Tips For Cutting Down On Alcohol
- Set yourself a limit and keep track of how much youre drinking.
- Try low-alcohol or alcohol-free drinks.
- Try to alternate between alcoholic and soft drinks.
- Take advantage of particular dates and events to motivate you. For example, you could make a new years resolution to drink less.
Risk factors you can’t change
Discover how age, genetics, gender and ethnicity can affect your risk of developing dementia.
Risk Factors For Dementia
A risk factor is something that increases your likelihood of developing a condition.
Some dementia risk factors are difficult or impossible to change. These include:
- age: the older you are, the more likely you are to develop dementia. However, dementia is not a natural part of ageing
- genes: in general, genes alone are not thought to cause dementia. However, certain genetic factors are involved with some of the less common types. Dementia usually develops because of a combination of genetic and “environmental” factors, such as smoking and a lack of regular exercise
- lower levels of education
- keeping your blood pressure at a healthy level
Consider Primehealths Prevention Program
We stand behind Dr. Dale Bredesens revolutionary KetoFLEX 12/3 diet program for patients with cognitive decline. We have seen it work wonders, particularly in combination with other beneficial lifestyle changes.
As more research is published on the KetoFLEX 12/3 diet, we cant wait for more professionals to hear about this super effective diet plan.
How can you reverse dementia naturally? You can reverse dementia naturally with simple lifestyle and dietary changes. This mainly works in the very early stages of dementia and cognitive decline.
Let PrimeHealth create a plan to put that knowledge into practice. With our Prevention Program, we will work side-by-side to create an individualized plan for slowing and reversing cognitive decline.
Schedule a free phone consultation with us to learn more.
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Whats The Best Cbd Oil Dosage For Dementia
There are no definite dosage guidelines when it comes to using CBD oil for dementia. However, various studies have been performed on the efficacy of different CBD doses for Alzheimers patients.
A study conducted in 2014 found that higher concentrations of CBD may be required until the effects take hold. The study was conducted on transgenic mice.
Given the lack of regulation in the CBD marketplace, the best thing you can do is observe the effects of different dosages and report to a foundation or science institute that specializes in seeking new forms of dementia treatment. With more self-reports from patients, healthcare professionals will be able to come up with some general guidelines for people with dementia in the future.
What Are The Warning Signs Of Alzheimers Disease
Watch this video play circle solid iconMemory Loss is Not a Normal Part of Aging
Alzheimers disease is not a normal part of aging. Memory problems are typically one of the first warning signs of Alzheimers disease and related dementias.
In addition to memory problems, someone with symptoms of Alzheimers disease may experience one or more of the following:
- Memory loss that disrupts daily life, such as getting lost in a familiar place or repeating questions.
- Trouble handling money and paying bills.
- Difficulty completing familiar tasks at home, at work or at leisure.
- Misplacing things and being unable to retrace steps to find them.
- Changes in mood, personality, or behavior.
Even if you or someone you know has several or even most of these signs, it doesnt mean its Alzheimers disease. Know the 10 warning signs .
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Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease: What Do We Know
As they get older, many people worry about developing Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia. If they have a family member with Alzheimer’s, they may wonder about their family history and genetic risk. As many as 5.5 million Americans age 65 and older live with Alzheimer’s. Many more are expected to develop the disease as the population agesunless ways to prevent or delay it are found.
Although scientists have conducted many studies, and more are ongoing, so far nothing has been proven to prevent or delay dementia caused by Alzheimer’s disease. But researchers have identified promising strategies and are learning more about what mightand might notwork.
We know that changes in the brain can occur many years before the first symptoms of Alzheimer’s appear. These early brain changes point to a possible window of opportunity to prevent or delay debilitating memory loss and other symptoms of dementia. While research may identify specific interventions that will prevent or delay the disease in some people, it’s likely that many individuals may need a combination of treatments based on their own risk factors.
Researchers are studying many approaches to prevent or delay Alzheimer’s. Some focus on drugs, some on lifestyle or other changes. Let’s look at the most promising interventions to date and what we know about them.
Dementia Prevention: Reduce Your Risk Starting Now
Dementia is defined by loss of memory, problems with thinking and reasoning, and an inability to carry on with work and life activities independently. There are several kinds of dementia. Alzheimers disease is the most common, but for up to a third of people with dementia, even some of those diagnosed with Alzheimers, vascular disease is a major cause.
The good news is you can lower your risk of dementia. A Johns Hopkins neurologist, explains how.
Also Check: What Is The Difference Between Dementia And Senility
Tips For Stopping Smoking
- Talk to your GP or pharmacist about different ways to stop smoking.
- Try using a date or event as motivation for stopping. For example, you could make it a new years resolution, or give up during October as part of Stoptober.
- Consider using a less harmful alternative nicotine-containing product such as e-cigarettes, lozenges or gum.
- Try using NHS Smokefree support services, which include a helpline, app and local support services.
Control Your Blood Pressure
Hypertension or high blood pressure is strongly associated with an increased risk of dementia. High blood pressure can damage tiny blood vessels in the parts of the brain responsible for cognition and memory. The latest American Heart Association guidelines class blood pressure readings of 130/80 mm Hg and above as the start of high blood pressure.
Check your blood pressure at home. A study in the Netherlands found that a large variation in blood pressure readings over a period of years was associated with an increased risk of dementia. Inexpensive monitors that wrap around your upper arm can help you keep track of your blood pressure throughout the day and pick up on any variations. Some devices even send the results to your phone so you can easily track your readings or share them with your doctor.
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Can Cognitive Training Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
Cognitive training involves structured activities designed to enhance memory, reasoning, and speed of processing. There is encouraging but inconclusive evidence that a specific, computer-based cognitive training may help delay or slow age-related cognitive decline. However, there is no evidence that it can prevent or delay Alzheimer’s-related cognitive impairment.
Studies show that cognitive training can improve the type of cognition a person is trained in. For example, older adults who received 10 hours of practice designed to enhance their speed and accuracy in responding to pictures presented briefly on a computer screen got faster and better at this specific task and other tasks in which enhanced speed of processing is important. Similarly, older adults who received several hours of instruction on effective memory strategies showed improved memory when using those strategies. The important question is whether such training has long-term benefits or translates into improved performance on daily activities like driving and remembering to take medicine.
High Blood Pressure And Dementia Risk
High blood pressure can cause blood clots in arteries, blocking blood flow to the brain. Stroke and the loss of brain cells may follow, and the brain could subsequently shrink.
People with high blood pressure in midlife are more likely to develop dementia later in life .
Heres what you can do:Make sure you know your blood pressure if you are 40, Livingston said. The Lancet team recommended aiming for a systolic blood pressure the pressure of the blood against artery walls as the heart beats of 130mm Hg or less in midlife, though Larson cautioned against reaching an overly low blood pressure.
Experts say managing stress and sleeping well, maintaining a stable weight and eating a healthy diet of less sugary foods, exercising regularly and refraining from smoking can help control blood pressure.
Read more about past research on the link between hypertension and dementia, and insights on how hypertensive treatment may reduce risk of cognitive decline
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Why Omega 3s And Vitamin D
Omega 3s can actually promote neurogenesis and have an anti-inflammatory effect in the body and brain. DHA and EPA specifically help the brain. You might want to read my article on DHA for the Brain for more information about Omega 3s.
Vitamin D helps to moderate immune function and inflammation. Its actually considered a prohormone because it interacts with other hormones like testosterone, estrogen and human growth hormone. Vitamin D also affects over 1,000 genes and every cell in our bodies. Low Vitamin D levels are associated with cognitive decline, too.
Having enough Vitamin D in our bodies prevents a lot of illnesses. It is even related to cancer prevention. You might want to read my article: Side Effects of Low Vitamin D for more information. The recommended dose is 1,000 IUs per 25 pounds of body weight.
How To Keep Your Mind Sharp
So, whats the takeaway? If youre more of a Nervous Nellie than a born Pollyanna, are you doomed to suffer from dementia? If making to-do lists isnt your thing, is an Alzheimers diagnosis in your future? Not necessarily! But making an effort to look on the bright side could benefit your brain health, as well as help to mitigate any tendency toward dementia and Alzheimers.
Past research has shown that low neuroticism helps with managing stress and reduces the risk of common mental health disorders, said Terracciano. Similarly, high conscientiousness is consistently related to healthy lifestyles, like physical activity. Over time, more adaptive personality traits can better support metabolic and immunological functions, and ultimately prevent or delay the neurodegeneration process.
While Terraccino concedes that the protective effect of worrying less and planning more could derive from a lifetime difference in peoples emotions and behaviors, its never too late to turn over a new leaf. Starting a meditation or journaling practice is a great way to calm your mind, as is getting regular exercise. And its possible to become more conscientious, too in fact, researchers say it tends to happen naturally as we age.
So, while some of us are born optimists and organizers, theres hope for the rest of you, too.
This article originally appeared on our sister site, Womans World.
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General Health And Wellness
Create a brain-healthy lifestyle
At this time, there is no known way to prevent Alzheimers disease. But there are things that may make it less likely. While you may have been told that all you can do is hope for the best and wait for a pharmaceutical cure, the truth is much more encouraging. Promising research shows that you can reduce your risk of Alzheimers and other dementias through a combination of simple but effective lifestyle changes. By leading a brain-healthy lifestyle, you may be able to prevent the symptoms of Alzheimers disease and slow down, or even reverse, the process of deterioration.
Regular Exercise:
Adults who are physically active may be less likely than adults who arent physically active to get Alzheimers disease or another type of dementia. Moderate activity is safe for most people, but its always a good idea to talk to your doctor before starting an exercise program. Get regular exercise by aiming for at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week. The ideal plan involves a combination of cardio exercise and strength training. Good activities for beginners include walking and swimming. Starting an exercise program can be intimidating, but a little exercise is better than none.
Social Activity:
Healthy Diet:
Mental Stimulation:
Quality Sleep and Rest:
New West Physicians Medical Reference from and Healthwise:
Targets Of Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention Research
Researchers are exploring these and other interventions that may help prevent, delay, or slow Alzheimer’s dementia or age-related cognitive decline. Other research targets include:
- New drugs to delay onset or slow disease progression
- Diabetes treatment
- Blood pressure- and lipid-lowering treatments
- Sleep interventions
- Vitamins such as B12 plus folic acid supplements and D
- Combined physical and mental exercises
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How Loneliness And Social Isolation Can Lead To Dementia
Forming social connections can enhance a persons cognitive reserve. In other words, paying attention to others and interacting with them keeps our brains active and healthy, Livingston said.
Additionally, some studies find the opposite social isolation may increase peoples risk of dementia. One study shows that people who are single lifelong and those who are widowed are more likely to have dementia compared to married couples.
Heres what you can do:Livingston suggested seeing and talking to people, walking with others and chatting over tea, coffee or food activities you may find pleasure in doing with others. She reminded us of an important point amid the coronavirus shutdown, a public health crisis which has left many feeling socially isolated: Try to be physically distant but not socially distant.
Read more about past research on the link between social connection and dementia
What Are Risk Factors
A risk factor is something that may increase the chance of developing a disease. Some risk factors can be controlled while others cannot. For example, a person is not able to control their age, which is the greatest known risk factor for Alzheimers and related dementias. Another uncontrollable risk factor is a persons genes. Genes are structures in our bodys cells that are passed down from a persons birth parents. Changes in genes even small changes can cause diseases.
Race and gender are also factors that influence risk. Research shows that African Americans, American Indians, and Alaska Natives have the highest rates of dementia, and that risk factors may differ for women and men. Researchers are investigating whats behind these differences.
However, people do have control over their behavior and lifestyle, which can influence their risk for certain diseases. For example, high blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease. Lowering blood pressure with lifestyle changes or medication can help reduce a persons risk for heart disease and heart attack.
For Alzheimers and related dementias, no behavior or lifestyle factors have risen to the level of researchers being able to say: This will definitely prevent these diseases. But there are promising avenues.
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Diet And Dementia Risk
Changes in the brain can occur years before the first symptoms of Alzheimer’s appear. These early brain changes suggest a possible window of opportunity to prevent or delay dementia symptoms. Scientists are looking at many possible ways to do this, including drugs, lifestyle changes and combinations of these interventions. Unlike other risk factors for Alzheimers that we cant change, such as age and genetics, people can control lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise and cognitive training.
How could what we eat affect our brains? Its possible that eating a certain diet affects biological mechanisms, such as oxidative stress and inflammation, that underlie Alzheimers. Or perhaps diet works indirectly by affecting other Alzheimers risk factors, such as diabetes, obesity and heart disease. A new avenue of research focuses on the relationship between gut microbes tiny organisms in the digestive system and aging-related processes that lead to Alzheimers.
How To Prevent Alzheimers Disease And Dementia
Trying to prevent Alzheimers and dementia diseases has very little chances, is a fact well known for many years now. The truth is that there is another alternative to prevent and you can do this by reducing the risk- by exercising, eating right, staying socially and mentally active and keeping the stress levels in check. Leading a healthy brain lifestyle helps preventing symptoms of Alzheimers disease& dementia and you can reverse the deterioration process.
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Can You Prevent Alzheimers Disease
Alzheimerâs is one of the diseases people most want to avoid, and for good reason. There is no proven way to prevent it. But thereâs a lot you can do to lower your chance of getting it.
Doctors donât know exactly why the disease strikes some people and not others, why it gets worse over the years, or how to cure it. And because they donât know the answers to these questions, they also arenât totally sure how to treat it.
Itâs true that Alzheimerâs becomes more common with age. But itâs not a normal part of getting older. Itâs also true that some gene glitches make you more likely to get it.
You canât control aging or your genes, but that doesnât mean you canât do anything about the disease. In fact, the same things that are good for your heart — and the rest of your body — could also help you make Alzheimerâs disease less likely. And a lot of it comes down to simple things you do every day.
Manage your numbers. Do you know if your blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol are too high? Research shows strong connections between Alzheimerâs and conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. A lot of people donât know that they have these conditions. A checkup could let you know. And you and your doctor can work to manage any health problems you have.
Donât smoke. Avoid all forms of tobacco.