia.

So what happens at a Dementia Club? Sessions run for two hours, from 2pm to 4pm. “It provides respite for those living with dementia and the carers can relax, socialise and make friends with other carers whilst enjoying tea/coffee and lovely cakes”, says Lisa.

She provides quizzes, painting, singing, Bingo, indoor golf, table tennis, bowls, skittles, board games, chair exercises with professional instructors and some dancing for those who like a bit more challenge and music entertainers. Outings are also arranged and, “everyone participates and everyone always leaves with a smile.”

You can visit the Dementia Club UK website for more information and download information about dementia club sessions and contact details. Volunteers are always welcome too.

Box 1 Essentials Of The Primary

Maureen’s experiences of continuing healthcare
  • Within the patients’ practice
  • Patients and carers seen at health centre or at home
  • Monthly sessions from specialist with availability between times
  • Patients identified by clinicians at routine contact or at vascular risk register visits
  • Clock drawing and BASDEC screening
  • Health visitor practice lead/liaison
  • Protocol of history, examination, and investigations using the richness of knowledge of the patient, family, and local resources
  • Assessment and treatment plan summarised in a letter shared with patient and all other relevant parties
  • High penetration
  • High satisfaction
  • Follow through within the practice

BASDEC = Brief Assessment Schedule Depression Card.

The practice health visitor at Gnosall Memory Clinic has acts as the key liaison figure for the memory clinic and completes a full history and review of circumstances in preparation for the specialist clinic at the practice. She works to an agreed protocol and can make contact with the specialist between monthly clinics by telephone or email. The assessment rate per population at risk has been sustained at three times the rate reported by the best performing secondary care clinics. The numbers approach the estimated prevalence of dementia in the practice population.

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An Alternative Approach: Gnosall Memory Clinic

An alternative to referral to expensive and stigmatised secondary mental health services is the provision of their expertise within primary care.23 We at the Gnosall Memory Clinic have 3 years’ experience of this approach and its effectiveness and have noted important features of a memory clinic . Practice clinicians are encouraged to identify people in difficulty. Patients are seen by a specialist without delay and without stigma at a memory clinic in primary care. Full advantage is taken of the depth of knowledge of the individual, their family, and local resources, which is held within the practice. Potential patients are identified either at routine clinical contact or via their attendance for review on risk registers. Regular history taking and examination is supplemented by clock drawing.

Is Alzheimers Disease Incurable

Throughout the world there is a great effort in trying to find a cure for the disease. As yet there is no cure for Alzheimers disease. Although medical researchers are closing in on some of the factors they believe can lead to an increased risk of the disease as we grow older.

Studies are showing that one of the reasons could be our diet and lifestyles that we lead.If a person develops Alzheimers disease they will worsen over a period of time as the disease progresses. The symptoms of the disease vary from person to person and at different rates of deterioration in sensors. The disease will eventually lead to the person needing care and support and unfortunately death as a result of the disease.

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Risk Factors And Prevention

Although age is the strongest known risk factor for dementia, it is not an inevitable consequence of biological ageing. Further, dementia does not exclusively affect older people young onset dementia accounts for up to 9% of cases. Studies show that people can reduce their risk of cognitive decline and dementia by being physically active, not smoking, avoiding harmful use of alcohol, controlling their weight, eating a healthy diet, and maintaining healthy blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Additional risk factors include depression, social isolation, low educational attainment, cognitive inactivity and air pollution.

How Can I Reduce My Risk Of Dementia

Dementia Support

For the vast majority of people, our genes are only one factor affecting our risk of dementia. There are many other factors involved, such as age and lifestyle. While we cannot change our age or genes, research has found that up to a third of all cases of dementia could be avoided through lifestyle changes.

There are simple things we can do that may help lower our risk:

  • Do not smoke.
  • Drink fewer than 14 units of alcohol per week.
  • Control high blood pressure.
  • Keep cholesterol at a healthy level.
  • Keep active and exercise regularly.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Eat a healthy balanced diet.

You can find more detailed information about how you can reduce your risk of dementia here.

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Diagnosis Of Young Onset Dementia

  • On average, a person may see between two and five different consultants before a diagnosis is made
  • The average time to diagnosis is 4.4 years in younger people compared to 2.2 years for people aged over 65
  • In England in August 2018, the estimated dementia diagnosis rate for under 65s was 41%, compared to 68% for people aged over 65
  • Awareness amongst GPs is still relatively low and when people are younger, symptoms are often attributed to stress, anxiety, depression or menopause
  • People who are under 65 are more likely to be diagnosed with a genetically inherited form of dementia or a rarer dementia that can be difficult to recognise

Why It’s Important To Get A Diagnosis

Although there is no cure for dementia at the moment, an early diagnosis means its progress can be slowed down in some cases, so the person may be able to maintain their mental function for longer.

A diagnosis helps people with dementia get the right treatment and support. It can also help them, and the people close to them, to prepare for the future.

Read more about how dementia is diagnosed.

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Welcome To Age Exchange

Age Exchange was founded in Blackheath in 1983, with the vision of harnessing the power of reminiscence to improve the health and wellbeing of people. The charity had a revolutionary idea creativity and conversations can connect with people living with dementia in incredible ways and in doing so, change their lives for the better.

Whilst a persons ability to communicate with words may decline with the development of dementia, art and creativity is a universal joy and a tool for self-expression that remains, even as the condition progresses. Please take a look at artwork created by those living with dementia and their carers during lockdown in our online gallery and as part of the All Aboard project with the Royal Museums Greenwich.

What Is This Dementia Toolkit

What is an Admiral Nurse

The toolkit is here for you to start your way forward with dementia. It allows you to save articles and practical tips in the form of to-dos that are relevant to you in your personal toolkit.

Your to-do list helps keep track of actions you want to take to manage living with dementia. You can save, view and edit your personal toolkit, at anytime and share it with someone else.

If you want more information on how to use your toolkit as you build one, please view our How to use your toolkit guide on the toolkit home page.

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How Common Is Dementia

Research shows there are more than 850,000 people in the UK who have dementia. One in 14 people over the age of 65 have dementia, and the condition affects 1 in 6 people over 80.

The number of people with dementia is increasing because people are living longer. It is estimated that by 2025, the number of people with dementia in the UK will be more than 1 million.

Further information:

Comparison With Community Studies

Table 4 presents the projected age-standardized percentages of dementia diagnoses among individuals who were actively registered in 2015, after multiple imputation of missing values. The percentages of dementia diagnoses were 49% and 51% for women of black and white ethnicities, respectively. For black and white men, these were estimated to be 42% and 53%, respectively. Percentages of dementia diagnoses in the complete case analysis were comparable but slightly lower, since individuals diagnosed with dementia who did not have a record of ethnicity were not included in the calculations .

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Common Types Of Dementia In Younger People

There are differences in the types of dementia commonly diagnosed in younger people with dementia compared to those of an older age.

  • Alzheimers disease is the most common form of dementia in younger people, accounting for around a third of younger people with dementia, in comparison to about 60% in the older age group
  • Vascular dementia is the second most common form of dementia in young people. Around 20% of younger people with dementia have vascular dementia
  • Around 12% of younger people with dementia have frontotemporal dementia, compared with just 2% in older people. It most commonly occurs between the ages of 45-65. In about 40% of cases there is a family history of the condition
  • Korsakoffs syndrome around 10% of dementias in younger people are caused by a lack of vitamin B1 , most commonly associated with alcohol abuse

Impact On Families And Carers

Arts and crafts can help prevent you from developing dementia

In 2019, informal carers spent on average 5 hours per day providing care for people living with dementia. This can be overwhelming . Physical, emotional and financial pressures can cause great stress to families and carers, and support is required from the health, social, financial and legal systems. Fifty percent of the global cost of dementia is attributed to informal care.

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Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline

The Dementia UK Admiral Nurse Helpline supported 22,254 people in the financial year 19/20 16% more than the year before. In the last seven years the volume of calls received has increased more than six-fold.

The Helpline is there for any families or individuals that need support. It is manned by Dementia UKs dementia specialist Admiral Nurses seven days a week, 9am 9pm on weekdays and 9am 5pm on weekends. Admiral Nurses are there to answer any questions families may have about dementia to help them care for their loved ones. The Helpline number is 0800 888 6678, they also have an email,

Dementia UKs Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline was awarded Helpline of the Year at the 2019 Helplines Partnership Annual Conference and Awards.

To listen, learn and collaborate

To be empowering, supportive and respectful

To act with integrity, transparency and accountability

To encourage creativity and innovation

Museums Art Galleries And Libraries

London is , galleries, and other institutions, many of which are free of admission charges and are major as well as playing a research role. The first of these to be established was the in , in 1753. Originally containing antiquities, natural history specimens, and the national library, the museum now has 7 million artefacts from around the globe. In 1824, the was founded to house the British national collection of Western paintings this now occupies a prominent position in .

The is the second , and the of the United Kingdom. There are many other research libraries, including the and , as well as , including the at , the at , the at , and the at the .

In the latter half of the 19th century the locale of was developed as “”, a cultural and scientific quarter. Three major national museums are there: the , the , and the . The was founded in 1856 to house depictions of figures from British history its holdings now comprise the world’s most extensive collection of portraits. The national gallery of British art is at , originally established as an annexe of the National Gallery in 1897. The Tate Gallery, as it was formerly known, also became a major centre for modern art. In 2000, this collection moved to , a new gallery housed in the former , which was built by the -based architecture firm of .

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