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The End Of Alzheimer’s By Dr Dale Bredesen

The Subtypes Of Alzheimers Disease

The End of Alzheimer’s with Dr Dale Bredesen

Chris Kresser: Absolutely. So in your first book and in the first version of the ReCODE Protocol, you identified three distinct subtypes of Alzheimers disease. And it was inflammatory, which is pretty self-explanatory, toxic, which is again self-explanatory, and then atrophic, which is a term listeners might not be aware of, which basically referred to deficiency of hormones that are important for maintaining various body systems like estrogen in women and testosterone in men. And now you have added three new subtypes, it looks like, based on the clinical experience youve had over the past several years. So tell us a little bit about what those subtypes are.

So these are the things that were running into again and again and again, and addressing these and understanding where they came from, as you said earlier, the root cause analysis, I think, is really linking basic science very nicely with Functional Medicine.

How Your Oral Health Impacts Your Alzheimers Risk

Chris Kresser: Lets talk a little bit more about oral health. We actually touched on it kind of indirectly when you were mentioning hypoxia and apnea. Not necessarily full-blown sleep apnea. I think this is a mistake thats often made where somebody goes in, gets a sleep study, and the doctor says, Hey, good news, you dont have apnea. But you may have some transient low oxygen events. And the implication there is theres no risk. But youve shown there lots of data that show, as you mentioned earlier, that there may actually be risk even with mild hypoxia. And one of the potential causes of hypoxia is malocclusion of the jaw. The lower jaw recessed and when youre lying down, that makes the airway narrower and makes it harder to breathe. So thats one of the potential causes of apnea.

And there are dentists out there who are now doing what is sometimes called dental orthopedics where they use devices to bring the lower jaw forward and open the airway. And this can be done with mandibular advancement devices, which is kind of a temporary, non-permanent fix, or it can be done with devices like the or Invisalign, can more permanently change the structure of the jaw and open the airway. But there are other aspects of oral health I think that we know more about now as contributors to cognitive decline. Lets talk a little bit about those.

The Ketoflex 12/3 Diet

Chris Kresser: So I want to talk a little bit about diet because I know you have a relatively new program that wasnt fully conceptualized the last time we talked and had you on the show, called The KetoFLEX 12/3 lifestyle approach and brain food pyramid. So tell us what this is and how you arrived at this approach for cognitive decline.

Dale Bredesen: Yeah. And, of course, you know far more about diet than I do. We are just asking what is the way that we can drive a persons biochemistry toward producing and maintaining synapses? How do we get there? And there are, of course, lots of ways to do that. And diet is an important part of it, perhaps the most important part of it. And so whats come up again and again and again, Im agnostic of things, this may change over time. But what has worked so far and what has been published to be working so far is something that will drive you, as you know, into mild ketosis. You want to be in that 1.0 to 4.0 millimolar beta-hydroxybutyrate range. Something that has high fiber, something that has a number of colorful plant things like anthocyanins and all the various colorful things that were looking at. Polyphenols and so forth, so on, that have, again, been shown to inhibit cognitive decline. And you want to have appropriate fasting.

Chris Kresser: Yeah, Ive seen 97 percent is one estimate that Ive seen.

Dale Bredesen: Really?

Dale Bredesen: Incredible.

Chris Kresser: Dont get enough. Yeah.

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The 36 Holes In The Roof Concept

Dr. Bredesen said that Alzheimers is caused by at least 36 different causes, reasons, or problems. This is like having not just 1 but 36 holes in ones roof. That means 1 patch may not be enough to fix all those holes.

This concept is the part that pulled people into this whole discussion about functional medicine and to try different things.

Its great that tons of dollars are being poured into Alzheimers research as we do need a cure. But if there are dozens of causes of Alzheimers, it seems to be not wise to wait for that one magic bullet thats going to hit all those causes.

Its also important to note the supposed connection between Alzheimers and insulin resistance, leading to Alzheimers being called insulin resistance of the brain and type 3 diabetes.

So according to Dr. Bredesen, we need to look at every one of those holes. We need to look for multiple patches if were going to prevent Alzheimers.

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Practical Takeaways To End Alzheimers

The End of Alzheimer

DR. AMEN: So, lets talk about the practical takeaways from The End of Alzheimers. What are things people can do today to protect their minds or even get it back if they think its headed for trouble?

DR. BREDESEN: Absolutely. So you know the key here is that this disease should be a rare disease. Its now the third leading cause of death in the U.S. Dementia is the number one cause of death in the UK, so this is a huge and common problem and it actually should be a rare problem, so we recommend that people actually get their numbers checked, to get their cognoscopy, and then you can see. So if you have a high HSCRP, you have ongoing inflammation. You need to reduce that and its not good enough just to say, Im gonna take an anti-inflammatory. What you have to find out is whats causing your inflammation. Is it part of metabolic syndrome? Is it part of a response to mycotoxins? To mold produced toxins as you mentioned? Is it part of a response to a specific pathogen? So you need to understand that, and of course your practitioner can help you with that, especially if theyre trained to do so.

DR. BREDESEN: Absolutely. Of course you know most of us have too high omega-6 and too low omega-3, so yes, part of this is we are giving ourselves this industrial associated disease. Were living in a toxic world. Were living in a world that has depleted soils. Were living in a world where most of us have too low omega-3s.

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Pyramid Level : Foods To Avoid

Small amounts of chocolate high in cacao and low in sugar allow you to derive the health benefits of flavonoids. However, you should avoid cocoa and cacao powder.

Avoid all conventional animal dairy and sugar. Alcohol is a neurotoxin and should be avoided if you are suffering cognitive decline or at risk of cognitive decline. Xylitol , honey, pure monk fruit sweetener, and stevia should be used in limited amounts.

What Is A Cognoscopy

Chris Kresser: So this really gives people the possibility of not only preventing these conditions by addressing these factors in advance but also sometimes possibly slowing the progression and even reversing the progression of some of these conditions. One of my favorite sayings of yours is we dont need a silver bullet, which is the drug thats going to cure Alzheimers, but we need silver buckshot. So what youre talking about here is that there are multiple contributing factors, the buckshot. And thats what we need to be testing for and addressing. And you do this with what you call a cognoscopy, which is, of course, a play on colonoscopy and endoscopy and other procedures that we use to assess the health of the digestive tract. So tell us what a cognoscopy is and what youve learned. How the cognoscopy evolved over time based on what youve learned?

Chris Kresser: Yeah.

Dale Bredesen: We see it later, but not always as easy. Then the third thing is, if youve got symptoms, you also want to make sure to have and include the volumetrics so that you can see if you have any shrinkage, any atrophy in your hippocampal region especially.

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Positive Outcomes For People With Alzheimers Disease

Dale Bredesen: Absolutely. So we, documenting 100 cases in which all had improvements so that we could see improvements in electrophysiology, improvements in volumetrics. And so weve been able to gather some more data. For many people, as you know, people are out there practicing and they dont always get a baseline. They dont always get the follow-up data. But where we do have it in those 100 patients, all of them improved. Now, of course, that wasnt the denominator. There were others who didnt. But those were the ones that we wrote up as here are 100 people its not just 10. Here are 100 who we have clear evidence of improvement. And now were actually writing up one person who had because weve got scan data before and after showing an improvement in the PET scan data. Volumetrics before and after showing an improvement in hippocampal volume. And then, of course, the cognitive assessments. Quantitative cognitive assessments showing improvement and showing us sustained improvement in someone who clearly had a diagnosis of Alzheimers disease.

Chris Kresser: Sure.

Dale Bredesen: There was one with. Whats that?

Chris Kresser: I said sure, yeah, thats true with just about any condition we know of, right?

Dale Bredesen: Exactly.

Chris Kresser: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure has been frequently.

Chris Kresser: Yeah. When they want to study the effects of stress, they go get a bunch of caretakers and enroll them in the study. Thats how bad it is.

About Dr Dale Bredesen

DOCTOR REVEALS How To Prevent & Treat ALZHEIMER’S | Dr. Dale Bredesen

Dr. Dale Bredesen graduated from Caltech. He got his MD degree at Duke University, a residency in neurology at UCSF , and worked with Nobel laureate Stanley Prusiner as an NIH Postdoctoral Fellow. He held faculty positions at UCSF, UCLA, and UC San Diego.

With such credentials, this guy is not a lightweight. Thats why people are listening to him on the topic of Alzheimers. We could assume that he knows his stuff.

But why is he saying that we can end Alzheimers and dementia?

In his book, Dr. Bredesen got this story of how he thinks the title might be a little aggressive and optimistic, but his editors suggested that he used the title. He did say that he reversed Alzheimers in many people using the methods he described in his book.

Fortunately, with most people, Alzheimers can be detected earlier than whats done with standard medical practices, reversed, and prevented.

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Praise For The End Of Alzheimer’s Programme

Sanity now prevails with Dr. Bredesen’s challenge to the status quo that may well bring an end to Alzheimer’s disease.

David Perlmutter, from the foreword

Once in a generation a book comes along that changes the way we think, that sheds light on our darkest struggles, that provides a clear, scientific path to ending the scourge of a disease that robs millions of their minds. The End of Alzheimer’s Program is that book. Whether you want to enhance and optimize your brain at any age, prevent cognitive decline and even reverse early dementia, Dr. Bredesen, in breathtakingly simple, scientifically profound steps maps a way to achieve this. If you have a brain, read this book.

Mark Hyman, Head of Strategy and Innovation: Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine and author of Food Fix

Dale Bredesen MD has done it again … he delivers the essential how-to guide for risk reduction and potentially reversal of cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. This elegantly written, step-by-step handbook to Dr. Bredesen’s revolutionary protocol will help thousands if not millions. I give it my highest recommendation.

Dr Sara Gottfried, New York Times bestselling author of ‘The Hormone Cure’

The End Of Alzheimers With Dr Dale Bredesen

Caring for a loved one with Alzheimers disease is an ongoing struggle. Sometimes, you might feel like it only gets worse.

Dr. Amen and his wife, Tana Amen, have created the Brain Warriors Way podcast to help educate those with mental illness and those helping loved ones with mental illness. They share the message that there is always hope.

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Alzheimers Disease & Roads To Devastation

DR. AMEN: So, many years ago when I started looking at the brain, we used a couple of studies here, with the most important one to us being SPECT that looks at blood flow and activity almost right away. I went, oh, ADD is not one thing, depression is not one thing, bipolar disorder is not one thing, schizophrenia is not one thing, and what youre saying is Alzheimers is clearly not one thing and its got many different roads to devastation, and if youre gonna prevent it, reverse it, slow it, you actually have to attack all of the risk factors.

So the big surprise was what we call Alzheimers disease is actually a protective response surprisingly to these different insults.

In recent years, the medical field has begun to understand Alzheimers as a disease with many causes. Similar to Dr. Amens research in ADD with brain SPECT imaging, the body can show physical damage differently depending on patients with the same diagnosis of a mental illness. This has lead Dr. Amen to apply treatment seven different ways for the seven types of ADD he observes in the brain.

Similarly, Dr. Bredesen has found that by categorizing patients into types he can begin to treat patients with solutions that show improvement. These contributors are complex and include chronic inflammation from a variety of causes as well as toxic exposure.

Pyramid Level : Fasting

The End of Alzheimers by Dr. Dale E. Bredesen Conversation Starters by ...

Fasting promotes the restoration of insulin sensitivity, which leads to an improvement in cognition . Restoring insulin sensitivity encourages our bodys systems to burn fat for fuel, rather than glucose.

Metabolic flexibility to utilize either glucose or ketones for fuel allows our bodies to engage in healing more effectively.

The Bredesen Protocol encourages participants to fast for at least 12 hours between supper and breakfast and start the fast at least 3 hours before bedtime .

Sleep allows the body to enter a fat-burning state for maximum detoxification. ApoE4 carriers may even want to extend their fast to 16+ hours for optimal effectiveness.

Maintaining a minimum BMI of 18.5 percent for women and 19.0 percent for men under age 65 is recommended. For those over age 65, it should be a bit higher.

You should not allow your weight to drop below these BMI levels because it increases your risk for loss of lean muscle mass, loss of bone, and cognitive decline.

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What Is The Recode Protocol

The ReCODE Protocol is a scientifically proven , personalized programmatic lifestyle approach for preventing and reversing cognitive decline. Specifically, it is designed for those with pre-Alzheimers disease including Subjective Cognitive Impairment , Mild Cognitive Impairment , Early Alzheimers disease, and anyone who is at risk genetically.

Developed by Dr. Dale Bredesen, an Internationally recognized expert in Neurodegenerative Disease and author of The End of Alzheimers, the ReCODE Protocol has revolutionized the way in which we see, treat, and resolve this devastating illness affecting 5.2 million that has been irreversible and deadlyuntil now! AND, the exciting news isthere are now approximately 2,000 people who have successfully reversed cognitive decline and have maintained their improved status for the last 7yrs, as of patient zero, Dr. Bredesens first patient in 2013. In a time when there is no drug in existence or any with promise in clinical trials, the ReCODE Protocol has cracked the code of Alzheimers!

Listen to Dr. Dale Bredesen explain WHY we get Alzhiemers Disease, and how it CAN be treated!

What Is The Bredesen Protocol

What is Dr. Bredesens protocol? The Bredesen Protocol is a personalized approach to prevent and reverse cognitive decline through a PreCODE and ReCODE process. It begins with a cognoscopy at the age of 45, if possible.

This consists of a set of simple blood tests and a cognitive assessment that can be taken online. This gives the doctor the ability to customize a treatment plan for better brain health.

The overall goal of the Bredesen Protocol is to remove exposure triggers that lead to cognitive decline, optimize health support, and rebuild the neural network.

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The Empowering Neurologist David Perlmutter Md And Dr Dale Bredesen

Its exciting to watch new developments in medicine, especially when new treatments for diseases are developed. Unfortunately, there is no treatment that has any merit for Alzheimers disease. Think of it, this disease that affects close to 5.8 million Americans is a disease for which we have no meaningful treatment whatsoever.

As many of you know, Dr. Dale Bredesen has pioneered a novel approach to Alzheimers disease. Rather than offering up a single treatment, he has created a multi-pronged program that is proving successful in reversing this disease. Yes, Ill repeat, this program has reversed Alzheimers disease.

I previously interviewed Dr. Bredesen about his book, The End of Alzheimers, and his new book, The End of Alzheimers Program, focuses more on providing hands-on information with respect to what each of us can do today to preserve our brains as well as what can be done for patients with existing Alzheimers dementia.

Like the original book, I am certain that this new work will soon be a best seller, worldwide. And I was asked to provide its foreword, appearing below with permission:

Reductionism pervades the medical sciences and affects the way we diagnose, treat, and prevent diseases. While it has been responsible for tremendous successes in modern medicine, there are limits to reductionism, and an alternative explanation must be sought to complement it.

Please enjoy todays interview with Dr. Bredesen. For more from Dr. Bredesen follow him on , , or .


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