What Can You Do As A Caregiver Of A Garrulous Dementia Patient
Caring for a loved one who has developed dementia can be emotional challenging for family members and caregivers and requires work on the part of everybody to help manage, but there are certain things you can do to provide reassurance and comfort:
Firstly, you can try distracting the patient with a snack or activity such as busy boards, and other games. Give them their favorite snack to munch on, or play the music that they love. You can even ask them to help with small chores like folding laundry.
The next thing is to avoid reminding them that they just asked the same question.
For instance, if they somehow got it into their head that they had a doctors appointment, and keep asking when to go even after you said they dont need to, you can simply say that the doctor called in a couple of minutes ago to say that they are not expected to visit until next week.
Thirdly, if your elderly loved one with dementia keeps asking about the time to go to an event, dont discuss plans until immediately prior to an event.
Learn to accept certain behaviors. An agitated state or pulling at clothing, for example, could show a need to use the bathroom.
We understand how trying and difficult it can be to accommodate a dementia patients repetitive conversation and questions, but the key is to understand that the reason they are behaving this way is because of a disease and its effects.
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What Is Agitated Behaviour
Changes in the behaviour of people with dementia are very common. Sometimes they can become upset and display behaviours such as pacing and fiddling.
Constant vocalisations such as talking constantly, repeating words and phrases, crying or cursing and screaming are also types of agitated behaviours.
Repetitive questioning, such as being asked continually what day it is, or when dinner will be ready, is another type.
All of these behaviours can be distressing and a constant annoyance for families and carers. Remember they can also be a sign of some distress for the person with dementia, so it is important to be able to understand why these behaviours occur and ways to manage them.
Early Symptoms Of Dementia
Dementia is a collection of symptoms that can occur due to a variety of possible diseases. Dementia symptoms include impairments in thought, communication, and memory.
If you or your loved one is experiencing memory problems, dont immediately conclude that its dementia. A person needs to have at least two types of impairment that significantly interfere with everyday life to receive a dementia diagnosis.
In addition to difficulty remembering, the person may also experience impairments in:
- language
- reasoning
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Can Dementia Be Prevented
No known way to prevent irreversible dementia or even many types of reversible dementia exists. The following may help prevent certain types of dementia:
- Maintaining a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, moderate use of alcohol, and no smoking or substance abuse
- Taking precautions to prevent infections
- Using protective equipment such as a seat belt or motorcycle helmet to prevent head injury
The following may allow early treatment and at least partial reversal of dementia:
- Being alert for symptoms and signs that suggest dementia
- Early recognition of underlying medical conditions, such as hypoxia, HIV infection, low glucose levels, or low sodium levels
What Do Elderly People Think About Life And Death
As we get older, death seems to be nearer than when we are younger. In as much as anyone can die regardless of age, for an older person, it seems like it is more likely to happen, especially when dealing with different health conditions that the body does not handle as it used to in the younger years.
For older persons, death does not always spell sorrow and terror, as is the case with younger people. Many of the older people are contented with what the short-term future has for them. You may think that people may get anxious as they become older, but this is not the case. Older people do not have much sadness and anxiety, especially related to death. They are actually more positive about life and death.
As we grow older, our perspective shifts. This is when you realize that things are not as they always seem. Most people fear death because they feel that they will lose the things that they have been working so hard to get over the years. However, for older people, this attachment to things acquired is not really pronounced. This is how some of the fear of death actually melts away.
When you look around you and you realize that there are things that are a part of you that will outlive you actually help in a major way. This could be the legacy we have in children or gardens planted. There are yet others who place value on their country, their religion, or families that live on even after they are gone.
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Treating The Underlying Condition
Because pressured speech is a symptom and not a condition, it is important to address the root cause. Particularly among people not previously diagnosed with bipolar disorder, evaluation might involve testing to rule out other conditions, such as a brain injury or drug misuse.
Extreme stress, anxiety, sleep deprivation, and medication changes are among the common triggers of a hypomanic or manic episode. In such cases, pressured speech and other accompanying symptoms might resolve on their own, with or without counseling. For severe, persistent or intensifying symptoms, however, medication may be needed along with counseling.
People with mixed episode bipolar disorderwhere manic highs occur simultaneously or in rapid sequence with depressive lowsmay require more intensive treatment. Mood stabilizers and/or antipsychotic medications are often prescribed. Temporary hospitalization may be necessary if a person is at risk for suicidal or violent actions during an episode.
If you or a loved one are struggling with bipolar disorder, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration National Helpline at 1-800-662-4357 for information on support and treatment facilities in your area.
For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.
Is Excessive Talking A Sign Of Dementia Or A Common Symptom Of Becoming Elderly
My mom still seems sharp, is active, and can manage her household, but I notice when we’ve been talking over the phone, she is extremely talkative. To the point where she can keep talking endlessly for an hour at least without break. She wasn’t like this most of her life. She was chatty, but not THIS chatty. I’m wondering if she needs to get looked at…if this is a possible sign of dementia and if so, is there even anything that could be done about it?
Her mother currently has dementia so I’m starting to look for signs in my own parents.
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What Is The Treatment For Symptoms And Complications Of Dementia
Some symptoms and complications of dementia can be relieved by medical treatment, even if no treatment exists for the underlying cause of the dementia.
- Behavioral disorders may improve with individualized therapy aimed at identifying and changing specific problem behaviors.
- Mood swings and emotional outbursts may be treated with mood-stabilizing drugs.
- Agitation and psychosis may be treated with antipsychotic medication or, in some cases, anticonvulsants.
- Seizures usually require anticonvulsant medication.
- Sleeplessness can be treated by changing certain habits and, in some cases, by taking medication.
- Bacterial infections require treatment with antibiotics.
- Dehydration and malnutrition may be treated with rehydration and supplements or with behavioral therapies.
- Aspiration, pressure sores, and injuries can be prevented with appropriate care.
What Does Death Feel Like
One of the greatest fascinations that humans have is death. While most people fear death, there is still a mystery surrounding it that makes us more attentive, since it is not possible to comprehend it entirely.
So, what does death feel like? The truth is that it is not clear because gathering such information is not possible for obvious reasons. However, there are still theories and research is still being done to answer this question.
Most of the things we know about dying have to do with what we are told by people who may have had near death experiences or by the things people talk about when they are about to die.
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Other Sleep Issues In People With Dementia
Sundowning is a phenomenon in which individuals with dementia experience increased agitation later in the day and in the evening. The symptoms of sundowning include confusion, anxiety, wandering, and yelling. Sundowning can contribute to insomnia and other sleep problems when these behaviors continue into the night. Possible causes of sundowning include the circadian rhythm changes that occur in dementia, as well as fatigue, depression, and pain.
People with dementia may also talk, yell, or cry out at night if they cannot sleep. Some dementia patients have a tendency to wander away from their homes, which can be especially dangerous at night. In dementia patients with REM sleep behavior disorder, shouting, grabbing, jumping, and other behaviors are related to dream enactment during sleep.
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Behavioral And Mood Symptoms Of Lewy Body Dementia
Changes in behavior and mood are possible in LBD and may worsen as the persons thinking abilities decline. These changes may include:
- Depression
- Apathy, or a lack of interest in normal daily activities or events and less social interaction
- Anxiety and related behaviors, such as asking the same questions over and over or being angry or fearful when a loved one is not present
- Agitation, or restlessness, and related behaviors, such as pacing, hand wringing, an inability to get settled, constant repeating of words or phrases, or irritability
- Delusions, or strongly held false beliefs or opinions not based on evidence. For example, a person may think his or her spouse is having an affair or that relatives long dead are still living.
- Paranoia, or an extreme, irrational distrust of others, such as suspicion that people are taking or hiding things
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What Sleep Disorders Are Common In People With Dementia
People with dementia are frequently affected by sleep disorders. The following sleep disorders are found most often in older adults, but they are seen at even higher rates in people with dementia.
- Restless legs syndrome : RLS is characterized by an overwhelming desire to move the legs, especially at night. RLS is common in people with a type of dementia called Lewy body dementia.
- Periodic limb movement disorder : PLMD causes uncontrollable movements of the arms and/or legs at night. Many patients with PLMD also have RLS.
- Obstructive sleep apnea : OSA is a condition marked by nighttime airway collapse leading to brief lapses in breathing. OSA is particularly common with Alzheimers disease, occurring in 40% of patients. Having OSA also increases ones risk of developing dementia.
- REM sleep behavior disorder: REM sleep behavior disorder causes individuals to act out their dreams, sometimes in dangerous ways. It is most often found in individuals with Lewy body dementia and is sometimes the first symptom that arises with this type of dementia.
- Depression: Although depression is a mood disorder, it is associated with insomnia and other sleep disturbances. Depression is common in people with dementia, and it is seen at increasing rates as dementia progresses to more severe stages.
Stage : Mild Dementia
At this stage, individuals may start to become socially withdrawn and show changes in personality and mood. Denial of symptoms as a defense mechanism is commonly seen in stage 4. Behaviors to look for include:
- Difficulty remembering things about one’s personal history
- Disorientation
- Difficulty recognizing faces and people
In stage 4 dementia, individuals have no trouble recognizing familiar faces or traveling to familiar locations. However, patients in this stage will often avoid challenging situations in order to hide symptoms or prevent stress or anxiety.
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How To Address Pressured Speech
If you or a loved one develops pressured speech and have not been previously diagnosed with bipolar disorder, medical evaluation is necessary to determine the underlying cause of this symptom. Among people known to have bipolar disorder, the development of pressured speech might be a sign indicating the start of a hypomanic manic episode.
If you have bipolar disorder, development of driven speech signals the need to seek help from your doctor or someone designated to work with you to help manage your condition, such as a friend or family member. Ideally, you and your designated helper will have worked out a strategy in advance to handle these episodes.
For example, if you are able to identify a trigger that led to the episode, removing yourself from that environment or situation may help calm your symptoms. Getting out into nature, taking a walk, or listening to calming sounds might also help reduce your symptoms.
If your symptoms are severe, intensify, or turn violent, it is best to make urgent contact with your doctor or emergency services.
What Diseases Or Conditions May Worsen Dementia
Treatable disorders revealed by the diagnostic evaluation should receive prompt attention.
- Common, treatable conditions that cause or worsen dementia include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, infections, head injuries, brain tumors, hydrocephalus, anemia, hypoxia, hormone imbalances, and nutritional deficiencies.
- Treatment varies by disorder, but some treatments may rapidly reverse the dementia symptoms.
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Struggling To Adapt To Change
For someone in the early stages of dementia, the experience can cause fear. Suddenly, they cant remember people they know or follow what others are saying. They cant remember why they went to the store, and they get lost on the way home.
Because of this, they might crave routine and be afraid to try new experiences. Difficulty adapting to change is also a typical symptom of early dementia.
What Should I Do If A Person With Dementia Is Sleeping A Lot
If the person is in the later stages of dementia and they have gradually started sleeping more and more, it is likely to be due to the dementia progressing.
However, if the excessive sleeping has started more suddenly, or the person doesnt seem well in other ways, it may have another cause.
If this is the case you should speak to the GP, to rule out any infections or conditions that could be having an impact.
It may also be worth asking for a medication review with the GP or speaking to a pharmacist as medication can cause a range of side effects.
If the person is sleeping a lot but it isnt having a negative impact on them it is often best to just go with it and make sure they are comfortable.
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How It Affects People When Life Is Ending
You cannot reverse renal failure and when one does not opt for dialysis, one gets confused and may not be able to move. The persons consciousness can also deteriorate quite fast.
If the failure is complicating other illnesses, the symptoms you may get include loss of appetite, nausea, drowsiness, Itching, and fatigue, which tend to get worse.
The failure can also make you more sensitive to certain medications and this may cause even more discomfort and side effect. At the end of life, pain medications may be administered since the patient can benefit from them.
One may not get dialysis when they are at the end of life stage. It is common for patients to be put on some fluid restriction so that the water retention effects are minimized. However, this can be relaxed when death is imminent.
Compulsive Talking: Personality Disorder Or Idiosyncrasy
Medically Reviewed By: Laura Angers
Compulsive talking is often a coping mechanism for many people, if you feel that you are experiencing this, know that you are not alone, and there are ways to cope with it. A therapist can help someone understand why they might use compulsive talking in certain situations as well as build a toolkit of other things to do instead of talking. Throughout therapy you can also improve upon other aspects of your life and address other concerns, whether it be within relationships, or with anxiety, or stress a therapist can help.
Many a bubble-gum popping stereotype is conjured when the term compulsive talking is thrown about. Talking compulsively seems almost like the punch line of a joke: She just would not stop talking. Although being particularly verbose has a hefty history in comedy, compulsive talking can sometimes indicate a mental health concern, such as a personality disorder, rather than just being an eccentric personality trait.
What Is Compulsive Talking?
Compulsive talking is a pattern of speech in which the speaker feels the necessity to continue talking. People who struggle with compulsive talking may be aware that their speech is uncontrolled or obsessive, but also feel like they need to speak to feel safe and in control. Failing to speak when the compulsion arises can result in high levels of anxiety, feelings of anger, or sense of overwhelm.
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Failing To Pick Up On Sarcasm And Spot A Liar
You may or may not appreciate a sarcastic sense of humor, but sarcasm is a part of our culture. “We see it as a nice way to be critical and so we use it constantly, even when we are trying to be nice,” says Dr. Rankin, whose research found that people with both frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer’s disease tend to have a harder time picking up on sarcasm.
Another unusual sign of dementia Rankin noticed? People with FTD couldn’t tell when someone was lying, although people with Alzheimer’s disease could tell. “FTD patients don’t have that sense anymore that things that people do could turn out badly,” she says.