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Can Vascular Dementia Cause Strokes

Are There Home Remedies For Stroke

Vascular dementia and what can cause it? | The Check up

A person with vascular dementia should be under medical care. There are steps you can take, however, to reduce your risk of further vascular damage or stroke. The most important thing you can do is adopt healthy habits. You should maintain a healthy weight, eat a balanced and healthy diet, exercise regularly, and not smoke.

You must develop a realistic attitude toward your limitations. You may require assistance with some everyday tasks, such as managing your finances. You may have to give up some of your independence . Your safety, and the safety of others, depends on it.

Many people with vascular dementia are eventually unable to live independently and care for themselves. Often, family members become responsible for their care. Your health care provider can discuss with you and your family how you should plan for future care.

Tips for the caregiver

Caregiving is best when it is structured, respectful, and friendly. This type of caregiving is the best way to approach the person’s behavioral problems.

Postmortem Brain Studies In Stroke

Postmortem human brain tissue was being used for quantifying cellular and molecular markers of neural courses with the area of improved understanding the variations in the brain caused by neurological diseases . The accurate molecular mechanisms complex in ischemia tempted brain injury endure poorly unstated. The pathophysiology of stroke injury was highly complex, involving interactions among multiple cell types and signal systems . IS, still missing an active neuroprotective therapy, lasts to be a major socioeconomic problem through the world. The contribution of peripheral organs through bidirectional communications with the brain following an ischemic stroke has been highlighted .

Inflammation is a hallmark of stroke pathology and these inflammatory biomarkers control tissue injury in experimental stroke and were therefore potential targets in future stroke therapy. Tumor necrosis factor , the only cytokine that has been considered by immunohistochemical methods in post-mortem human stroke tissue . Previous research findings supported the hypothesis that tumor necrosis factor-alpha might be involved both in the acute proliferation of inflammatory developments and cell demise and perhaps in the more late reconstruct processes of human IS .

These postmortem brain studies have improved our understanding of stroke and its molecular links to vascular dementia. Further research is still needed to understand causes of stroke, leading to vascular dementia.

What Are The Vascular Dementia Risk Factors

One of the biggest risk factors for vascular dementia is age. The majority of people with the condition will begin to have symptoms after the age of 65, and the risk is substantially higher for those in their 80s and 90s. Considering vascular dementia is the result of a problem with blood flow to the brain, hardened arteries is a common risk factor.

When plaque and cholesterol deposits build up inside the arteries, it can reduce flood flow, which will increase the likelihood of a stroke or heart attack. And both of these conditions will cut blood flow to the brain. Other risk factors for vascular dementia include:

  • Obesity – Being overweight is commonly regarded as a risk factor for vascular diseases in general.
  • Smoking – Smoking causes direct damage to your blood vessels by increasing the likelihood of developing vascular dementia and other circulatory diseases.
  • High Cholesterol – High levels of the “bad” cholesterol are associated with heightened risk of vascular dementia.
  • High blood pressure – Consistent high blood pressure places additional stress on all blood vessels, including the ones in the brain.
  • Diabetes – When you have high glucose levels, it can damage blood vessels in your body. And when this damage occurs in the brain, it will increase your risk of vascular dementia and stroke.

In addition, certain conditions like lupus, abnormal heart rhythm, and diabetes can all impact the way flood flows through your body and the brain.

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A Tia Is A Warning Of Two Serious Health Conditions

1. Its a sign of major stroke in the near futureMini strokes usually dont cause permanent brain damage, but theyre a serious warning sign that a major stroke will happen in the future.

In fact, a TIA occurs before about 12% of all strokes.

2. They cause vascular dementiaVascular dementia is the second most common form of dementia and is caused by reduced blood flow to the brain usually from a stroke or a series of strokes.

This type of dementia usually affects people aged 60 to 75 and is more common in men than women.

Even though TIAs can be unnoticeably small, the damage to the brain adds up over time.

When the blood flow to the brain is blocked, brain cells dont get oxygen and nutrients. That causes damage to areas of the brain associated with learning, memory, and language.

This leads to memory loss, confusion, and other signs of dementia.

What Are The Symptoms Of Vascular Parkinsonism

West Texas

A majority of the renowned symptoms of Parkinsonsdisease are present in vascular Parkinsonism as well. However, symptoms in Parkinsons disease tend to encapsulate the entire body but are typically concentrated in the lower body in the case of vascular Parkinsonism. Some major symptoms of vascular Parkinsonism include:

  • Weak limbs

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Tia Stroke Symptoms And Causes

During a mini stroke, the blood supply to the brain is briefly blocked. Its basically a stroke that only lasts for a few minutes.

Symptoms of a TIA are like typical stroke symptoms, but dont last as long. Most symptoms disappear within an hour, but could last for up to 24 hours.

You wont be able to tell if these symptoms are from a TIA or a major stroke, so if your older adult has these symptoms, immediately call 911 or go to the emergency room.

Symptoms happen suddenly and include:

  • Numbness or weakness, especially on one side of the body
  • Confusion, trouble speaking, difficulty understanding speech
  • Trouble seeing in one or both eyes
  • Difficulty walking
  • Problems with balance or coordination
  • An abnormal sense of taste or smell

A TIA is usually caused by low blood flow at a narrow part of a major artery that carries blood to the brain, like the carotid artery.

It could also be caused by a blood clot that travels to the brain and blocks a blood vessel there.

A third common cause is the narrowing of smaller blood vessels in the brain. That blocks blood flow for a short period of time often caused by plaque build-up.

How Can A Stroke Cause Dementia

To understand how a stroke can cause dementia, lets look at the connection between the brain, the arteries, and a stroke.

A stroke occurs when the supply of blood in the brain becomes disrupted by either a clogged or burst artery. When brain cells do not receive enough blood, they are deprived of oxygen and other essential nutrients, which can lead to brain damage. For this reason, a stroke requires swift medical attention to restore normal blood flow in the brain and save the persons life.

The health of your arteries has a direct impact on your risk of stroke. When blood can flow freely through clear arteries, the risk of stroke is low. The risk of stroke increases when arteries become narrowed or damaged from conditions like atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, or diabetes.

But how can a stroke cause dementia? When a stroke causes damage to the brain, it can cause a variety of secondary effects including vascular dementia.

Vascular dementia occurs when the brain does not receive enough blood and thus causes damage to cognitive functions such as memory and problem-solving.

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What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Post

Each area of the brain controls different functions. Therefore, the symptoms of vascular dementia vary between individuals depending on how the brain has been affected.

Some symptoms of vascular dementia can include:

  • Confusion
  • Depression
  • Rapid mood swings

Its important to note that some of these symptoms alone, such as mood swings, do not necessarily signify the presence of post-stroke dementia. Many of these symptoms, when occurring alone, are common cognitive effects of a stroke. However, when many cognitive effects occur together, a doctor may diagnose it as vascular dementia.

Stroke Injury Cognitive Impairment And Vascular Dementia

Vascular dementia

Ischaemic injury is common among long-term stroke survivors

About 25% stroke survivors develop dementia with a much greater proportion developing cognitive impairment

Risk factors of dementia after stroke include older age, vascular comorbidities, prior stroke and pre-stroke impairment

Current imaging and pathological studies suggest 70% of dementia after stroke is vascular dementia

Severe white matter changes and medial temporal lobe atrophy as sequelae after ischaemic injury are substrates of dementia

Controlling vascular risk factors and prevention strategies related to lifestyle factors would reduce dementia after stroke

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What Is The Follow

If you have had a stroke or have vascular dementia, you should see your health care provider regularly. These visits allow him or her to evaluate your symptoms and adjust treatments if necessary.

You may eventually become unable to care for yourself, or even to make decisions about your care.

  • It is best to discuss future care arrangements with family members as early as possible so that your wishes can be clarified and documented for the future.
  • Your health care provider can advise you about legal documents that you should complete to ensure that these wishes are observed.

Understanding The Connection Between Stroke And Dementia

While not every stroke survivor will experience dementia, loss of blood flow to the brain can increase the persons risk of cognitive decline.

However, by practicing cognitive rehabilitation and making certain lifestyle changes, patients can improve their symptoms and even slow vascular dementias progression.

Finally, always remember that even with post-stroke dementia, it is still possible to live a happy and fulfilling life. Although the road ahead might look difficult, its important to maintain hope.

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Can Having A Stroke Increase Your Risk For Vascular Dementia

Vascular dementia can make it difficult for you to process information. Although its a common post-stroke problem, not everyone who has a stroke is at risk for vascular dementia. Your risk depends on the location and severity of your stroke. Your age, sex, and family history are also factors.

In a 2012 study, one researcher reviewed nine studies on dementia in people whove had a stroke. In total, the study looked at 5,514 people with pre- or post-stroke dementia. The study found that rates of post-stroke dementia were between 9.6 and 14.4 percent in people whove had one stroke. This rate increased to 29.6 to 53.1 percent in people with recurrent stroke.

Its worth noting that adults over age 65 who have a high risk of stroke also have a high risk of dementia unrelated to stroke. In the same 2012 study, it was determined that stroke is a risk factor for dementia, and dementia is a risk factor for stroke.

Rates from 9 studies show that about 10 percent of people whove had a stroke will develop dementia within the first year after the stroke.

Research Into The Cause Of Vascular Dementia

What is Vascular Dementia??

Vascular dementia is the second most commonly diagnosed type of dementia, and may account for 15 – 20% of all cases. Vascular dementia is caused by chronic reduced blood flow to the brain, usually as a result of a stroke or series of strokes. It can often coexist with Alzheimer’s disease.

Stroke, small vessel disease, or a mixture of the two can cause vascular dementia. Most commonly there is a blockage of small blood vessels somewhere in the network of arteries that feeds the brain. Blockages may be caused by plaque build up on the inside of the artery wall, or by blood clots which have broken loose. Clots can form as a result of abnormal heart rhythms, or other heart abnormalities. Also, a weak patch on an artery wall can balloon outward and form an aneurysm, which can burst and deprive brain cells of oxygen.

It is estimated that about 50% of cases of vascular dementia result from high blood pressure, which can lead to a major stroke or a series of strokes and a build up of brain damage over time. Less common causes of vascular dementia are associated with autoimmune inflammatory diseases of the arteries such as lupus and temporal arteritis, which are treatable with drugs that suppress the immune system.

An inherited form of vascular dementia known as CADASIL is caused by a mutation on the Notch3 gene. This is a very rare form of dementia and only affects families carrying the Notch3 gene mutation.

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Vascular Is The Second Leading Form Of Dementia In Canada Affecting About 100000 People

Judy Gersteltimer

A decade before Don Engel was diagnosed with vascular dementia at the age of 65, following a stroke, he knew something wasnt quite right.

Occasionally, he recalls, I lost control of where I was and where I was going.

Now, at the age of 80, the retired shop teacher and Woodstock resident is on medication that helps with the symptoms of vascular dementia.

Hes been able to get back to woodworking, his hobby for more than 30 years.

Before, he says, Id go down to my shop to do woodworking and when I looked at the table saw, there seemed to be two blades instead of one.

But, he admits, even now, Reading an article and trying to figure out what they are talking about, thats a whole different story. Trying to write a letter, thatd be a horrible job.

Engel is one of about 100,000 Canadians with vascular dementia.

Its the second most-common form of dementia after Alzheimers, affecting 20 per cent of the half a million people in Canada with dementia.

And while the causes of Alzheimers are not well understood, its known that vascular dementia is caused by strokes, often a series of small, silent strokes.

As well, although the early stage of Alzheimers is characterized mostly by memory loss, says Baycrest senior scientist Carol Greenwood, vascular dementia affects executive function, multi-tasking, problem-solving and reasoning.

Theyre not uncommon.

For each stroke that is diagnosed, five more go undetected.

The facts on vascular dementia

What Is Vascular Dementia

If you are worried about vascular dementia or know someone who is, this guide can help you understand what you need to do. It explains what vascular dementia is and how it is linked to stroke. It also explains what you can do if you or someone you know is diagnosed with vascular dementia.

Its aimed at people who’ve had a stroke or who think they may have vascular dementia, but there is information for family and friends as well. If you have a question that is not answered in this guide call our Stroke Helpline.

The information on this page can be accessed in the following formats:

  • as a pdf or large print Word document.
  • To request a braille copy, email .

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Who Is At Risk For Vascular Dementia

Some risk factors for vascular dementia can be managed others, like age and gender, cannot. Among all factors, high blood pressure carries the greatest risk vascular dementia almost never occurs without it.

Likewise, a high risk of stroke goes hand in hand with risk for vascular dementia. One-quarter to one-third of strokes are thought to result in some degree of dementia. People who smoke, consume excessive amounts of alcohol, have diabetes, or heart disease also have a higher rate of the condition.

Vascular dementia most commonly occurs in people between the ages of 60 and 75. Men seem to be more vulnerable than women, and the condition affects African-Americans more often than other races. People whose age, sex, or race puts them at increased risk of vascular dementia have that much more reason to manage risk factors within their control.

Animal Models Of Stroke

Everything you need to know about vascular dementia

Epidemiologic surveys of human populations are essential to identify non-modifiable and modifiable risk factors of stroke, but other methods are needed to advance our understanding and development of stroke therapies . In recent years, attention has been shifting to the use of transgenic mice as animal models of stroke, facilitating biochemical studies of how risk factors impact the brain, resulting in stroke. Identify a few different types of animal models of stroke.

Animal models of stroke have been used in studies of stroke-related risk factors, in particular, the modifiable risk factors of atherosclerosis , hypercholesterolemia and ApoB mutant mouse , hypertension , and hyperhomocysteinemia , and the nonmodifiable risk factor of age .

Overall, cell and models of stroke are useful and important to understand the basic mechanisms of stroke. Further research is needed to better understand early events/mechanisms of stroke.

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Can A Stroke Cause Dementia

Vascular dementia can occur after a stroke or series of strokes. In these cases it may be easy to connect any changes in memory and thinking to a specific stroke and to the location of damaged brain tissue.

More often, however, vascular dementia progresses over time, and it is impossible to connect symptoms to a stroke or any particular point in time.

Is There Surgery For Stroke

The goal of surgery is to improve the flow of blood in the blood vessels of the brain. An example is a carotid endarterectomy, an operation to remove a blockage from a carotid artery, one of a pair that comprises the main arteries leading to the brain. Not everyone is a candidate for these operations.

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What Is Secondary Parkinsonism

Secondary Parkinsonism is a medical condition similar to Parkinsons disease but is caused by different nervous system disorders, other illnesses, or certain medicines. It may be caused by medical conditions including diffuse Lewy body disease, HIV or AIDS, Encephalitis, Wilsons disease, stroke, meningitis, injury to the brain, multiple system atrophy, or progressive supranuclear palsy. Some other causes may include anesthesia drugs, medications used to treat nausea or mental disorders, an overdose of narcotics, MPTP, carbon monoxide poisoning, mercury poisoning, or any other chemical poisoning.


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