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HomeMust ReadWhat Is The Cure For Dementia

What Is The Cure For Dementia

What Is The Treatment For Dementia

Treatments for dementia: The dementia guide

Treatment options for Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia are limited. While there are medications available to try to improve the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, the effect of these medications is limited. Physical exercise has been shown to be of some benefit in helping to maintain cognition. Staying engaged and participating in social events may also be of some help. To date, no treatment which can reverse the process of Alzheimer’s disease has been identified.

Drugs In Dementia Treatment

  • There is currently no cure for dementia however, there are medications that help with dementia symptoms.
  • Health Canada has approved 4 drugs to improve cognition in dementia patients: donepezil, rivastigmine, galantamine and memantine. Donepezil, rivastigmine and galantamine are known as cholinesterase inhibitors and are prescribed for mild to moderate dementia. Memantine is one of a group of drugs called NMDA receptor antagonists and is prescribed for moderate to severe dementia.
  • These drugs do not cure or slow the progression of the disease. Rather, they improve cognition and function .
  • Medications to treat other symptoms or conditions, such as psychosis, depression, sleep disturbances or agitation, may also be prescribed.
  • In 20152016, a total of 23,375 seniors living with dementia in Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Manitoba, Alberta and British Columbia were prescribed the drugs listed above, according to CIHIs National Prescription Drug Utilization Information System. This is about 23.7% of all seniors living with dementia in these provinces, down from 28.0% in 20112012.

Non-pharmacological treatments such as social activity, music and cognitive therapies have also proven to be helpful in managing challenging behaviours and symptoms. These approaches can improve well-being and quality of life for seniors with dementia as well as for their caregivers.

Is Cannabis For Dementia Effective

According to researchers at Californias Salk Institute, the answer is an overwhelming YES. Their study has found evidence that cannabinoids such as THC and CBD could help remove dangerous dementia proteins from brain cells. Professor David Schubert led the study and in early 2017, he spoke of his frustration about the existing anti-marijuana laws that are preventing the plant from being studied in-depth.

In March 2017, he said that he submitted an application to the DEA in December 2016 to use weed extracts on mice for a different study but had received no response.

In the study, that was completed, Schuberts team used a tiny amount of synthetically developed cannabinoids and discovered that they helped with the removal of a harmful plaque associated with dementia.

The name of the protein is amyloid beta and the plaque it forms destroys nerve cells in the brain. This led scientists to believe that amyloid beta appears before the symptoms of Alzheimers.

Another study, by Aso et al. in 2015, gave mice that showed Alzheimers Disease symptoms a THC and CBD combo. They discovered that the mice displayed an improvement in learning skills and there was less evidence of amyloid beta clumps in their brains. The major issue is that there have been no widespread clinical trials to look into the effects of marijuana on dementia in human patients.

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Natural Remedies For Dementia And Alzheimers Treatment Option #: Build

This is probably one of the most overlooked remedies andtreatments for dementia. Stamford University have discovered that boosting thebodys immune system can help with Alzheimers disease. Heres what was statedin an article published in the UK’s, The Telegraph

Alzheimer’scould be prevented and even cured by boosting the brain’s own immune response,new research suggests. Researchers at Stanford University discovered that nervecells die because cells which are supposed to clearthe brain of bacteria, viruses and dangerous deposits, stop working. 4

This makes perfect sense, since bacteria, viruses anddangerous deposits such as mercury and aluminium have now been vindicated asprime suspects in the onset and development of diseases suchas Alzheimers. In fact, researchers from Umea University found that the herpessimplex virus increases the risk of Alzheimers disease. They said “Our results clearly show that there isa link between infections of herpes simplex virus and the risk of developingAlzheimer’s disease.

So building up the bodys immune system and keeping thesemicroglial cells healthy and in tip top condition is absolutely vital forthe prevention and reversal of dementia, particularly in regards to Alzheimersdisease. For some of the best ways to do this, have a read of TheTop13 Ways to Boost Your Immunity from our June newsletter here TakeYour Health to a Whole New Level With These Powerful Immune Boosting Tips!

What Increases The Risk For Dementia

Dementia  Types, Symptoms, Causes, Tests, Treatment And Care
  • AgeThe strongest known risk factor for dementia is increasing age, with most cases affecting those of 65 years and older
  • Family historyThose who have parents or siblings with dementia are more likely to develop dementia themselves.
  • Race/ethnicityOlder African Americans are twice more likely to have dementia than whites. Hispanics 1.5 times more likely to have dementia than whites.
  • Poor heart healthHigh blood pressure, high cholesterol, and smoking increase the risk of dementia if not treated properly.
  • Traumatic brain injuryHead injuries can increase the risk of dementia, especially if they are severe or occur repeatedly.

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Natural Remedies For Dementia And Alzheimers Treatment Option #: Foodsto Avoid Foods To Eat

Certain foods definitely help with the prevention and treatmentof dementia, while other foods are guaranteed to make this condition much worse.

The foods and liquids you should be eating and drinkingmore of are the staples. These include

  • Filtered water Helps to flush toxins from the body andhydrate the cells .
  • Green tea or Matcha tea Both contain powerfulantioxidants known as catechins which remove harmful toxins and chemicals fromthe body. A component in these teas has also been shown to decrease brainbeta-amyloid plaque formation.
  • Turmeric, Ginger, Cinnamon, Black pepper, Chillis , Rosemary, Coriander and Garlic All of these herbs and spices are potent anti-viral,anti-inflammatory and immune boosting foods .
  • Reishi and Cordyceps mushrooms Both are immune boostingand contain strong neuro-protective properties.
  • Probiotics Needed for healthy gut function, which inturn produces healthy brain function and healthy immunity. You can learn how tomake your own fermented foods such as kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha and yoghurthere Cultures for Health.
  • Whole foods Eating plenty of organic mixed berries,green leafy vegetables, liver , nuts and seeds such aschia and flaxseeds is vital. When it comes to buying these, fresh isdefinitely best.

For the foods you should be avoiding or not eating atall, heres the top ones

The Rise Of Treatable Neurology

In October 2019, another patient was admitted to the John Radcliffe hospital.Pippa Carter, aged 19, had just begun an English literature degree at the University of Leeds when she noticed that her vision seemed to be strangely distorted.

I would be in lectures and I was really struggling to focus with my eyesight and with concentration in general, she says. I was trying to audition for a university play, and I had to stop because I couldnt really read at all. Initially, I thought it was just nerves because I was starting a new chapter in life.

Within weeks, she found herself unable to get her words out properly, before she was taken to hospital after suffering a large seizure. Just like Abraham, it was the speed of her decline which alerted doctors to a potential autoimmune cause. Within a week she was hallucinating, shouting things, remembers Irani. In her hospital room, which she was in for several weeks, she drew these bizarre childlike pictures on the wall, like the sorts of things a four-year-old would draw. It was like something was causing her to regress in her behaviour.

Carter was suffering from a neuropsychiatric syndrome caused by an autoantibody binding to the brains NMDA receptors, proteins which play a key role in learning and memory formation. Soon after she began treatment, first with steroids, and then an immunotherapy called rituximab, she began to improve. Now more than a year on, she is hoping to resume her university studies soon.

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Identifying Who’s At Risk Of Dementia

Experts know that damage to the brain caused by Alzheimer’s disease can start many years before symptoms appear. If people at risk of Alzheimer’s could be identified at an early stage, it is hoped that treatments could be offered that would slow down or even stop the disease.

A major study, called PREVENT, concentrates on people in their 40s and 50s to identify those who are at greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s . It aims to understand what is happening in their brains before symptoms appear.

Specialised brain scans, known as PET scans, have been developed to study two proteins in the brains of those with Alzheimer’s disease. The aim is to increase the understanding of the disease process, and also to identify those people who will benefit most from new drug treatments.

Although PET scans are sometimes used to help with a dementia diagnosis, these highly specialised scans are usually only available as part of clinical trials.

A number of different trials are now under way in people who are currently well but are at increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

How Tocontinuously Replenish The Brain With These Essential Nutrients

Simple but miracle cure for Dementia

Our bodies need over 60 essential minerals and traceelements every day to function correctly and at its peak. Exactly how manyminerals our brain needs to function properly, no one really knows. But itslots! Magnesium is one of the most important minerals for the brain and forhealthy nerve function . Studies have shown that dementia sufferers can improve, some quite dramatically in fact, from correct mineral supplementation.

Liquidcolloidal minerals are the best and most absorbable way to get the required 60+minerals your body and brain needs every day . Formagnesium, a transdermal magnesium spray is the best way to go. Magnesium istough for the body to absorb but with a transdermal magnesium spray, itspenetrated directly into the blood stream via the skin. If this is notpractical or you dont like the idea of spraying an oil on your skin every day,there is a terrific magnesium supplement available called Natural Calm, whichis actually one of the very few oral magnesium supplements on the market thatshighly absorbable . You can check it out here if you’re interested NaturalCalm.

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Three Reasons To Hope

1. In the 1970s a war was declared on cancer which has had significant effects in developing new and powerful treatments. A similar war was declared on dementia at the 2013 G8 Summit when dementia was finally recognised as one of the most serious medical challenges of the 21st century.

2. More money than ever before is being poured into research. The UK government has pledged to double its annual research funding to £132m by 2025.

3. World experts are coming together to pool funds and resources and share information. As a result, scientist now have a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in the diseases that cause dementia than ever before.

The Future Looks Bright

Heres what worldwide dementia experts have said recently

In my generation the aspiration is that by 2020 or 2025 we will find a treatment for dementia or at least the commonest cause of dementia which is Alzheimers disease.

The future is bright, and there is a lot to be enthusiastic about, but we arent quite there yet.

Professor Alistair Burns, NHS director for dementia.

We now understand much more about the progression of Alzheimers disease and researchers are finding ways to identify people in the earliest stages where they have the best chance of developing treatments that work.

James Pickett, head of research at the Alzheimers Society UK

This research is extremely exciting It would not be unrealistic to say that we might see a treatment within five years.

Harry Cayton, chief executive of the Alzheimers Association US

Many researchers believe successful treatment will eventually involve a cocktail of medications aimed at several targets, similar to current state-of-the-art treatments for many cancers and AIDS,

Heather Snyder, director of medical and scientific operations at the US Alzheimers Association.

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Specialised Dementia Care For Your Loved One

There is a distinct lack of specialised dementia care facilities in South Africa, and partly due to the fact that most people do not realise how important they are in treating the disease. A dementia care facility needs to have uniquely trained staff that understand the disease and how to properly take care of the residents in their care medically, emotionally and cognitively.

Both senior living homes and dementia care facilities cater to the needs of our senior loved ones, with the one difference that dementia care facilities focus specifically on dementia care in addition to elderly medical care, and or frail care. This includes, but not limited to catering to dementia patients dietary requirements providing mental stimulation as well as exercise and also providing companion care a trusted person who is there for them every day .

The best environment for someone with dementia is a specialised dementia care facility, with access to an expert team of neuropsychologists, occupational therapists, doctors, and individual dementia carers. Moreover, a person with dementia needs a person-centred, abilities-focused approach to their treatment to have the biggest impact on their wellbeing. Dementia care specialists are able to work on a persons unique interests and build a tailored program of cognitive stimulation therapies and activities that take into account the stage of their disease.

What Medicines Are Used To Treat Dementia

Dementia 101: Symptoms, Types, Stages, Treatment and ...

Medicines for dementia are used firstly as a treatment to help with symptoms that affect thinking and memory . Secondly, they are used as treatment to help with symptoms that affect mood and how someone behaves .

These medicines do not cure dementia and they may only work for some people. They also may only work for a short time . Medicines for dementia are always started by a doctor who specialises in treating dementia.

There are four medicines available in the UK which can be prescribed for dementia. These are donepezil, rivastigmine, galantamine and memantine. They are available as tablets, liquids, tablets that dissolve in water, or patches. They come in various brand names.

In addition, there are a number of other medicines that may be prescribed to people who have dementia. For example:

  • An antidepressant may be advised if depression is suspected. Depression is common in people with dementia and may be overlooked.
  • Aspirin and other medicines to treat the risk factors for stroke and heart disease may be appropriate for some people. This is especially the case for those with vascular dementia.
  • Sleeping tablets are sometimes needed if difficulty sleeping is a persistent problem.
  • A tranquilliser or an antipsychotic medicine is sometimes prescribed as a last resort for people with dementia who become easily agitated.

Research continues looking for new medicines to help with dementia.

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Aarp’s $60 Million Investment Supports Research Into Promising Treatments

by Rachel Nania, AARP, June 25, 2020| 0

En español | Brad Margus is hoping to discover answers to some of medicines biggest mysteries by peering deep inside the brain.

Locating the specific gene thats responsible for igniting inflammation near the brains memory center could lead to a targeted treatment that minimizes brain injury in people with Alzheimers disease. And knowing which cell-specific proteins are responsible for producing motor symptoms of Parkinsons disease may bring about a drug that disables them.

This precise approach makes it possible to make drugs that only act on the cell type you care about, reducing the unwanted side effects that most drugs have, says Margus, chief executive officer of Cerevance, a Boston-based drug development company focused on brain diseases. Whats more, it could lead to a major breakthrough in the field of dementia research. About 50 million people worldwide suffer from dementia, and still there is no treatment to stop or slow its progression.

What Is Aducanumab

This is the first drug approved by the FDA to treat Alzheimer’s disease in decades. If your loved one is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia, their doctor may prescribe this monthly infusion.

What it does: It’s a monoclonal antibody that lessens the buildup of things called amyloid plaques in your brain. These plaques are part of what leads to the memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

What to expect: For people with mild cognitive impairment or early Alzheimer’s disease, the drug appears to slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

Side effects: The most common appears to be something called ARIA: amyloid-related imaging abnormalities. One study suggests that 41% of people who take this drug will develop ARIA. These problems include temporary swelling in the brain and small areas of bleeding.

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Is There A Link

According to the Alzheimers Association, Alzheimers disease and LBD can overlap. Lewy bodies can occur in people with Alzheimers, and plaques and tangles key markers of Alzheimers disease occur in many individuals with LBD.

Although LBD and Alzheimers disease may share similar symptoms, they are different conditions and do not appear to lead to the other.

The following table compares the two conditions.

Lewy body dementia

Both conditions typically affect older adults.

Natural Remedies For Dementia And Alzheimers Finalword

What is Dementia? Reverse Dementia Naturally | Dementia Care | Alzheimer’s Cure

So there you have our top 10 natural remedies forsuccessfully treating and reversing dementia and Alzheimers disease. But dontforget that these remedies and recommendations are also exactlywhat you need to be taking and following to prevent dementia from everaffecting you! . And like we saidearlier, you have nothing to lose by trying these treatments. We recommend youstart with #1 and then work your way down the list, using and utilizing as manyof the remedies as you or your loved one can. Expect to see some big resultswithin 3-6 months. It will, however, take at least 12 months for a full recovery so you must be patientand consistent with the daily application of these recommendations.

So what are you waiting for? Get going on this straightaway. We guarantee, the results are going to blow your mind! .

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