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HomeFactsWhat Can Cause Memory Loss Other Than Dementia

What Can Cause Memory Loss Other Than Dementia

Infections Of The Brain Or Its Lining

Atorvastatin and Dementia: Do atorvastatin and other statins cause dementia and memory loss?

Infections like HIV, tuberculosis and herpes can cause memory problems. HIV puts the function of nerve cells at risk by infecting the cells that protect and support them. The virus can also trigger inflammation that can damage the brain and cause forgetfulness. With tuberculosis, memory loss can be a complaint. However, prompt treatment can resolve these problems. Meanwhile, herpes simplex virus can cause a rare neurological disorder called herpes simplex encephalitis. This inflammation of the brain can lead to memory loss. Antiviral drugs may help if treatment is started right away.

Causes Of Memory Loss And Dementia

In this series

Everybody forgets things from time to time. In general, the things that you tend to forget most easily are the things that you feel do not matter as much.

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Causes of Memory Loss and Dementia

In this article

The things that you tend to remember most easily are the things that are important to you – for example, a special birthday. However, some people just seem to have a better memory than others, and some people are more forgetful than others.

There are certain situations that can affect your memory and make you become more forgetful than you normally are. They can include the following.

Can Memory Be Preserved During The Aging Process

According to the American Academy of Neurologys practice guideline for patients with mild cognitive impairment, the best thing you can do to maintain your brain health is to exercise twice a week.

Although there is no clear-cut proven link that doing any of the following will help slow memory and thinking skill decline, these are general recommendations for maintaining good health.

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So Should You Be Worried About Your Medications And Dementia

These findings are intriguing but they arent definitive, and they dont mean you should stop taking a medication because youre concerned about developing dementia.

First, this study found that use of certain medications was more common in people later diagnosed with dementia. That doesnt mean these drugs caused dementia. There are other potential explanations for the findings. For example, some people develop depression during the early phases of dementia. Rather than antidepressants causing dementia, the medication might be prescribed for early symptoms of dementia that has already developed. This is called confounding by indication and its a potential flaw of studies like this one that attempt to link past medication use with future disease.

Another reason to be cautious about these results is that they cannot be used to estimate the impact of medication use on an individual persons risk of dementia. This type of study looks at the risk in a large group, but individual factors may have a much bigger impact on dementia risk.

Still, there is reason to be concerned about the possibility that anticholinergic drugs contribute to the risk of dementia. Acetylcholine is involved in memory and learning, and past research has demonstrated lower levels of acetylcholine in the brains of people with Alzheimers disease . In addition, animal studies suggest that anticholinergic drugs may contribute to brain inflammation, a potential contributor to dementia.

Memory Loss Cause # 3 Fitness

What Can Cause Memory Loss Other Than Dementia

When checked regarding their workout practices in 2016, only 12.7% of individuals over age 65 met national exercise requirements, which is 2 and a fifty percent hrs of cardio workout a week. Unsurprisingly, according to recent researches, virtually 75% of those over age 65 are obese, or obese. Weight problems is known to affect the mind in lots of ways, and can have a very unfavorable effect on our memory and also cognition..

Current study into the procedures behind weight problems has actually offered us 2 vital ways the mind and physical fitness connect. Brain-derived-neurotrophic-factor is formed largely in the mind, as well as researches reveal that constant cardio exercise boosts production of BDNF, especially in those over age 65, giving a vast array of unusual benefits. In addition to our new understanding concerning BDNF, we have brand-new study into the blood-brain barrier and also its interactions with insulin, excessive weight, and brain health. There are strong implications that both BDNF and the blood-brain barrier play a crucial duty in our continued capacity to remember as we age, so it is an excellent suggestion to get more information regarding this new discovery.

If working out isnt your thing, activities that you could enjoy that work up a sweat are just as efficient, like golfing as well as gardening. Even just doing duties around the house can assist you get to those 150 recommended mins of exercise a week if it obtains your blood pumping!.

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Memory Loss Cause # 5 Depression And Also Anxiety

Serious clinical depression or pain can occasionally create forgetfulness and amnesia, as well as typically impacting your capability to focus. Sensations of unhappiness, severe grief at the loss of a liked one, as well as other emotional injury can result in sensation inaccessible, or in a fog as well as failing to remember small details..

Stress and anxiety affects between 3% as well as 15% of older adults, according to Mental Health America, as well as current researches show that 2.2% of senior citizens report serious emotional distress throughout the 30 days before the study. Those aged 45-65 reported distress 4.4% of the time, as well as also report a high degree of stress and anxiety. There are numerous traumatic signs and symptoms of stress and anxiety, consisting of:.

Upper body pains.Lack of ability to concentrate.Lack of short-term memory.Lightheadedness.Concern of passing away.

There are many factors a person can end up being anxious, from family members issues, life changes, money concerns, and also wellness fears. Despite the reason behind your anxiety, there are a selection of ways you can handle your difficult sensations at home, and options for when depression and anxiousness come to be difficult to cope with:.

New Treatments On The Horizon For Memory Disorders

While there is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s or dementia, it’s important to recognize the signs and talk to your doctor about the risk factors.

“This is such an important public health issue,” Dr. Sicotte says. “The best and brightest will be working on this to come up with treatments and prevention for dementia, Alzheimer’s and other memory disorders.”

Recommended Reading: How To Move A Parent With Dementia To Assisted Living

What Memory Problems Are Not Considered A Part Of Normal Aging

Memory problems that begins to interfere with normal daily life and activities are not considered normal aging. Forgetting where you put your glasses is a simple sign of forgetfulness, disorganization, or normal aging; however, forgetting what your glasses are used for or that they are worn on your face is not a normal memory problem.

The memory loss and thinking problems seen in mild cognitive impairment or dementia are not normal aging. Researchers now believe that mild cognitive impairment is a point along the pathway to dementia for some individuals and the stage between the mental changes that are seen in normal aging and early-stage dementia. Not all individuals diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment will develop dementia. The following highlights some of the abnormal changes in memory that are seen in MCI and dementia.

Memory problems in people with mild cognitive impairment

Memory problems in people with dementia

Has many of the same symptoms of MCI plus as dementia progresses:

  • Is unable to perform complex daily tasks .
  • Loses insight or awareness of memory loss.
  • Displays poor judgment.
  • Memory, language, and cognition become so impaired that self-care tasks can no longer be performed without assistance from another person.

The Truth About Aging And Dementia

What is Dementia?

As we age, our brains change, but Alzheimers disease and related dementias are not an inevitable part of aging. In fact, up to 40% of dementia cases may be prevented or delayed. It helps to understand whats normal and whats not when it comes to brain health.

Normal brain aging may mean slower processing speeds and more trouble multitasking, but routine memory, skills, and knowledge are stable and may even improve with age. Its normal to occasionally forget recent events such as where you put your keys or the name of the person you just met.

In the United States, 6.2 million people age 65 and older have Alzheimers disease, the most common type of dementia. People with dementia have symptoms of cognitive decline that interfere with daily lifeincluding disruptions in language, memory, attention, recognition, problem solving, and decision-making. Signs to watch for include:

Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias are not an inevitable part of aging. There are 7 ways to help maintain your brain health.

  • Not being able to complete tasks without help.
  • Trouble naming items or close family members.
  • Forgetting the function of items.
  • Repeating questions.
  • Taking much longer to complete normal tasks.
  • Misplacing items often.
  • Being unable to retrace steps and getting lost.

If you have one or more of the 10 warning signs, please see your health care provider. Early diagnosis gives you the best chance to seek treatment and time to plan for the future.

Heres what you can do:

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Causes Of Memory Loss Other Than Dementia

Forgetting where you put your glasses or keys is a common occurrence even in younger adults. But as we age, it seems that forgetfulness becomes more problematic and occurs more often. Still, few seniors understand what causes memory loss to begin with, and how can you tell if its something more serious. Understanding common memory loss is an important first step in determining if your forgetfulness might indicate a more serious condition. Now If you want to learn the number 1 cause for memory loss youll have to watch this video. It will shock you but once you fix it your memory will start to improve.; Here are 12; potential causes for your memory loss which could answer your Causes Of Memory Loss Other Than Dementia Question.How To Double Your Brain Power.

Am I At Increased Risk Of Dementia

There are actually over 60 conditions which can cause dementia, although;Alzheimer’s disease;accounts for more than half of cases. The second most common type is ‘vascular dementia’, caused by blockages in multiple small blood vessels in the brain.

If you’re at high risk for heart attack and stroke , you’re also at higher risk of vascular dementia. The good new is that by addressing these risk factors, you can reduce your risk of three conditions: heart attack, stroke and dementia.

In fact, you can cut your risk of several types of dementia with a healthy lifestyle, but it’s especially important if you want to avoid vascular dementia.

Certain conditions do increase your risk of dementia. These include:

  • Parkinson’s disease, which largely affects movement in the early stages but which also increases your risk of developing depression and dementia.
  • Down’s syndrome and othere learning disabilities.
  • Excess alcohol, which can cause irreversible damage to the brain.

Also Check: Senile Dementia Of Alzheimer’s Type

How Does Alzheimers Affect Long

In its early stages,;Alzheimers disease;typically affects short-term memory.;For example, this might involve;forgetting what you ate for breakfast or repeating yourself in conversation. However, as the disease progresses, people gradually experience more long-term memory loss, also called amnesia.

Alzheimers and other dementias can affect long-term memory in two different ways. A person can have difficulty storing the information in the long-term memory, and they also can have challenges with retrieving it. Different kinds of dementia can result in either or both of these disruptions to long-term memory.

As Alzheimer’s progresses, semantic, episodic and procedural memories all gradually erode. People with Alzheimer’s may have difficulty finding words; memories of significant events, such as weddings, may fade; and anything that requires multiple steps might become lost.

For example, family members often appear familiar to those with advancing dementia, but they might not be able to identify the specific relationship. In the late stages of Alzheimer’s, your loved one might not be able to demonstrate an awareness of your presence.

Emotional Causes Of Memory Loss

Dementia is more than memory loss. "Memory loss is a ...

Because our mind and body are connected and affect each other, our emotions and thoughts can impact our brain. The energy it takes to cope with certain feelings or life stress;can get in the way of storing or remembering details and schedules.

Often, these emotional triggers of memory loss can be improved by support, counseling, and lifestyle changes. Even just being aware ofand limiting exposure tothings that increase stress can help.

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The American Heart Associations Diet Is A Killer

The landmark Lyon Diet Heart Study followed approximately 600 participants who were at extreme risk for heart attacks.

They were overweight, sedentary, smoked, and had high cholesterol levels.

Half were put on a Mediterranean diet and half were put on what was called a prudent Western-type diet recommended by the American Heart Association.

The study was halted before it was completed.


People on the Mediterranean diet were 45% less likely to die over the 4-year period than those on the prudent diet even though their cholesterol levels didnt budge.

However, so many people on the American Heart Associations diet were dying that researchers felt it was unethical to continue putting study participants at risk.

Memory Loss And Aging

Weve all misplaced keys, blanked on someones name, or forgotten a phone number. When youre young, you dont tend to pay much attention to these lapses, but as you grow older, you may worry about what they mean. Perhaps you start to talk about a movie you saw recently when you realize you cant remember the title. Youre giving directions to your house when you suddenly blank on a familiar street name. Or you find yourself standing in the middle of the kitchen wondering what you went in there for. Memory lapses can be frustrating, but most of the time they arent cause for concern. Age-related memory changes are not the same thing as dementia.

As you grow older, you experience physiological changes that can cause glitches in brain functions youve always taken for granted. It takes longer to learn and recall information. Youre not as quick as you used to be. In fact, you may mistake this slowing of your mental processes for true memory loss. But in most cases, if you give yourself time, the information will come to mind. So, while its true that certain brain changes are inevitable when it comes to aging, major memory problems are not one of them. Thats why its important to know the difference between normal age-related forgetfulness and the symptoms that may indicate a developing cognitive problem.

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Memory Loss Cause # 7 Thyroid Problems

According to current medical research studies, hypothyroidism exists in regarding 5% of people over the age of 65, and also females are nearly three times as likely to have thyroid issues. Hyperthyroidism is just as hazardous, both to sleep and also overall health, and study reveals that 15% of people identified with an over active thyroid are over the age of 65.

Little is known regarding just how precisely thyroid conditions affect memory, however research study reveals a clear web link between memory loss and also hypo as well as hyperthyroidism. Talk to your physician to discover out more concerning your thyroid health and also if there is anything you can do to aid improve your memory.

A Condition That Can Fool Even Experienced Doctors

The Short Answer: What Causes Dementia?

In fact, Mrs. M was suffering from delirium, at that time called acute organic brain syndrome that results in rapidly changing mental states, and causes confusion and changes in behavior. She returned to her previous healthy cognitive status very quickly after her eye patches were removed and her post-operative recovery continued.

The lesson I learned from her recovery was that delirium can fool even experienced doctors into misdiagnosing dementia, which is now called Major Neurocognitive Disorder . Confustion, disorientation, and memory impairment are signs of delirium that are shared with MaND.

Delirium looks very different, though, in other ways. It comes on rapidly, often after a medical or surgical event or toxic combination of medications. It is accompanied by shifting alertness, resulting in moments of sleepiness alternating with moments of agitation. Delirium is more often associated with visual hallucinations or psychotic delusions than MaND. And, most importantly, delirium can often be reversed once the cause is found and treated.

Its causes are many and include infection, metabolic disturbances, toxic medication reactions, withdrawal from alcohol, and the effects of head injury, just to name a few.

What makes this especially tragic is that distinguishing delirium from MaND is usually not too difficult and just requires careful attention to history, symptoms, physical and mental status examinations, and the results of common laboratory tests.

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When To Visit The Doctor For Memory Loss

If you, a family member, or friend has problems remembering recent events or thinking clearly, talk with a doctor. He or she may suggest a thorough checkup to see what might be causing the symptoms. You may also wish to talk with your doctor about opportunities to participate in research on cognitive health and aging.

At your doctor visit, he or she can perform tests and assessments, which may include a brain scan, to help determine the source of memory problems. Your doctor may also recommend you see a neurologist, a doctor who specializes in treating diseases of the brain and nervous system.

Memory and other thinking problems have many possible causes, including depression, an infection, or medication side effects. Sometimes, the problem can be treated, and cognition improves. Other times, the problem is a brain disorder, such as Alzheimer’s disease, which cannot be reversed.

Finding the cause of the problems is important for determining the best course of action. Once you know the cause, you can make the right treatment plan. People with memory problems should make a follow-up appointment to check their memory every six to 12 months. They can ask a family member, friend, or the doctor’s office to remind them if they’re worried they’ll forget.

Learn more about cognitive health and Alzheimer’s and related dementias.


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