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Does Robert Mueller Have Dementia

Does Bob Mueller Have Dementia The Mueller Hearing Suggests He Does

Biden continues to ‘demonstrate his non-public dementia diagnosis’ almost every day

In the early morning hours on Wednesday, the nation gathered with anticipation as lawmakers on both sides of the political aisle appeared in Congress for the Mueller hearings.

For the last two years, the Democrats have been spreading a wild conspiracy that President Donald Trump colluded with Russia during the 2016 presidential election to interfere with American democracy.

Despite Former Special Counsel Robert Muellers report, which has stated that President Trump did not collude with Russia, the Democrats have been hell-bent on convincing the American populace that President Trump should be impeached and prosecuted for a crime he never committed.

Mueller has been peppered with questions all morning long by both Republicans and Democrats to which she is having an incredibly difficult time answering. Not only is Bob Mueller dodging questions and halting his responses, but it appears as though he may be suffering from advancing dementia.

Not only was Bob Mueller stuttering, but during the entire hearing he had a blank stare on his face and was seen looking into space multiple times as if he was having a difficult time comprehending questions from lawmakers.

Nearly every single time Mueller was asked a question by a Republican, he paused with confusion and had to ask for the question to be repeated and clarified.

In one very bizarre part of the hearing, Rep. Louie Gohmert asked Mueller:

Who wrote your comments at the last DOJ presser?

Special Counsel For The Department Of Justice

On May 16, 2017, Mueller met with President Trump as a courtesy to provide perspectives on the FBI and input on considerations for hiring a new FBI Director. This meeting was initially widely reported to have been an interview to serve again as the FBI Director. President Trump broached resuming the position in their meeting however, Mueller was ineligible to return as FBI Director due to statutory term limits, and Mueller lacked interest in resuming the position.

The next day, Deputy Attorney GeneralRod Rosenstein appointed Mueller to serve as special counsel for the United States Department of Justice. In this capacity, Mueller oversaw the investigation into “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump, and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation”.

On October 30, 2017, Mueller filed charges against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and campaign co-chairman Rick Gates. The 12 charges include conspiracy to launder money, violations of the 1938 Foreign Agents Registration Act as being an unregistered agent of a foreign principal, false and misleading FARA statements, and conspiracy against the United States.

On February 20, 2018, Mueller charged attorney Alex van der Zwaan with making false statements in the Russia probe.

There Is Precedent For Electing Old Or Sick Presidents

Presidents impaired by age or infirmity are not uncommon. Assassination, which is not age-related, has taken the lives of four presidents but others have succumbed to serious ailments at an age younger than any of todays presidential hopefuls.

From William Henry Harrison who, in an effort to prove his vitality at the age of 68, gave his lengthy March 1841 inaugural address in a icy rainstorm and died a month after being sworn in, to Woodrow Wilson who suffered a stroke at age 63, to Ronald Reagan whose latter years in the White House were blighted by onset of dementia, the shadow of presidential fragility has always hovered over the White House.

We tend to project positive qualities on to those who we admire and politicians are acutely conscious of the need to display vitality and vigor. President Kennedy suffered from a variety of ailments from chronic back problems to Addisons disease but photos and footage of him never give any hint of the underlying pain and discomfort he experienced. A clean bill of health for presidential hopefuls is a document intrinsically more important than their tax returns.

Publicly betraying infirmity or incapacity is toxic for presidential vanity. Franklin Roosevelts challenge was not age but paralysis from polio and he went to considerable lengths to avoid exposing to public view the braces on his legs or his use of a wheelchair.

Talking about age is important when it comes to the president

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Mueller Undercuts Trump’s Claims About His Probe

In response to a line of questioning from House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, Mueller confirmed his report did not exonerate the president and did not make a determination that the president did not obstruct justice. Here’s part of their exchange:

Nadler: “So the report did not conclude that he did not commit obstruction of justice is that correct?”

Mueller: “That is correct.”

Nadler: “And what about total exoneration? Did you actually totally exonerate the president?”

Mueller: “No.”

This point was made in the special counsel’s report, and Mueller himself reiterated it in his only remarks on the matter before Wednesday’s hearings. “If we had confidence that the president did not clearly commit a crime, we would have said so,” he said in late May.

Mueller explained in his report that the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel opinion that a sitting president cannot be indicted was a factor in his decision. Attorney General William Barr ultimately decided not to file charges on obstruction.

Donald Trumps Diehards Are Not Going To Enjoy Robert De Niros Irishman Press Tour

Democrat defends Robert Mueller

Robert De Niro has sung his fuck Trump tune into every mic that has allowed it since at least 2015. Now add CNN Sunday morning talk show Reliable Sources with host Brian Stelter to his reel. When Stelter asked De Niro about the Fox News folks who criticized him for saying fuck Trump at the Tony Awards, De Niro gave a big wave and said, fuck em, fuck em, which is hardened New Yorker for oh, pish posh.

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The actor turned the conversation back to the stuff he really knows aboutgangsters.

We are at a moment in our lives, in this country, where this guy islike a gangster. Hes come along and hes said things, done thingswesay over and over again, This is terrible. Were in a terriblesituation. Were in a terrible situation. And this guy just keeps going onand on and on without being stopped.

Hes fresh off filming for s contemplative mob drama The Irishman, and is in the throes of press for the film .

At this point it is very clear what Robert De Niro’s politics are not, and that is Trump. Does he believe in Medicare for All? Who knows. Does he believe Trump is a pig, a dog, a punk, a fucking idiot, The Emperors New Clothes, a fucking fool. Yes, absolutely.

Vanity Fair

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New Twist In Robert Mueller Debacle

When Robert Mueller publicly testified to the House at the end of his Trump-Russia criminal probe, a lot of us came away thinking hed gone senile. He struggled with basic questions. He had no clue about most of his own probe and report. Now Adam Schiff, the head of the House committee who conducted the Mueller hearing, is confirming that he was shocked at how far gone Mueller was.

Its to Schiffs credit that hes flat out saying as much, and that hes expressing regret at having had Mueller testify. But heres the thing. Senility and dementia symptoms rarely come on all at once. If Mueller was indeed that far gone by the time of his testimony in mid 2019, then he had to have been pretty far gone by the time his investigation concluded in early 2019. This explains a lot.

So when is Andrew Weissmann going to be held accountable for any of this? There should be investigations into what he knew about Robert Muellers declining cognitive abilities during the course of the probe, why he kept it from the public, and why he pulled his punches on every endgame decision that he was apparently making on Muellers behalf. Was Weissmann trying to protect Muellers privacy, at the expense of carrying out justice? Was it something even worse?

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Mueller: The Real Warning Found In Mueller’s Testimony

There was a clear message in Robert Mueller’s testimony last week before two House committees, but it wasn’t just about the danger Russia poses to our elections.

It was the risk that aging presents for our public servants.

Mueller has had an illustrious career as a faithful public servant one of the few things Republicans and Democrats were wholeheartedly able to agree upon. Some argued that his 448-page written report should have been allowed to speak for itself.

Instead, the report’s author or, more accurately, its executive producer appeared on television for roughly seven hours in a feeble, often painful, display. Those who have observed Mueller in prior appearances before Congress say he has lost more than a few feet off of his fastball, unable to remember basic details and frequently asking that questions be repeated.

Mueller turns 75 this month. He’s unlikely to ever again take on the task of special counsel, nor, for that matter, will he ever run for president.

But as this septuagenarian steps aside, two men who are each his senior are seeking the Democratic nomination for the nation’s most demanding office. On Inauguration Day in 2021, Bernie Sanders will be 79 and Joe Biden 78. Even their relatively youthful opponent Elizabeth Warren will be 71. Donald Trump: 74.

The average age of U.S. presidents at inauguration in the last half-century is 56.5.

Peter Funt is a columnist for the Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.

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Early Life And Education

Mueller was born on August 7, 1944, at Doctors Hospital in the New York City borough of Manhattan, the first child of Alice C. Truesdale and Robert Swan Mueller Jr. . He has four younger sisters: Susan, Sandra, Joan, and Patricia. His father was an executive with DuPont who had served as a Navy officer in the Atlantic and Mediterranean theaters during World War II. His father majored in psychology at Princeton University and played varsity lacrosse, both of which he followed .

Mueller is of German, English, and Scottish descent. His paternal great-grandfather, Gustave A. Mueller, was a prominent doctor in Pittsburgh, whose own father, August C. E. Müller, had immigrated to the United States in 1855 from the Province of Pomerania in the Kingdom of Prussia . On his mother’s side, he is a great-grandson of the railroad executive William Truesdale.

Mueller grew up in Princeton, New Jersey, where he attended Princeton Country Day School, now known as Princeton Day School. After he completed eighth grade, his family moved to Philadelphia while Mueller himself went on to attend St. Paul’s School in Concord, New Hampshire for high school, where he was captain of the soccer, hockey, and lacrosse teams and won the Gordon Medal as the school’s top athlete in 1962. A lacrosse teammate and classmate at St. Paul’s School was future Massachusetts Senator and Secretary of StateJohn Kerry.

Fox News Host Suggests Robert Mueller Has ‘onset Dementia’ After Congressional Hearings

Does Robert Mueller have the goods on Donald Trump?

Fox News host Mark Levin suggested, without any evidence, that he believed former special counsel Robert Mueller could have “onset dementia,” criticizing his Wednesday testimony before Congress and arguing that the ex-FBI director should have never been appointed to oversee the investigation into Russian election interference.

Asked during a Thursday segment of Fox News morning program Fox & Friends whether he found Mueller’s reluctance and hesitation to answer questions asked by lawmakers frustrating, Levin placed his glasses on his face and let out a loud breath.

“Look, I’ve seen people with onset dementia,” the right-wing commentator said. “I’m not going to mock this man. He obviously shouldn’t have been there. He should never have headed this investigation. I’m not making allegations. I’m not trying to be provocative, but the idea that Rod Rosenstein appointed this man to head this office is an outrage and he’s the one who ought to be questioned about that.”

Levin, who hosts the weekly show Life, Liberty & Levin, argued that “everyone around Mueller knew he was incapable of doing what he did.” He then attacked the former special counsel’s “number two hatchet man Weissmann.” The Fox News host accused Weissmann, who had a management role in the special counsel’s investigation, of bringing in “a nest of leftists” to work as part of the probe’s team.

Mark Levin on now! Great guy.

â Donald J. Trump

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On Trump’s Praise Of Wikileaks: Problematic Is An Understatement

During Mueller’s testimony before the House Intelligence Committee, Democratic Rep. Mike Quigley read aloud quotes of Mr. Trump praising WikiLeaks during the 2016 campaign after the group published emails stolen by Russia to damage Hillary Clinton.

When asked if he found those comments disturbing, Mueller replied, “Problematic is an understatement.” He added the comments could have offered “some boost to what is and should be illegal activity” and said that potential collaboration with WikiLeaks “certainly calls for investigation.”

What Republicans Focused On

Republicans largely focused their questions on the origins of the investigation and criticism of the special counsel in order to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the probe. A number brought up the Steele dossier, a document containing unverified scandalous claims about Mr. Trump’s business and personal life, published before his inauguration.

They also attacked Mueller’s team, complaining that many were Democrats, some of whom had given money to Hillary Clinton’s campaign. They frequently mentioned former FBI agent Peter Strzok and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, whose texts betrayed disdain for candidate Trump and his supporters.

The also called into question Mueller’s determination not to clear the president on obstruction.

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Adam Schiff Claims Robert Mueller Suffering ‘heartbreaking’ Cognitive Decline

Rep. Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, opened up about Robert Mueller’s “heartbreaking” lack of acuity in a forthcoming book, which includes revelations about the special counsel appointed during the Trump-Russia probe.

Mueller, now 76, was appointed special counsel in May 2017 after former President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey. Although Schiff writes that he pursued Mueller to deliver his , the reality was “heartbreaking” to Schiff when he struggled to answer basic questions.

“Had I known how much he had changed, I would not have pursued his testimony with such vigor in fact, I would not have pursued it at all,” Schiff wrote in his upcoming book Midnight in Washington, according to CNN.

Schiff, a California Democrat who became a liberal champion during the first impeachment probe and an enemy to conservatives who parroted Trump’s rebuff of a “Russia hoax,” admitted that he instructed Democrats on the committee to simplify their questioning strategy after the first session to accommodate Mueller’s cognitive inhibitions.


“No questions calling for a narrative answer,” Schiff told the committee, according to his book. “No multipart questions. If you think your question may be too long, it is. Cut it down.”

In his testimony, Mueller underscored, “The president was not exculpated.”

Trump touted Mueller’s testimony as “horrible.”

Ann Mueller Once Admonished Her Husband For Working His Staff Too Hard


Special Counsel Robert Mueller walks with his wife Ann Mueller after attending church on March 24, 2019 in Washington, DC.

According to a profile of Mueller in the Washingtonian, Robert Mueller, as FBI director, has a decision-making style reminiscent of his training as a prosecutor, executed with the authority of a Marine platoon leader.

Robert Mueller led a rifle platoon of the Third Marine Division in Vietnam. He is the recipient of the Bronze Star, two Navy Commendation Medals, the Purple Heart, and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry, his FBI bio says.

At one point, his wife had been warning him that he was working his staff too hard, reports The Washingtonian. The magazine recalls that Robert Mueller responded by calling his counsel, Chuck Rosenberg.

How are you doing? Mueller asked, according to The Washingtonian, and Rosenberg responded, Fine. What can I get you, boss? Mueller responded nothing, and ended the conversation. The point of the call? He could tell his wife he had checked in on his staff, reports The Washingtonian.

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Cpac Speech Underscored Need For Assessment

At its extreme, this is called tangential speech. As psychologist Ben Michaelis told Stat, doctors evaluating for Alzheimers listen for tangential remarks and non sequiturs and whether the patient can stay on topic.

You had to listen to Trump’s whole CPAC speech to realize just how tangential it was. Those who learned about the speech from glancing at mainstream news headlines the next morning would have no idea how flat-out bonkers the whole thing was even by Trumpian standards, Amanda . The Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson said Trump gave a rambling and incoherent two-hour speech in which he raved like a lunatic.

Americans have a right, indeed an urgent need, to know whether their president is suffering from dementia. We see clear signs that he is, but the only way to find out for sure is to give him a full neuropsychological evaluation and share the results with the American public. The need is more screamingly obvious now than it was a when we first called for it over a year ago.

John Gartner is a psychologist and a former assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.


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