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HomeMust ReadDo Aluminum Cans Cause Alzheimer's

Do Aluminum Cans Cause Alzheimer’s

Direct Link Between Alzheimers And Aluminum Toxicity

Aluminum exposure may cause Alzheimers report

21/11/2017 | Mídia


Aluminum has been long known to be neurotoxic, with mounting evidence that chronic exposure is a factor in many neurological diseases, including dementia, autism, and Parkinson’s disease.

However, definitive scientific proof is difficult to establish due toth the lack of longitudinal studies, as well as pushback from industries that use aluminum in their products. Despite the shortage of conclusive studies, mounting scientific evidence really leaves little room for doubt.

Case in point: a new case study from Keele University in the UK1 unequivocally shows high levels of aluminum in the brain of an individual exposed to aluminum at work, who later died from Alzheimer’s disease.

While aluminum exposure has been implicated in Alzheimer’s and a number of other neurological diseases, this case claims to be “the first direct link” between Alzheimer’s disease and elevated brain aluminum following occupational exposure.2

Aluminum Is Intricately Associated With The Neuropathology Of Familial Alzheimer’s Disease

IOS Press
A new study continues to support a growing body of evidence that aluminum contributes to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease . Researchers found aluminum co-located with phosphorylated tau protein, which is an early initiator of AD.

A new study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease Reports continues to support a growing body of evidence that aluminum contributes to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease . Researchers found aluminum co-located with phosphorylated tau protein, which is an early initiator of AD. This study builds upon two earlier published studies from the same group.

The new data demonstrate that aluminum is co-located with phosphorylated tau protein, present as tangles within neurons in the brains of early-onset or familial Alzheimer’s disease. “The presence of these tangles is associated with neuronal cell death, and observations of aluminum in these tangles may highlight a role for aluminum in their formation,” explained lead investigator Matthew John Mold, PhD, Birchall Centre, Lennard-Jones Laboratories, Keele University, Staffordshire, UK.

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More Useful Links And Resources

Risk factors.Alzheimer Society of Canada, 2021. Read about risk factors for dementia in our downloadable, print-friendly infosheet. This sheet also contains strategies and lifestyle changes that can help you reduce your risk of developing dementia.

Understanding genetics and Alzheimer’s disease.Alzheimer Society of Canada, 2018.In our downloadable, print-friendly infosheet, learn more about the role that genetics plays as a risk factor for dementia, and find out whether you should pursue genetic testing.

Risk factors and prevention. Alzheimer’s Society UK. This comprehensive webpage from the Alzheimer’s Society UK has some helpful nuggets of research and advice related to reducing your risk of dementia.

Tobacco use and dementia. World Health Organization , 2014. This report from the WHO details the evidence behind smoking tobacco as a risk factor for dementia.

Women and Dementia: Understanding sex/gender differences in the brain. brainXchange, 2018. This webinar discusses understandings of sex and gender, sex differences in Alzheimerâs disease, how the higher number of women with Alzheimer’s may be due to both, and a discussion of the role of estrogen in the health of brain regions associated with Alzheimerâs disease. In partnership with the Alzheimer Society of Canada and the Canadian Consortium of Neurodegeneration in Aging .

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Could Exposure To Aluminum Cause Alzheimer’s Disease

Does aluminum really cause the disease of Alzheimer’s? originally appeared on Quora: the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.

Answer by Tirumalai Kamala, Immunologist, Ph.D., Mycobacteriology, on Quora:

The question ‘Does aluminum really cause the disease of Alzheimer’s?‘ could be more accurately re-stated as ‘Could exposure to aluminum cause Alzheimer’s disease and could a causal link even be proven?‘ Simply because aluminum is such a pervasive element in modern life, it’s practically impossible to pinpoint frequency, duration and dosage of exposure at the individual level, let alone establish a cause-and-effect linkage between this one element, aluminum, on the one hand, and a complex, obviously multi-factorial disease such as Alzheimer’s on the other hand. Simply, conclusive data’s lacking. Rather, epidemiological support of links between cumulative aluminum exposure and correlative risk of developing AD is confusing and inconclusive.

This answer:

  • Outlines some basic facts about aluminum as it pertains to degree and variety of biological exposure.
  • Summarizes conclusions from some recent meta-analyses, and systematic and umbrella reviews on the link between Aluminum and AD.

Aluminums Pervasive in Human Foods, Daily Use Products and Environment

Aluminum and Alzheimer’s Disease : Conclusions from Meta-analyses, & Systematic and Umbrella Reviews



Metals That Might Cause Memory Problems

Does aluminum really cause Alzheimer

Research reveals a surprising suspect in memory-robbing disorders. The exact causes of Alzheimer’s disease are still unknown, but experts have identified a host of contributing factors: diabetes, smoking, saturated fats. Now a theory points the finger in a different direction: a variety of metals that can build up in the body over time. Look inside the brains of people with Alzheimer’s who have died and you’ll find protein clogging the brain’s signaling system, along with tiny clusters called beta-amyloid plaques. “When researchers tease those plaques apart, they find metals, including iron, copper, and aluminum,” says Neal Barnard, MD, an adjunct associate professor of medicine at the George Washington University School of Medicine. “These metals produce free radicals, which are like little sparks that damage brain cells.” And dementia isn’t the only risk metals have been linked to everyday mental fuzziness: A study of roughly 1,450 adults in The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging found that women who performed highest on cognition tests had the lowest levels of copper and iron in their blood. But you needn’t let metals meddle with your noggin: A few simple swaps can help shield your brain and protect your memory.

Quick fix: Swap out your cast-iron pans for stainless steel. One study found that the iron content of spaghetti sauce increased more than nine times after being cooked in a cast-iron skillet.

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Brain Inflammation In Both Children And Adults

Vaccines present a particularly problematic source of toxic metal exposure. Aluminum is the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant and is considered “safe” even though research shows it may induce serious immunological disorders and neurological complications in humans.

In the video above, Dr. David Ayoub discusses how the aluminum in vaccines may be even more dangerous than mercury. The number of aluminum-containing vaccines children receive today11 has quadrupled over the past 30 years. In the 1970s, children got only four aluminum-containing vaccines in their first 18 months of life, but now they typically receive 17. And as children’s aluminum burden has increased, so has the prevalence of childhood neurological disorders. In one school, 90 percent of the children developed ADHD during the course of a single school year, and their toxicity profiles all revealed massive amounts of aluminum.

Aluminum is also in vaccines and is used as an adjuvant. If you go by the aluminum content on vaccine labels, the amount kids are getting is excessive, but if you add in the aluminum NOT listed on the labels”accidental exposure” due to contaminationit’s a much more serious problem. Dr. Ayoub cites one study that found five to six times more aluminum in vaccines than what was actually listed on the labels.

What Really Causes Alzheimer’s

Even if we absorbed more aluminum than we already do, despite what some fear mongers say, aluminum is not considered a risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Current research suggests that Alzheimer’s disease is the result of inflammation and hardening of the arteries. Aluminum in patients’ brains probably finds its way there after the disease develops.

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These 4 Things Do Not Cause Alzheimers

  • /
  • These Things Do Not Cause Alzheimers

  • Alzheimers myths run rampant, particularly when it comes to risk factors for the disease. Though several different behaviors and foods have been linked to a higher risk of Alzheimers disease, other supposed risk factors remain unconfirmed by scientific research.

    Aluminum In The Environment

    Aluminum Cookware Does Not Cause Alzheimer’s Disease (Plus: How To Cook Rice)

    Aluminum has a non-metallic form that makes up eight per cent of the earth’s surface. In small amounts, aluminum is referred to as “trace elements”, and occur naturally in the foods we eat, in our drinking water and are even added to the water treatment process in some municipalities.

    Trace elements of aluminum may also be found in:

    • Many processed foods
    • Cosmetics and personal hygiene products, such as deodorants and nasal sprays
    • Some drugs in order to make them more effective or less irritating
    • The air we breathe from dry soil, cigarette smoke, pesticide sprays and aluminum-based paint.

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    The Alzheimers Aluminum Connection

    February 23, 2017 by Allene EdwardsLast updated on: February 23, 2017

    In 1982, I was a psychology major attending Georgia State University. One of my favorite professors told us, If you dont want to get Alzheimers, avoid aluminum. When the brains of Alzheimers victims were studied post mortem, the one thing they all had in common was aluminum in their brain tissue. Dont drink from aluminum cans. Stop buying canned food. And stop cooking in aluminum pans.

    I went home and threw out all of my aluminum pots and pans. I had quite a few. And I took the rest of his advice to heart. From that day forward, I bought drinks in glass bottles and avoided canned foods.

    I always imagined the aluminum connection was common knowledge, at least in scientific circles. But in recent years, I discovered there was no general consensus regarding the aluminum, Alzheimers connection. As a matter of fact, it seems to have been an issue of debate. But isnt that always the case when big business is involved? If we malign the aluminum soda can and all that canned food, if we stop wrapping our food in aluminum foil, businesses will lose a lot of money.

    A quick internet search revealed the Alzheimers Associations stance. Their website shows the following:

    Myth 4: Drinking out of aluminum cans or cooking in aluminum pots and pans can lead to Alzheimers disease.

    The following quotes reiterate what my professor told us in the 1980s.

    Related Reading:

    Does Aluminum Increase Your Risk For Alzheimers Disease

    By John Messmer, MD

    It’s time to prepare dinner. Chances are your pots and pans are aluminum. You might also notice that your disposable roasting pans and pie pans are aluminum. And you probably use aluminum foil to cover your food while cooking, as well as storing it later. Lightweight and an excellent heat conductor, aluminum is well suited as a material for cookware. With all this aluminum around, it’s important to ask: “Is aluminum a health risk?”

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    Myth #: Alzheimer’s Isnt Deadly

    Fact: Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S. One in three seniors dies with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia. People diagnosed with Alzheimer’s live on average about 8 years following their diagnosis, but survival ranges from four to 20 years.

    In the latest stages of the disease, people with Alzheimer’s lose their ability to respond to their environment and often lose awareness of their surroundings. They usually require full-time care, and gradually lose the ability to walk, sit, and eventually, swallow. They also become vulnerable to infections such as pneumonia.

    In addition, high-risk behaviors in moderate stages such as wandering and getting lost can increase the chance of fatal accidents.

    One Major Side Effect Of Drinking From A Can New Study Says

    The Link Between Aluminum Exposure And Alzheimer

    Maybe you’ve heard that antiperspirants containing aluminum can be dangerous for your long-term brain health. Now, a new study is reinforcing that finding, as a group of scientists have found that the aluminum we consume, such as when we drink from a can, can lead to serious impairment to our long-term cognitive function.

    Last month, the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease published a study conducted by four scientists in England. They set out to understand how exposure to aluminum might impact people’s genetic predisposition to dementia-related illnesses, like Alzheimer’s.

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    The scientists were aware of past research which had concluded that the aluminum found in everyday products, such as deodorants, is associated with neurodegenerative illnesses and forms of dementia, like Alzheimer’s. The scientists examined the presence of aluminum in the brains of donors with a family history of Alzheimer’s.

    Upon analysis, the researchers found that aluminum was present in the same areas of the brain as the tangles of protein that appear in the early stages of Alzheimer’s. The study also found that aluminum itself might play a role in forming the tangles and plaques that precede the onset of Alzheimer’s.

    Still, given the growing canned seltzer trend and the ever-popularity of sodas, it may be worth giving a second thought to the packaging of our beverages.

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    Aluminum Cookware And Alzheimer Disease:

    Aluminum is the third most abundant, soft and highly reactive metal that can dissolve into our food especially when you are cooking some acidic ingredients.

    Cooking acidic foods like tomatoes can cause leaching and when the food absorbs the aluminum naturally you are swallowing the aluminum particles along with the food.

    It is also advisable not to store any acidic ingredients in aluminum vessels or pots. This reaction results in the liberation of aluminum salts that are most commonly associated and linked with symptoms of Alzheimers disease.

    However, as aluminum is the third most abundant element available on the earths crust the intake of aluminum is highly unavoidable. However, the amount of aluminum we are likely to consume is very minimal. Yes, the aluminum ingested from the cookware is insignificant in nature.

    This implies that aluminum cookware is the least thing to worry about.

    However, from a precautionary perspective, it is better to limit the usage of aluminum cookware until we are convinced about the authentic and reliable evidence of the safety of aluminum.

    Myths About Alzheimers Disease

    According to the Alzheimers Association, more than five million Americans have Alzheimers, with someone developing the disease every 66 seconds. While the medical world doesnt know exactly what causes Alzheimers disease, here are some myths theyve debunked!

    FALSE: Exposure to aluminum causes AlzheimersThis was a popular theory in the 1960s and 1970s but numerous studies have found no evidence to support that drinking from aluminum cans, cooking in aluminum pots and pans, or using aluminum-containing antiperspirants cause the disease.

    FALSE: Aspartame causes memory lossEven though many studies have focused on the effect of aspartame on cognitive function, and there has been no link found so far.

    FALSE: Only older people get AlzheimersWhile it does affect mostly older people, early-onset Alzheimers can affect those in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. It is estimated that around 200,000 people in the U.S. younger than age 65 have Alzheimers.

    FALSE: Flu shots increase riskNot only has this one been debunked, but the opposite may be true. A 2001 report in the Canadian Medical Journal suggested that older adults who received flu and other vaccinations had a lower risk of developing Alzheimers.

    FALSE: Its a normal part of agingWhile it may be normal to have occasional memory problems, Alzheimers is much more than that. Read our blog here to see how to tell the difference between normal aging and signs of Alzheimers.

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    Aluminum: One Of The Earth’s Most Common Elements

    Lead, cadmium, mercury, and arsenic are known toxic metals. But what about aluminum, which is one of the most prevalent elements on earth? Aluminum is used in construction, manufacturing, fuel additives and medications, cosmetics, and personal care products. Aluminum gets into our food from the soil in which its grown, and also from additives such as anticaking, antifoaming, emulsifying, firming, and leavening ingredients.

    Our drinking water contains some aluminum and the chemical purification process called flocculation can increase the level. Many of us prepare our meals using aluminum cookware or eat foods packaged in aluminum wraps from which a small amount of metal is leached into the food. If you use an aluminum hydroxide-based antacid, it could add several additional grams of aluminum to your daily intake. Almost all of the aluminum that we ingest leaves our bodies in feces and perspiration, but a small fraction accumulates in our internal organs, including our brains.1

    Aluminum, then, is a very common element and we are exposed to it in our food and environment. And AD is a very common illness. But why have some researchers suggested they are related?

    Myth #: Alzheimer’s Disease Can Be Prevented

    VERIFY: No, you won’t get dementia from drinking from an aluminum soda can

    Fact: If you have a certain genetic mutation for early-onset Alzheimer’s disease you cannot prevent it. However, making healthy lifestyle choices such as exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and not smoking can support brain health. Physical activity and healthy eating can also lower your risk for other diseases such as heart disease and diabetes, which have been linked to Alzheimer’s. Several studies have also shown that maintaining social connections and staying mentally active and engaged may strengthen connections between the nerve cells and the brain and help lower the risk of cognitive decline and help with Alzheimer’s disease prevention.

    Studies conducted on supplements ranging from vitamins E, B, and C, to gingko biloba, folate, and selenium and how they may prevent dementia have been inconclusive.

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    The Claim: Heat Causes Aluminum To Leach Into Food And Causes Dementia Alzheimers Parkinson’s And Cancer

    An undated article from a website called “Natural Beauty Secrets” that has been circulating on social media warns that cooking with aluminum allows it to leach into food and cause cancer and different neurological conditions including dementia, Alzheimer’s and autism spectrum disorders.

    Aluminum is found in many household products, including utensils, foil, baking powder and over-the counter medicines. It is the most common metal and makes up 8% of the Earths mass. Because of this, aluminum is literally everywhere, including drinking water and food. Some foods, like citrus fruits, have more aluminum than others.

    Naturally occurring aluminum is rarely encountered in its metallic, elemental form. Typically, aluminum is found in the environment as aluminum salts or other compounds such as aluminum citrate. This material circulates through the environment and food web. Adults naturally have between 30-50 milligrams of aluminum in their body at any given time.

    “Analytical chemistry is sufficiently sensitive now that I’m not aware of anything that, naturally, in our environment, food, water and everything else, where it cannot be detected,” said Dr. Robert Yokel, a professor of toxicology at the University of Kentucky who studies aluminum.


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