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HomeExclusiveCan Young People Get Alzheimer's

Can Young People Get Alzheimer’s

Signs Of Alzheimer’s Disease Can Start In Your 20s

Can young people get dementia?

Most people under the age of 40 do not pay too much attention to their Alzheimers risk because it is a disease commonly associated with the older generations. However, newest research has found that amyloid protein, the maker of Alzheimers disease, has been found in individuals in their twenties. This new research is considered worrisome because it could be a sign that what causes Alzheimers later in life is actually started in the younger years.

What does this new research mean for you? It means that you should live a healthier lifestyle no matter how old you are. It is never too early to live a healthy life that can prevent Alzheimers. Here are a few ways to start protecting your brain today.

Get Serious About Your Bad Habits

Alzheimers disease can be enhanced by many poor health issues, including diabetes, heart disease, pulmonary function, and obesity. This means you need to kick bad habits that are known to lead to these health issues. Some bad habits you should get serious about today are overeating, heavy drinking, smoking, and skipping exercise.

Get a Clean Diet

Ditch the processed foods and eat a clean diet. Add more brain-boosting foods to your diet to lower your Alzheimers risk. The Mediterranean diet, which is a diet rich in nuts, whole grains, fruit, and vegetables, has been connected to better cognitive function. Blueberries and healthy fats, like coconut oil and raw olive oil, are both linked to lower Alzheimers risk too.

Sweat It Out

Are There Stages Of Alzheimers

Yes!; The problem was I didnt know there were stages of Alzheimers. I didnt know Early Onset Alzheimers symptoms. I didnt know there were different types of dementia. Even when my mother had it, we thought she was always a little weird, so we didnt even bat an eyelash at her behaviors. Even after I was diagnosed, , it was all new to me. Besides some various confusion once in a while, I was and still am pretty much living my life the same as before. Even though I was aware of my mom and other family members diagnosis, I just didnt think of it affecting me ; ;I thought it could be any number of illnesses, But when these uneasy feelings of missing something came about, I started to wonder. So I went to various doctors searching for something. And then the fear ran through my body when, in my early 60s, I found out I had Early Onset Alzheimers!

Alzheimers is always related to dementia. Dementia is not always the first thing you notice in a person with Early Onset. Usually, it is daily confusion about things in your life and things you already know. Then there is short-term memory loss which progresses at its own pace and is different for every individual. Click on the link to this article, Stages of Alzheimers. to learn more about what happens to you or a loved one. For me, at the writing of this blog, short-term memory is my biggest issue.

Problem Solving Or Planning Difficulties

The person may find that they have difficulty following directions, solving problems, and focusing. For example, they may find it difficult to:

  • follow a recipe
  • follow directions on a product
  • keeping track of monthly bills or expenses

Some people often have problems like these, but if they start to happen when they did not happen before, it could indicate early onset Alzheimers disease.

Read Also: How To Treat Alzheimer’s And Dementia Naturally

The Losses Pile Up: Jobs Cars Insurance

At the time of Kens diagnosis, it was hard to find any information at all about the early-onset Alzheimers. I reached out to everyone I could think of doctors, co-workers, social workers, Alzheimers organizations. I scoured the Internet. Even the support groups I visited were geared toward people dealing with their elderly parents.

The first couple of years werent bad. Ken had a few minor episodes. But things got worse as the disease progressed. He has wandered off; weve had to use police to locate him. He has lost our vehicles. Hes had rages. There is nothing that can prepare you for what every day begins to be like.

It also took a huge financial toll. Ken was the primary income provider before he stopped working. I also had to stop working to care for him full-time, though I do odd jobs whenever I can to help make ends meet. We lost our incomes, our insurance. Weve had to sell anything we owned that was of any value.

Ken and the children receive disability compensation, but we dont qualify for food assistance because his unearned income is too high. And though there are many agencies out there with government grants to help people with Alzheimer’s, Ken isnt eligible for most because the funds are stipulated for older people.

Getting Connected To Services After Diagnosis

Lies You

â said, âOh, this is great, we have a diagnosis, what do we do now? Is there a pill, orâ¦?â And this is when the doctor said: âNo, thereâs no pill, thereâs nothing that we can do at all,â and youâll have to basically âgo home, get your affairs in order because you will die from this.ââ â from Ontario. Mary Beth lives with young onset frontotemporal dementia.

Even after an accurate diagnosis is made, a younger person with dementia is still likely to face obstacles. These obstacles may start with being unable to get more information about dementia or find referral to dementia-focused programs and services in their community.

We know that many people living with dementia go on to live very fulfilling lives for quite some time. Unfortunately, due to lack of knowledge and training, some healthcare providers still seem to offer little hope or support for life after diagnosis.

However, even if their doctor is helpful and can suggest practical next steps, there is another significant obstacle for the person diagnosed with young onset dementia to overcome.

Recommended Reading: How Long Do Alzheimer’s Patients Live

Exacerbation Of Existing Emotional Or Physiological Disorders

Addiction and alcoholism are often caused at least in part by underlying emotional disorders such as bipolar, mania, depression and schizophrenia. These conditions are naturally exacerbated by drug and alcohol abuse and may progress to the point of dementia.

Additionally, because addiction weakens the immune system and causes immense stress on the body, any pre-existing physiological conditions that might cause or contribute to dementia can be significantly worsened. This is especially true of drugs like bath salts and other powerful psychotropics.

Alzheimers In Young People: Signs Of First Changes

The;Alzheimer young;is characterized by the onset of symptoms at an age between 40 and 60 years: memory loss, not remembering names, difficulty oriented, praxis, gnosis and loss of executive functions.

Alzheimers is a neurodegenerative disease that is associated with advanced ages and is considered a pathology of onset in old age.

However, this is not quite so, since;Alzheimers;can begin to develop in the brain of an individual in much earlier stages.

Thus, in some cases it can be observed how this neurodegenerative disease can begin to manifest itself during youth and early stages of adulthood.

These discoveries open a line of research into both the pathogenesis and the treatment of Alzheimers that are highly interesting and have a high scientific potential.

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Difficulty Completing Familiar Tasks

Some people may experience a greater problem with concentration. Routine day-to-day tasks requiring critical thought may take longer as the disease progresses.

The ability to drive safely may also be called into question. If you or a loved one gets lost while driving a commonly traveled route, this may be a symptom of AD.

Legal And Financial Planning

23 Year Old Is Youngest To be Diagnosed With Dementia

Advance planning ideally takes place soon after a diagnosis of early-stage Alzheimers disease, while the person can still think clearly and make decisions. This web page explains the basics of legal and financial planning and links to helpful NIA publications. A Spanish-language version is provided.

Published by the NIA Alzheimers and related Dementias Education and Referral Center. Phone: 1-800-438-4380. Email: .

This program allows people with designated serious diseases and disorders, including early-onset Alzheimers, to have their applications for Social Security disability benefits reviewed quickly. See the Compassionate Allowances information on early-onset Alzheimers disease.

Published by the Social Security Administration. Phone: 1-800-772-1213. Email: .

Recommended Reading: What Effects Does Alzheimer’s Have On The Brain

You’ve Been Experiencing Memory Changes

If you’re developing dementia, one of the first symptoms you might experience is a change in your ability to remember things, which might include forgetting what you just got up to do, or losing your train of thought mid-sentence.

“Signs of early-onset dementia include short-term memory changes, often described as an ‘inability to keep a thought in your head,'”Dr. Faisal Tawwab, MD, tells Bustle. So, if your words escape you, or you’ve suddenly become super forgetful, take note.

Key Points About Early

  • Alzheimer disease commonly affects older people, but early-onset Alzheimer disease can affect people in their 30s or 40s.

  • It affects memory, thinking, and behavior.

  • Although there is no known cure, early diagnosis and treatment can lead to better quality of life.

  • Stay healthy with a good diet and regular exercise.

  • Avoid alcohol and other substances that may affect memory, thinking, and behavior.

Recommended Reading: Are Hallucinations Common With Dementia

You’ve Been Getting Easily Confused

Another typical sign of dementia, that may seem a bit bizarre, is forgetting what to do with everyday objects. According to Jessica Zwerling, MD, MS, director of the Memory Disorders Center at the Montefiore Health System, you might momentarily forget where to put your groceries, for example, or how to use your phone.

It can be a scary experience, and is definitely something you’ll want to point out to a doctor. And the same is true if you experience other forms of forgetfulness, such as suddenly needing to follow a recipe for dishes you make all the time. It’s this inability to remember simple, everyday things that can be cause for concern.

About Early Onset Dementia

Empathy and Dementia

There is a wider range of diseases that cause early-onset dementia and a younger person is much more likely to have a rarer form of dementia. Alzheimers disease is the most common form of early onset dementia. Other forms are vascular dementia, frontal-temporal dementia, Lewy bodies dementia and Korsakoffs syndrome, which is alcohol related dementia.

People with other conditions, such as Parkinsons disease, multiple sclerosis, Huntingtons disease or HIV and AIDS, may also develop early onset dementia as part of their illness. Also, people with Downs syndrome and other learning disabilities can develop dementia at an early age.

Younger people with dementia experience a range of challenges, which are often different to those that older people face. Younger people are less likely to experience memory loss as one of their early symptoms and may experience changes in behaviour, vision or language first.

There are many things you can do day to day to help you live as well as possible. to read more about practical steps you can take each day. Its important to continue doing things you enjoy. Try to keep things as normal as possible, making changes when you need to. It can help to make the most of every day.

First Steps – its good to talk about Dementia

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The Stigma Of Young Onset Dementia

Because dementia is so strongly associated with older people, younger people can feel extra stigma and discrimination. A younger person may not be believed when they say they have been diagnosed with dementia. This attitude can add to a persons problems. For example, one woman with dementia reported being laughed at when she told others she had dementia . Another woman with dementia who talks to medical students about her condition as part of their training says, The first barrier you meet is that people dont believe that you can have dementia if you can still function. To others, these women seemed too young and too well to have dementia, and so they did not get the courtesy and respect they deserved. Later, a younger person may feel and look out of place in a care home where most other people are in their 80s and 90s.

Terry Pratchett talks about the stigma of a dementia diagnosis in a video from the Alzheimers Society.

Life As A Caregiver: My Husband Is A Different Man Now

People dont understand the magnitude of work and care that it takes to care for someone with Alzheimer’s. Its justendless. Quality sleep isnt even an option for me. If I get five hours of intermittent sleep a night, I am doing really good.

We often use dark humor to cope with difficult stuff in our family. For example, one of the big jokes in my house is about how I have some-timers because sometimes I remember things and sometimes I dont. Thats how it is for caregivers. Were under so much stress and we have so many responsibilities, it can be hard to think straight sometimes.

But just when you think you’re at your wits end and you cant do anymore, you somehow dig a little deeper and pray that God gives you a little more strength to deal with it and push forward. Some days Im still a wife, but most days, Im a caregiver. Ive lost the man that I married. Hes another man now, and I still love him, but its so different. I just keep trying to be the best wife and mother I can be.

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Alzheimers At Age : An Old

The first thing I noticed in my husband were some personality changes.

Ken and I had just recently gotten married and built a house, and we had three children who were then 8, 4, and 3 years old.

Somehow, Ken just seemed different.

One time he called me from a local store because he couldnt remember how to get home. Another time, he went to pick up our kids and ended up going completely in the wrong direction. He was getting headaches. He started forgetting things at work memory problems that eventually led to him losing his job.

I knew something was wrong.

You Can’t Remember Anyone’s Name

early onset dementia

Recalling information is another issue many people with dementia can struggle with, so consider it a red flag if you can no longer remember people’s names.

“When at a social gathering, you forget names of people you just met,” Dr. Schreiber says. Or you might not be able to remember a friend’s name when telling a story.

If you’ve always been bad with names then this shouldn’t be a cause for concern. But if you find yourself blanking on a more regular basis, it may be time to get yourself checked.

Also Check: How Do You Avoid Dementia

What Happens After A Diagnosis Of Younger Onset Dementia

A diagnosis of younger onset dementia can come as a shock. The person affected, and their family and friends may all feel angry or sad. They might not believe it. There can be a huge sense of loss. These feelings are normal.

But help and support is available, and it is better to get it earlier than later.

Younger people with dementia need to think about several issues.

Can You Get Alzheimers Disease When Youre Young

We rightly associate Alzheimer’s disease with an older population. Most people who develop this progressive brain disorder are age 65 and older. Currently some 5.5 million Americans–two-thirds of them women–live with the disease. But hidden within that estimate, a smaller number–approximately 200,000 adults–develop the condition under the age of 65. When this happens, it’s called younger-onset or early-onset Alzheimer’s. “Alzheimer’s is just one type of dementia, and given the frequency of early-onset it’s somewhat uncommon,” says H. Rai Kakkar, MD, a neurologist at Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Medical Center in Denver, Colorado.

Recommended Reading: Is Weight Loss A Symptom Of Dementia

You Can’t Remember That Restaurant’s Name

If you constantly forget what you had for breakfast, or can’t recall the name of that restaurant you just went to, consider it a red flag. “The most common sign is memory problems that interfere with your daily life,” Dr. Fillit says. “You may have trouble remembering familiar names or places on a regular basis.”

It may not seem like a big deal. But if you find yourself struggling to remember details like these, or if this has become a frustrating problem, point it out to a doctor so they can monitor the situation.

What Are The Causes Of Young

Dementia UK is supporting this yearâs World AIDS Day ...

The causes of young-onset dementia are similar to the diseases that usually cause dementia in older people. However, some causes, such as frontotemporal dementia , are more common in younger people. Dementia in younger people often has different symptoms, even when its caused by the same diseases as in older people.There is more information about some common causes of dementia, and how they can affect younger people, below.

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Researchers Are Making Important Discoveries About Alzheimer’s Disease From People Who Develop It Before The Age Of 65

When Mike McGuff was in college at Baylor University in Waco, TX, he made a point of calling his mom, Elizabeth, at least once a week. By his senior year, their conversations began to feel a bit “off.” Always known for her wit, vibrancy, and confidence, Elizabeth was now increasingly passive and unsure of herself. In the span of six months, she also had been let go from her longtime job as a fourth-grade teacher because she couldn’t keep up.

“I didn’t know what was going on,” says McGuff. “Mom thought she was depressed and started seeing a therapist.” The mystery of his mother’s rapid mental decline was finally solved in September 1999, about a year after McGuff first started noticing changes in her behavior. At just 53 years old, Elizabeth was diagnosed with young-onset . “I was in total shock. She was so young. I could never imagine someone getting Alzheimer’s at 53. In fact, I don’t think I even knew such a thing was possible.” She died from complications related to the disease five years later.

The Role of Genetics

Studying families with at least three individuals in two or more generations who develop symptoms between the ages of 30 and 60 led to significant progress in understanding the genetic roots of the disease and the cause and effect of the disease overall. “These genes are inherited in a dominant way, which means you only need one mutated copy of the gene,” explains Dr. Sherva. “If you have the mutation, you are virtually assured of getting the disease.”


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