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How To Take Coconut Oil For Alzheimer’s

How Coconut Oil Uniquely Feeds The Brain

How to use Coconut Oil for Alzheimer’s

Most plant-based oils contain long-chain triglycerides.

These are larger molecules that are hard to break down and are readily stored as fat.

There are very few food sources of medium-chain triglycerides just coconut products, palm oil, and full-fat dairy products.

And, as you can see in this chart, coconut oil is by far the best source.

Coconut oils unique medium-chain triglycerides are smaller, more easily broken down, and make for a backup source of energy for your brain.

MCTs are critical for the development of the human brain and are found in abundance in human breast milk.

And heres how coconut oils unique MCTs feed the brain.

Your brain uses 20% of your daily energy input.

Your brain does not;store energy, so it needs a constant supply.

If your brain cells dont get the energy they need, they start to die within minutes.

For most people, this energy is usually provided in the form of blood glucose.

However, there are times when your brain cant get the energy it needs from carbohydrates .

” Coconut oil bypasses glucose metabolism, delivering energy directly to the brain cells that need it.

Fortunately, theres a;backup energy system in place.

Your liver breaks down stored fat to produce;ketones; that can be used as a substitute fuel.

Ketones readily cross the blood-brain barrier to provide instant energy to brain cells.

Normally, there arent a lot of ketones in the body to provide energy to the brain.

Coconut oil, with its MCTs, provides a convenient workaround.

Dr Newport’s Treatment For Her Husband

The following is not medical advice. Be sure to consult your physician before trying this yourself.

  • You may start with one teaspoon of coconut oil in each meal.
  • If available, use a mixture of 1/2 coconut oil and 1/2 MCT oil.
  • Increase the amount gradually, protecting against side effects.
  • Try to get as much as 3 tablespoons per meal and two tablespoons at bedtime.
  • Dr. Newport’s book on Alzheimer’s, Coconut Oil & Ketones is at:

  • Wed Oct 19, 08:46:00 AM EDT

    I have MCI and when I started using Coconut oil & MCT I started gaining weight. It freaked me out and I stopped. At one point in my life I had lost about 100 lbs and so I am very worried about gaining weight. I have been a Vegan for 5 or 6 years and am very aware of what I eat. I make sure to get enough protein everyday and for the first time since I lost the weight, I do not have to worry as much about my weight, but to consume that much Coconut oil per day, I have to eat less or omit other very healthy foods.I try to sneak a Tablespoon in some days, but if I try to consume the recommended amount, I start gaining weight .

  • Why Your Brain Needs Dietary Fats

    First, lets discuss why your brain needs dietary fats to keep it healthy.

    Of all your organs, your brain especially needs dietary fat.

    Its largely made of fat, 60% by weight.

    Your brain cell membrane integrity largely depends on the quality of the fats you eat.

    And healthy brain cell membranes are critical for;brain health and function.

    They control whats allowed in and what is pushed out .

    When unhealthy trans fats get integrated into brain;cell membranes, they become less efficient.

    Trans fats even condemn;your brain cells to;shorter lives.

    Its not an exaggeration to say that;the quality of your brain cells depends on the quality of the fats you eat.

    • obesity
    • cancer

    There are many foods that contain fats which are actually good for your brain, including avocados, nuts, fatty cold-water fish, and olive oil.

    But when it comes to healthy brain fats, coconut oil is in a category by itself.

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    Other Home Remedies For Alzheimers

    Coconut oil is the best, safe, natural and organic way of fighting Alzheimers disease. Natural methods have the least side-effects. As research progresses, the benefits of coconut oil for the brain will hopefully provide a cure in the future. Till then, using a natural, harmless remedy like coconut oil for Alzheimers disease will keep the brain healthy and active.

    • 18shares

    Is There Any Evidence Behind The Coconut Oil Claims

    Use coconut oil instead of vegetable oils to saute ...

    A clinical trial into the potential effects of coconut oil was being conducted in the US.;

    Unfortunately this trial had to be discontinued in 2017. There were not enough people enrolled on the trial for researchers to fully understand whether coconut oil has any benefit for people affected by dementia.

    There is some evidence to suggest that fats like coconut oil could indirectly result in higher levels of a protein called acetylcholinesterase.;

    Researchers have found that the level of acetylcholinesterase is higher in people with Alzheimer’s disease and current treatments aim to lower the level of this protein.

    This could mean that coconut oil may actually be detrimental to people with Alzheimer’s disease.;

    It is important to ensure that any potential treatment is safe for people with Alzheimer’s disease.

    This is why treatments go through large clinical trials before approval;for widespread use.;

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    What Is The Link Between Coconut Oil And Alzheimers

    • There are claims that coconut oil could be used as treatment for Alzheimers, though not enough experimental evidence is seen to back up these claims.
    • The probable theory is that the neurons in the brain of Alzheimers patient are unable to process sugar and generate energy and therefore they starve and die.
    • The theory of using coconut oil is, it acts as alternate source of energy.
    • The coconut oil contains more ketone and thus absorbed by body more easily and quickly by the brain and converted directly into energy.

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    How To Use Coconut Oil For Dementia And Alzheimers

    There are few people in the world who know more about how to use coconut oil for dementia and Alzheimers than Dr. Newport.

    She recommends starting by taking one teaspoon of coconut oil 2-3 times a day with food, and working up to 4-6 tablespoons a day of coconut oil and MCT oil combined.

    The onset of diarrhea or;an upset stomach means that youve taken too much, too soon.

    You can download a copy of her Coconut Oil Dietary Guidelines;or learn more on her website

    Its easy to get the impression that you must take coconut oil by the spoonful, like medicine, to get its benefits.

    But the best way to use coconut oil is as a food since its a versatile culinary oil.

    Swap it out for any unhealthy oils you may be using like canola, sunflower, or safflower oil.

    You can use coconut oil anywhere you normally use butter, margarine, or nut butters.

    You can bake, saute, fry, and roast with;it, or add;it to smoothies.

    The results will be delicious!

    Coconut oil is unusual in that its melting point is room temperature 76° F/24° C.

    When using it, youll find that it alternates between being solid and liquid.

    Therefore, dont drizzle coconut oil on foods that are cool or cold, like salads .

    Use olive oil, another brain-healthy oil, for that.

    Coconut Oil: How It Controls Alzheimers Disease And Viruses

    How Much Coconut Oil for Alzheimer’s & Dementia?

    When I talk about coconut extracts like oil and its health benefits, I do my usual antic to capture the interest of my audience. With an engaging segue, I would tell a short anecdote about an elderly moneylender who never forgot the names, and addresses of people who owed him money and how much they owe him, because he was a regular user of coconut oil. And every time I shared the story, I could see the amusing looks on the faces of, perhaps, the moneylenders and borrowers in my crowd.

    Anyway, the short story could only be a prank. But the message is not. Coconut oil and the medium- chain triglycerides it contains are effective cure for Alzheimers and dementia. And using coconut oil regularly has a protective effect on brain health.

    In our radio program Dito sa Bayan ni Juan last Saturday, together with former Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile who is now aged 97, and Al Tatel, we had for our guest the owner of Tropicana Foods,; Chu Seng. Tropicana is one of the countrys leading producers of coconut-based products, like the virgin coconut oil.;

    Enrile, as an authority of Constitutional law, still has a sharp mind on the Philippine constitution, even as he shared his thoughts on the constitutionality of the Quo Warranto Petition filed by the solicitor general against the franchise of ABS-CBN at the Supreme Court. The former Senate president admits to regularly taking virgin coconut oil until today.

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    Causes Of Alzheimers Disease

    • Aging is the most common risk factor for Alzheimers. It is caused by a combination of genetic, lifestyle and environmental factors.
    • Age-related changes in the brain may harm nerve cells and contribute to Alzheimers.
    • Low-fat diets have been a disaster for our brains. There are not a lot of ketones to provide energy to our brain; therefore ketogenic food is a must have in your daily diet.
    • Various studies have shown that Alzheimer patients brains lack cholesterol in their brains, which is vital for different functions. Lack of glucose in the brain cells can lead to mental disturbances in people.
    • Another point to be noted is that various studies have found that the levels of acetylcholinesterase are higher in people who have Alzheimers disease.

    What Should I Do If I Have Questions About Coconut Oil And Dementia

    If you have a question about coconut oil and dementia, wed suggest discussing it with your GP.;Coconut oil is a popular topic within our online community forum. Visit Talking Point to connect with other people affected by dementia, and share your thoughts and experiences.;

    Understanding risk factors

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    Personal History Leads Physician To Coconut Oil For Dementia Relief

    Related tags:, , nootropics

    Dr Mary Newport, MD, gave a presentation about the effects of coconut in helping ameliorate the cognitive decline caused by Alzheimers disease at the recent Expo West trade show. It was a difficult personal experience brought Dr May Newport, MD, to her discoveries.; Her late husband started to develop signs of early onset Alzheimers disease a number of years when he was only 51.

    How To Use Coconut Oil For Weight Loss Belly Fat Loss Alzheimers Disease Cure

    Coconut Oil and MCT Oil for Dementia

    How to use coconut oil benefits for weight loss or for brain food?

    Why coconut oil for best weight loss?

    • Coconut oil may be the one “no guilt” fat, because it’s different from other fats and oils.

    And it may sound crazy, but coconut oil is even being used to restore memory for people with Alzheimers Disease!

    • Dr. Mary used coconut oil to improve her husband’s severe Alzheimers symptoms.

    Find out here, how her husband got his life back using coconut oil, and how Dr. Mary’s husband recovers from advanced Alzheimers!

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    Coconut Oil Reverses Dementia In 100 Year Old Woman

    Preparing meals for seniors should include coconut oil.

    In 2010 my mother, then 98 years old, became very depressed after the death of my father and brother. ;She was on Lexapro for the depression and It took almost 8 months for her to feel better. ;Unfortunately, the experience brought on severe dementia.

    She fell and broke her hip January 2011 and recently after her 100th birthday she was hospitalized for gall stones. ;Each visit to the hospital increased the symptoms of dementia and delirium. ;She seldom had a night of uninterrupted sleep, she repeatedly asked the same questions, she forgot some of the names of her children, she obsessed about a bone growing in her mouth , and the list goes on and on of hallucinations and delusions.

    A friend recently emailed me a video of Dr. Newport and her research of coconut oil on Alzheimers. ;After viewing it I went out to buy some coconut oil. ;I figured if it helps Alzheimers patients, it should help someone with dementia.

    I put the coconut oil in her oatmeal and cook all her meals with it. I am very pleased with the changes in her. Of course at 100 I dont expect her to suddenly act like a 90 year old. ;My mom is a very healthy woman with no serious diseases. Im so glad to see that now she can have conversations with friends and family.

    UPDATE 4/30/2012

    Read the Full Forum Conversation Here:;

    See Also:

    A Holistic Guide to Geriatric Care eBook

    Ketogenic Diets And Cholesterol Levels

    In the keto diet, carbohydrates are strictly limited and replaced by high fat intakes, forcing the body to use fat as a primary energy source. This is a similar idea behind the Atkins diet.Coconut oil is used to allow a slightly higher level of carbohydrate intake, making the very strict diet slightly easier to follow, but still preventing the body using sugar from carbohydrates as the main energy source. This works only because the body is forced to metabolise fats.The ketogenic diet must be incredibly strict because the body will always preferentially use glucose for metabolism instead of fats. This means that simply adding coconut oil to the diet would not provide brain cells with an alternative energy source.;The keto diet is also linked to very high cholesterol levels, which is known to increase risk factors for stroke, heart disease and dementia.In fact, the NHS and World Health Organisation advise against consuming large amount of coconut oil as it contains high levels of saturated fat which can lead to high cholesterol levels.;

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    Discuss Alternative Treatments With A Doctor

    In the absence of formal clinical trials, its hard to say whether anecdotal evidence surrounding the benefits of coconut oil for Alzheimers disease is rooted in fact, but Dr. Dean maintains that theres really very little downside to giving it a chance. Being a food, coconut oil is very safe and it can be very beneficial, she explains.

    However, its important to bear in mind that coconut oil has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration as a treatment for any kind of ailment. The FDA also recommends limiting the intake of saturated fats like coconut oil. It is advisable to discuss using coconut oil as an alternative or complementary therapy for Alzheimers disease with a loved ones doctor first, especially if they have a history of heart issues. A physician may not be able to recommend the oil as a remedy, but you should always keep your loved ones doctor updated on any major changes in diet and treatment plans.

    Myth Busting: Why Coconut Oil Is Not A Cure For Alzheimers Disease

    Coconut oil cure for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

    Circulating on health blogs and twitter posts are claims that coconut oil is the new secret to longevity, cardiovascular health, luminous skin, and enhanced memory. Claims that coconut oil could be considered a dietary antidote to the onset of Alzheimers disease compelled us to weigh in with what has and has not been shown to be the impact on brain health when incorporating coconut oil in the diet.

    Coconut oil has hit the mainstream as a replacement for olive oil. Even the extraction process of the oil itself conjures up images of island vacations and coconut palm trees. Despite this alluring imagery, there is only limited evidence evaluating the health effects of coconut oil and no support for the use of coconut oil for prevention or treatment of Alzheimers disease.

    For more information on types of fat and unsaturated fats to incorporate in your diet instead of coconut oil, please see this article from the Nutrition Source at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health:

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    Virgin Coconut Oil Halts Severe Dementia In 35 Days

    by Sarah Pope MGA / Affiliate Links â

    After helplessly watching her 58 year old husband rapidly degenerate into severe dementia only 5 years after MRI diagnosis with Alzheimers, Dr. Newport decided to pursue unorthodox treatment of his condition with virgin coconut oil instead of the expensive drug Axena which has the drawback of producing intestinal distress in some patients and wears off within just a few hours of ingestion.

    Mary Newport, a neonatal pediatrician at Spring Hill Regional Hospital in Florida, learned through research that the active ingredient in Axona is MCT, also known as Medium Chain Triglycerides, a saturated fat used to treat epilepsy as well as in neonatal feeding programs.

    Since Virgin Coconut Oil is loaded with MCTs, Dr. Newport began an intensive feeding program for her husband that consisted of a mixture of 2 TBL virgin coconut oil and the MCT pharmaceutical isolate with every meal. Interestingly, this regimen also assists with sensible and steady weight loss.

    Within 35 days, Steve Newports rapid neurological decline was arrested and 18 months later he had recovered enough brain function and normal behavior to test as only a mild case of Alzheimers the same tests which before starting the VCO feeding program had indicated that he was borderline severe dementia.


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