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HomeNewsIs Nancy Pelosi Suffering From Dementia

Is Nancy Pelosi Suffering From Dementia

Is It Time For The Former House Speaker To Retire From Politics To Spend More Time With Her Family

Nancy Pelosi endorses Joe Biden for president

Nancy Pelosi, the House Minority Leader and former Speaker of the House, was once an influential politician. However, at the age of 77, she is starting to exhibit increasing signs of diminished cognitive capacity, seeming confused and lost during public events. The latest example took place during a recent press conference hours after Pelosi, ironically, called into question President Donald Trumps sanity

We May Need The Twenty

Throughout the past four years, there has been chatter about Donald Trumps mental health and stability, but little political will to make use of the Twenty-fifth Amendment to the Constitution, which allows Congress to deem a President unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office and remove him from power. The discussion resurfaced more seriously this month, however, in light of Trumps hospitalization for COVID-19 and the White Houses lack of transparency around his treatment. The news that he was medicated with the steroid dexamethasone, used for seriously ill COVID-19 patients, also alarmed many because its known side effects include aggression, agitation, and grandiose delusionsbehaviors that, judging from the Presidents Twitter account, at least, he already seemed to exhibit.

Pelosis decision to unveil the bill so close to the election may be, as Republicans have claimed, intended to harm Trump at the polls by drawing more attention to concerns about his health. On October 19th, Senator Kelly Loeffler, a Republican from Georgia, introduced a nonbinding Senate resolution to condemn House Democrats for politicizing the Twenty-fifth Amendment and the Presidents health during a global pandemic in order to influence the upcoming November election.

Juan Williams: Pelosi Shows Her Power

If you are betting on politics, heres my advice put your money on Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Historian Robert Caro famously crowned Lyndon Johnson the Master of the Senate.

After last week, its clear Pelosi is his equal in the House.

In the darkest hours, as House Democrats publicly feuded over two big spending bills, it looked like the Biden presidency and congressional Democrats chances in the 2022 midterms were going down in flames.

Cue the doom and gloom music. Get ready to watch Republicans snickering as they celebrate stories of Democrats in disarray.

But like the movie hero Indiana Jones, Pelosi managed to escape her Temple of Doom.

She began by reminding her razor-thin majority of House Democrats her party cannot afford to lose more than four votes on any measure that winning passage of both bills is far more important than the timing of the votes.

That meant a promised Thursday vote was no longer a hill to die on.

Joe Biden White House: US has donated 200 million COVID-19 vaccines around the worldPolice recommend charges against four over Sinema bathroom protestK Street revenues boomMORE, she kept control by reminding fellow Democrats of the larger political stakes. Both bills are part of Bidens agenda, an agenda that is supported by both moderates and progressives. Polls show public support as well.

Thats why historians will marvel at the death-defying moves she used to keep the Democrats alive.

Heres the story you will see in the history books:

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Biden ‘wrote A Bill That Is A Huge Contributor To Our Mass Incarceration Problem’

The term “mass incarceration” is relative. From 1980-94, the nation’s prison population more than doubled on a per capita basis, from 139 prisoners per 100,000 American residents to 387, according to the federal government’s Bureau of Justice Statistics for 1994. By contrast, from 1994 the year the crime bill was passed to 1995, the inmate population increased by 6.7%. The annual increase then dropped steadily for the next six years, from 5.1% between 1995-96 to 1.1% between 2000-01.

More:Fact check: 1994 crime bill did not bring mass incarceration of Black Americans

“During 2000, the prison population rose at the lowest rate since 1972 and had the smallest absolute increase since 1980,” the BJS study said.

In 1980 alone, state and federal prisons posted a 12% increase in the number of inmates, with an average yearly increase between 1980 and 1994 of 8.7%. In 1989, the federal and state inmate population swelled by a whopping 13.5% as 84,764 new inmates joined the prison ranks.

Our assessment: While the crime bill did increase the prison population in states, it did not bring about a mass incarceration relative to earlier years. Rather, it coincided with a slowdown in the annual grown of the state and federal prison population. We rate this claim as false.

Dementia Or Dishonesty Pelosi Is Unfit For Office

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While it still requires a willing suspension of reality to believe Rep. Nancy Pelosi , wasnt the spearhead of the dishonesty campaign when she stood before the American people and professed that Congress had to pass Obamacare before we could all understand what was in the bill, her latest declaration about MIT professor Jonathan Gruber doesnt. What it does evoke is a legitimate question. Is Nancy Pelosi a habitual liar or is she suffering from dementia?

When asked about Johnathan Grubers admitting to the overt deception of the American people where the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was concerned, Pelosi responded:

I dont know who he is. He didnt help write our billandsowith all due respect to your question, you have a person who wasnt writing our bill commenting on what was going on when we were writing the bill

Yet, in 2009 when Pelosi and her congressional lemmings were selling the snake oil of Obamacare to the American people, she said:

Our bill brings down ratesI dont know if you have seen Jonathan Grubers MITs analysis of what the comparison is to the status quo, versus what will happen in our bill

Do you see how Progressivism rots the brain?

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A Body Language Expert Analyzes The Pelosi Clap And Other Highlights From The State Of The Union

It was President Donald Trump who delivered the State of the Union address Tuesday, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was the one who stole the show in terms of people paying attention to body language, saidLaura Dudley, a behavioral analyst at Northeastern University.

The Pelosi Clap, as its become known inviral memes andnews reports, was such an interesting moment, said Dudley, who is also a clinical professor at the university who specializes in body language.

The moment came as Trump said that the 116th Congress, ushered in a century after women gained the right to vote, includes more women serving in Congress than at any time before.

Pelosi, stationed behind Trumps left shoulder, stood and clapped pointedly at the remark, extending her arms and staring with laser focus at the president, Dudley observed.

Other congresswomen in the House chambers Tuesday, many of whom were wearing white in homage to the suffragette movement, stood and cheered as well, though not until after a noticeable pause, as if everyone were wondering where he was going, Dudley said.

There are two interpretations of Pelosis pointed applause and tight focus, Dudley said.

Either she was supporting women, and celebrating with the president, or it was an ironic moment, where shes clapping for the women without supporting Trumps statements, she said.

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Biden Is ‘a Creepy Rapist’

As there have never been any suggestions of any formal rape accusation against Biden, the claim appears to refer to suggestions of over-familiarity in public settings with some women and children. As the campaign season got underway in 2019, seven women accused Joe Biden of touching them in an overly familiar way that made them feel uncomfortable or embarrassed, Slate reported. None accused him of making sexual gestures or sexual harassment, or attempted rape.

As an example, Vail Kohnert-Yount, who said she was a White House intern in the spring of 2013, told The Washington Post that she tried to exit the basement of the West Wing one day when she was asked to step aside so Biden could enter. She said Biden approached her to introduce himself and shake her hand.

He then put his hand on the back of my head and pressed his forehead to my forehead while he talked to me,” Kohnert-Yount said in a statement to the newspaper. “I was so shocked that it was hard to focus on what he was saying. I remember he told me I was a pretty girl.”

Biden, , responded to such accusations by issuing a video April 3, 2019, saying that he hugged people or grabbed their shoulders because of a desire to make a human connection and comfort people during stressful times. He noted that social norms are changing and pledged to be more mindful and respectful of peoples personal space.

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Biden Is ‘showing Pretty Severe Signs Of Dementia’

The Trump campaign, the president, and some GOP members have tried to raise public concern and score political points by claiming that Biden is suffering from dementia. The News & Observer did a fact check of a charge by Rep. Greg Murphy, R-N.C., who repeatedly accused the former vice president of mental deficiency. He does have signs of dementia, Murphy told the newspaper, adding that Biden is not physically up or mentally up for the job. He cited Bidens speech patterns and said I dont think one has to be a rocket scientist to see it.

According to the National Institute of Aging, a medical assessment of dementia includes medical history, physical exam and neurological tests. It can also include cognitive tests, laboratory tests and brain scans. There is no information in the public record regarding any such test of Biden.

Regarding Biden’s occasional halting or halting speaking pattern, the former vice president has acknowledged a lifelong struggle with stuttering. According to The Atlantic, which reported extensively on the issue, “His verbal stumbles have voters worried about his mental fitness. Maybe theyd be more understanding if they knew hes still fighting a stutter.”

More:Fact check: Joe Biden called troops ‘stupid bastards,’ but only ‘jokingly’

Our assessment: Dementia is a condition that must be determined by medical tests and there is no evidence linking Biden to it. We rate this claim as false.

Capitol Police Expected To Testify During House Committees Probe Of Jan 6 Riot

Biden continues to ‘demonstrate his non-public dementia diagnosis’ almost every day

Members of the Capitol Police will be among the first to testify during the House select committee investigation into the Jan. 6 riot, according to Rep. Bennie Thompson, who will lead the panel. But social media posts have made the unfounded claim that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wont let Capitol Police testify about what happened Jan. 6.

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Biden ‘doesn’t Believe In Legalizing Weed’

Biden’s position would liberalize laws governing marijuana but would stop short of legalizing it. His official policy position from the campaign website: “Biden believes no one should be in jail because of cannabis use. As president, he will decriminalize cannabis use and automatically expunge prior convictions. And, he will support the legalization of cannabis for medical purposes, leave decisions regarding legalization for recreational use up to the states, and reschedule cannabis as a schedule II drug so researchers can study its positive and negative impacts.”

At a campaign stop in New Hampshire in February, Biden responded to a query by marijuana legalization advocate Don Murphy of the Marijuana Policy Project by saying, “I think it is at the point where it has to be, basically, legalized,” POLITICO reported, quoting from a recording of Biden’s remarks. Biden’s campaign told POLITICO that in his remarks on the recording, he was simply “restating his cannabis policy,” which includes eliminating criminal penalties linked to marijuana, erasing marijuana-related criminal records and “letting states set their own policies regarding legalization of recreational marijuana while further effort is made to study the effects of cannabis use.”

Our assessment: Biden does not support legalizing the use of marijuana, rather comes up to the edge by calling for de-criminalizing it. We rate this claim as true.

Gifting A Folded Flag Isnt Only For Fallen Veterans

Headlines on social media misleadingly suggest that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi violated a military tradition when she gave a folded flag to the brother of George Floyd. A folded flag is not Reserved Only For Fallen Veterans, as one headline claims. Members of Congress routinely present flags that have flown over the U.S. Capitol as gifts.

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The Danger Of Diagnosing A Politician From A Distance

Nancy Pelosi

To be sure, no one, especially a pundit without a license to practice medicine, should diagnose someone from a distance.

Democrats did that a lot by suggesting that President Ronald Reagan had dementia when he was in office and then shouted ah ha! when he was diagnosed with Alzheimers years after leaving office. People on the right wondered whether Hillary Clinton had a brain disorder when she collapsed after a 9/11 ceremony during the campaign.

Everybody thinks that Bernie Sanders is crazy, but that is just self-evident.

Still, history is replete with politicians who hung on far longer than was sensible just out of love for power. Strom Thurmond likely should have retired 20 years before God called him home. Robert Byrd was in the same situation. Staying in office when ones capacities have started to diminish is not a good thing, neither for the politician or his or her constituents.

Perhaps it is time for Nancy Pelosi to retire and to hand the reins of power to someone else. Then she can enjoy the pleasures of home and grandchildren before she too must shuffle off this mortal coil and then find out what party, if any, God belongs to. Pelosi can rest assure that she has been annoying to Republicans for long enough that she will be remembered for many years to come.

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Claim: Biden Attacked Over Age Policies On Pot And Prisons And Charges Of Being ‘creepy’

Attacks on former Vice President Joe Biden normally come from political opponents, but one social media poster who launched some strong volleys against the Democratic presidential hopeful says he will be voting for him.

The Instagram user called _thepeachfuzz, from San Francisco, says her four complaints against Biden don’t matter in the voting booth because of one reason: “He’s not Trump.”

Still, the attacks are harsh: “I hope that you will join me in voting for Joe Biden for president. Hes an awful pick. Hes ancient, showing pretty severe signs of dementia, doesnt believe in legalizing weed, wrote a bill that is a huge contributor to our mass incarceration problem, oh yeah, and hes a creepy rapist. BUT: hes not trump.”

In listing her accusations, the Instagram user does not attempt to back them up.

More:Fact check: Jill Biden never said Joe Biden had ‘three strokes’

Republicans Shaky No Evidence Attempt To Cast Blame On Pelosi For Jan 6

House Republicans have sought to change the narrative on the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol by pro-Trump protesters, claiming that Speaker Nancy Pelosi is ultimately responsible for the breakdown of security at the Capitol. But their arguments overstate the role of the House speaker in overseeing the security of the Capitol and rely on speculation.

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Get Ready For President Kamala Harris And Vice President Nancy Pelosi

Its time for President Trump to start telling the raw truth to the American people. He knows it. I know it. Most voters who dont suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome know it. Anyone with a brain and common sense knows it.

If you think your choice in this election is Donald Trump versus Joe Biden, youre blind, deaf or really dumb. Bidens not the candidate. Biden is just a placeholder, a brand name at the top to scam voters. But he will never serve as the actual president. Whos dumb enough to not see that?

The real behind-the-scenes winners will be Kamala Harris as president and Nancy Pelosi as vice president. Add in the infamous radical Commie Squad as the Cabinet. Thats whos really running the Democratic Party nowadays: Reps. Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. And dont forget former President Barack Obama and Rep. Maxine Waters for the Supreme Court.

Thats the team youre really voting for when you vote for Biden: two California crazies and a bunch of commies .

But its certainly not Biden. Even Biden knows it. He spilled the beans just days ago. He called it the Harris-Biden administration while talking to the press. Can you imagine? Even the presidential candidate knows deep down hes not going to be the actual president.

But dont worry about Biden. No need to ever mention him again. Hes just the placeholder. Hell be president in name only.

And, of course, the end of the Republican Party.


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