You Are Not Mentally Capable Of Decision
In some cases, a person may not have the mental capacity to make decisions about their own care. This could include people with mental health issues, a disability, or severe dementia.
Typically, the person in question will have a mental capacity or medical assessment to determine whether they are mentally capable of making decisions.
Health care professionals will then work with the persons family to decide what the best solution is, which could be for the person to go into a care home.
Even if you are unable to make your own decisions, dont worry! The Mental Capacity Act 2005 states that all decisions made on your behalf must be with your best interests and preferences in mind.
What To Do If A Relative Refuses To Move To A Care Home
Moving to a care home is an active choice for most seeking a better quality of life with more support. However, in some circumstances, a person may not want to move into a care home. This could be for a number of reasons, such as they do not want to move out of their home, they are worried about the cost or they do not want to change their routines. All of these feelings are totally understandable, as changing routine and environment can be very challenging and stressful, especially for older people.
That being said, there may be situations or illnesses that arise which mean a person is safer and better supported living in a care home. However, how should you approach this if your friend or relative is adamant they do not want to move into a care home?
In this article, we look at some of the possible circumstances which may lead to an individual requiring the type of support care homes provide, and things you can do to help the process along in regards to your loved one.
Challenges Of Caring For Seniors With Dementia In Long
Within long-term care homes, 69% of residents had dementia in 20152016. The proportion of those having any form of cognitive impairment was 87%.
The population in long-term care has changed rapidly over the past 5 years to be the population with moderate to severe dementia. What we know now is that if you are in long-term care, you have cognitive impairment, said Cooper.
It can be quite challenging to provide care for residents with dementia in long-term care homes. In addition to severe cognitive impairment , 50% had responsive behaviours, 31% had signs of depression and 82% required extensive assistance or were dependent for activities of daily living.
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Remember That Hard Time Will Pass
As hard as the transition process may be for the senior citizen and their family, it is not something that will last a lifetime. When aging individuals finally settle in their new living quarters, they may get really busy with all of the social activities and recreational opportunities. They will spend time bonding with the staff, making new friends, enjoying various social opportunities and enjoying an environment where they are properly taken care of. Your parent may still feel lonely at times but in the long run, they will adjust, and thanks to the concern of their family members they will enjoy better quality life to be comfortable, content and safe in their later years.
Although moving a parent with dementia to assisted living can be a daunting task for many, proper planning, and patience can help make the transition a smooth ride for everyone involved.
Start With Short Term Options
You might find that your family member or friend is more receptive to the idea of a care home stay if it is short term. There are a number of short term options like day care and respite care which can be positioned as short breaks or even as a hobby in the short term. With the right care home, a person might be convinced to stay there for the long term.
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Involve The Person But Think About The Carer
Planning the future move with the person themselves is vital.
There may be question marks about whether the person has the mental capacity to make a decision about the move, but their views should be included in the process of deciding.
Try to be positive about the move, and the benefits it may have for the person give them as much choice as possible, and let them feel that they have some control.
This can be a very difficult time for the carer and support from family, friends and professionals is very important. Many carers have devoted years to caring for the person and may need help in coping with losing them. They will need to find ways of continuing their caring role in partnership with the care home as well as developing other interests to occupy their time.
Can An Elderly Person Be Forced Into A Care Home
Caregiving of an older adult can be difficult. Some caregivers find themselves in the position of having to make the difficult decision of choosing between home care or having to move their elderly loved ones into some type of long term care situation for the health and safety of their senior loved one.
But what if that senior loved one refuses to move? Can someone be forced into a care home situation?
If your parent or elderly loved one have executed a power of attorney health care proxy you may have some rights to move them to a safer more appropriate living environment. If not, you will need to petition the court for conservatorship and/or guardianship. You may have to obtain both petitions to manage all of the seniors affairs.
The mental capacity and mental health of the senior person as well as a list of their health problems will most certainly come into question and if it is deemed by a medical professional that they cannot make financial or medical decisions safely for themselves, then being granted the conservatorship and/or guardianship will be much easier for you.
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Trends In Potentially Inappropriate Antipsychotic Use Among Seniors With Dementia Improve Over 5 Years
Potentially inappropriate antipsychotic use among seniors in long-term care, percentage, 20112012 to 20152016
Potentially inappropriate antipsychotic drug use among seniors with dementia decreased between 20112012 and 20152016: from 38% to 26% in Ontario from 34% to 21% in Alberta and from 40% to 31% in B.C. This decrease was more pronounced among seniors with dementia than those without.
Advancing Dementia Prevention: Strengthening Canada’s Data
Surveillance and data are a pillar of the national dementia strategy, as this information is essential to informing efforts to reduce risk, and to provide supportive care and health care. New projects were launched in the past year under PHAC’s Enhanced Dementia Surveillance Initiative to help collect data on dementia risk and protective factors. Three projects are highlighted below:
Consulting Indigenous stakeholders to improve Indigenous data on dementia
In close collaboration with national Inuit, First Nations, and Métis partner-organizations, a feasibility study led by Laurentian University is focused on identifying dementia information needs, including those related to prevention and risk factors. Based on community consultation with Indigenous organizations, a plan outlining an acceptable and appropriate method for improving dementia surveillance amongst Indigenous populations will be developed.
Ascertaining and exploring dementia risk factors in the Canadian Longitudinal Study of Aging
Developing a comprehensive and holistic approach to track dementia in Canada
A project led by the Schlegel-University of Waterloo Research Institute for Aging will develop a comprehensive and holistic person-centered model for dementia surveillance that includes social, demographic and economic characteristics of people living with dementia. It also aims to map available data against this model to identify gaps and make recommendations on how to close them.
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Focusing On Those At Higher Risk And Facing Barriers To Equitable Care
As work continues to address dementia-related challenges across Canada, there is growing attention and recognition that some populations are more likely to face a higher risk of developing dementia and / or face barriers to obtaining dementia care. Many organizations are focusing on these populations and more data is being gathered to better inform initiatives going forward. As research and evidence grows, it is likely that additional populations will be identified as needing prioritization.
This year’s report shares information about a variety of initiatives that reach Indigenous peoples, transgender and non-binary individuals, official language minority communities, and rural and remote communities, as examples of efforts with a focus on those at greater risk. It also includes a spotlight on how the Dementia Community Investment is providing targeted funding to support these populations.
Populations identified as more likely to face barriers to equitable care and / or are at higher risk of developing dementia include:
- Women
- Individuals with young onset dementia
- Rural and remote communities
- Individuals with existing health issues or health behaviours known to be risk factors for dementia
Can Someone With Dementia Be Forced Into An Assisted Living Facility
Medicare is required to cover a screening for cognitive impairment to be done during a participants annual wellness visits. This also includes testing for Alzheimers, which is the most common form of dementia.
If your senior loved ones family doctor or specialist has diagnosed him/her with dementia or Alzheimers they still have a legal right to make decisions as long as they can demonstrate that they have the mental capacity to understand and make safe decisions for themselves.
The person living with dementia maintains the right to make his or her own decisions as long as he or she has legal capacity. Power of attorney does not give the agent the authority to override the principals decision-making until the person with dementia no longer has legal capacityIn most cases, a person living in the early stage of the disease is able to understand the meaning and importance of a given legal document, which means he or she likely has the legal capacity to execute .
Of course, this can all get very tricky, depending on the stage of the disease they are in and how cooperative they are. This is where caregiving can become very difficult.
It would be strongly advisable to speak to an elderly law attorney as soon as you or your senior loved one is diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimers or any other illness that will eventually impair cognitive capacity.
About the Author: Esther Kane
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Can You Put Someone Into A Nursing Home Without Their Consent
The decision is usually made out of necessity, because the persons health and independence has deteriorated to such a degree that they are no longer able to remain living at home, or they dont have access to the support they need at home.
The decision is never taken lightly, and often causes great anguish, not only for the person moving into care, but also for loved ones who are involved.
The best outcome is that the person who has moved into care is happy in their new home, and that the family has peace of mind their loved one is being well cared for.
But what happens when someone refuses to go into care, even though others think it would be the best option for them?
Focusing On Individuals And Communities At Higher Risk And Facing Barriers To Equitable Care: Initiatives Across Canada
Exploring the experiences of transgender and non-binary adults living with dementia
Marjorie Silverman and Alexandre Baril, at the University of Ottawa, will be interviewing trans older adults and their caregivers across Canada, to understand the experiences of transgender and non-binary older adults who are living with dementia and will offer recommendations that will benefit trans communities, practitioners, policy makers, and community organizations.
Monitoring the health status of Indigenous older adults and Indigenous peoples
The Morning Star Lodge, in collaboration with the File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council and AGE-WELL researcher Megan O’Connell from the University of Saskatchewan, is introducing three new technologies that can be used to monitor diabetes, blood pressure, and body composition of older adults in Indigenous communities. This research aims to monitor the health status of older adults living with multiple health conditions to promote healthy behaviours and lifestyles and prevent dementia.
Exploring dementia-related stigma in Indigenous communities
Supporting aging in northern and rural communities
“CTAAN aims to reduce the barriers to using and accessing technology for people living with dementia in rural and northern BC communities to enhance daily living, safety, and facilitate social connection.” â Richard McAloney, Director, Centre for Technology Adoption for Aging in the North
Supporting rural Francophone caregivers
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If A Person Does Not Have The Mental Capacity To Make Decisions About Their Care
If a person is deemed not to have the capacity to make decisions about their care, doctors and other health professionals will collaborate with the family to make a decision that is in the best interests of the individual.
Before this can happen, however, there needs to be a reasonable belief that the person no longer has the capacity to make decisions themselves, followed by an assessment showing they dont. Until that time, under the Mental Capacity Act 2005, it must be assumed a person has capacity.
If a person is deemed to be a risk to themselves or others, they can be sectioned in a care home under the Mental Health Act 1983. However, at the point a person is deemed well enough to no longer be sectioned, they are once again free to make decisions about their care again, including whether they stay in a care home or not.
When To Consider A Care Home
A care home may be the best option if you or someone you know:
- is struggling to live alone even with help from friends, family or paid carers
- had a needs assessment that suggested a care home is the best choice
- has a complex medical condition that needs specialist attention during the day and night
Care homes can reduce the stress of looking after your health and care. This may help you focus on other things, like your social life and general wellbeing.
Which? Later Life Care has more information on when to consider a care home.
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Dementia And Nursing Home Neglect
Because dementia patients suffer from cognitive impairments that affect thought processes, reasoning skills, communication, and memory, they are at much greater risk for nursing home neglect and abuse. Studies show that dementia patients suffer higher incidents of verbal, physical, and sexual abuse in nursing homes and long-term care facilities.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows there are approximately five million people over age 65 who have some form of dementia. At elderly nursing homes, patients with Alzheimers accounts for up to 80 percent of dementia cases. Alzheimers is a progressive disease with no known cure. In early stages of the disease, memory loss is minimal, but in late stages, patients suffer memory loss, as well as impaired reasoning and communication skills. These impairments make it impossible for dementia patients to communicate neglect and abuse with family members or nursing home caregivers and staff. Memory loss makes nursing home dementia patients frequent targets of elder neglect and abuse because many patients cant remember specific incidents after they occur.
Tips On Choosing A Care Home
One of the most important things to check when choosing a care home is the most recent Care Quality Commission report.
The CQC regulates all care homes in England. Its inspection reports can show you how well a care home is doing and any areas of concern.
When visiting a care home, spend time looking around and talk to the manager and other staff and residents.
It’s useful to take a friend or relative with you as you can compare notes after your visit.
It’s a good idea to make your own checklist before visiting care homes. These tips may help.
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Results For Quality Indicators In Long
Quality indicators provide important information about aspects of health such as function, safety and quality of life. The results are used to improve and enhance quality of life for long-term care residents.
Despite substantial improvements in reducing the use of restraints and antipsychotics, long-term care residents with dementia had less desirable results for a few quality indicators compared with other residents. In particular, in 20152016, for residents with dementia,
- The percentage given antipsychotics was more than double that for residents without dementia
- Restraints were used on a daily basis for individuals with dementia more frequently than for those without
- The was higher than that for residents without dementia
For some quality indicators such as infections, new pressure ulcers, and worsened mood or symptoms of depression the results were comparable for residents with and without dementia.
Agreeing The Right Care Home
Most care homes will visit your relative at home, or in hospital, or invite them to view the care home before agreeing that they can meet their needs. It is beneficial to make contact with the member of staff who does this, give them as much information and tips on your loved one with dementia as possible. This will help the staff at the care home to settle the relative into their new home. Share your relatives life story as a tool of support for the staff. To learn more about my life story read the blog post: How to create a life story.
If possible, aim to have the same member of staff available when the move actually takes place, providing a familiar and welcoming face. They can then share the tips of engagement with other staff.
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