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What Percentage Of Seniors Have Dementia

How Hospice Can Help With End

How to Talk to Someone With Dementia

In addition to helping you in recognizing the signs of dying in the elderly with dementia, bringing in hospice care will help with the physical and emotional demands of caregiving. Nurses will be able to adjust medication and care plans as the individuals needs change. Aides can help with bathing, grooming, and other personal care. Social workers can help organize resources for the patient and family. Chaplains and bereavement specials can help the family with any emotional or spiritual needs. Additionally, family members can contact hospice at any time, and do not need to wait until it is recommended by the patient’s physician.

To learn more about the criteria for hospice eligibility or to schedule a consultation, please contact Crossroads using the blue Help Center bar on this page for more information on how we can help provide support to individuals with dementia and their families.

How One Colombian Family Could Solve Some Of Alzheimers Mysteries

That study came with an asterisk, however, because the Framingham participants come from one small geographic area and skew white and well-off. The new data are based on large numbers of people and are nationally representative, Haaga pointed out, including a good representation of people with less education and at the lower end of the income scale.

The new data reinforce the Framingham findings that age-specific risk of dementia may be decreasing, ;said Dr.;Sudha Seshadri, a professor of neurology at Boston University School of Medicine and senior investigator for;the Framingham study.

Lifetime Risk Of Alzheimer’s Dementia

Lifetime risk is the probability that someone of a given age who does not have a particular condition will develop the condition during his or her remaining life span. Data from the Framingham Heart Study were used to estimate lifetime risks of Alzheimer’s dementia by age and sex., As shown in Figure , the study found that the estimated lifetime risk for Alzheimer’s dementia at age 45 was approximately one in five for women and one in 10 for men. The risks for both sexes were slightly higher at age 65.


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Sniffing Out Risks For Dementia

To find out, researchers tested an individuals senses in the third and fifth years of the study. They tested hearing in patients without hearing aids, along with vision, touch, and smell. In the smell tests, participants were asked to identify smells including roses, lemons, onions, paint thinner, and turpentine. The researchers then ranked seniors sensory abilities as good, middle, or poor.

The results reveal that 27 percent of seniors with poor sensory levels have dementia. Only 19 percent in the middle range and 12 percent in the good range also have the condition.

We found that with deteriorating multisensory functioning, the risk of cognitive decline increased in a dose-response manner, says senior author Kristine Yaffe in a university statement. Even mild or moderate sensory impairments across multiple domains were associated with an increased risk of dementia, indicating that people with poor multisensory function are a high-risk population that could be targeted prior to dementia onset for intervention.

Sensory impairments could be due to underlying neurodegeneration or the same disease processes as those affecting cognition, such as stroke, researcher Willa Brenowitz adds. Alternatively, sensory impairments, particularly hearing and vision, may accelerate cognitive decline, either directly impacting cognition or indirectly by increasing social isolation, poor mobility and adverse mental health.

Dementia Screenings Aren’t Routine For Older Adults

Signs Of Death in Elderly With Dementia: End Stage

Robinson-Lane said one concerning root of undiagnosed dementia is that cognitive assessments aren’t routine during older adults’ annual checkups. And even if doctors do screen for dementia, some don’t actually tell patients of their diagnosis. A 2015 study led by researchers from the Alzheimer’s Association found that 45 percent of people who were treated for Alzheimer’s were never told by their doctor that they had the disease, as reported by Time magazine.

The researchers behind the 2021 study found that when proxy reportersgenerally family members of these older adultsresponded to the survey, they saw the prevalence of undiagnosed cases drop from 91 percent to around 75 percent. While still significant, Robinson-Lane said, that indicates someone else in an older person’s life may know they have dementia while the patient themselves does not.

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Dementia Patterns Vary Widely Across Different Groups

Higher educational attainment is associated with a lower risk for dementia.;Older adults with more education have lower prevalence of dementia, more years of cognitively healthy life, and fewer years with dementia.6;In 2015, 6% of older college graduates had probable dementia, compared with 19% of their counterparts with less than 12 years of education .

Numerous studies have found that more schooling is associated with a lower risk of dementia. Researchers explain this connection in a variety of ways. They suggest that education may directly affect brain development by creating a cognitive reserve that older adults can draw upon if their memory or reasoning ability begins to decline. They also suspect that people with more education may be better able to develop techniques to compensate or adapt in the face of disrupted mental functions. In addition, education brings multiple advantages. They point out that people with more education tend to have healthier lifestyles, higher incomes, better health care, and more social opportunitiesall associated with better brain health.

Mortality Due To Any Cause

All-cause mortality rates increase with age. In 20132014, for Canadians with dementia, the rate was 75.5 deaths per 1,000 population in the 6569;years age group, and it reached 207.2 deaths per 1,000 population in the 85;years and older age group. However, as the overall mortality among Canadians with and without dementia increases later in life, mortality rates between the two groups tend to converge. In other words, the all-cause mortality rate ratios decrease with age. In 20132014, the rate ratio was 7.6 in the 6569;years age group, and it decreased to 2.9 in the 85;years and older age group.

Since 20032004, all-cause mortality rates have decreased among all Canadians. Among Canadians with dementia however, rates decreased at a slower pace. This is illustrated by the increasing rate ratios between 20032004 and 20132014. In 20132014, the age-standardized all-cause mortality rate was about four times higher among seniors with dementia compared to those without .

Figure;2: Age-standardized all-cause mortality rates and rate ratios among Canadians aged 65;years and older with and without diagnosed dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, Canada, 20032004 to 20132014

Text description: Figure;2Figure;2: Age-standardized all-cause mortality rates and rate ratios among Canadians aged 65;years and older with and without diagnosed dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, Canada, 20032004 to 20132014

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Also Check: How Fast Does Dementia Kill

Numbers Of People With Dementia

Someone in the world develops dementia every 3 seconds. There are over 50 million people worldwide living with dementia in 2020. This number will almost double every 20 years, reaching 82 million in 2030 and 152 million in 2050. Much of the increase will be in developing countries. Already 60% of people with dementia live in low and middle income countries, but by 2050 this will rise to 71%. The fastest growth in the elderly population is taking place in China, India, and their south Asian and western Pacific neighbours.

Demographic ageing is a worldwide process that shows the successes of improved health care over the last century. Many are now living longer and healthier lives and so the world population has a greater proportion of older people. Dementia mainly affects older people, although there is a growing awareness of cases that start before the age of 65.

There are over 10 million new cases of dementia each year worldwide, implying one new case every 3.2 seconds.

What To Do If A Loved One Is Suspicious Of Having Dementia

Aggressive Behavior in People with Dementia | Linda Ercoli, PhD | UCLAMDChat
  • Discuss with loved one.;Talk about seeing a medical provider about the observed changes soon. Talk about the issue of driving and always carrying an ID.
  • Medical assessment.;Be with a provider that you are comfortable with. Ask about the Medicare Annual Wellness exam.
  • Family Meeting.;Start planning, and gather documents like the Health Care Directive, Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, Estate Plan.

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Risk Factors And Prevention

Although age is the strongest known risk factor for dementia, it is not an inevitable consequence of ageing. Further, dementia does not exclusively affect older people young onset dementia accounts for up to 9% of cases. Studies show that people can reduce their risk of dementia by getting regular exercise, not smoking, avoiding harmful use of alcohol, controlling their weight, eating a healthy diet, and maintaining healthy blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Additional risk factors include depression, low educational attainment, social isolation, and cognitive inactivity.

Can Dementia Be Prevented

Although dementia cannot be prevented, living a health-focused life might influence risk factors for certain types of dementia. Keeping blood vessels clear of cholesterol buildup, maintaining normal blood pressure, controlling blood sugar, staying at a healthy weight basically, staying as healthy as one can can keep the brain fueled with the oxygen and nutrients it needs to function at its highest possible level. Specific healthful steps you can take include:

  • Follow a Mediterranean diet, which is one filled with whole grains, vegetables, fruits, fish and shellfish, nuts, beans, olive oil and only limited amounts of red meats.
  • Exercise. Get at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week.
  • Keep your brain engaged. Solve puzzles, play word games, and try other mentally stimulating activities. These activities may delay the start of dementia.
  • Stay socially active. Interact with people; discuss current events; keep your mind, heart, and soul engaged.

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Active Management Of Alzheimer’s Dementia

  • Appropriate use of available treatment options.
  • Effective management of coexisting conditions.
  • Providing family caregivers with effective training in managing the day-to-day life of the care recipient.
  • Coordination of care among physicians, other health care professionals and lay caregivers.
  • Participation in activities that are meaningful to the individual with dementia and bring purpose to his or her life.
  • Having opportunities to connect with others living with dementia; support groups and supportive services are examples of such opportunities.
  • Becoming educated about the disease.
  • Planning for the future.

To learn more about Alzheimer’s disease, as well as practical information for living with Alzheimer’s and being a caregiver, visit

How Dementia Affects People Worldwide

Dementia: applying All Our Health

Of the 47.5 million people living with dementia, approximately 58 percent are living within low and middle-income countries. The rates of this syndrome are expected to continually rise, with estimates as high as 75.6 million cases by 2030 and a shocking 135.5 million by 2050.

A recent meta-analysis reported that the global prevalence of dementia is somewhere between 5 and 7 percent within people aged 60 or over. By the age of 85 years and older, between 25 and 50 percent of people display symptoms of dementia, more specifically Alzheimers.

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Figure 1 Dementia Prevalence Rates Vary Widely Across Different Groups

Prevalence of Probable Dementia Among the U.S. Population Ages 70 and Older, 2015

Note: Excludes persons in nursing homes. Vicki A. Freedman et al., Short-Term Changes in the Prevalence of Probable Dementia: An Analysis of the 20112015 National Health and Aging Trends Study,Journals of Gerontology, Series B 73 : S48-S56.

Dementia prevalence increases with age.;About 5% of adults ages 70 to 79 had probable dementia in 2015, compared with 16% of adults ages 80 to 89 and 31% of adults ages 90 and older. As the U.S. population grows older, the number of people with dementia is projected to increase sharply.10

Women are slightly more likely to have dementia than men.;Among adults ages 70 and older, 10.1% of women and 9.6% of men had probable dementia.

Non-Hispanic whites have lower rates of dementia than other racial/ethnic groups.;The rates of probable dementia among Hispanic and other racial/ethnic minorities ages 70 and older was double the rate among non-Hispanic white older adults . Recent declines in dementia prevalence have been concentrated among non-Hispanic white and non-Hispanic black groups, whereas dementia prevalence has been persistently higher among the Hispanic/Latino population.11

Can You Die From Dementia

Dementia is usually considered a disorder affecting memory and is associated with aging. In the initial stages, this could be true. Loss of memory is one of the earliest signs of the disease.

However, according to experts, dementia is a fatal brain failure that needs to be taken seriously like other terminal diseases that kill a patient slowly. It is not just an ailment that is associated with the elderly.

Even though the distinction is not really known in the medical field and to the general public, it is something that needs to be considered when one has to be treated at the very end stage of the condition.

It is believed that the fact that people are misinformed and misguided about dementia, the end stage treatment is usually made very aggressive.

The disease progresses quite slowly and the fact that it affects so many people means that it should be taken seriously. Dementia is a collection or a consequence of different diseases like Alzheimers disease, vascular dementia, and Parkinsons disease. In later stages, you can tell the type of dementia that is affecting a certain patient.

The patient can have eating problems, pneumonia, fever, pain, and difficulty breathing, which are all caused by the failure of the brain. In the end, dementia involves so many other parts of the body.

It is important to appreciate that the brain is the engine of our bodies. It controls everything, including metabolism, gastrointestinal tract, the lungs, and even the heart.

Recommended Reading: What Is The Difference Between Dementia And Senility

Dementia Rate In The Elderly Has Dropped 24% In Past 20 Years; What This Means For Coming Generations

As we age, we tend to become more forgetful simply because our brains have been cranking for some time. And when that forgetfulness becomes so serious that our ability to learn, reason, and perform particular activities is hindered, the condition is termed dementia. Dementia affects about five percent of the older population and can be a precursor to Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders. The Lancet reports;that only 17 percent of those with dementia do not suffer other long-term, related disorders.

However, a new study;has found that the incidence of dementia in the elderly has decreased in the past 20 years. So while dementia may seem inevitable given its roots in the degeneration of brain cells over time its reduction in prevalence is promising.

The results were found in two simultaneous studies of people over the age of 65 in Europe. In the first part of the study, which took place between 1994 and 1989, the participants were asked about their lifestyle, health, medications, and care received. In the second part, which took place from 2008 to 2011, another set of randomly selected people aged 65 and older were given similar assessments. In the end, researchers found significant changes to the elderly population over the past 20 years.

These new estimates of the prevalence of dementia are necessary to plan for care of the elderly.

What Are The Early Signs Of Dementia

Communicating with People Living with Dementia

The onset of dementia is not obvious because the early signs can be vague and quite subtle. The early symptoms usually depend on the kind of dementia that one has and therefore can vary greatly from one person to the next.

Even though the signs can vary, there are some that are quite common and they include:

  • Depression, apathy, and withdrawal
  • Memory issues, especially when it comes to the most recent events
  • Inability to handle the everyday tasks

At times, it is easy to miss to appreciate that the above symptoms could be an indication of something that is not right. Yet there are those who assume that the signs are normal and are associated with aging. It is also possible for one to develop the symptoms in a gradual manner and they may go unnoticed for quite some time.

People may not act even when they can tell that something is definitely wrong. It is important to have a checklist of all signs related to dementia and get the person the needed help when several of such signs are observed. It is important to get a more detailed assessment.

Memory loss and dementia: while it is normal to forget some things and remember later, persons with dementia tend to forget more frequently and they do not remember later.

Tasks: distractions can happen and you may forget to, say, serve one part of the family meal. For a person that has dementia, preparing the meal could be problematic and they may actually forget some of the steps that are involved.

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Seniors In Residential Care More Likely To Be Higher Income

Not surprisingly, the seniors living in residential care had higher incomes and were more likely to be U.S.-born and have post-high-school education, compared to those living at home or in nursing facilities. Conversely, this group was significantly less likely to be married or living together compared to those living at home or in nursing facilities .

Home-based medical care, in which insurance pays for coordinated home care provided by doctors, physician assistants or nurse practitioners and their interdisciplinary teams, is a small;but growing portion of health care.

Some people with dementia who live at home receive home-based primary, geriatric or palliative care, but many more likely do not, said Harrison, who is also affiliated with the UCSF Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies. There is an urgent need for these services as well as home health aides and other social supports to become widely available to those families providing home care for loved ones with dementia.

Studies indicate that just 12 percent of homebound people receive primary care in their homes, according to the authors. Such programs result in reductions in disability and depression, fewer visits to emergency departments, fewer hospital stays and long-term care admissions, as well as positive impacts on caregivers health. ;

Disclosures: The authors report no conflicts of interest.


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