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Does Coconut Oil Help Alzheimer’s

What Does The Research Say About Coconut Oil And Alzheimers

Coconut Oil Touted as Alzheimers Remedy –

The relationship between MCT and dementia is a new area, so there are only a handful of studies.

From what we have access to, experts believe its a very promising avenue for treating the disease .

One study on those with milder forms of Alzheimers found that MCT supplementation increased blood ketones, which then led to an;immediate improvement;in brain function .

Another study on 152 subjects with mild to moderate Alzheimers disease found that supplementation of direct ketones effectively improved cognitive function, over a 90-day period .

Both studies show promise, but are too small and too short to draw any strong recommendations from.

Studies looking specifically at intake of coconut oil and Alzheimers havent happened yet, however one new trial at The University of South Florida is currently in the recruitment process.

The study is to be 8 months and use coconut oil for the treatment group. Ill be awaiting the results of that one.

Summary: Preliminary studies show that supplementing MCT oil or ketones directly can improve brain cognition considerably. The first clinical trial to specifically;use coconut oil is currently in the recruitment process.;

Why Your Brain Needs Dietary Fats

First, lets discuss why your brain needs dietary fats to keep it healthy.

Of all your organs, your brain especially needs dietary fat.

Its largely made of fat, 60% by weight.

Your brain cell membrane integrity largely depends on the quality of the fats you eat.

And healthy brain cell membranes are critical for;brain health and function.

They control whats allowed in and what is pushed out .

When unhealthy trans fats get integrated into brain;cell membranes, they become less efficient.

Trans fats even condemn;your brain cells to;shorter lives.

Its not an exaggeration to say that;the quality of your brain cells depends on the quality of the fats you eat.

  • obesity
  • cancer

There are many foods that contain fats which are actually good for your brain, including avocados, nuts, fatty cold-water fish, and olive oil.

But when it comes to healthy brain fats, coconut oil is in a category by itself.

Does Coconut Oil Help Prevent Dementia

There have been some claims that coconut oil could be used as a treatment, or even a cure, for Alzheimer’s disease. However, there is currently not enough experimental evidence to back up these claims.The claim is based on the theory that the brain cells of people with Alzheimer’s disease are unable to use glucose to produce energy properly, and so the nerve cells ‘starve’.;

Some believe coconut oil may act as an alternative energy source for the brain. However, there is not enough scientific evidence to know whether this is the case.;;

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Does Coconut Oil Help Alzheimers Patients

by Case Adams, PhD·

Coconuts are investigated for Alzheimers.

The health community has been stirred by reports of coconut oil being a cure-all for Alzheimers disease. Many;report it is simply anecdotal evidence. Is there really any scientific evidence for the notion that late-stage Alzheimers disease can be reversed by coconut oil? Surprisingly, yes, but the evidence also points to an important caveat.

The Youtube videos and book by Dr. Mary T. Newport regarding Coconut oil and Alzheimers have captured the attention of the health community. After her husband Steve was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimers disease, Dr. Newport discovered the link between medium chain triglycerides and dementia.

In this article

What Is Alzheimers Disease

Coconut oil and alzheimers book

Alzheimers disease was discovered in 1901 and is named by Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1906. The characteristic trait of a persons brain suffering from Alzheimers disease is the lack of energy source in the brain, wherein the brain cells begin degenerating and have trouble in metabolizing glucose. Famous people such as Charlton Heston and Ronald Reagan have helped in increasing awareness regarding the disease.

Various studies are being undertaken to look into the benefits of coconut oil for treating Alzheimers disease. It has been found that the ketones produced in the body after digesting coconut oil may provide an alternative way of keeping the brain nourished.

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The Story Of Steve Newport

In 2001, at the age of 51, Steve Newport began making memory mistakes. His memory and cognitive functions spiraled downward over the next eight years. By 2008, Steves Alzheimers had become severe.

So Dr. Newport developed a dosage of coconut oil to mimic the 60% middle chain triglyceride product used in a study called AC-1202. She gave Steve seven teaspoons of coconut oil per day or 3-4 servings per day of MCT oil. During the first month, Steves tremors resolved and his cognition difficulties improved. His cognitive test scores increased dramatically during the first few weeks of the coconut oil. And over the next few years, Dr. Newport reported that her husband came back.

And his scores proved it. His cognition scores improved by 6 points of 75 point scale on cognitive, and 14 points of 78 on daily living activity tests.

Dr. Newport has since collected about 250 testimonies, about 90% of which were positive though admittedly improved people would most likely write a testimony.

So is there any scientific evidence for taking coconut oil for Alzheimers disease?

Dr. Newports personal research established that Steves early Alzheimers disease was related to the inability of his brain cells to process glucose, or its alternative, ketones, for energy.

And shutting down that energy supply naturally shuts off those brain cells spiraling a person into Alzheimers disease.

But does this happen for everyone who is experiencing Alzheimers disease? In a word, no.

Alzheimers: Diabetes Of The Brain

What does the ability of MCTs to fuel the brain without insulin have to do with Alzheimers?

As we age, our brains become less able to process glucose as brain fuel.

Brain cells become;insulin-resistant.

Alzheimers patients brain cells have lost the ability to take up the glucose they need, and those cells subsequently die.

This has led to the theory that Alzheimers is actually a type of diabetes diabetes of the brain.

Its sometimes referred to as type 3 diabetes.

But coconut oil bypasses glucose metabolism, delivering energy directly to the brain cells that need it.

Using PET scans, it can be seen that the areas of the brain affected by Alzheimers readily use ketones as an alternative fuel source.

This is very exciting news!

Note:Dementia and Alzheimers disease are terms that are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same condition. Dementia is a general term that describes a set of symptoms. There are over 100 diseases that can cause dementia; Alzheimers is just one of them.;

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Coconut Oil Has Antimicrobial Effects

Twelve-carbon lauric acid makes up about 50% of the fatty acids in coconut oil.

When the body digests lauric acid, it forms a substance called monolaurin. Both lauric acid and monolaurin can kill harmful pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

For example, test tube studies show that these substances can help to kill the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, which causes staph infections, and the yeast Candida albicans, a common source of yeast infections in humans.

There’s also some evidence that using coconut oil as a mouthwash, a process called oil pulling, could benefit oral hygiene, though researchers consider the evidence weak.

There’s no evidence that coconut oil reduces the risk for the common cold or other internal infections.


Using coconut oil as a mouthwash could help to prevent infections in the mouth, but researchers need more evidence before they can make strong claims.

Coconut Oil For Alzheimers Separating Fact From Fiction

Coconut oil helps Alzheimer’s and other brain disorders/Pro-Active Wellness & Injury Centre

Coconut oil as a treatment for Alzheimers? Its one of those claims that has rumbled on for a few years now, but;so far research has been inconclusive so theres little evidence to say it can be of any help. Companies selling nutritional drinks and making claims about their effects dont count. And while anecdotes from individuals can be compelling, sadly these claims cant be verified, and need to be treated with caution. In fact, its best to be wary about any claims around coconut oil or other foods or supplements: as well as no proven benefits, there are potential harms.

This blog explains the thinking behind coconut oil as a treatment for Alzheimers and the reasons we have to remain cautious.

Also Check: Difference Between Senility And Dementia

Is There Any Evidence Behind The Coconut Oil Claims

A clinical trial into the potential effects of coconut oil was being conducted in the US.;

Unfortunately this trial had to be discontinued in 2017. There were not enough people enrolled on the trial for researchers to fully understand whether coconut oil has any benefit for people affected by dementia.

There is some evidence to suggest that fats like coconut oil could indirectly result in higher levels of a protein called acetylcholinesterase.;

Researchers have found that the level of acetylcholinesterase is higher in people with Alzheimer’s disease and current treatments aim to lower the level of this protein.

This could mean that coconut oil may actually be detrimental to people with Alzheimer’s disease.;

It is important to ensure that any potential treatment is safe for people with Alzheimer’s disease.

This is why treatments go through large clinical trials before approval;for widespread use.;

Coconut Oil For Alzheimers: Miracle Cure Or Myth

NancyH, a member of AgingCares Caregiver Forum, wants to know, Does coconut oil help people who have Alzheimers disease?

Its a question that, as it turns out, is surprisingly difficult to answer. But could it help?

Absolutely it could, says Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, member of the medical advisory board of the non-profit Nutritional Magnesium Association. According to Dr. Dean, the potential health benefits of coconut oil have been celebrated since ancient times by different cultures around the world. Its been used as a natural anti-fungal treatment, a hair strengthener and a skin softener.

Coconut oil may even be beneficial for people suffering from other incurable conditions, such as Parkinsons disease, multiple sclerosis and ALS . Dr. Dean first witnessed the beneficial effects of coconut oil while working with individuals with HIV and AIDS. We started hearing stories about people with HIV who took coconut oil and felt better. As the testimonials started growing, all of us began to realize that there must be something to it.

But, to understand how coconut oil could help someone with Alzheimers disease , one must first examine the connection that exists between blood sugar, the human brain and diabetes.

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Schedule An Appointment With Primehealth Today

Curious whether coconut oil can help your health? Our healthcare team members would love to talk to you about how we can tailor a personalized treatment plan to meet your unique needs for preventing or slowing the progression of cognitive decline.

to schedule a free phone consultation. Your health awaits.

Dietary Advice For Alzheimers Sufferers


Coconut oil does offer hope as natures most abundant source of MCTs, and it is an easily convertible fuel source for ketones. In addition, it is one of natures richest sources of saturated fat which is needed to produce HDL cholesterol to feed the brain. People suffering from Alzheimers should immediately start avoiding polyunsaturated forms of oil such as soy and corn oils, especially if they are hydrogenated and in the form of trans fatty acids. These are prone to oxidation and potentially mitochondrial dysfunction. Other healthy fats would include butter from the milk of cows that are grass-fed, and Omega 3 fatty acids from high quality fish oil, cod liver oil, or krill oil.

Refined carbohydrates in the form of refined wheat products and refined sugars should be strictly avoided! High protein foods such as eggs from pastured chickens , pastured poultry, and grass-fed meats are all desirable proteins for brain health.

I started checking into Coconut oil because I saw on the news that Alzheimers patients were dramatically improving after taking this oil. I bought some for my father who had recently been diagnosed and he now thinks the Alzheimers has gone away! Im using it too and I feel so good, physically and MENTALLY better!;Roxie

5 Medical Doctors with Gary Taubes and Robb Wolf Discuss Coconut Oil and Alzheimers Disease ;Article Here.

See Also:

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Frequently Asked Questions About Coconut Oil

As a newer breakthrough, there are many swirling questions about coconut oil. Here are some of the most common.

Does coconut oil cross the blood-brain barrier? Coconut oil does not cross the blood-brain barrier, at least not directly. It is broken down during digestion into smaller molecules, including ketones. Then, the ketones cross the blood-brain barrier and are used as an energy source.

How does coconut oil improve memory? Coconut oil improves memory by supporting the health of the neurons in your brain. It provides energy to neurons so they can function. Coconut oil also helps protect neurons by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.

What are the benefits of coconut oil for dementia? The benefits of coconut oil for dementia are:

  • Providing ketones the brain needs for energy
  • Reducing oxidative stress that can make dementia symptoms worse
  • Improving insulin resistance, which makes it easier for neurons to get the energy they need

To maximize the effects of coconut oil, try virgin coconut oil if you can find it. Virgin coconut oil has been through fewer refining processes, so its purer.;

What is the recommended dosage of coconut oil for memory? The recommended dosage of coconut oil for memory varies by patient, and should be discussed with a qualified healthcare provider. C

How Coconut Oil Affects The Body And Mind

For best results, experts suggest organic, cold-pressed, non-hydrogenated, virgin coconut oil ;and dont let the word oil frighten you. Coconut oil is a heart-healthy oil that is free of cholesterol and trans-fats, and provides many benefits in addition to improving brain health, including:

  • Improving the bodys use of insulin
  • Improving cholesterol by increasing HDL
  • Boosting thyroid function resulting in increased energy
  • Acting as an antioxidant and natural antibiotic
  • Improving overall health of skin and hair

A recent University of Oxford study suggested that although the effects of coconut oil may be temporary, Alzheimers and dementia patients have indeed seen short-term benefits resulting from its use. This research supports Dr. Newports theory that ketones, which are byproducts of the breakdown of fats in the body, play an important role in brain health. The idea is that by boosting ketones, found in coconut oil, we can improve cognitive function.

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Coconut Oil And Alzheimers

Over the last couple of years, the benefits of coconut oil for Alzheimers disease have come into the spotlight. Dr. Mary Newport first brought the benefits of coconut oil and Alzheimers disease to the attention of the medical community and the public when she helped her husband who was suffering from severe Alzheimers with it. In desperation to save her husband, Dr. Newport did extensive research and found that the medium chain fatty acids found naturally in coconut oil could be processed by the glucose starved brain cells, and help to repair them and get them functioning properly again. She started giving her husband a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil and was able to slow and reverse his symptoms.;

At the moment there is not 100% scientific proof that coconut oil for Alzheimers disease works; however, the studies done so far look very promising. The wonderful thing about coconut oil is that it is packed full of healthy fatty acids, nutrients and vitamins, so even if it does not help with Alzheimers, it certainly will not hurt, and it will help to improve the overall health of the patient.

May Boost Heart Health

Local doctor says coconut oil helps reduce symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease

Coconut is an uncommon food in the Western world, with health-conscious people being the main consumers.

However, in some parts of the world, coconut which is loaded with coconut oil is a dietary staple that people have thrived on for generations.

For example, a 1981 study noted that the population of Tokelau, an island chain in the South Pacific, obtained over 60% of their calories from coconuts. Researchers reported not only good overall health but also very low rates of heart disease .

Kitavan people in Papua New Guinea also eat a lot of coconut, alongside tubers, fruit, and fish, and have little stroke or heart disease .

Summary Several populations around the world have thrived for generations eating a substantial amount of coconut, and studies show they have good heart health.

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Eating Coconut May Benefit Heart Health

Coconut is an uncommon food in the Western world, with health-conscious people being the main consumers.

However, in some parts of the world, coconut which is loaded with coconut oil is a dietary staple that people have thrived on for generations.

A good example is the Tokelauans, a population who live in the South Pacific. According to a 1981 study, this population was getting over 60% of their calories from coconuts.

Researchers reported that this population had good health with very low rates of heart disease.

Another example of a population who ate a lot of coconut along with tubers, fruit, and fish and had little stroke or heart disease is the Kitavan population in Papua, New Guinea.


Several populations around the world have thrived for generations eating a substantial amount of coconut, and studies show they have good heart health.

How Do You Get Alzheimers

The exact cause of Alzheimers is unknown; however, scientists theorize that it is caused by the brain cells not being able to process glucose properly. Brain cells require glucose to function properly, and without it they can die. Alzheimers seems to develop in people that do not have healthy brain cells; brain cells that do not have enough glucose to function properly.

Scientists have also noted that some Alzheimers disease, particularly when it develops in a person that is younger than fifty, seems to be genetic. Some cases of early onset Alzheimers has been traced back to changes in one of three genes that are passed from parent to child. Research has also shown some connection between late onset Alzheimers that develops when the person is over the age of sixty, with an APOE 4 gene.

Research has also proven a connection between poor nutrition, inactivity and lack of mental stimulation and Alzheimers.

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